Clouds, lighting angle, halo, sound effects, and walking on air... Good. It seems there are no problems for now.

Well... it might be a bit excessive, but Namgung Jin thought such theatrics were necessary. All sorts of dazzling special effects surrounded him.

Namgung Jin maintained a solemn posture as he slowly walked across the sky, stepping on force fields.

Being young, he needed such a weighty, dramatic entrance to rebuild his clan. The reason he employed all these devices was that he needed to remain as a 'legend'.

He needed to show people. That the Namgung clan had a martial artist beyond the heavens supporting it.

Honestly, he felt a rush seeing the Murim Alliance warriors gaping in astonishment...

This should be talked about for a long time to come.

Without a myth on par with Seniors such as the Sword Immortal Lü Dongbin or Wudang's Zhang Sanfeng, rebuilding the Namgung clan might be impossible.

In the future, couldn't he position himself as a Hidden Master, leave the administration to proxies or the Alliance, and just be a strong background support?

This was the result of that thinking.

The martial artists were so shocked they couldn't regain their senses, and the same was true for the Murim Alliance Leader and Elders.

It was an era where people would make a fuss about the Thunder God or Dragon God even if a mere thunderstorm passed by.

Hmm. If I didn't have the [Integrated Dimensional Community] either...

The world truly was vast. To think that he would be able to show such impossible miracles without any effort.

Namgung Jin resolved to make good use of new knowledge to avoid becoming a frog in a well.

Long live the Oradge, long live Gacha.

After finishing these trivial thoughts, he looked down at his opponent.

Surprised, aren't you?


But that thought was short-lived.

The reaction didn't seem to be what he expected at all.

What's this?

The red armor was tilting its head quizzically. The opponent held a chipped iron sword in their dark red armor.

What is this? This uneasy feeling.

Namgung Jin carefully descended, step by step as if walking on clouds, while closely observing the opponent. His eyes, hidden by the bamboo hat, busily scanned the other person.

What on earth is this?

He was puzzled.

Something seems familiar... Hmm. It's on the tip of my tongue... Something that would be terrible if I don't remember...



His theatrics almost shattered completely. It was because an assumption that absolutely shouldn't exist, that didn't make sense in the first place, had popped into his mind.

No way... No way. No. Nah. It can't be. Haha. Impossible.

Namgung Jin looked at the opponent again with trembling eyes.

It can't... be...!


"Noonim!! Your unworthy disciple Namgung bows to the great Noonim!!"

The flustered Gungjin, no, Namgung Jin, hurriedly turned off the staging devices and rushed towards the opponent as if about to fly. He was so flustered that he didn't realize he had actually amplified the mist, sound effects, and halo effects instead.

The mist exploded, light flashed, and a piercing ringing filled the hall.

Rumble- Rumble-

Thunder struck and clouds surged, splitting the sky before rejoining, as if showing an apocalyptic scene.

However, this was only how it appeared to others. In Namgung Jin's eyes, he only saw the red armor.

"Ahhh! Noonim!"


"Yes! That is right!! It is me! Me! 'JinNotGungjin'!"

Namgung Jin felt a chill the moment he approached her, but regardless, his joy was even greater and he approached happily.

"Ahhh, I did not recognize you, Noonim!"


Namgung Jin broke out in a cold sweat.

You idiot!

There was a part in the banner video at the Premium Store where the armor of 'DevilKingVirdel’ was briefly shown. Of course, he wasn't certain. At that time, he was so focused on the gacha that he didn't have time to look at the video carefully. He had only glimpsed it in passing.


What if it was real? If there was even a slight possibility, the proper thing to do was to bow his head immediately.

Moreover, there are rumors that all the Moderators are favored...!

No matter how he thought about it, prostrating himself was the best option.

Recently, he might have been strutting around in Murim thanks to the Gacha Store, but considering the scale of the Integrated Dimensional Community, he was nothing more than a day-old puppy.

Especially when it comes to the Administrator and the Moderators...!

Namgung Jin remembered.

The fate of someone who had almost provoked the Oradge and nearly crossed the Sanzu River not long ago.

-Author: FlameYongYongie

-Title: Come here! Come at me! Oradge!

Dimensional magic? Oradge? I dare you. Try me.

ㄴLOL goodbye

ㄴseems like this is the end for u bye bye

ㄴthis guy doesn't seem to understand the situation yet LOL take down the post, kid. you'll end up dead at this rate.

ㄴ(Cosmic Emperor): Nuclear launch detected.



ㄴ(Cosmic Emperor): I sent a little gift :)

Apparently, he sent a small, eco-friendly one.

The follow-up post by 'FlameYongYongie' shocked many people.

In the uploaded picture he shot for proof, saying he almost became a fire chicken1, there was a huge creature, charred and covered in pus, bowing deeply. Around the ruined surroundings, hot winds were swirling and red thundershowers were spreading.

Moreover, this creature was said to be a Red Dragon that governed fire.

In the community, however, there were actually a flood of comments who praised him.

ㄴiyaaa holyyy you survived. well done, our YongYongie.

ㄴThat's a whole different league. You withstood that with your bare body?

ㄴ(FlameYongYongie): Almost died lol

ㄴnah that’s some extreme sports right there

ㄴif that's supposed to be small, I wonder what's big

ㄴNow it seems even the Oradge is enjoying it. If you beg properly after being beaten up a bit, he forgives you LOL

ㄴbut you need to know where the line is. if you go too far then there’s no hope for you.

ㄴfrfr LOL i know because ive experienced it heh

ㄴHow do you know that?


Anyway, Namgung Jin didn't want to go against her at all, regardless of their acquaintance(?).

Vibroblade? SSR? What use was that?

He was simply not in the same league as such veterans or experts.


She was pondering something with her head slightly tilted. Namgung Jin started to panic when there was no response from her.

"Um... Teacher?"

Namgung Jin rolled his eyes, showing a conflicted light, but soon his eyes cleared as if he had made a decision.



"Is there any need for you to dirty your hands, Noonim?"

Namgung Jin's eyes hardened resolutely.

"Leave it to me. I shall sweep away all those arrogant ones!"

Namgung Jin pulled out something black and heavy from his chest.

[Satellite Bomber TBR-32 (SSR)]

It was an SSR-Grade Long-Range Bomber Signal Device.

"I will burn them all to ashes so they can never rise again!!"

As far as Namgung Jin was concerned, as long as his opponent wasn’t the Administrator and the woman before him, he wouldn't fear even an army of 1 million from the Imperial Army.


Finally, she opened her mouth.

"I was planning to clean up about half and leave... But it seems that will not be necessary."


He soon realized that he had almost been 'Thanosed', if speaking in Community terms.

Namgung Jin felt cold sweat running down his back. Her mechanical voice sounded like the voice of the King of Hell, Yama.

"I'll leave this side to you."

"Ah! Noonim!"


Fortunately, she didn't seem to have any particular hostility. However, Namgung Jin’s eyes wavered, before asking carefully.

"By, by any chance, have you joined the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult...?"


"Ah, I didn't mean joined, I meant to ask where you shall be staying!"

Namgung Jin quickly changed his words, sensing that she seemed somewhat displeased.

"I was planning to rename it to the Galactic Divine Cult and make some changes."


Galactic Divine Cult? Where did that come from so suddenly? Ah... Well, I guess there was a culture of deifying the Oradge in the community.

Namgung Jin's mouth watered.

This is surely a jackpot. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Namgung Clan to soar!

"Noonim!! M-Me too! No, I mean, if you would accept our Namgung Clan into the Galactic Divine Cult, we would serve day and night, engraving such loyalty into our bones and crushing our bodies in gratitude!"

Namgung Jin shouted as if he was about to bow down right then and there. She hesitated a little at this.

"...That side needs to be dealt with first."

Namgung Jin nodded, engraving her words in his mind.

"Yes! Noonim! I understand. Proving myself comes first, of course!"

Although Namgung Jin had taken it a bit too enthusiastically, she gave up on explaining in detail. She wanted to return quickly and research the 'Sacred Flame'.

"See you again."

Virdel left after saying just those words.

Namgung Jin watched until she left and then turned around. His eyes were burning like an active volcano.


Originally, those who have are the masters. It's the truth that with power and money, nothing is impossible. With overwhelming power and money, politics might not even be necessary.

If politics were needed, wouldn't that mean power and money were lacking?

Haha. If Noonim wishes, I'd gladly become an Overlord.

Still, let's see... A medicine that extends lifespan by 10 years and...

Moreover, Namgung Jin had accumulated various rare items through Gacha, including even medicines for incurable diseases.

Namgung Jin, who returned through the apocalyptic mist, steeled his resolve as he looked at the Murim Alliance warriors.

From now on, I will preside over the Murim Alliance, the Orthodox Faction!

Namgung Jin's will seemed to pierce the heavens.

Afterwards, there was naturally no small amount of resistance from the Orthodox Faction, but that didn't last long.

When news spread that she had annihilated the union of the Unorthodox Faction, the Evil Path Alliance, on her way back to the Demonic Cult, everyone fell as silent as a mouse. They all kept their mouths shut and watched carefully.

To have a leader like the Intangible Divine Sword? One who faced the Demonic Cult Leader alone? The same Demonic Cult Leader who had single-handedly annihilated the Evil Path Alliance?

Ah, what more needs to be said?

Everyone held their breath and just watched cautiously.


Meanwhile, Karlstein made a strange expression when he heard the news of the 'Galactic Divine Cult'.


-It is quite old-fashioned, but still a sure means of governance.


It was one of the methods Karlstein had used in an attempt to gain Karma. However, he had abandoned it because it wasn't as efficient as he thought.

For him, there were countless paths he could choose without necessarily using religion as a means.

It might be different in other dimensions, though.

"I might as well provide some moderate support."

No one knew how much impact Karlstein's 'moderate support' would have on the Murim of Jianghu.

-Anyway, please take a look at this instead.

They were currently focusing a bit more on another matter.

The screen Aria brought up showed data with complex figures.


-Yes. The experts' opinion is that it's closer to a Cerebrate rather than an organism or something with material characteristics.

Karlstein's eyes filled with curiosity.


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