The Love of a Lycan



The heart of man is very much like the sea,

it has its storm,

it has its tides,

and in its depths,

it has its pearls too.

-Vincent Van Gogh-


"I love you my angel." Torak kissed her head as the smell of her shampoo invaded his senses from her silky hair.

Torak could feel she hugged him even tighter as she didn't know how to respond to his confession, and he caressed her back to reciprocate it, he couldn't possibly hug her tighter than this as he afraid he could hurt her.

However, he said those words only to let her knew how much she meant to him, not to hear it back. As Raine often undervalue herself, it was something that Torak needed to work on.


Suddenly Jack's voice echoed in Torak's head as he tried to mind- link him. Torak didn't change his gesture, keeping Raine in his arms. 'What is it?'

'Miss Serefina is back and now she is really mad because she knew that I have taken Luna away from her protection to meet you and now she is coming to us' Jack reported hastily.

Jack almost turned deaf when Serefina exploded through the phone, he was seriously considering to find out if curses could work through a phone call. An angry witch wasn't something that one could trifle with.

Torak rested his chin atop of Raine's head as he replied. 'Let her come'.

In the other side, Jack stared at the five lycans, which had followed Torak to reach this spot. Would it turn to be a show of power?

Inside the car.

"My love, I want you to stay inside the car, no matter what you hear don't come out before I said so, alright?" Torak told Raine calmly, so she didn't worry.

"What happen?" Raine raised her head and looked at Torak with her big obsidian eyes.

"Serefina will come and have some discussion with me." Torak said, smiling at his little mate. "Apparently she doesn't quite like the fact that you come to see me."

"I shouldn't come to see you…" Raine mumbled with regret. "Serefina had warned me about this…"

Torak tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears. "If you don't come to see me, then I will be the one who come and see you, this is one way or another." Torak shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly, when he was with Raine, his dominant aura wore off and only left him with his detached attitude for those people other than his mate.

"Will she… scold you?" Raine looked for the right word to say and couldn't find the word that could suit her question.

Torak chuckled upon hearing her question. "I think she will, but she will know when to stop from imposing my limit further."

Along with that words, Torak could smell Serefina's scent, she was near.

"She is here." Torak informed Raine and he could feel her body stiffened. "Everything will be alright my love, trust me." He kissed the tip of her small nose before he released her body. "Stay here."

Torak stepped out of the car and mind- linked Jack. 'Stay inside the car'

'Yes Alpha' the sound in Torak's head replied.

From afar Torak could see a red Chevrolet speeding fast toward him, even from the way the driver drove the car, one could say that they were very angry.

The car stopped two steps away from Torak with the deafening screeching sound, the five lycans stood and snarled in front of Torak, positioning themselves between their Alpha and the mad driver.

Meanwhile three or four people around them seemingly didn't bother with the way the red car almost hit someone as if they didn't aware about the scene, which was happening not far from them.

Serefina must have done something about it.

From inside the car, a woman with short curly fiery red hair stepped out and slammed the car door with so much violation. She glared at Torak with her lime green eyes, sending hatred passed through the five lycans between them, ignoring their warning to step back.

"I have told you to stay away from her!" Serefina yelled at Torak and stopped walking closer when one of the lycan stepped forward and showed his canines.

"Oh, come on!" Serefina sounded frustration and incredulous with the way the lycan was threatening her. "You must be kidding me." She waved her hand.

With a sudden whirl, the lycan was thrown out of the way and flew a few meters with his four legs flailed in the air, before he landed on the ground and bent his body, ready to lunge at the witch as his eyes turned red. Livid.


Torak's voice echoed in the other lycan's head and even inside Jack's head as he whimpered.

"Are you hurt?" Raine looked at Jack closely with frown, but Jack just shook his head and smiled reassuringly.

Not many witches could stop an angry lycan, but of course Serefina not only a mere witch. She was more than capable to do more than that.

Outside the car the five lycans whimpered and stepped back, but their eyes still locked on Serefina every movement.

"Good decision." Serefina nodded with satisfied even though she couldn't hear the mind- link between the lycans. "Now…"

"If you come only to warn me to stay away from my mate, than you can save you breathe." Torak cut off Serefina's word icily.

The witch indeed had told him to not meet Raine for some time, but Torak had never said that he agreed with that. Serefina only created her own assumption.

"Don't you understand why you can't meet her?!" Serefina hissed as she took a step closer. "Which part of my explanation that you don't understand?!"

"Which part of your requirement that is happening now?" Torak answered Serefina with another question. "She is not in my territory. I have been away for days from her and she is under your surveillance."

Serefina had said before, because of Raine's weak spirit, she couldn't be near Torak or other lycans for long time as it could drawn her energy and made her condition became worst.

However, Serefina had brought her away from Torak's territory and other than those lycans and werewolves, which came with Torak, they would barely find one, thus Serefina couldn't justify her reason for this.

"I have told you, she needs to focus on her training!" Serefina said through her gritted teeth, she shot dagger at the Alpha without equivocation. "And you always on her back and call will not help at all!" The witch tried to make Torak saw her point desperately.

"What are you trying to say Serefina?" Torak was squinted his eyes. "Are you trying to separate us?"

"Do you want to know the truth?" Serefina crossed her slender arms in front of her chest, she looked s.e.xy and seductive when she did so, especially with her flamboyant style. "You can go to hell with the mate bond between you and her!" She jeered with derision.

In a blink of an eye, Torak's eyes turned black as he said in low and dangerous tone. "You don't know what hell looks like witch!"

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