Chapter 311

The sisters-in-law's hands stopped scooping up dishes, and they looked at each other in dismay before looking towards He Zhiran's bowl, which was already piled high with various dishes, threatening to spill over the sides.

Only then did they laugh and return to their seats.

Second sister-in-law said loudly, "Hahaha, look at us sisters-in-law, afraid our two nephews won't eat enough, constantly putting dishes in Ninth Sister-in-Law's bowl."

Her timely words defused the embarrassment of the other sisters-in-law.

He Zhiran was now eating everything given to her. Not only did she finish all the dishes, she also ate two large bowls of rice.

After eating so much, she had visibly gained some weight, taking on a different kind of beauty.

Poor Mo Jiuye, in the prime of his youth, could only watch this feast longingly with a nosebleed...

That night after returning to the space, He Zhiran washed up and immediately fell asleep.

Mo Jiuye looked at her longingly, wanting to touch her but afraid of disturbing his wife's rest. Left with no choice, he could only go to the bathroom to forcibly cool down.

The next morning, Mo Jiuye pretended to take He Zhiran out for a walk. The two went directly to the haunted house at the foot of the mountain.

Nan Rui's carriage contained quite a bit of rations and ingredients. The haunted house also had simple stoves left by Fifth Brother, so mother and son would not go hungry.

The Consort De had regained consciousness but her body was still very weak. She couldn't eat the hard biscuits Nan Rui took out.

Nan Rui was waiting for Mo Jiuye to come and ask him to help buy some ingredients.

"Ninth Young Master, you're finally here."

Hearing him say this, Mo Jiuye thought something had happened to the Consort De.

"Is there something wrong with the Consort De?"

Seeing Mo Jiuye's tone had misunderstood, Nan Rui quickly explained, "No, my mother has woken up, it's just that I don't have any suitable food for her here. I wanted to trouble you to help me buy some nourishing ingredients.

Also, if it's convenient, could you help bring over my mother's personal servant from the largest inn in Yun City?"

In order not to make Mo Jiuye wary, he had ordered his personal attendants and mother's servants to all remain in Yun City.

He had come to Xi Ling Village alone, disguised as an ordinary merchant. Now he didn't even have someone to help him.

Although he had already prepared himself for the possibility of having to do everything himself in the future, after all he had just started and was not yet used to it.

Especially now, he really felt a bit flustered.

Not to mention taking care of his mother's daily needs, he simply could not serve her well enough.

These were all issues that needed to be resolved immediately.

Seeing that Mo Jiuye did not respond immediately, Nan Rui thought he was still resentful about what had happened before.

So he hurried to the carriage, took out the white dove from inside.

Mo Jiuye had wanted to ask Nan Rui why he had brought a white dove to the northwest, but at that time the Consort De's life was in danger and Nan Rui was extremely anxious, so he had endured and not asked.

Now, without waiting for Mo Jiuye to inquire, Nan Rui was already holding the cage and coming over to explain:

"This dove is also considered a gift to thank you for helping me find an expert to treat my mother."

Then, Nan Rui took out two more silver notes and gave them to Mo Jiuye, afraid he would think the previous five hundred taels were too little.

"And take this too."

The reason he gave Mo Jiuye more silver notes again was because he thought of the unpleasant things Emperor Father had arranged when the Mo family was exiled, as well as the schemes his elder brother had done behind the scenes, resulting in the Mo family leaving for exile empty-handed.

Now they had just settled in the northwest, they must be in need of money.

Knowing Mo Jiuye's pride, if he directly said he wanted to help them, they probably wouldn't accept it. It was just right to take this opportunity of asking him to buy things to help the Mo family a bit.

Actually Nan Rui didn't know that Mo Jiuye had changed.

He was no longer as rigid as before, having already learned to be flexible and know when to advance and when to retreat from He Zhiran.

What's more, his wife had saved the Consort De's life. Apart from these silver notes, even ten or a hundred times more would not be excessive.

He took the silver notes with no intention of returning them, focusing all his attention on the white dove.

"Is there anything special about this white dove?"

Seeing that Mo Jiuye did not decline the silver notes he had given, Nan Rui happily bent down to open the cage and took out the white dove.

"Don't look down on this thing. It's that mysterious man's treasure. He used this white dove to send me a letter before."

Speaking of delivering letters, Mo Jiuye remembered what had happened a few days ago. The Southerner who had seized the shipping company said that Si Meng's carrier pigeon was lost, which was why he didn't dare to go back and became the boss there instead.

Could it be that the white dove in Nan Rui's hand was the one the Southerner had lost?

"May I ask, Prince Rui, why are you so certain that this is the dove that sent you letters, and how did you obtain this white dove?"

Nan Rui spread the wings of the white dove while still holding it.

"Look here, there is a golden feather in this white dove's wing.

After I left here before the new year, on the way I saw a Southerner holding a cage with a white dove.

Coincidentally, the dove stretched its wings at that moment, and I recognized it at a glance as the one the mysterious man used to send me letters."

Hearing Nan Rui say this, Mo Jiuye could confirm that this was indeed the dove the Southerner had lost.

Before he could speak, Nan Rui continued:

"At that time I thought this white dove might be useful to you, so I had my attendant rob it from the Southerner.

Unfortunately, that Southerner knew how to use poison. My attendant was unable to catch him.

Luckily, I obtained this white dove."

As he spoke, Nan Rui had already put the white dove back in the cage, then pushed the cage towards Mo Jiuye, signaling him to take it.

This white dove could be a clue for Mo Jiuye to find Si Meng. He solemnly thanked Nan Rui, then picked up the cage.

Thinking they were about to leave, Nan Rui anxiously said, "My mother's appetite is poor now. I hope you can help me buy some nourishing ingredients, and also, if it's convenient, help bring over my mother's personal servant." πŸπ—Ώeeπ˜„π—²π—―π§oπ˜ƒel.𝐜oπš–

Mo Jiuye had no intention of leaving immediately. He and his wife had come mainly to check on the Consort De.

"My wife and I came to visit the Consort De."

Hearing this, Nan Rui hurriedly moved to the side.

"Great. My mother is awake inside."

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