The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 308 - Bracket: Assassins

The battle between Elena and Zheng Xiao began immediately. The two quickly went to work, using the same strategy Qing Yue had used - going one by one with the patients. They seemed to be about evenly matched in terms of speed.

"Who do you think's going to win?" I asked Qing Yue, who was sitting on my lap comfortably.

"Hm… it's hard to tell since they just began, but I think the girl's mentality is better," Qing Yue said. "She's clearly very skilled in the Blessing Element, just like me. The boy is too, but…"

"Yeah, the girl's pulling ahead," Feng Mian murmured as we watched.

The boy kept sneaking glances at the girl to check her progress, which inadvertently slowed himself down - even if it's only by a fraction of a second.

"He shouldn't be so focused on how the other person is doing," Yu An Yan sighed, facepalming.

"You can tell. He's starting to panic," Xiang Peng added. "That'll only make him fall behind even further."

And after a few minutes, our predictions came true. The boy lost - horribly. Even though they had been even in terms of raw skill, the girl's unwavering mentality was what made her win. The boy lacked confidence and was too self-conscious, which was led to his loss.

The two competitors came onto the stage equal. Now, one leaves with triumph, while the other leaves with frustration and regret.

And then, we heard a knock on the door. Without waiting to hear our response, the door clicked open. The man was behind it.

"Hello again, everyone. We will now be moving on to the Assassin bracket. The first match will begin in fifteen minutes - you have until then to do your reconnaissance."

"Assassin? But the victor of the Support bracket hasn't even been decided yet," Lan Xiao Su frowned in confusion.

"The contestants need time to rest. We will be doing the first series of matches for all the brackets first, then going back to the Support bracket to start the second series of matches, determining the victor of each bracket," the man explained. "Now, as stated, you have fifteen minutes. I will return then to lead you to the arena, Miss Feng Mian."

With that, he left the room. Wasting no time, Feng Mian immediately moved up to the screen and took a look at the bracket. She would be up against a person named Tang Ren Shan. We quickly found him in the list of competitors and pulled up his profile.

Name: Tang Ren Shan

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Assassin

Rank: Advanced Mage

Elemental Affinities: Shadow, Void, Curse, Sky, Demon

Beside was a portrait of him. He had an arrogant and somewhat psychopathic smile on his face, with large, bulging blue eyes and blond hair.

"This guy… he seems… off," Xiang Peng muttered with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"I can win," Feng Mian stated confidently. "Trust me. It's been a while since I've done true duels, but my skills are as sharp as ever."

"Be careful. There is a high chance he used Upgrade Runes on his spells," I warned.

Feng Mian nodded. "Don't worry. I don't intend to underestimate my opponent."

"If he has the Demon Element, there is a high probability he is going to use a Demon Transformation as a last resort. Just beware of that," Obsidia said stoically.

"How will she counter that?" Yu An Yan asked in worry. "Demon transformations can double one's power and speed, if I remember correctly."

Only double? The vampire side of me provides much more than that… though, I guess it's because this is not a true demon transformation, just a shallow one through magic…

"If that's the case, I will just have to exceed even his doubled strength and agility," Feng Mian said with a serious expression on her face.

I laughed. "Too naive."

"What…?" Feng Mian seemed displeased with my words.

"Think outside the box, Feng Mian," I said, shaking my head in disappointment. "The goal here is not to show off how strong you are. The goal here is to win - by any means that is within the scopes of the rules."

"What are you trying to say…?"

"The rules said killing was allowed, no?"

Feng Mian's eyes widened. "You want me to-"

"Yes, I want you to…" I cut her off with a cold look in my eyes. "If he attempts a demon transformation, kill him before he can complete it. That is the only surefire way to win."

"… But…" Feng Mian still seemed hesitant.

"What? Feeling pity for a complete stranger?" Mei Gui snorted. "Weak. You cannot accompany Master with a mindset like that."

Feng Mian gritted her teeth in frustration, but she knew Mei Gui was right. She was traveling with a person capable of killing ruthlessly at a moment's notice. If she herself couldn't do the same, it would be better to just part ways.

"… Fine. I just have to kill him, right? No big deal."

"Hmph. Let us see if you will live up to those words," Obsidia snorted.

Together, Obsidia and Mei Gui were the closest to me in terms of personality. They were both able to kill with ease as well, making them the perfect partners in crime for me.

Several minutes later, the man returned to our room to let us know time was up. Feng Mian stood up and followed him out wordlessly. But right before she left, she turned her head around slightly and looked me in the eyes, her own filled with determination.

It was as if she was trying to say 'I will prove myself to you. I can kill.'

Slowly, my lips curved up into a satisfied smirk. My subtle manipulation had worked.

Once Feng Mian left, Xiang Peng broke the silence.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" she asked, shooting me a sinister smile.

I feigned ignorance. "Whatever could you mean?"

"I mean, suggesting killing the poor guy."

"I was merely stating the truth. Killing him would be the easiest way to stop the transformation."

"Oh, is that so? Is that your only intention?" Xiang Peng smirked in understanding.

"… Of course."

[Master. She is dangerous.] Mei Gui said via our telepathic connection.

[No kidding… able to figure out my hidden intentions like that…]

[Do we.. 'get rid' of her?]

[No. That's not necessary. She's an useful asset to us still - she can teach the other girls spells. But if she ever leaks anything about us or steps over the line…]

[… Understood, Master.]

With that, we turned our attention to the screen. Feng Mian's battle was beginning.


(Feng Mian's Perspective)

My elements were Ice, Shadow, Poison, Curse, and Necromancy. The last one wouldn't do me much good here since it took a long time to cast. As an assassin myself, I knew full well just how fatal one second of vulnerability could be.

Ice Magic, Poison Magic, and Curse Magic also wouldn't be of much use once we really got into the fight - my best bet was to use them right at the beginning.

In other words… this would be a battle of strength, agility, and our proficiency in Shadow Magic. 

As for weapons, I had Gemini - my twin pistols, but those wouldn't be my killing card. I had something else up my sleeve - something my father had taught me when I was still young, but never got to use until now. It was my ultimate trump card - a secret spell no one knew about, not even Xuan Kai.

I pulled out Gemini from their holsters and checked to make sure they both had ammo in them. I wouldn't have time to reload, so I only have two magazines in total - one in each gun. Once that ran out, I would have to rely on that trump card of mine. The plan was to finish this battle before then.

I stepped onto the stage. My opponent, Tang Ren Shan, was already waiting there.

"Oh my… what a beauty. You look even better in person… Feng Mian," he said, a crazy smile on his face.

I glared at him in disgust. "Sorry, but I already have a boyfriend."

"That's unfortunate… but if that's the case, then all I have to do is get rid of him, right? RIGHT?" he laughed and stuck out his tongue like a psychopath.

Faced with this weird behavior of his, however, I wasn't fazed. Instead, I smirked.

"You? Get rid of that absolute monster of a human being?" I snickered. "You're nowhere close to his level. After all… you won't even be able to beat me."

"Heehee. HEEHEEEHEE! Funny! You're using GUNS in this fight, and you think I'll lose to you?! HAHAHA!" the boy laughed crazily.

I twirled Gemini around in my hands and put them back into their holsters. I wouldn't be starting the fight with them, after all.

"We'll see you laugh after I kill you."

"Kill? You won't kill me. Your eyes… they're the eyes of someone who has never killed anyone else before."

"… Then you'll just have to be the first."

"EVERYONE! The battle will now begin!" the announcer declared in high spirits raising his hand high up into the air. "Three… two… one… go!"

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