Chapter 394 - Trophy

On the other side, Ruomei, who was on edge this whole time, finally sat back in relief, watching the news of Wei's surrender. She had confidently claimed that Lihua would want justice for Jia, and for her sake, Wei wouldn't hesitate to surrender.

But then there was no news about his arrest. It was completely quiet, and Ruomei began to panic.

How could Lihua let him walk freely?

She had already seen the consequences that man would make her pay if her claim had turned out to be a bluff.

And now this news finally let her sigh in relief.

She jolted as her phone rang with the same international number. She slightly stiffened.

It's him…

Ruomei clicked on the green button.

There was a calm voice from the other end. "I saw the news."

Ruomei smiled. "Yes. Didn't I say that it's just a matter of time before Wei ends up in jail? Lihua won't let her sister's murderer walk freely."

"Indeed. I thought you were pulling my leg, in which case you would have known the consequences," his voice was calm but dangerous.

Ruomei began to sweat.

"The Mafia King giving up his Underworld for just a mere woman? It sounded like a joke to me. But it seems what you said was true."

She tried to gauge his mood, but she couldn't make out from his voice if he was happy or something else. There was no hint of joy or victory she sensed from his voice. It was neutral.

The man slowly said, enunciating his words, "And now I wonder…"

Ruomei blinked her eyes.

"The Mafia King confessed and surrendered himself all for the sake of his woman. Wasn't it just easier to kill her?"

Ruomei widened her eyes. She exclaimed in a higher pitch. "Kill Lihua!?"

Suddenly, she realized her voice could sound disrespectful, and in no way did she want to offend a man like him.

She toned down and politely said, "I mean, it's simply impossible. That's the last thing Wei would even think of doing to her. He would rather kill himself than even touch a strand of her hair."

"That's why I wonder what kind of a woman she is who could make the Mafia King, of all people, bow down that much to her?"

She silently clenched her jaw.

It seems that now he is also fascinated by Lihua…

"Women are worthless anyway," he said without much emotion as if it was an already established fact.

Ruomei bit her lip.

"They are just there to warm the bed. But the king of the Underworld treats a mere woman so preciously. I wonder what is so different about her. It makes me curious."

Ruomei rolled her eyes.

There is nothing to be curious about her.

"I might like to find that answer one day. But now I will celebrate. Not before seeing his battered body."

Ruomei stiffened. "I don't understand."

"He is in jail. Inmates fight all the time. It's like bullying a new student in school."

Ruomei widened her eyes.

"Except that this bullying might smash his face and break a few bones. Considering how well they bully, it's a good way to die too without getting my hands dirty."

She opened and closed her mouth but said nothing.

"Are you getting cold feet? Didn't you love him so much?"

Ruomei jolted and quickly said, "Of course not. After how he humiliated me, I don't care what happens to him," she said as she clenched her dress.

"Good to know, else if I smell betrayal or the old feelings coming back, it would be tough for you, especially because you are a woman. There are lots of things I can order my men to do to you. Being born as a woman is so tragic indeed," he sighed.

Ruomei trembled hard. He didn't say it in a menacing tone. Precisely, the lack of it made Ruomei afraid so much. It was like he was saying, 'It isn't really a big deal.'

I really cannot afford to get into his bad book…

She heard the faint sound of some liquid pouring from the other side.

"Cheers," he said, "Time to make everything mine the way it should have been."

"Are you going to attack the Underworld now?"

"And who do you think you are to question me? Know your place."

She stiffened. "I-I am sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you."

"Good. But since I am so happy, I will tell you. What you claimed did happen, so I will share it with you. The jail is just the cream layer. I want to destroy him utterly. So, I will slowly erode the Underworld to the point that it will be on the brink of its end. We have waited for so long. It doesn't matter if we wait just a month more to completely ruin it. Who do you think will step up to save it?"

She nervously smiled. "You."

"Doesn't it feel so poetic? The true Jiangs who created the Underworld will be back. It would be the time to take away everything that my dear grand-uncle stole from us by betraying his brother, aka, my grandfather. Everything will be ours. My dear cousin, Jiang Ruiling, and cousin-in-law, Jiang Lanying, will be the perfect trophies for my hard-working men."

Ruomei had an urge to puke. Of course, she understood what he meant by trophies for his men.

"My aunts, Jiang Yubi, Jiang Ninghong and Jiang Xiurang, could be my grandpa's personal maids. He could have his own harem. But I am not so sure about that. Some of my men do have an interest in older women. They have weird fetishes, I must say."

Sweat trickled down her forehead.

Then there was a long pause after which he said, "Jiang Wei and I are primarily fighting this feud on behalf of our elders. Once he loses, everything will become ours, but once he loses, everything he 'specifically' has should 'specifically' become mine, right? He was the Mafia King, so I would become the Mafia King once this ends."

Ruomei didn't respond.

"So his woman should also become mine, right?"

She said nothing.

The man smiled. "So as for Song Lihua, I would like to keep her for myself. As my personal trophy.. I deserve it, after all."

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