Chapter 10

Second Restaurant, Third Floor

Ye Jinmeng took Xu Wanwan to the window in front of the braised chicken and after selecting some dishes from the menu, they sat down facing each other at an empty table to wait for their number to be called.

The atmosphere between the two was a little awkward...

"Mengmeng." At this time, a low and magnetic voice entered the ears of the two.

Ye Jinmeng didn't notice Xu Wanwan stiffening across from her. She just looked at the person standing next to her and excitedly stood up to greet him: "Brother Ting, you're done with class!"

"Mm!" Although He Junting's voice was still cold, his face softened.

He Junting put down his tray and sat down.

"Oh right, let me introduce you," Ye Jinmeng walked around the table to Xu Wanwan's side, very naturally taking Xu Wanwan's hand. "This is my new roommate, called Xu Wanwan. She's my junior in the same major. "

Then she introduced to Xu Wanwan: "This is He Junting, he's from the Business School and is a senior now." Then she leaned close to Xu Wanwan's ear and whispered: "Don't let his expressionless face fool you, he's actually a really nice person."

Xu Wanwan's originally somewhat panicked expression gradually calmed down after Ye Jinmeng's introduction. She nodded slightly at He Junting and softly called out, "Nice to meet you, Senior."

He Junting also nodded slightly in response.

"Customer 11 please come collect your order at the window!"

"Oh, our braised chicken is ready. You guys sit first, I'll go grab it." Ye Jinmeng then walked towards the window.

"You don't mind if I join you for a meal, do you?" He Junting softly asked.

"Uh...not at all, not at all." Xu Wanwan's voice trembled a little.

The two sat facing each other in silence.

In her previous life, Ye Jinmeng had a secret crush on He Junting for many years, but whenever He Junting saw Ye Jinmeng, it was as if he saw something filthy. He would only say one word - "Scram!"

Even so, Ye Jinmeng was stubborn like an undying cockroach, sticking around He Junting at every chance.

At that time, Xu Wanwan met He Junting at a cafe. Xu Wanwan was working part-time at the cafe to subsidize her living expenses. Back then, before she was targeted by Ye Jinmeng, she exuded confidence and radiance. It was then that He Junting took notice of this confident and cheerful girl.

And so began Xu Wanwan's nightmare.

At that time, He Junting had already started his internship at He Corporation to quickly take over the family business, so he rarely had time to return to campus. This was why Ye Jinmeng dared to openly harm Xu Wanwan.

Whenever He Junting had time, he would come to see Xu Wanwan, bringing her design materials and treats. But Xu Wanwan didn't think too much of it, until He Junting confessed his feelings to her...

At that time, Xu Wanwan did want to stay away from this man, thinking that would mean not having to suffer that torment. But later, when He Junting found out about Ye Jinmeng's tactics, in order to protect Xu Wanwan, he started targeting Ye Jinmeng. However, considering the Ye family's reputation, he didn't go overboard. Still, Ye Jinmeng was considerably better behaved for a period after that.

And so, through their continued interactions, Xu Wanwan's heart was also moved. But before she could express her feelings, He Junting went abroad for a project.

She never got to see him again before her death.


"Food's here!" Very soon, Ye Jinmeng came over with a big plate of braised chicken.

"Wanwan, try it quick, it's so delicious!" She picked up a large piece of chicken leg and put it in Xu Wanwan's bowl.

"Mengmeng, I didn't expect you to serve others so attentively." He Junting said nonchalantly, his eyes full of ridicule.

"I...I'm just taking care of my junior!" Ye Jinmeng said awkwardly.

Ah, it was just because she wanted to give Wanwan a good impression, so the probability of Wanwan becoming a villain in the future would decrease, and her "redemption plan" would succeed!

Ye has made too many sacrifices!

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