Chapter 605: Entanglement

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Huaiyu tried to persuade him.

“You know Elder Mei’s temper.”

Mei Yanging was on good terms with Old Master Lu. Because he was a few years older than Old Master Lu and had helped him a lot, Old Master Lu had always respected him very much.

This person’s temper had never been very good. After all these years, he had cultivated his body and character, which had gradually calmed him down a lot.

However, without knowing the cause, every time the two of them met in the past few months, he would always find a reason to scold Old Master Lu.

In the entire Capital, there was only one person who dared to do this.

Old Master Lu felt aggrieved, but because he could not find the reason for it, all he could do was silently accept it.

It was not that he did not want to fight back, but over the years, he had always been one level lower than Mei Yanging.

What’s more, even if they did swear at each other, he was no match for Mei Yanging.

That man had already cursed at a majority of the art world. How could he possibly compete with that?

Master Lu grunted.

Xijing University First Affiliated Hospital.

Mei Yanging frowned deeply as Yu Pingchuan and Ning Li stood behind him.

Yu Pingchuan asked, “Dr. Zhang, what did you mean by that?”

Doctor Zhang, who was sitting across from him, sighed.

“The results from the old man’s stomach examination seem to indicate that something is wrong, It’s very likely that he has stomach cancer. As for the specific situation, we’ll need to do another biopsy tomorrow.”

The whole department was silent.

Yu Pingchuan’s face was slightly pale. He had never expected Mei Yanqing to get such a result.

“Why is it so sudden…”

“There are usually no signs during the early stages of cancer,” Dr. Zhang said as he looked at Mei Yanging. “Have you felt any physical discomfort recently?”

Mei Yanqing said slowly, “Not much. It’s just that my appetite has been a little weak and my stomach is occasionally bloated.”

He had only thought that it was because of indigestion. He had not expected that…

“That’s it. But it’s a good thing that you came here early. If you receive treatment in a timely manner, there is still a high chance of recovery.”

As Dr. Zhang said this, his expression was filled with emotion.

“If it had been a little later, it would be hard to say.”

The group walked out of the department.

Mei Yanqing was being quite open-minded.

“Why are you all frowning? Didn’t the doctor say that it’s fortunate that we came early? If I cooperate with the treatment properly, there’s still hope.”

Yu Pingchuan was still frowning.

Mei Yanqing was eighty years old. If he was really diagnosed with stomach cancer, he did not know how much suffering he would have to endure.

“Tl come with you tomorrow,” he said.

Mei Yanqing said mercilessly, “I don’t want to see your dejected face.”

Yu Pingchuan, “…”

Ning Li said, “I don’t have any classes tomorrow morning, so I’ll accompany you.”

Mei Yanqing was satisfied when he saw that her expression was calm and indifferent. He became even more irritated by Yu Pingchuan.

“Can’t you learn from Ah Li?!”

Yu Pingchuan, “…”

Ning Li smiled.

“Teacher Yu is also worried about your health. Besides, you really do need to take good care of your own body. Don’t be angry all the time in the future. Maintaining a positive attitude is also good for your illness.”

Mei Yanqing patted her on the head.

“Ah Li is right! Regardless of what illness it is, this mindset is the most important!”

Seeing that the two of them had said so, Yu Pingchuan’s heart relaxed a little and he happily said, “It’s fortunate that Ah Li insisted on having you come for a physical examination.”

Mei Yanqing laughed.

“Of course, Ah Li is a lucky star!”

Ning Li’s eyelids drooped slightly as she became a little lost in her thoughts.

In his previous life, Mei Yanqing’s health had always been very good, so no one had expected him to suffer from stomach cancer.

By the time they had found out, he had already been in the advanced stage.

This kind of illness was very torturous in the later stages.

Despite undergoing all kinds of treatment methods, Mei Yanqing had not been able to overcome his illness.

Fortunately, it was still not too late to start all over again.

It was now in the early stages. With the medical standards at Xijing University, the hope of curing it was still very high.

She raised her eyes and looked at Mei Yanqing.

“Then you have to cooperate with the doctor in the future.”

Mei Yanqing’s temper was always good with her, so he answered with a smile.


‘The next morning, Ning Li accompanied Mei Yanqing to the hospital.

‘They needed to wait for a few days for the results of the biopsy. This was an extremely difficult period of time for many people.

Fortunately, Mei Yanqing was very free and easy-going, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Seeing him like this, Ning Li was slightly relieved.

After doing all this, she sent Mei Yanqing back to Jinse Bay before rushing back to school.

‘There was a class at 2:30 in the afternoon, so she planned to go back to the dormitory to get her books first.

However, just as she arrived at the dormitory building, she saw a familiar figure from afar.

Ning Li frowned.

Su Yuan had actually found her way here.

She turned around to leave. At the same time, she lowered her head and sent a message to Xue Langlang, asking her to help her bring her books over.

Both of their afternoon classes were next to each other.

However, Su Yuan had already spotted her and hurriedly called out.

“Ning Li!”

At this hour, it was exactly the time when the students with afternoon classes were just about to leave, so there were quite a number of people downstairs.

Su Yuan had not hidden her voice at all. The people around her had heard her call out and were now looking over.

After all, the name Ning Li was now well-known at Xijing University.

Ning Li ignored her and walked forward.

Su Yuan quickly chased after her.

“Ning Li! Wait a minute!”

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other as they felt that this was a little strange.

Yao Mingjia just happened to be going downstairs with a few girls on their way to class. Seeing this, they were all surprised.

“Jia Jia, who is that person? Is she looking for Ning Li?”

“It must be. Isn’t she shouting her name? But why is Ning Li ignoring her?”

Yao Mingjia wanted to laugh.

“I don’t know either. Ning Li rarely goes back to the dormitory. Her situation… I don’t know much more than you guys.”

Even as she said this, her gaze had already swept over Su Yuan’s body.

Although the clothes and shoes were all branded goods, they were all out of season. Furthermore, they did not seem to have been properly ironed or tidied up.

As for the woman herself… She looked very haggard and weak. Her entire body exuded a cowardly and poor aura.

What kind of relationship could this woman have with Ning Li?

She quickly got the answer, because the woman called out again.

“Ning Li! Wait! Mommy really has something to say to you!”

‘When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

This woman… was actually Ning Li’s mother?!

Ning Li suddenly stopped walking. She immediately turned around and looked at Su Yuan with an extremely cold expression on her face.

“Madam Ye, I’ve told you before, right? There’s no relationship between you and me anymore. Your daughter is Ye Ci, not me. It must be very embarrassing for you to have to call out to me like this.”

Su Yuan was extremely embarrassed by her words.

‘The gazes of the people around her made her feel even more uncomfortable.

But now, she could not care about that anymore.

She took a few quick steps and said anxiously, “Ning Li, Mommy is really going to be driven to death by those people! Your brother was expelled by the school and no other school wants him. The only one that’s willing to accept him requires a huge school acceptance fee! If I had any other choice, why

would I come here to look for you?

“Please just take pity on your brother, and help him this time!”

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