- In Class, May 24th -

"Okay class… today, I have some important news," Ms. Cai said, as lazily and unexcitedly as usual. "As you all know already, in June, you'll have a two week long break. But before that, there's one last event that will happen…"

The students all tittered nervously in their seats, awaiting what was to come.

"And that is… exams!" She cheered sarcastically in a perfectly monotone voice, raising her hands into the air. "Yay…"

"Awwww…" The class collectively groaned in pain apart from the girls and I, who were okay with this.

"Don't complain…" Ms, Cai rolled her eyes. "If anything, I should be the one complaining… you guys just have to do one test… I have to mark twenty-five!"

"Just to clarify, this is a normal exam, not a special exam, correct?" Long Lu asked, raising his hand.

Ms. Cai nodded. "Yeah… but if you fail, you'll get expelled from the school."

By now, the students have gotten used to hearing the term 'expelled' thrown around so casually, so they didn't panic like the first time they heard it. Still, their hearts tightened and nervousness filled their minds.

"The structure of the exams will be simple…" Ms. Cai continued, rubbing her forehead exhaustedly. "There will be a separate test for each subject: Math, Language, Science, History, Geography, and Magic. Of them, Magic will be the only one that isn't done on paper, but it's also the easiest one. All you have to do is prove that your magic prowess exceeds the bare minimum standards, and you should be fine…"

"Ms. Cai!" Da Bao raised his hand eagerly. "When is this exam happening?"

"In a week from now… right on the last day of school before June break, May 31st… anything else?"

The students fell silent, signaling that there weren't any more questions.

"Okay, good…" Ms. Cai sighed and sat down in her chair. "Anyway… some of you may be confident in your academics, but others my not… as a class, you should work together and help each other out. After all… when a special exam comes around again… you'll want to have everyone still here, no?"

"In that case…" Long Lu stood up from his chair. "I propose we form study groups."

Ms. Cai smiled. "That's the way to go… in any case, you are dismissed. Feel free to leave at anytime. That's all — and enjoy your weekend."


After the teacher left, no one else did.

Had it been the first day of school, everyone would've departed, thinking there was no need to host meetings. But now, the class was far more cooperative and worked as one. After last time's victory, everyone's faith in Long Lu had also increased dramatically, meaning they were willing to listen to his instructions.

"Alright, to begin, can I have those who are confident in their academic ability gather on this side of the classroom, beside me?" Long Lu asked. "By 'confident', I mean those who consistently get above 90 in quizzes and tests."

Immediately, a few students stepped forward and headed for Long Lu's side of the classroom. There were about four people in total, counting Lan Xiao Su.

Long Lu blinked. "Seriously…? Only 4? Well, we're in deeper trouble than I imagined. Counting me, that's 5… and since there are 25 students, I suppose each of the five people here right now will have to take on four other students to teach."

In reality, I had scores above 90 as well, as did the other girls with me. We already discussed beforehand to let Lan Xiao Su be a leader, and the remainder of us will form a tiny study group on our own.

"Actually," I interrupted. "Feng Mian, An Yan, An Xue, Qing Yue, Obsidia, Amane, Lin Luo, Mei Gui, and I won't need to be taught. We can all consistently get scores of above 80, meaning we're at no risk of being expelled."

"I see," Long Lu replied with a nod. "In that case, there are only 11 people who need to be taught… okay. You four, each take on two students. I'll take three."

The four study group leaders nodded as the 11 students who needed to be taught each went behind one of them, forming four group of three and one group of four. Lan Xiao Su had two boys with her, who probably chose her out of looks in all honesty.

"Okay… with this decided, you all can schedule study times using group chats," Long Lu declared. "I know a lot of you have club responsibilities on weekends and after school, so make sure to communicate with the other people in your group. As for the location of meet-ups… the library will probably be best, since in case the study leader doesn't know the answer to something, there's bound to be a book in there that does."

With all this settled, everyone left the classroom. It was decided that study sessions would begin tomorrow, allowing everyone to just take the day off easy for today in preparation for a long week's worth of hard work coming up ahead.


- Saturday Morning -

"Hm… it seems those two are free this morning," Lan Xiao Su murmured as we ate breakfast at a restaurant.

"For the study group?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. I told them to meet at the library in about fifteen minutes."

"Hm… want us to come along as well?"

"Eh? Well, if you want, sure… but your academics are more than okay, no?" She asked, giggling slightly.

"I suppose, but… hm, how do I say this… I don't like you spending time alone with two guys."

At this, she blushed a bit and averted her gaze.

"You care that much… about me?"

"Ara~ what's this?" Qing Yue smirked. "Big Brother Xuan Kai, getting jealous? Couldn't be~"

"Shut it," I cut in, rolling my eyes. "Those two just rub me the wrong way. Call it instincts."

"Me too," Yu An Yan added. "I can tell… they only chose Xiao Su because of her good looks. I suppose that's fair, but given the perverted look in their eyes yesterday, I doubt they're gonna actually try to study."

"Well then… u-um… Xuan Kai."


"C-Can you… come along… to protect me?"

Seeing her bashful expression, fidgeting with her hair nervously, I chuckled and patted her head.

"Sure. We'll just be off to one side though, in case we judged them wrong and they actually only wish to study."

Lan Xiao Su smiled happily with pink cheeks. "Mm!"


Soon, we arrived at the library. We had Lan Xiao Su go in by herself first, then the rest of us would enter later once she had gathered the two students' attention. This was just so they wouldn't know they were being observed by us in the dark, thus allowing them to show their true nature.

"Looks like she's met up with them," Feng Mian said, peering through the glass.

"Well then, let's head in," I replied, entering the library. The others followed closely behind.

We seated ourselves a few tables away from where they were. Close enough to hear what they're saying, but far enough to not seem suspicious.

"Good morning, Xiao Su!" The boys said excitedly, waving at her like they were close friends.

"E-Er… good morning," she replied, slightly uncomfortably. "Also, please don't call me that. Only those close to me are allowed to address me by that nickname."

"A-Ah, okay," the boys murmured awkwardly, probably having not expected to get shot down like that.

"Now then… can you begin by telling me which subjects you feel like you need the most work on?" Lan Xiao Su continued, eager to get this study session done and over with. "If you aren't sure, that's okay, we can do a little practice test."

"Actually, before that…" One of the boys began, scratching his cheek awkwardly. "Do you mind if we… go into a private room? It feels weird studying out here, haha…"

"… Disgusting," Yu An Yan spat from where we were sitting. "There's barely anyone around this early in the day, and he says it feels weird studying out here? What a joke."

"Relax," I said calmly. "Let's hear Xiao Su's response. I'm kind of curious to see how she's going to face situations like this."

"Erm…" Lan Xiao Su looked around. "I don't think there's any need to, is there? There aren't many people around, and out here, grabbing any books we need is a lot easier — just in case we run into any problems even I can't solve."

"A-Ah, yeah, I suppose you're right," the boy replied, laughing awkwardly. If he tried to force the matter, it would only make him suspicious and assertive — after all, he was supposed to be the one following instructions here, not the one giving them.

No one else noticed it, but I did. The boy sent his companion a glance — very brief, but still there. His partner received the message and hurriedly proposed something.

"I can't really study without coffee, but there's a shop nearby that sells them. I'll be right back."

Saying this, he stood up and left.

"Ah, wait, I don't really need-" Lan Xiao Su began, but he was already gone.

"It's fine, it's fine," the other boy hurriedly added, placing an unwanted hand on her shoulder in 'comfort'. "You're doing this to help us — just think of this as repayment. It's the least we can do."

"U-Um… thanks," Lan Xiao Su murmured quietly, shifting her body away from his touch.

"… Coffee, huh?" I chuckled darkly.

"Master, do you want me to…"

"Go ahead. Take this," I said, tossing Mei Gui my phone. "Record it all, yeah?"

She nodded firmly. "Understood, Master."

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