The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 304 - Favors & The Antidote

"So, do you feel anything? Something similar to a 'link' of some sort, perhaps…?" Kyoko, the Demihuman Founder, asked, raising an eyebrow. She was a wolf girl of short stature, and if I didn't know better, I would think she was roughly the same age as Silva.

Speaking of… they do look kind of similar. Is Silva her descendant, perhaps?

"A link…" I murmured. "Yeah. I feel… 'connected' to the Library, somehow."

"The rest of us do as well," Scarlet, the Beast Founder, said. "If we are harmed, the Library will be harmed as well. However, similarly, if the Library were to suffer damage… then so would we."

"So I now have a duty to protect the Library, is that it?" I asked.

"Not necessarily," Sylvoir said. "The sixteen of us are enough to handle any troubles that come our way… for now, at least. In the future, a certain…"

"He does not need to know that right now," Tian Lin interjected, shooting Sylvoir a sharp look.

"… Yes… you are right."

I was a bit curious about what would happen in the future, but clearly, they weren't going to tell me, so I just gave up.

Deciding to change up the topic, I moved on to a different question. "Are there any benefits that becoming a Founder grants me?"

"Yes," Sylvoir replied. "We already stated that if the Library is harmed, you will also received damage, but the opposite also applies. As long as the Library is healthy, you will receive divine protection."

My eyes widened. "Divine… protection?"

"Essentially, ya got two lives now, kid," Hephestus explained in simpler terms. "Congrats."

Wow… a whole extra life? The benefits of this was a lot better than I expected…

"That said, however, do not go throwing this extra life away," Count Draculus reminded. 

"Yes, you will not die if killed, but it is not as simple as respawning like in a video game. What happens is your soul is extracted from your body and brought back to the pillar you saw in the 'Infinite Realm', where a new body will be constructed for you. The process does not take long, but when you are reborn, you will have lost all of your memories. This also includes your magic - you will have to relearn everything from scratch."

"…" I fell into thought. So it's not like there weren't any consequences… I got overexcited for nothing, it seems. Still, this was better than just outright dying.

"Draculus, you told him about the first part, but not the second? That's cruel~" Fiona, the Succubus Founder giggled.

"The second part?" I asked curiously.

"…" Count Draculus glared at Fiona, but he eventually sighed in resignation and turned back to me. "Yes… what I told you is not the full story. It is possible to get all of your memories and original strength back, but for that… never mind, the method is too complicated to explain now."

I still had many questions, but it was clear he wasn't going to answer them.

"Now that you are one of us, it is about time you tell us about the favors you want from us," Sylvoir said, folding her arms. "Remember, you have one favor from each of us."

"… I see. Currently, I only have one favor in mind," I said, looking at one Founder in particular.

"Founder Tian Lin."

"… Sure. What is it you want?" he replied, raising an eyebrow.

"It is regarding the Shadow Empress," I said. "I request that you protect her in the Council of Arcanity from here on out."

"… Protect her? How so?"

"I mean like supporting anything she proposes and using your influence to convince the other council members to do the same. From what you told me the last time we met, you are one of the more powerful council members, correct?"

"… That is true."

"Then, can I consider it done?"

"… Yes. I will not ask why, but I will fulfill the favor."

I nodded in satisfaction. "Thank you."

"Requesting information on power of subject. Subject has agreed to terms, subject shall uphold his part of the agreement," a mechanically-female voice suddenly interrupted. ARXA-5 was her model name, apparently. She was the Founder representing the X-Machina race.

"… Right." I let out a deep sigh, and continued. "This power of mine… I do not know the true nature of it either. That is the truth. However, I do know some of its abilities."

The other Founders listened in intently. This was the moment they have all been waiting for.

"For one, my spells are amplified many times over - by eight, in particular," I explained as the Founders fell into thought.

"Eight times… that makes your spells equivalent to the next rank's magic in terms of raw power. Mages the same rank as you stand no chance," Tian Lin muttered. "Powerful indeed…"

"Not only that, but I can also use all 21 elements."

"What?!" Hephestus cried, slamming the table.

"Calm down, Hephestus," Sylvoir reprimanded, and he calmed down, sitting back down.

"M-My bad… I just got… so surprised."

"Do you want a demonstration?" I asked. "I can show you spells from every element right now, if you don't believe me."

"No, we believe you," Luisfer said. "Continue. What other abilities does this power grant?"

"Well, let's see… just from the top of my head, I can cast spells in my head without any accuracy or power loss, instantly use magic without having to channel mana first, and also - this doesn't really count as an ability - but most of my magic has a black and red color scheme rather than their normal colors."

"This… can you show us what the color looks like?" Sino asked, frowning in thought.

I shrugged. "Sure."

I directed my hand towards the tree, and without saying the spell name out loud, cast magic.

Level One Fire Magic - Flame Lotus.

A black and fire blossom of fire shot out of my palm, striking the thick trunk of the tree and igniting it immediately. The ominous black fire spread to the rest of the tree immediately, and within minutes, all that remained of the large tree were ashes.

The Founders watched on, slack-jawed. Even the usually calm Sylvoir, Tian Lin, and Count Draculus were showing signs of shock. Asteryx, the Ethereal Founder, appeared to be very interested in the ashes, as he immediately void-ran to the ashes in an instant, collected some to put in a pouch, then returned to his seat.

"So? Is that enough?" I asked.

"… If I wasn't seeing this with my own two eyes, there's no way I would've believed this," Kyoko muttered.

Sylvoir sighed. "I agree… this power… it is truly terrifying."

"So, I've told you everything there is to tell regarding the power. I don't know anything more about it," I said, scratching my hair.

"I see. Thank you… this information has been useful. Return to the Library of Infinite Beginnings whenever you have time - we will need to meet you to collect samples of your mana to conduct further investigation."

I nodded in response. "Sure, but… once I get into Fragment…"

"There is a entrance to the Library from within Fragment as well. Even other territories have portals leading to it, not to mention the Magic Capital," Tian Lin explained. "Once you make it in, I will send someone to guide you there."

"Got it. Anything else?"

"No, that is all for now. We are aware you have a tournament tomorrow, so you should head on back and rest," Sylvoir said considerately. "Good luck, Xuan Kai. We are rooting for you."

I nodded in thanks as Asteryx opened up a portal for me to exit this place. However, just before I left, Tian Lin said something.

"Be careful, Xuan Kai. This year's tournament… it is not like the ones in the past."


Once I stepped through the portal, I found myself on the other side of the doors - Floor 19. I took some time to browse the contents - this floor was filled with encyclopedias on various things, including Magic Beasts, Monsters, and whatnot. Pretty useful - I would remember this for the future.

I went back to the bottom floor of the Library. On the way out, I saw Mrs. Fang waiting by the entrance.

"Good evening, Mrs. Fang," I waved politely.

"Yes, a fine evening it is… so, where are we off to for the antidote?"

"Hm… I'll tell you where to go. Let's hop on your hovercar."

We headed for Old Man Leng's shop after that. When we arrived, I led her inside. Coincidentally, Melvia happened to be there as well.

"Oi, kid, yer back. Melvia 'ere was just wonderin' how your progress for findin' the starflower was," Old Man Leng chuckled.

I sighed. "You really think I've had time to do that recently?"

Though… getting a starflower should be an easy task for the Founders. Should I…?

"Haha, it's alright~ as long as you haven't forgotten," Melvia giggled. "Now then, who is this?" 

She eyed Mrs. Fang, who tittered nervously under her gaze.

"She's here to get a potion made," I explained. "You remember the 1 Year Curse antidote from last time? She wants one as well."

"Hm… sure, as long as you have the ingredients, but… can she pay up?"

Mrs. Fang clenched her car keys tightly. "Even if it costs my life, I will do it in an exchange for the antidote."

Melvia glanced at her in the eyes, and snickered. "Relax. It's not that big of a deal. You seem to be in a hurry, so I'll let you know what I want after I make the antidote. Now, where are the ingredients?"

I took out my Space Locket and retrieved the other Hydra Fang I had along with some leftover Basilisk Dust.

"This should be enough, right?"

"Hm… yeah, that will do. Now, as for the third and final ingredient…"

I turned to Mrs. Fang. "Mrs. Fang, she needs your blood."

"H-Huh? My blood?"

Melvia rolled her eyes. "Yes! The final ingredient needed for the antidote is the blood of someone blood-related to the cursed one."

"A-Ah, in that case… here," Mrs. Fang rolled up her sleeve and took out a pocket knife, preparing to cut herself.

Melvia waved it off. "No need for that, just let me…"

She casually flicked her fingers, creating a tiny cut just enough for blood to spill out. She instantly whipped out a vial, catching the liquid inside.

"Wow… it doesn't even hurt…" Mrs. Fang murmured in surprise.

"The wound will heal before you sleep tonight," Melvia said with a wink. "That's all. You can go now. I'll deliver the antidote to you myself tomorrow, since my sweet boy here has a tournament tomorrow. Where can I find you, dear customer?"

"The Library of Infinite Beginnings," Mrs. Fang replied. I will be there in the morning and afternoon, just not lunchtime."

"Sounds good. I will see you then," Melvia said, then waltzed out of the store.

"This…" Mrs. Fang glanced at her disappearing figure, as if worried about something.

"Don't worry. Her personality's a bit… unique, but her work is the real thing," I said.

"I see… that puts me at ease. Thank you, little boy… truly. I don't even know what to say…"

I smirked. "Don't worry about it… you should go on back now. It's getting late."

"Yes… good night."

Mrs. Fang walked out of the store and off into the night. As I looked at her walk away, Old Man Leng called out to me.

"Why are ya helpin' her like this? Hydra Fangs n' Basilisk Dust ain't easy to come by, ya know. This ain't yer style."

I smirked. "There will be a time in the future when I will have a need for her. When that time comes… having her owe me a favor now would make things a lot easier."

"She's just a lil' secretary at the Library… I don't see how she'll be of much use to ya."

"… Don't worry… I know what I'm doing."

Old Man Leng chuckled. 

"Man, youngsters… alright. If ya say so."

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