(Yu An Xue's Perspective)

When I stepped onto the stage, my opponent, an Ethereal named Sathona. did the same. Although she was wrapped tightly by her clothes all around her body, long bandages covering her mouth and forehead while only leaving her eyes out, I could still tell she was a girl from the traces of hair on either side of her face. It was light blue, similar to Lan Xiao Su's.

I took out my blade, Frozen Fear. I haven't been using actual spells too much lately, since I have this. For the purpose of this battle, it seems I will be mainly using this blade as well, given how my opponent was an Ethereal. Undoubtedly, she would try to either drag me into the Void with her, or go for surprise attacks on me from all angles. Either way, Frozen Fear would be my best bet.

My spells would be have little to no effect in the Void, as I did not know any good Void Element ones. I recently awakened it as one of my affinities, but I never got a chance to actually learn any spells from it. The only ones I did know were Level Ones taught to me back in Shenzhen, at the school. I doubted they would be of much use here, given how weak they were.

The Ethereal girl wordlessly stared into my eyes coldly, as I did the same back to her. A frosty aura surrounded us as our gazes clashed — it was as if we were having a silent fight before the true battle even began.

"Allllright! Both contestants seem to be ready!" the announcer declared loudly, his excited voice blasting throughout the PA system. "The battle will now begin — 3, 2, 1, Go!"

As soon as we heard the buzzing noise, we leaped into battle. I decided that playing aggressively and staying on the offensive was my best bet here, rather than wait for her to attack me. Therefore, I dashed forward and lunged at Sathona, but I cut nothing but thin air.

In an instant, she had disappeared, turning into a mist of purple light and circling around me. My eyes widened as I immediately turned around and met her blade, a weird-looking scimitar that had various cut-outs on the sharp edge of it, forming an unusual pattern weapon that had multiple places on its blade where other swords could get caught on.

Realizing this, I quickly jumped away from her, but she quickly turned into a shimmer of purple light once again and streaked towards me.

"Tch…" I leaped upwards as high as I could, then dropped back down on her with everything I had. My Divine Weapon, somehow, was unable to cut through hers.

Is her scimitar on the same level as the Six Divine Weapons…?

Fortunately, the impact still made Sathona reconsider directly confronting me. She leaped back a short distance and prepared for round two. I, however, was not about to let this opportunity go to waste.

"Level One Ice Magic — Blizzard."

I snapped my fingers as the entire battlefield transformed into one of ice, making it harder for Sathona to maneuver her body and mobilize herself to get behind me.

At least, that's what I thought.

Unfortunately, her agility was not affected at all as she transformed into a shimmering, untargetable shower of light once more, flying straight towards me.

I quickly put Frozen Fear up in defense, and our blades clashed once again.

"Grr…." She growled, frustrated at not being able to cut through my sword.

"Ngh…" I was the same, gritting my teeth and trying to hold her back.

She then lost momentum, being forced to retreat a short distance away.

I narrowed my eyes and tried using one my weapon's built-in techniques on her, charging Frozen Fear with mana and slicing the air in front of me.

"Fear this blade mine, that will freeze your hearts and souls. Fear this wielder, who will then shatter them into endless oblivion. Frozen Fear — Rend!"

Sending a cresecent-shaped blast of concentrated Ice-inflicted energy towards Sathona, I discretely prepared to cut behind me, where I predicted she would come.

And… now!

Just as I expected, she turned into a purple mist and walked straight through my energy projectile, sneaking around me and trying to attack me from behind.

However, I was ready.

I immediately spun around and grabbed her weapon arm right before she could cut down. This also prevented her escape as I plunged my own sword into her body.

However, to my surprise, her eyes did not change or show any reaction. I looked down, and saw that no blood was coming out of the wound where I stabbed her, even though her body felt warm where I held her arm.

What… how could this be…

"… Weak," she muttered, kicking me in the stomach.

"Ngh-!" I fell backward onto the floor from the impact. Sathona quickly dashed over and prepared to bring her scimitar down on me, but I managed to block in time with Frozen Fear.

She gritted her teeth and jumped back off, knowing we wouldn't get anywhere like this. I took this opportunity to climb back to my feet and prepare for a new round.

However, she then made some sort of ninja-style hand gesture in front of her chest with her left hand, and closed her eyes.

A light purple energy began surrounding and enveloping her. Then, to my surprise, the circle of fluctuating power began to spread, slowly reaching me as well.

As I felt myself being pulled in to this power, my eyes widened.

I realized what she was about to do.

Quickly, I leaped towards her, ready to cut her down before she could finish the process, but right before I could, her eyes snapped back open.

They were the last thing I saw before we were both engulfed in a blinding white light.


- ???, Void Realm -

When I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw was a scimitar being pointed at my face from above. I froze.

I then began to survey the situation. I was laying on the ground, Frozen Fear laying a short distance away, out of reach. My opponent in the tournament, Sathona, stood in front of me, blade pointed at my neck.

… I had lost.

I didn't know where exactly I was, but I had a good guess — the Void Realm. There was nothing in this place except a flat, solid yet transparent surface we were on. The sky above was a mixture of light purple of milky white, while below the ground was the same color.

It seemed… Sathona had dragged me in here before I could take her down.

Damn it… if only I weren't just standing there, confused by her actions… if only I were faster…

I stood no chance in this world. None at all. This was her domain, not mine.

"Just… finish me," I said quietly, closing my eyes and giving in.

I had no way to face Xuan Kai ever again. Better to just die here instead.

"… As you wish."

Sathona raised her scimitar and prepared to cut down, but-


My opponent froze as she slowly looked to her right, the direction where the sudden voice had come from. I followed her gaze.

There, a woman with light purple eyes and lavender hair stood. She was tall and had a well-endowed figure, beautiful and calm. She was like a yamato nadeshiko; the perfect example of what a housewife should be in demihuman culture. At least, that's what I read in the Library of Infinite Beginnings.

Sathona's voice quivered and eyes widened. "… C-Creator…?"

I frowned. Creator…?

The woman who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere walked closer to us, her elegant violet robes dragging behind her.

"Lower your weapon," she commanded, staring at Sathona. Her voice echoed and reverberated all around us, as if she was everywhere.

"…!" Sathona, hands shaking, quickly stepped away from me and dropped her scimitar, before kneeling on the ground in a prostrating gesture in front of the newcomer.

The woman then turned to me, completely ignoring the poor girl. I rolled around on the ground once and immediately got to my feet in one swift motion, picking up Frozen Fear and adopting a defensive posture in the process.

"… What do… you want?"

The woman, to my surprise, smiled warmly. "There is no need to be scared. If I wanted to hurt you, I already would have long ago."

"…" I narrowed my eyes, unconvinced. I knew better than to trust a stranger.

Seeing my stubborn reaction, she sighed. "Ah… well, I suppose this is fine, too. Whatever makes you comfortable."

"Who are… you?" I immediately asked.

The woman laughed and covered her mouth, as if I had just asked something ridiculous.

"… What?"

She glanced at me, before sighing once more. "Mm… I apologize. I forgot, you are not an Ethereal. After all… they have been my only guests for the past billion years."

Billion of years…? The planet of Xenith had just been created back then…

"In any case… you must be confused and have many questions. So, to answer the one you asked just now…"

She smiled wryly and looked deeply into my eyes.

"My name is Violet. Formally, I am the Realm Lord of the Void Realm, but to the Ethereals... I am their Creator."

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