The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 544 Will you please forgive your mother?

Chapter 544 Will you please forgive your mother?

His words fell on Lu Bojing's ears, but somehow he failed to understand what he meant by those words. Never in a million years he thought that Li Dong knew the Lu clan. He remembered Zhao Weisheng saying that the other group had some enmity with the Lu clan and hated them for some reason.

Was that reason Lu Jingyi?

Li Dong leaned towards him and pinched his cheek. He gasped in fear and tears came out. Jia's heart was burning with killing intent.

He asked, "I took my revenge from the Lu clan. They dare come between me and Jingyi. That bastard Lu Quan brainwashed her against me. Their end was inevitable."

Lu Bojing's teary eyes looked at him with pain and horror. "Y-You killed my fa-family…"

He sneered. "Yes. And guess who helped me? Your own mother! Hahaha!"

He froze as if somebody had dropped him into a pool of ice.

"Yes, you heard it right! Jingyi helped me finish off the Lu clan! Why do you think it was so easy to burn down the family?" He laughed crazily. "It's because she told me. Or you can say that I forced her to tell," he shrugged. "Jiang Zemin was suspicious that somebody was plotting against him. Who do you think leaked the plan to overthrow him?"

Lu Bojing's eyes slowly widened in disbelief.

"The Cheng and Lu families were planning a rebellion against Jiang Zemin. But he was in the dark as to what exactly it was and how it would go. But the secret rebellion soon fell apart because somebody from the inside told us everything," his eyes twinkled. "Jingyi was the one who told me everything."

"L-Lies! My m-mother will n-never betray her family…" he protested against the bindings as he cried.

Li Dong yawned. "Of course she did. Why would I lie? You tell me. Under what circumstances would your mother open her mouth?"

Jia silently clenched her fists as she already knew the answer.


Lu Bojing trembled.

He smiled. "Since I wanted revenge and Jiang Zemin wanted to know the traitors, Jingyi was the perfect bait. It was easy to guess for me that the Lu clan would be a part of the retaliation because those bunch of martial artists had always opposed Jiang Zemin's way of doing things. I was fairly sure that they would do something against him. So you know what I did? I asked Jiang Zemin to lend me his help in kidnapping Jingyi."

He stiffened.

"And not just her. I wanted her along with her newborn baby and yes it was you."

The color from his face was draining away. He felt something stifling in his throat and a series of alarm bells rang in his mind.

"Jiang Zemin was too powerful with his army. It wasn't so difficult to grab Jingyi and her son. The List never anticipated that anybody would target her. At that time, I gave Jingyi another chance. I told her to leave Lu Quan's side and marry me," his gaze darkened. "But that bitch still refused me! She said she would rather die than be my wife!"

Lu Bojing jolted by his sudden outburst.

"But now I wasn't so miserable and helpless because…" he watched Lu Bojing trembling in his seat, "I had her precious son with me too. When the threat to your life came, Jingyi easily spilled out the plan to destroy Jiang Zemin. How could a mother watch her son get strangled to death in front of her own eyes?" He chuckled. "It was nice to see her like that. The arrogant woman who looked down on me had fallen to her knees because she loved her son too much. It was a very, very hard choice for her," he sighed.

"On one side, she had you and on the other side, she had her husband and family. Who should she protect? But guess what? The mother inside her was stronger than the wife," his eerie laughter as he retold the massacre of the Lu clan sent a chill across Lu Bojing's spine.

"The Lu family was burned down to ashes thanks to her. They were eliminated because their own daughter-in-law exposed them hahaha. Can you imagine her horror? Can you imagine the expression she had on her face to watch her husband and family burn down and she could only helplessly hear their screams?"

Jia glanced at Lu Bojing and observed his complexion growing duller and paler. His eyes lost their light. She herself could hardly control her urge to kill Li Dong here and now. Tears were threatening to fill her eyes, but she remained strong.

She really didn't want to think how broken Lu Jingyi would have felt to choose between her child and family. To save her son, she lost her beloved husband. She had to betray her family who loved her dearly.

What toll must have taken on her heart?

Li Dong said, "After the Lu clan was killed off, the crisis was averted because the Cheng family soon went into hiding. That's the only thing that family knows how to do. Hide like a bunch of cowards," he sneered.

Jia clenched her jaw.

You are the last person to accuse anybody of cowardice when you yourself relied on blackmail instead of facing the Lu clan head on!

"Then I thought that if Jingyi could betray her family, how far would she go in order to protect you? So once again, I showed her helpless newborn baby on the death's door and told her to marry me."

Lu Bojing said nothing. Every word hit his ears, but he gave no reaction. His tears stopped flowing.

I knew this would have happened, Jia thought.

"If she doesn't want me to kill you, then she has to marry me."

Suddenly, Li Dong stomped his foot in rage. "But you know what she did? That bitch laughed. It was strange. She was crying, but she was laughing too. The last thing she said was when she looked at you. Hmm what was it? Oh yes.

'Forgive your mother, Bojing. Forgive me for leaving you alone. But marrying a monster and giving him my body…your mother really…really cannot do that. I have already lost the love of my life. I have already betrayed him once. I cannot betray him again. Only Quan can touch me. If it's anybody else…I would rather die, Bojing. I am sorry. I am so sorry, my dearest son. Will you please forgive your mother for being selfish?'

And then Jingyi killed herself. She banged her head on the wall, and she killed herself."

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