The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(626) Volume 56 4 - Dungeon of Argoldia (Part 2)

Volume 56 Chapter 4 - Dungeon of Argoldia (Part 2)

Weed was concerned with the difficulty of the quest.

Even with well prepared dwarves he couldn’t advance, hence the iron golem reinforcements were waiting for them.

“Even so… It will at least be fun.”

Weed wasn’t an ordinary dwarf that was discouraged from a bit of hardship in a quest.

He went through all kinds of difficulties with countless adventures across the continent and possessed a vast range of skills.

“The dwarf race quest in normal progression would have been obtained around level 700 to 800. It might have been later than that. Assuming that the dwarves made progress too, they would at most be around mid to late level 500.”

The quest then would have been different in that he would have had to lead the front by himself and push through the dungeon with the dwarves behind him.

“There will definitely be powerful monsters up ahead.”

These dwarves were to be expended on Kaybern. Not one could die in vain.

“Will it really be that dangerous?”

Weed felt his competitiveness rising.

In a tunnel design dungeon, the dwarves, with their level of defense, could withstand just about any powerful monster.

It was dangerous but not to the extent that they would die instantly. Depending on how they fought, they could all survive.

“We still have the dragon to fight after all this… Surely all this extreme battling is unnecessary.”


The adventurers that travelled to the Ring of Fire faced the death of their comrades each day.

“This area is dangerous no matter how much caution is taken.”

“Yes, I agree. The terrain is our biggest problem and the monsters are only adding to it.”

The abrupt volcanic eruptions caused the ground to split open and fume unbearable heat.

The adventurers witnessed several dozens of their own burn to death at once, realizing that there was no such thing as safety.

“In regions with extreme conditions, you can survive with proper gear but here, you never know when an accident will kill you.”

“We are going to return. Let’s find any leads in Orcland.”

“The King of demons. Are you going to look for leads on that?”

“Yes. It’s a bit of a goose chase but if we find even the most minor quest, it will be the first lead.”

“We are going to remain here. Landony’s lair is surely around here somewhere. I can’t give up after coming all this way.”

The adventurers formed two groups.

Chase and Spenson.

The accomplished adventurers chose to remain in Jigolaths and continue the expedition. Most adventurers chose to return to the Orcland or Central Continent instead.

The Ring of Fire expedition had been incredibly dangerous except for the land that was connected to Orcland. People died falling in the lava between the land fissures and from falling debris from volcanic eruptions.

Weed, too, explored the Jigolaths in the past, but he only visited the volcanic island in the glacial region.

The unstable tectonic shifts were constant, spewing lava without rest; the earth split apart like grains of sand.

The Ring of Fire was the most dangerous place; it denied exploration.

“So, what will happen to us all who stayed?”

The adventurers that stayed in Ring of Fire opened the map and revised the expedition plan. Even with the deaths of so many adventurers, they explored only 20% of the location.

The rest was extremely dangerous to approach or access was prevented altogether by monster nests.

Chase assessed the map and spoke prudently.

“The exploration is being delayed either because we are all being wiped out while moving together or because we are advancing too cautiously. So, how about we explore individually? We can share new information among ourselves.”

“Sounds good.”

“I don’t know which one of us will find Landony’s lair, but let’s not hog all the glory after we all came this far.”

The adventurers commenced their solo expedition.

They took each step with their lives on the line and left behind markings, indicating safety where they passed.



The level 230 adventurer who began in Morata, before the Arpen Empire was established.

“I have to find Landony’s lair!”

Bison, who came to the Ring of Fire, lacked certain skills as an adventurer but burned with passion.

He already came close to dying twice while exploring near the volcano, but he did not return to Orcland.

He fell deep into his thoughts near the flesh-cooking hot river.

“The terrain is so hazardous. The areas I managed to explore just transform because of the eruptions.”

Bison thought that, with his abilities, he would be unable to find Landony’s lair.

The Ring of Fire was befitting of its nickname, the graveyard of adventurers, as it rejected the touch of humans.

“Searching through the entire region will get me killed a million times in a year.”

It was the very reason that so many adventurers decided to turn away.

“If it was Weed-nim… Wouldn’t Weed-nim have failed too?”

Bison was a player who grew his dream by watching Weed in the Northern Continent.

He pondered for a while and decided to reverse the train of thought.

The Ring of Fire was extremely dangerous hence the expedition was delayed.

Adventurers were fearless individuals but none would dare explore an area where a volcano just erupted.

Exploring the surroundings after confirmed safety was quickly overturned by a shift in the terrain or a volcanic explosion, leading to deaths.

“The dangerous areas cannot be explored further because of this. To find Landony’s lair in such a location will cost countless lives.”

Bison blankly stared at a volcano in the distance, erupting.

A volcanic jet that never rests.

The Ring of Fire had several locations that were just radically dangerous to explore.

Lava surged several hundred meters into the air; a dark area where the sky was covered by black blankets of ashes.

“Landony’s lair… Landony is the Red Dragon. Then it would favor the essence of fire.”

Bison was Korean. He thought of the heating mat that he bought for his parents last month.

“Just like how my parents like the warm heating mat, wouldn’t the Red Dragon prefer the same?”

The terrain that was most unique in Ring of Fire.

The mountains with flowing lava, he thought, was most likely, especially the great volcano that erupted frequently!

The most dangerous place in the Ring of Fire seemed to be hiding Landony’s lair.

“Off I go!”


A day later, Chase received a message via whisper.

- Bison: Hello, Chase-nim. I’m at the great volcano.

“I see. You are exploring that area.”

Chase thought it was just a mundane message. For his expedition, he was crafting supplies from the materials he obtained in Ring of Fire.

Crafting many adventure supplies from animal hide, plants, ores and other loots was Chase’s speciality!

- Bison: I got too close to the lava and my body set on fire, haha. The burns are serious and I ran out of water. I guess this is where it ends for me.

“Darn… I apologize for asking you to come all this way.”

- Bison: It’s quite alright. My death this time around is meaningful.

“Did you manage to find something?”

- Bison: Yes. Landony’s lair.


- Bison: I’m going to pass soon so I’ll keep it short. The Red Dragon’s lair is visible. You have to take the path between the lava… I will upload a video on the adventurer’s web page so check it out. I wish you all good luck.


- Bison: It was a fun time on Royal…

That was the last they heard from Bison.

Chase spread the news to all adventurers. They were doubtful at first but soon they confirmed the footage uploaded online.

In it, Bison fled from the monsters and ran while he burned from the boiling heat in the area.

Finally he arrived at the great volcano.

Half of the mountain was covered in dark red lava, a despicable place.

None of the adventurers dared to scout out this location.

Bison began climbing the mountain with just ropes and a shovel.

He kept advancing even when his boots were melting, probably because the situation was too grave for him to stop and recoup.

Like so, Bison succeeded in climbing two thirds of the great volcano.

His health points were at a critical level, but he managed to find a lava cave in the midpoint of the mountain!

That is where he discovered the Red Dragon’s lair beyond the cave, the core of the great volcano.

Chase spoke to all adventurers in Ring of Fire.

- Chase: The coordinates are for the great volcano. All assemble. This is precious information for which Bison-nim sacrificed himself.


Black Dragon Kaybern appeared at the famous trade city Castle Wapen and destroyed it completely.

The Dragon’s Revenge

Black Dragon Kyabern is on the move to destroy all human civilization.

The spirits and fairies are warning.

“Kaybern will head to Castle Mistress in a week.”

Castle Mistress!

According to calculations, the next target should be Morata, the village that became the foundation of the Arpen Empire.

Now that the empire took over the Central Continent, there was a desperate need for more major cities and Morata was a monument of the Arpen Empire.

“Everyone, proceed to evacuate. It’s best that the merchants leave in advance. I expect that you all will have lots of packing to do before all the other players leave.”

Seoyoon overlooked the evacuation in person.

The Northern players did not want to depart from their cherished city but reluctantly escaped through the city gate. However, they did not get far and established a temporary settlement near Ruben river in the north.

There was a massive group of Morata players moving along and so the market and residential areas formed very quickly.

“Forget about other cities. Shouldn’t Weed-nim be protecting Morata?”

“I’m sure he would, if he could. There’s no choice since he can’t defeat the dragon.”

“But he needs to do as much as he can.”

“It does seem like he gave up quite early.”

The Northern players, too, were shaken, slowly developing a public sentiment against Weed’s decision.

It was not just the memories, but also their living space that were going to disappear altogether.

If Morata were to disappear, the trades, production, adventure, religion, security and most of the environment of the Northern Continent would be affected severely, and the players knew about it.

“The North without Morata… I do not even dare imagine it.”

“Could it be that the Arpen Empire is shifting its weight into the Central Continent?”

“I can’t take that. For real… The North is our home.”

The consensus of the Northern players, too, was shifting away.

They willingly rushed out to countless battles, but this time around there was nothing they could do except watch with eyes of disappointment.

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