The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Chapter 129: Chad plays with Master's body!

Chapter 129: Chad plays with Master’s body!


Bai Lung was left speechless, how was this his fault? He didn’t know if he never made his move, she would turn into a heroine.

However, he was pulled back to the scene by his master’s loud roar.

“Bai Lung, you speak such scandalous things!” her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Self-pleasure? How utterly vulgar!” She fidgets with her dress, the silken fabric suddenly feeling much too constricting.

“And to be intimate with a partner?” her eyes widen in horror. “I’ve never even been courted, let alone…” she trails off, unable to finish the sentence completely.

“Please, you must find another way!” she pleads. “I cannot bear the thought of such…debauchery. My reputation would never recover!” she practically whispers the last part, her face burning with shame.

How can she allow a rod to enter her hole? That’s impossible.

‘ Ooh! How pure… ‘ Bai Lung thought in his mind, despite being completely aware that before his arrival she was pleasuring herself despite acting tough at the moment.

” Bai Lung… this is all so mortifying! ” She uttered,

” How could you suggest such scandalous things? I’m a proper lady, not some…some pleasure seeking hussy! ” She added

” The very idea of touching myself in that way makes me shudder. And to be intimate with a man?… Esshh! ” she gasps in horror

Her expression turned pleading

” There must be another way, Bai Lung. Anything but…that, ”

Looking at her Bai Lung nodded his head, trying to show her that he understood her.

” True… However, there is no other way to cure you, your body lacks Yang energy as such… You should know very well, master, ” Bai Lung uttered with a straight voice.

” It’s a good thing you are in the early stage of this condition so, you won’t feel much pain… However, as the condition worsens, you will start to feel more pain, and your cultivation will slowly decrease… I understand you don’t wanna have a partner or anything, but… There is no other way, ” Bai Lung added.

” The best I can do is prolong the condition and reduce the pain by massaging you or… Finger that area… ”

Hearing this, she looked at Bai Lung, ” Are you really sure, there is no other cure? ”

” Sigh! Yin poisoning is not a life-threatening condition since its cure is very simple, and Yin poisoning is a lifelong disease that can’t be cured at all… Yin Poisoning can only be temporarily subdued or suppressed by the physical exchange of Yin and Yang, which makes it seem like it is cured but it isn’t… There are three curing methods at the moment;

– Self – pleasure (Masturbation); can temporarily reduce the pain and subdue the effect for a day or so, however, as time progresses, the effect of self-pleasure slowly decreases.

– Inhale the Yang Liquid from the mouth ( sucky sucky ): this is a method where you suck your partner’s yang rod and take his yang liquid from his mouth. This method can suppress the effect of Yin poisoning for 1 month.

– Take the Yang liquid into your Yin Hole ( Fucky fucky ): this method is most effective and can suppress the Yin Poisoning for years and years.

” The best method for you is the first method… However, if the master is comfortable, I can help the master with the second step… After all, it is my duty to save the patient,” Bai Lung said while looking at her, maintaining strong eye contact.

” That’s… ” She was in a dilemma.

Looking at her Bai Lung smirked, it seemed his planned work.

There is another cure that is unknown to many which is Yang Flower… Yes, the same flowers that cause Yin poisoning in maidens are also the cure.

However, simply taking the Yang flower won’t cure the disease… There is a Pill, whose main ingredient is the Yang flower, it’s called the Divine Yang Pill.

The divine Yang pill can fully cure the Yin poisoning for maidens, and Bai Lung knows how to make that pill despite that pill being completely unknown to this world.

But, of course, he doesn’t bid by morals and virtue, why go on a righteous path and simply cure her to gain her favor, when you can simply keep her poisoned, gain her trust and slowly turn her into your bitch.

She was lucky that Bai Lung couldn’t fuck her at the moment, otherwise, Bai Lung would have made lots of fake words to scare her about her condition and fucked her.

The more his master listened to Bai Lung’s explanation, the deeper her ugly frown got.

” Ahem* Ahem* don’t mean to offend you or anything… But, you are supposed to be a sect elder who guides her disciples, how can you not know about Yin poisoning? ” he asked while raising his eyebrow making her look stupid.

” Eh? ” she was flabbergasted hearing this,

As arrogant as that sounds, it was indeed true, that Yin poisoning doesn’t have any other cure aside from the one Bai Lung mentioned, as an elder, as a master, how can she expect her young disciple to find a new cure?

It was indeed her wrong to ask too much.

“Umm… Indeed, it was my bad, I asked for something that’s impossible for you, either way, I am pleased that you are going out of your way to help me, ” she said with a gentle voice.

” If what you are saying is true, then are you suggesting me that I should hurry up and go spread my legs for a man or… I can choose to die a painful death, ” she added with narrow eyes.

” That wasn’t my intention but, that would be an effective method of cure, which, as an elder, you obviously know of course… But, I merely suggested the alternative since you didn’t want to go that path, ” Bai Lung maintained his composure even under her cold eyes.

” Sigh… ” she was helpless. This brat was only questioning her intelligence, and his method also seemed shady.

Obviously, he wanted to shove his thing into her mouth which she had easily seen through.

But the question remains, why would he wanna shove it on the upper mouth when he could have done it on the lower hole too?

‘ Am I overthinking? Does he seriously want to help me… ‘ she thought.

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