Chapter 20: Rumors

→ Rumors ←

The community was abuzz about the ‘Point System’.

-Title: Baldmen. Is He God?

?Seems like a god who’s crazy about capitalism.

?LOL I’m speechless.

?why bring filthy capitalism all the way here!

?(DevilKingVirdel) Political statements are prohibited.

?VIP level… Yuck, fuck.

?mustve been a F2P1Free to play huh? LMAO

?Is it not natural that those who spend more receive better treatment?

?but did he really have to bring that all the way here ahhhh lol

?so, when is the content getting updated?

?Who knows? No one does. Until the Admin who went to work comes back.

?looks like even Godmen cant avoid work LMAOO

?Baldmen. If I have points, does that mean I can finally escape this curse? O’, my Lord.


?yeah yeah whatever u still cant buy it bc u dont have enough karma points lol get fked

?the rich gets richer fucking hell LOLOLOLOLOLOL for the poor who lack, even karma….

?Stop right there. Ningen2means “human” in japanese. Used as a meme in Korea to say, you aint the same type of human as me. If you don’t want to get fucked in the ass.


?If hair loss medication is sold, would it reduce the number of Baldmen Order followers?

?Please. I wish that were the case.

?yeah yeah whatever you need 10 billion for hair loss meds. In your dreams, ye?

?Baldmen. Is that really true?

?you gay mfer… it hasn’t even been released so how would u even know?

?look how pure and naive the baldmen order are LOLLLL is it bc their head is also pure? pure of hair LMAOOOO they get baited so easily

?KEUAAAAAAAAH! I will find you. And I will kill you.

?LOLLLLL it’s scientifically proven that the baldmen order have hot heads… bc u know… they dont have hair to protect them from the sun AHHAHAHAHAHA


?stop making fun of him

Regardless of the users’ reactions, the Point System steadily progressed.

-Title: eh? it’s here fucking hell LMAOOOOOO karma 2712 points. fucking doomed LOL

?Is that a lot? Or a little? Why haven’t I received anything yet?

?seems like it’s rolling out sequentially yep yep

?AOIEGNOAEINGO 2712P? mfer is a goddamn master at that point i only have 172P LOL

?Oh really? Maybe 2712 Points is pretty good?

?Hoho. It appears this lacking Daoist must accumulate some virtue.


?then how many points does mr. lacking monk have?

?Hoho. Thankfully, I have amassed over 200 million points. It appears I have not lived my life in vain.


?200 million?


?fuck me in the ass, then are you saying ive lived my life in vain if i only have 2712P LMAOOOO you motherfucker

?Hoho. First, you must shed that greed and filthy mouth to amass 200 million like ‘me’. Do you not think so?

?isn’t this the same mfer who was swearing bc his sect only gave vegetable?

?look at him yapping LOL seems like he reached nirvana with that 200 million points LMAO

?fucking hell lolololololol

-Title: went to popular posts and got a 1 point increase LOL the fuck is this HAHAHAHA are popular posts achievements or something.

?LOLLLLL time to beg for likes

?Yare yare3japanese for oh my oh my. Looks like a shitstorm is coming.

?mhm. Popular posts are indeed a grand achievement.

?u fag go outside and touch some grass

?i think it depends on whether i can buy something with 1 point

?can i escape poverty with 1 million points?

Contrary to the community experiencing turbulent times, the world continued to function normally. Or at least, that was the case if you could call an apocalypse normal.

“I-It really is true! It may be hard to believe, but it is!”


Yoon Seungah sighed as she looked at the boy opposite her.

How many has it been now?

In the end, thinking it was utterly fruitless, she sent the boy away.

“Thank you! Hehe.”

The boy quickly disappeared with a piece of bread he received for his information, evidently frightened by her and the adult Awakened standing by her, all armed with blades and daggers.

“Hm. Have they all taken drugs? To think they keep saying a plane was flying. It’s been 3 years since the world turned out this way. How would any of them still work?”

“Didn’t some guy say a car was flying?”

“That’s just absurd. Haaaa….”

“What are we even doing here?”

“Just you wait. When I catch you, I swear…”

“Even B-Class Awakened have died, you know? What can you even do?”

“Ah, what? Do you think he killed them with his own ability? He must have had help or he was lucky.”

“That’s true.”

The pursuit team consisted of 3 Awakened, including Yoon Seungah. They were lower in Class and number compared to the previous Awakened that had been killed. However, they were not overly concerned.

Not only did Kim Youngsik possess no Abilities, but the fact that Yoon Seungah was the one to lead the team made them feel even more reassured.

Wasn’t Captain Seungah the closest to Kim Youngsik?

There’s no way they would fight each other. Neither of them have that type of personality, right?

But still, from what I’ve heard… Captain Seungah might draw her sword.

She got a special order from Leader. If she doesn’t want to be chased away with her family, she would have to listen, wouldn’t she?

Doesn’t that mean it’s dangerous?

I mean, if it gets dangerous, we can just run away.


Yoon Seungah could sense what her team members were discussing based on the atmosphere, but she didn’t bother to clarify nor mind them. There was no need to go as far as to explain herself.

And it wasn’t like their words were entirely wrong either.

She forced a neutral expression and proceeded to continuously conduct her inquiries.

Youngsik didn’t particularly seem to have any intentions of hiding his tracks, seeing as there were many witnesses.

However, the problem was that the nature of the rumors were incredibly hard to believe.

A plane?

Zombies being swept away?

Flying lightsaber?

Making Apache helicopters look obsolete?

It was full of extravagant talk, a series of utterly unbelievable testimonies.

Nonetheless, the reason she continued her pursuit was simply because tracing the path of his movements was not all that difficult.

“It feels like no matter how far we travel, it never ends.”

“How much longer do we have to go?”

“He’s gone so damn far.”

“Keep quiet.”

At her command, the two team members shut their mouths. After all, they were only D-Class, whereas she was B-Class.

After warning them, she carefully navigated the streets.

She deemed the area, now devoid of zombies, safe, but still… One could never be too careful when outside the shelter.

Just as she finished her investigations and was heading to a temporary base…


She signaled her team members and swiftly entered a building nearby. With urgent expressions, her team members followed her and hid inside.

She cautioned them, instructing them to plaster their bodies beneath the window.



Someone’s conversation could be heard.

-Haaa. I should have been the one to claim that bitch.

-I think there are a lot of bastards eyeing her up. We got a lot this time, so just pick some other woman.

-Tch. I prefer women who are taken, though. Tying the man up and making him watch i….

Upon hearing their brief exchange, Yoon Seungah furrowed her brows. She could recognize their identities with just those few words.


It was a term for a group of marauders. One wasn’t called a Slater just because they pillaged. After all, they were those who committed horrific acts without any hesitation. Acts such as murder, human trafficking, rape, drugs, and cannibalism. They were despicable beings who preyed on and threatened their own species. Bastards that were beyond redemption. Trash that was beyond recycling.

There shouldn’t have been any Slaters settled in this vicinity, though.

Her expression grew serious. If it were just the three of them, her team might be able to handle them somehow. However, if there were more Slaters nearby, there was no way of knowing what could happen.

-Kekek. Looks like everyone’s living well, even though the world is in this state, huh? There are so many people around.

-I know, right? They’re like bugs crawling out everywhere now that the zombies are swept away.


She suddenly realized what exactly had happened after hearing their conversation.

Most likely… After Youngsik cleared out the zombies, the survivors began to move around freely. And eventually, this would have caught the Slaters’ attention.

Typically, the Slaters wouldn’t dare come near this area, but with the zombies gone, they could easily expand their territory.

As someone who had been captured and was nearly subjected to their cruelty, it was a bone-chilling thought.




Her subordinates, aware of her hatred for Slaters, tried to hold her back. After all, if she went mad with rage and charged out, they, too, would have to risk their lives.

However, their worries soon became unnecessary.

Because they had already been discovered by the Slaters.


“I could practically smell a female here, you know?! How can I just pretend to ignore it and pass by?! Kehahhahah.”

“Wheeeew- Ain’t this a jackpot? It’s two chunks of meat and one woman!”

“Giggle. She’s pretty too, huh? Hahaha.”

Their eyes gleamed with greed as they surveyed those hiding.

The Slaters, who had broken through the door, had ugly tattoos on their faces and wore outfits that barely covered their bodies. Yet, no one could possibly look down on them.


They were as dangerous as zombies, if not more so due to their intelligence and cunning.

Yoon Seungah bit her lip as she realized the aura emanating from her opponents was by no means inferior to her own. Perhaps due to her memories of the past, her limbs trembled slightly.

But that didn’t mean she could just stand idly by and be dragged away by them.

She drew the spear from behind her back and charged at them. Since her team members were only D-Class Awakened, it was crucial that she drew their attention to her. Fortunately, this was inside a building. In this confined space, her team members only had to do their part while she drove the attackers back.

As her Ability was Physical Enhancement, her spear flashed towards them like a ray of light.

Claaaang- Clang!

Despite her assault that was practically a surprise attack, they blocked her with their clubs and machetes.

Clang! Screeeech-

“Iyaaaa, ain’t she a keeper? She’s Physical Enhancement, right?”

“Holyyyy, her looks are top-notch and her body’s durable too? KAHAHAHAHA! What a catch! That’s a two-for-one!”

Although she managed to cut the shoulder of one Slater, they merely laughed it off, actually showing unfazed leisure instead.

I can’t just drag out time like this. Even if there’s a loss, I need to reduce their numbers!

Bracing for injury, Yoon Seungah thrust forward, severing one bastard’s right arm.


But because of that, she was left exposed, thus sustaining a significant wound to her side.



“Kehahaha, my skills ain’t rusty yet, right?”


“You move pretty well, ay? I wonder how you’d be in bed. I’m looking forward to it.”

Even though one of their comrades collapsed, the bastards continued to fight with chattering laughter. She steeled her eyes and charged again. They would never expect her to retaliate immediately after getting hurt!

Now, she needed her comrades’ help. If they could just severely injure one… more…?


“Heh? Wow, those guys are hella fast, huh? They’re running away. Kekekek.”

The two pursuit team members broke a window and flung their bodies through it. freewebnσvel.cøm

Left alone, Yoon Seunga’s mouth fell open slightly in dismay.

“Just let them go. We just need to finish catching this bitch.”

“Yeah and we need to treat the one-armed retard as well.”

She felt a sense of crisis.

Ah, ah….

Was this the end?

Fighting two Awakened of the same rank while injured was too much, even for her. Even if her team had attacked together, it was hard to predict whether they would come out on top. But now, her subordinates had deserted her as well.

Even though they weren’t under my direct command… They were still personnel assigned by Leader….

Right as despair filled her eyes, she spotted something in the sky outside the window.

Buoyant? Floating?

Something was leisurely gliding through the air, slowly approaching her.


It was such an alien sight that she momentarily lost her focus, even though she was in the middle of a battle.


Free to play


means “human” in japanese. Used as a meme in Korea to say, you aint the same type of human as me


japanese for oh my oh my


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