Chapter 123: Rip- Bai Lung is dead!

Gritting his teeth while mistakenly wounding his tongue, Ling Fei fought to maintain his focus, all while, sweat poured down his face from the exertion.

Swoosh! Boom!

Zzzzz* Zzzzaappp*

Just as Bai Lung’s assault intensified, a brilliant flash of light suddenly erupted from the artifact, bathing the forest in a blinding golden radiance.

As Bai Lung recoiled slightly backward due to rebound from the barrier, his purple energy was being purified by the barrier.

” Wh-what is this? ” Bai Lung was confused, his voice was literally shaking, while he felt his eternal organs being injured from the rebounded attack.

” Impossible! That artifact should be in my possession, even if I can’t use it, ” Bai Lung said in a small voice.

This was bad, really bad, he was at the peak of power in this realm yet, he couldn’t fight against the power of that artifact.

That artifact is literally breaking the rules and regulations of the world.

That thing needs a nerf, a really bad nerf, matter of fact, such things should be removed.

Seizing the opportunity, Ling Fei poured every last ounce of his Qi into the barrier, pushing back against Bai Lung.

The purple energy began to dissipate, and Bai Lung’s expression twisted into one of pure rage,

” You insolent fool! This is not over, ” Bai Lung roared knowing he couldn’t do anything.

His attacks were weak in front of that barrier, as immoral as it sound, he needed to hold hostages and put mental and psychological pressure on Ling Fei.

was holding hostage even fruitful? If he really acted badly, his reputation would only fall.

He has worked really well in making everyone hate Ling Fei, but, if he decided to take hostage, wouldn’t that make his fodder?

A villain holds heroines and a hero comes to save the beauty.

With that, the hero is praised and the villain is seen in a bad light.

‘ Should I Run? ‘ Bai Lung thought.

If he can’t hurt the enemy how can he even win? He has just wasted a powerful treasure ( Trail card ) for nothing.

It’s not that, he is weak, but this treasure is truly powerful.

As Bai Lung contemplated his next move, Ling Fei seized the opportunity to strike.


With a surge of golden energy, he lunged forward, aiming a devastating fist blow at Bai Lung’s exposed chest.


The impact sent shockwaves reverberating through the forest, leaving both of them gasping for breath.

Bai Lung staggered back, clutching his wounded chest as crimson blood seeped between his fingers.

His eyes burned with hatred and humiliation, Bai Lung vowed to fuck his mother as hard as could.

The next moment, Bai Lung’s vitality was rapidly absorbed by the artifact.

He could feel the energy from his body being absorbed by the green pearl in some kind of mysterious way.

His vision blurred… Soon all he saw was darkness, he couldn’t feel his body, it felt like he was in a sea… The gentle water surrounding his body from all sides gave a warm yet familiar feeling.

He was inside his own sea of consciousness, his body emitting a dark sinister aura.

He could feel the sea slowly drying up, he was rapidly dying.

He just lay there while enjoying the last moment of his death, wondering why he lost despite him having the upper hand, superior cultivation, and better martial arts technique.

[ Ding! Hang on Host! I will have you right away, ]

Hearing this, he didn’t know what to feel, he felt a little happy and relieved.

Just then,

Is this it? Have you given up?

Are you already tired? Hahaha- I expected more from someone who bears my power.

A deep red shone in front of Bai Lung,

Feel the nothingness in your heart, follow the shadow, you don’t need to rely on strange things… Follow your mind.

Hearing this, Bai Lung felt a little unknown kind of emotion, his face was literally distorted in confusion.

‘ Follow my mind? ‘ Bai Lung was confused.

Umm! Hmm! Do you know why died like a pathetic ant?

‘ No… ‘ Bai Lung said.

Because you ignored his halo, remember, no matter how strong you are, someone with a greater halo will always beat you even if you are stronger than them.

When you fought him, your real enemy wasn’t him nor the treasure in his hand, it was the heavens.

When dealing with the protagonist always make sure to drain their luck, otherwise, you can never win against them. There will always be something protecting them.

Now then, that’s 1 minute see you next time.

‘ W-Wait… Who are you? ‘

I wonder who.


” Woah! Is that Ling Fei? Since when did he become so strong? ”

” No, he didn’t become strong… It’s the treasure that helped him, ”

” Oh my god, such profound treasure that can withstand even supreme powerhouse without batting a sweat, no wonder, Ling Fei was hesitant to hand it over, ”

” For real, I wouldn’t have handed it too, how can such a treasure be returned, ”

” Good job, Ling Fei, you have made our sect proud, with this, we are sure to win the empire’s sect tournament, ”

Suddenly everyone began to chant for Ling Fei, the world is a cruel place, winner takes all,

Ling Fei might have stolen the treasure but it belongs to him now, because he has proved his worth.

Things were clear, nobody wanted to mess with Ling Fei seeing his strength, however, just then a strong pressure hits them all.



Bai Lung’s lifeless body woke up with powerful energy.

He had self revived his body since he was currently in soul wondering realm, where his soul could be separated from the body.

Not only could the soul be separated, but the soul even could use the Qi to heal your own body in case of serious injury and death.

The people above or in soul wandering realm could revive themselves or could create a new body to live in.

” Impossible – the senior is still alive, ”

” It’s all Ling Fei’s fault, he wants us all dead, “

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