Chapter 108: The Sect!

” Ughhh… The smell of the sect stinks, ” Bai Lung uttered.

As much as possible, he really doesn’t want to be in this sect either of and do some sect quest and earn some points so, he could increase his disciple ranking.

Disciples are ranked as; Outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and Holy disciples.

Outer disciples are disciples taught or mentored by saints & saintesses ( Lower teacher ).

Inner disciples are disciples taught or mentored by elders.

Core disciples are disciples mentored by great elders and Holg disciples are disciples personally mentioned by the sect master.

Currently, Bai Lung is an Inner disciple however, his strength is the same as the Saint or saintess.

[ Ding! Host… You haven’t done anything to your master, please fuck her soon. Otherwise, the system will remove the task and you will miss the opportunity to obtain Buddha body physique ]


Bai Lung’s eyes slightly frowned while the corner of his lips curved upwards.

That’s right, he hasn’t done anything to his master.

His sexy master must be waiting for his cock, saving herself, however, shaking his head he focused on the reality.

‘ Ahem* Ahem* I will do it sometime, later on, how much time do I have? ‘ Bai Lung said in his mind.

[ You have 1 week left ]

[ As for Ruo Guo, you have 2 weeks left ]

[ As long as you even kiss your master, you can increase the time limit of the task by e days ]

‘ Oh! ‘ he raised his left eyebrow slightly upwards.

‘ Sounds good! ‘ he thought.


” From now on, you two will be staying here, this is my residence… ” Bai Lung said while he looked at his place handed by sect.

It was an ancient building with a pagoda style, however, it wasn’t cleaned for a long time.

The strong dirty scent fills his nostrils… He couldn’t believe this was his residence.

Well, he rarely visited the sect and even if he did, he just used to come for some events to show his face, nothing else.


Rubbing his palm on his forehead, he sighed helplessly.

It was his weak days where he always chose peace over violence but now… Fuck the weak. He will torment everyone.

” You two… Clean this place, I haven’t visited here for a long time, grass has grown long and dust has accumulated, ” Bai Lung ordered with his cold voice pointing his finger at Luna and Lina.

” Uhmm! ”

” hmmm! ”

They both politely nodded their head while they glanced at each other.

” Good! Make sure to clean it thoroughly until it shines before I return… ” Bai Lung uttered while he left to go somewhere else.

He was going to the visit sect shop, he has accumulated lots of points over the years but now he can use them to buy some necessary items so, he could build a Qi Gathering Array in his residence.

As Bai Lung left, both mother and daughter looked at each other.

” Hmm… Young Master must be really happy with our service, he brought both of us to this sect, ” Luna said while looking at her daughter.

” Uhmm! ” Lina just nodded her head with a blush while her gaze went towards the building.

” I think we should focus on cleaning now mother, I think we have to work hard tonight… ” she said with a small voice while her face turned deep red.

” Hmm! Hmm! Don’t tell me you are anticipating young master to do something to you… ” her mother teased her.

” N-No… I believe your master doesn’t find me that attractive for him to aoend time with me on a daily basis, ” she speaks while she lowered her head and clenched her fist.

” Sigh! Don’t be like that… If you were like me, already used and old then, young master wouldn’t look back at you… But you are different, you are fresh and young, Young Master will definitely play with you often, ” Luna said while she patted Lina’s shoulders.

Hearing this, Lina’s sweet lips curved slightly forming a gentle warm smile while she nodded her head.

With that,

Luna and Lina stepped out into the courtyard, surveying the daunting task ahead of them.

The overgrown grass had reached their waists in some areas, creating a dense jungle-like atmosphere around their master’s residence.

” Well, let’s start with clearing this mess, ” Luna said, grabbing a large grass cutting scissors from her storage ring, handed to her by Bai Lung.

She was really happy to receive this as a gift.

With that,

She began cutting away at the tall grass near the entrance, while sweats were beading on her brow as she worked tirelessly to restore order to her new surroundings.

Meanwhile, Lina cautiously made her way around the areas of the building, searching for any hidden dangers lurking among the tall grass or similar things such as poisonous weeds, some small animals etc.

As she moved deeper into the wild grown grass, she stumbled upon a nest of venomous snakes coiled together beneath a cluster of vines.

Hisssss~ hisssss~

Stunned by her intrusion, one snake lunged forward with its fangs bared.

” Oh no! ” Lina gasped, leaping backward just in time to avoid being struck by the deadly serpent.

The next instance, she pulled out a machete from her space ring that was also gifted by Bai Lung and slaughtered the family of venomous snake.

” hmph! ” she hmphed looking at the audacity of a cheap snake that dared attack her.

With that, her focus was on the building where dust lay flat.

” I have to clean it up before young master arrives, ” she muttered in a low voice while she pulled out a broom.

Luckily she had placed some chore items for her role.

Sweep~ Sweep~

As both mother and daughter were in their duty, suddenly a group of men arrived at the scene.

” Hehe… Two beauty, tonight my bed is destined to be warm, ” a man with a sharp long nose said while he lustfully licked his lips.

Judging from his clothes, he seemed to be a rich young man.

” Hmm! All of you go and bring those two to my bedroom, ” the young man ordered to his minions who were following him.

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