Chapter 511 Little Ruru

Days slowly passed by for Lihua as she was forced to live in Jiang Zhen's villa along with Qingqing and Zhao Weisheng.

Yes, Zhao Weisheng wasn't with Old Madam and his family in the other villa. Instead, he chose to be with Lihua when he realized in the base that Lu Bojing could be taken away by Li Dong. Even if he wasn't, Zhao Weisheng had decided to stay by her side.

Then there was Ruru - Jiang Ru too, who he thought would panic had he suddenly left.


Qingqing was stretching her legs as she rested against Lihua's belly and softly purred. Lihua patted her fur, thinking about how the family would be now.

She pursed her lips. "Grandpa, is there any news about Jiang Ruiling?"

His expression was solemn. "I am sure Jiang Zhen, no, especially Shen Yang would have definitely come to us saying that she had been found."

"B-But who would take away Jiang Ruiling if not him? Who else is our enemy?"

"I have been thinking about the same question ever since. Sometimes, I wonder…"

"What Grandpa?"

He looked at her and shook his head. "Sometimes I hope it's not our enemy. We already have a lot on our plate with Jiang Zhen. We don't want more enemies lurking around."

She nodded. Her eyes held a trace of pity in them. "I feel bad for Jiang Hua and Ruru. Why did she marry such a monster like him?"

"It wasn't out of free will. Zhen met her somewhere during his work a few years ago and was attracted by her beauty. So, he brought her here and married her."

She widened his eyes. "T-that's horrible!"

He faintly smiled. "The Jiangs never cared about women's rights or feelings. Zhen liked her, so he brought her here. But no matter how her marriage is with him, she loves Ruru the most."

She felt melancholic in her heart. "Yes…A child would always be precious for a mother," her eyelashes flickered, "even if she might resent the father…"

Her own relationship with Wei was like that now. He wasn't like Jiang Zhen, of course, but there were wounds he gave which were hard to forgive.

Lihua said, "I will go look for Ruru!"

"Well.. I just hope no maid finds you."

Lihua peeked from behind a pillar. Qingqing, on her shoulder, looked at her with disdain.

Full points for not acting so suspiciously, human, she sneered.

Lihua was unaware of her judgemental stare. She hurried towards Ruru's room. She saw the door open and widened her eyes.


She ducked below a table and saw a woman coming out. It was Jiang Hua.

"Ruru, don't be stubborn and do your homework," she gently said, "Also, please don't go to visit Grandpa Zhao. You know Zhen hates it."

Ruru pursed his lips and looked away. He lowered his head, clutching the teddy bear in his hands for comfort.

Jiang Hua looked strained. "Ruru…please don't look so sad. You know I am doing this for your own good. You have seen how Zhen is when he is angry-"

Ruru turned and shut the door on her face. It was evident that he didn't want to listen to her anymore.

Her gaze dimmed. She leaned her face near the door. "I am going to check on Grandpa Shan. Be nice and stay in your room, okay?"

No response.

She hesitated and finally left.

Lihua slowly came out of her hiding and saw Jiang Hua walk away. She sighed.

She shouldn't be talking to Ruru. Instead she should be fighting that bastard Jiang Zhen!

Lihua quietly knocked on the door. There was no response.

"Ruru! It's me! It's your favorite pretty sister here! I came here to play with you! Qingqing is with me too!"

Qingqing glared at her.

Hey! Don't involve me in this playing shit, okay human? I am only interested in sleeping now!

There was still no response. Then the door finally opened, and Ruru peeked with his head out. Lihua beamed. "Hello! Can I come inside?"

He stared at her and seemed to be in deep thought. Lihua cleared her throat. "Oh! Is that your favorite plushie? I love teddy bears too! Aren't they so cute?"

Ruru looked down at his teddy bear and then at her.

Lihua coughed. "Will you let me inside? It would be bad if somebody found me lurking like this," she sheepishly grinned.

Ruru held his cheek and withdrew.

"H-Hey Hey! I won't do anything to your cheeks, I promise!" Though Lihua really had an urge to pinch them. They were just too round and fluffy and soft.

Ruru finally opened the door for her and let her in. As Lihua eagerly stepped in, Ruru trotted behind her. When she turned, she was taken aback when he brought the teddy bear too close to her face.

"O-oh! Do you want me to say hi to him?"

She waved her hand. "Hello, cute plushie! My name is Lihua. You are a very cute teddy bear just like cute Ruru here."

Ruru lowered his head and blushed.

Qingqing wasn't interested in their silly conversation, so she already found her spot on Ruru's bed and lazed around.

Lihua looked around the room and was disappointed to see that it was so plain and boring.

A child's room should be so much fun! There should be toys and games and whatnot. That Jiang Zhen is truly evil! This room feels so cold and desolate.

There were books on his study table. "Oh, you are studying? Math, I see…" she coughed.

Ruru took his notebook and solved a complex problem he was working on. Lihua was shocked.

"T-that is the sum a five year old solves? What's all those strange symbols?"

Ruru burst into a small smile but it quickly went away too.

"Hey I saw you laughing at me!" She complained. "M-Math is difficult for me, okay?"

Ruru giggled. Hearing his laughter made her heart melt.

Aiyaa, he is so cute!

Outside, a maid heard some faint noises from his room. She frowned.

Madam Hua is outside, so who is young master talking to?

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