Volume 57, Chapter 2 - Doomsday (Part 3)

Pale: Weed-nim, what should we do? The damage to the city will be extensive…

Weed witnessed Kaybern casting the magic incantation mid air through the windows.

The pillars of flames intertwined and swirled in the dragon’s vicinity.

“It’s a frustrating moment, but we have to wait it out.”

Pale: We may be able to halt the incantation if the assault squad is mobilized. It might even change the target.

“We can’t do that.”

Pale: If Morata is struck, the casualties will be far greater.

“Stick to the plan and move accordingly. The assault squad will remain on standby. If we start this war with an aerial fight, our chances of winning will slip away.”

Weed had already considered such circumstances before the battle.

A dragon like Kaybern had various arsenal of attacks and, therefore, he extended the range of variables.

“Still, I feel like we are starting off on the wrong foot…”

It was horrific to imagine the damage that would result from the ultimate fire magic spell.

The damage dealt to the cities already destroyed by Kaybern was beyond that seen in movies dealing with natural disasters.

Back then, Morata was a ghost city, but this time the buildings were filled with players.

- Solar Absolute!

After a short time had passed, Kaybern activated the ultimate fire magic.

The magic that created another sun.

In the sky of Morata, a blazing red sun formed. The air flushed and intense heat shined down on the earth.

The blooming flowers and green grass dried up rapidly.

The streams and riverbanks of Morata also dried up, leaving their banks bare and shantytowns were set ablaze from the unbearable heat.

“Fire! Fire!”

“It’s a fire! We have to get out of here!”

“Run. To the safe concrete building!”

It was a calamity to the players who came to watch from the shantytown.

The houses were set on fire, forcing them to the streets. Most of them were exposed directly to the heat and died.

Solar Absolute!

You are surrounded by the skin burning, choking heat.

Magic resistance is nullified.

Fire damage reduces health points by 1,340 per second.

The damage will increase over time.

Novice players could rarely withstand a regular fire magic spell.

If one moved while sticking right up against the walls and buildings, the damage could be somewhat mitigated, but even so, for players under level 200, to deal with such an attack was futile.


“My body is on fire. I am on fire!”

Too many players were roasted to a crisp out on the streets.

The priests of the assault squad mobilized and only could save a few with healing spells.

Pavo: I tried preventing the fire… but I did not get to the shantytown in time. I’m sorry.

Pavo made an apology on the regional chat.

He received assistance from other architects and players and could therefore spray water and pile sand on vital structures.

The shantytown was better off being left to be rebuilt, hence he did not tend to it, but the houses were the first to be set on fire and grew into a massive disaster.

“Evacuate, we have to leave.”

The shantytown was expected to be safer than most areas for the players.

It was thought to be less attractive for the dragon than other structures, but under the ultimate magic spell that caused damage over an area, the entire town was razed.

The flames engulfed the buildings and grew further.

About 10% of Morata was set ablaze.

Fortunately, buildings in specific areas were demolished in advance to prevent fire spreading to the entire city.

- Humans, let it be an honor for you all to die under my wings.

Kaybern forged a rain of obsidian spears and fired them at the players roaming on the ground.

- Spear Array!

Like a bombardment, the magic spell fell upon the earth.

The black spears penetrated the buildings and roads, pinning down the players and causing their deaths.

“S-Save me!”

“Don’t run anywhere. We must not become burdens to everyone else!”

Chaos filled the corners of every street in Morata.

The players ran towards the city gate away from the dragon. Others ran inside large buildings or slid into the trenches.

Loss of life was common while playing Royal Road, but the dragon’s indomitable presence and magic attacks plunged everyone into despair.

Some were weary of being obstacles in the war and accepted their fate right where they stood.

The black spears continued to rain down on the city.

Pale: Everyone, stay in your positions! It isn’t our time to act yet.

Pale who led the assault squad spoke concernedly on chat.

He, too, wanted to save the players, but he agreed with going by the plan, which was to hunt down the dragon.

Furthermore, the confusion on the streets was too risky for him and his forces to become involved in.

Python: Oberon-nim! Stop Oberon-nim from doing anything!

The dwarf who always wanted to look out for others!

The players of the assault squad grabbed Oberon tightly.

Meanwhile, more players perished.

Buildings crumbled and the growing fire forced the Hermes Guild members out of their location.

There were underground tunnels and trenches, but not everyone was in the position to use them.


“Damn it! Our positions sucked.”

Lancellot came out of the shantytown and looked to his surroundings.

His unit was responsible for reinforcement and ambush, so they hid in the shantytown a bit further down from the rest. The fire got out of control and they were forced out to the streets.

“We are heading to the safe zone. Hurry up and move.”

1,000 Hermes Guild members moved out of the shantytown and proceeded to the industrial sector, but they were caught by Kaybern.

- I see you over there. Die!

Kaybern flapped its wings and immediately began a nosedive towards the shantytown.

Lancellot stared Kaybern down.

“He’s coming this way!”

“Get ready for battle!”

The members spread out and drew their weapons.

Their reaction was extremely quick based on combat experience against many boss monsters, but soon the dragon from the sky swooped on top of them.

- Kraaaagh! How dare you mere humans try to resist me!

The dragon stomped the players with its two legs and swung its tail.

“Kugh. Don’t try to block. Just dodge.”

“Of all times to engage… When we were unprepared.”

Lancellot knew all too well that his unit alone did not stand a chance.

They were bit, stomped and kicked around.

Many guild members were struck by the tail and knocked into the flaming sectors of shantytown.

- Kwaaaaah!

Kaybern spread its wings wide while on the ground and roared as if excited.

“Damn. Things have gone this far and now we have no choice but to retaliate!”

Lancellot’s unit began swinging their weapons and initiated the counterattack. However, each time the humongous dragon moved, they were swatted off their feet to their deaths.

At that moment, Arkhim’s whisper arrived.

Arkhim: I know it’s tough out there but you have to stall and retreat to the Bingryong Square. That is the nearest site to your current location.

If Lancellot’s unit was to scatter, there was no telling as to which direction the dragon would chase. For the guild, the utter destruction of Morata was not a concern, but victory against the dragon was at stake.

Lancellot: We have to lure the dragon to Bingryong Square. Then we leave it to the combat units. That is the end of our mission.

Lancellot encouraged his team and attracted the dragon’s attention.

“Sword of Lightning!”


Lightning branched out instantly from the sword and struck the dragon’s body.

The obsidian, luster scale was ruined with a slight scratch.

- Pesty human putting up futile resistance.

Due to the high endurance and magic resistance, most of the damage was absorbed.

“We have its attention. Attack, but retreat slowly.”

Starting with Lancellot, the Hermes Guild members activated their skills simultaneously.-

“Shield Barricade!”

“The Vigilante’s Protection!”

“Wind Shot!”

The members each used their skills in disposal.

Their attacks that could murder hundreds of novice players flew towards the dragon at once but most ended up being minuscule hits.

- Humans are weak and foolish. How dare they challenge me!

Kaybern stretched its wings and stalked forward.

The ground shook and the burning shantytown buildings crumbled with little effort.

The dragon walked through the array of arrows and magic attacks head on.

Being a gigantic creature, its light walk was much more rapid than a human sprinting.

“What the hell!”

“Is this some kind of a monster movie? How can we fight against a dragon this size?!”

“This is insane!”

The Hermes Guild members activated their skills in fear.

Their weapons and ranged attacks could not penetrate through Kaybern’s thick scales.

After all, they did not act under the reinforcement forces and therefore did not use the Brazier of Sacrifice. Their current motive was to retreat safely to Bingryong Square.

- I will kill you as painfully as possible.

Kaybern chased after them, snatched the members one by one with its mouth, and smashed them into the ground.


The fangs tore through their armor and shields, leaving them incapacitated.

Severe wound!

Venom is spreading through your entire body.

Failure to treat the poison within 3 minutes will lead to death.

The attack was combined with the dragon’s venom, taking them to the brink of death.


The sight of each player being gobbled up by the charging Kaybern was truly terrifying.

The players in its path could not bear witness to it, knowing that they could be next.

“Damn it all!”

“It’s after us, so use your transportation skills!”

“Swift Feet!”

“Dash of Light!”

Lancellot and the other members all utilized their movement skills to run all the way towards the Bingryong Square.

- Die. All humans that oppose me will have nothing but death!

Kaybern slammed the ground with its hind leg and the earth waved outward like tides in the ocean.

- Spikes of Hell!

Thick thorns protruded like walls and punctured the members.

The Hermes Guild members hung dozens of meters in the air, skewed on the thorns!

“Help me!”

“If you remove the curse… I can hold for more than 20 seconds!”

They had to suffer from 5 to 6 different status effects.

Their health points were seeping out every second and they called desperately for help, but the lucky ones were busy running.

“Crap, it’s too powerful!”

The thorns grew outward like a forest and hindered their escape.

Lancelot’s unit was picked off one by one by Kaybern.

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