By the time I finished all four books Mei Gui had brought over, from Pyromancy, Cryomancy, Aeromancy, to Geomancy, it was already lunchtime. I picked up quite a few useful Legendary spells… can't wait to use them in actual combat.

Oh, wait… there's a training room right here in the Facilities Campus, isn't there? I could go there to try out my newfound spells, but… actually, nah. 


I should just spend the afternoon learning more ones — I can just try out the spells tonight, if I can make it into the Infinite Realm. Alternatively, the Void Realm could also work, though cultivating in there is useless now. I really needed to fight someone soon to start advancing again…

Nothing much happened for the rest of that day. After eating lunch, we returned to the library and stayed there all the way until dinnertime. Then, we headed for the dorms. All of us were exhausted from the day of studying, after all…

… Well, all of us except Lan Xiao Su, who loved books more than anything, and Qing Yue and Amane who just spent the whole time reading manga. No wonder they weren't tired.

That night, before falling asleep, I pictured the Infinite Realm's clear, water-like ground and wide open sky. The tranquil ripples that were created every time I took a step, and the beautiful fluid-like reflections that appeared beneath my feet.

At first, I thought it didn't work, but then, when I opened my eyes again, I found myself staring at the familiar glowing sixteen rock pillars surrounding the one in the middle — mine. Each one was a different color, while mine was black and red.

"Long time no see," a voice said from behind me.

I quickly spun around to see Sylvoir with her arms folded and mask tilted to one side on her head, revealing her perfect face beneath. She held a faint smile on her face, which was rare.

Slowly walking towards me, she joined me in staring out at the pillars and placed her hands behind her back.

"I thought you had forgotten all about us."

"Sorry, I don't forget unclaimed benefits that easily. You can relax — before I use up all my favors from you and the rest of the Founders, there's no way in hell I'll forget."

"What about after?" She asked, looking up at me. "Are you just going to abandon us after using up the favors?"

I met her beautiful silver eyes and chuckled softly. "Well. Since I've become a Founder, my life is tied to this place. Even if I wanted to just abandon it, I can't."

Sylvoir's smile widened a bit. "As long as you know."

Then, turning back to the wondrous sight of the pillars, she took a deep breath. "So? What is it this time?"

"It's no big deal. I just wanted to know where the entrance to the Library of Infinite Beginnings is inside Fragment," I replied.

"You cannot access it while you are in the university, unfortunately…"

"Yeah, that's what I figured."

"However," she continued, catching me off-guard. "If you are in search of some particular information that is contained within the Library's walls, I can help you out. Just come here every night whenever you have questions."

I blinked in surprise. "… You're willing to do that? Didn't think you had it in you, given how cold you are to me all the time…"

She scoffed. "What kind of person do you think I am? Don't get me wrong, I still despise you, but this is simply me showing some care for a younger Founder. It is my responsibility, as the creator of this all."

"… I see. I'll be counting on you then, Sylvie."

At this, she flinched and clenched her fists.

"Tch… maybe I shouldn't help you out after all…"

"Hey now, no going back on your word."

"I know, I know… is that all? If that's all, get out."

"Hold on," I interrupted before she could kick me out. "I just wanted to ask… can I cultivate in the Infinite Realm?"

"… Yes, but the Void Realm would be far superior in terms of that. This place is not meant to be a cultivation haven — it's the core of the Library of Infinite Beginnings, made to store knowledge about everything and anything. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You've been monitoring my movements, huh?" I chuckled. "Care that much about me? I'm flattered."

"Had I know you were this obnoxious, I wouldn't have chosen you to become the Seventeenth Founder. Now, I can do nothing but endure it. If I could restart everything again, I would definitely not make the same mistake."

"Alright, fine… but if I need a favor from any of the other Founders, I'll be counting on you to call them."

"Worry not. Even if they don't come immediately, I will be sure to relay the message."

I nodded in satisfaction. "Thanks. By the way, Sylvie… do you live in this place?"

She fell silent and closed her eyes, letting the gentle breeze wash over her.

"… I suppose you can say that. My physical body is still in Eden, guiding newborn Elementals, but my spiritual form is bound to this realm. Anytime you need me, I will be here."

"Good to know. Oh, and one more thing... can I test out some spells in here?"

Sylvoir raised an eyebrow. "Er… sure? Just don't shoot them at the pillars. They're invincible, but still."

"Copy that."

Having been granted permission, I quickly used my entire arsenal of Legendary spells I picked up at the school library earlier today, one after another.

When I was done launching explosions and earthquakes everywhere, Sylvoir nodded in satisfaction.

"You've gotten far stronger in such a short time. Choosing you was the right decision."

Didn't you just say you wouldn't have chosen me if given the chance to restart again, though…?

I shook my head and prepared to leave, having successfully confirmed I could use all the Legendary spells I learned, but the Elemental Founder suddenly grabbed my arm.


"…?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"U-Um…" she averted her gaze, as if forgetting what she was about to say. "G-Good luck on your exam tomorrow. Just know that… even if all else fails you, the Infinite Realm will always be here for you. No matter what happens out there, this place will forever be your home, and I will forever be your family."

"…" I stared at her earnest face, genuinely shocked at the motivational speech she just gave.

"… What?" She snapped, noticing my gaze, and quickly let go of my arm, blushing and turning away from me.

After a few seconds, I burst out laughing.

"Ha… I didn't think you had that in you."

"S-Shut it!"

"But…" I smiled gently and placed a hand on her head, much to her surprise. However, she didn't push it away.

"Thank you, Sylvie. From now on… this is my home."


The next morning, it was time for the exams. The girls and I arrived at the classroom early, but made sure not to knock until it was the right time. We didn't want to be screamed at by Ms. Cai again, after last time.

By the time the bell rang, signaling the beginning of classes, about a quarter of our class still had not arrived. They probably hung out too late last night and overslept today, or they just couldn't adjust their sleep schedules in time after sleeping in for the weekend.

Ms. Cai swept her gaze over the classroom, but there was no noticeable change in her expression even after seeing many seats empty. Instead, she merely began class as if there was nothing different.

"Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Ms. Cai," the students all responded halfheartedly. None of us were excited for the exam to come, and some weren't even fully awake yet. Had it been any other homeroom teacher, we probably would've been criticized for this, but since this was Ms. Cai we were talking about, she couldn't exactly complain about us.

"As you all know… the first special exam of the year is happening today. Stand up, everyone, and follow me…"

We did as instructed as several students hurriedly entered the room, sweating and panting heavily.

"S-Sorry, Ms. Cai! Won't happen again!"

"Ugh… it's fine, it's fine… just get in line."

She seemed like she didn't even care as she marked something down on her attendance list, then walked on casually out of the room. The rest of us followed.

We were led to a large stadium of some sort within the Main Campus building, right at the heart of everything. It was mainly black with glowing blue outlines, giving it a futuristic feel.

"Welcome, class… to the Arena," Ms. Cai said as all the students gawked in wonder. "Usually, this place is reserved for duels between students and tournaments, but this exam will be taking place here as well."

She continued down the stairs of the audience seatings to arrive at the actual stage in the middle, before turning to one of the four gates and walking in one of them. On it was a label that read 'D'. The rest of us followed.

But suddenly, she stopped walking in the dark hallway, illuminated by nothing but the same glowing blue outlines.

"Before we go any further… tell me this, class. Are you ready?"

An arrogant kid in the class rubbed his nose and cackled. "It's just beating whoever my opponent is in an obstacle course, right? No problem. We got this!"

"…" Ms. Cai fell silent, as the rest of the class cheered, other than those under my command.

It seemed that she, while casual and sleepy all the time, wanted to win as well. The silence she held… it was enough to show her disappointment and defeat.

Don't worry, Ms. Cai… the outcome of this exam may not live up to your expectations, but our class will end up in first by the end of the year. I'm not doing this to make you happy, but you can enjoy it as a side benefit.

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