The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(620) Volume 56 2 - The King of Devils (Part 3)

Volume 56 Chapter 2 - The King of Devils (Part 3)

His reputation and various other requirements were already at such a level where he could accept just about any dangerous quests!

In the past, he was discouraged at the sight of S rank quests.

Now, he could see high possibilities of success with his arsenal of tricks.

Nonetheless, the process would still be arduous.

Weed, slowly and carefully walked through the shortcut and found his way into the crack in the rock where the cool breeze passes.

“There are only a few dwarves that come all this way… Who are you?”

Brockhand was a dwarf with a beard that reached all the way to his knees. His nose was red and held a large, sharp axe in his hand. He was ready to swing down on the infiltrators without a permit at any moment.

“My name is Weedhand, Sir Brockhand.”

“Oh. Weedhand, you say! What in the world… I never thought I would see the most famous dwarf here.”

After he stole the Brazier of Sacrifice from Kaybern’s lair, his reputation had increased by 32,000. The entire Versaille Continent was in an uproar and dwarves in the Thor region talked about it at every beer table.

It was surely going to simmer down soon, but for the time being it was boosting his reputation significantly.

“It takes more than just courage to face Kaybern, you’re an impressive man.”

“I do not deserve your kind compliments. I was just unable to turn away from injustice and lifted my axe.”

“Of course. Do you know what it is like to wield an axe?”

“It is heavy and dense. It is useful for chopping down trees, but best when crushing monsters with power and destructive force.”

“That’s what I’m talking about. Such a splendid dwarf deserves as much of my beer as he wants.”

“Would you be kind enough?”

Weed was securing friendship level all the while.

Drinking beer among dwarves was a great way to become friendly.

One thing to be cautious between dwarves is that when you turn down the offer, the relationship plummets badly.

“You must be on your way to Treestub Village. I know you are busy. Let’s empty one barrel quickly.”

He drank plentifully from Brockhand’s offerings in the rock liquor storage.

- You are slightly drunk from the flavorful beer. The dwarf trait grants increased focus and stamina until you become sober.

All production and combat engagements efficiency is increased by 10.

Recovery rate is increased.

Reduced loss of strength from severe wounds.

< You have tasted Bornyak beer.

Tasting such great beer increased Art by 2.

Dignity increased by 2.

Courage increased by 2. >

< Cooking Skill proficiency is enhanced.>

< Outstanding Insight allowed you to see through 85% of the recipe for Bornyak beer. >

‘Such cool effects…’

Weed was content drinking the hidden beer of the dwarf.

In Royal Road, many thrived by diligent hunting, but there were also those who searched for spectacular scenery or cooked delicious recipes and became powerful in their respective ways. It was about enjoying life.

Though one mistake could turn that life into a lazy and frolic one.

Brockhand laid down his empty glass and spoke.

“Weedhand, are you really going to hunt that dragon?”

“Of course. The dragon persecuted us dwarves.”

Weed lied without a conscience.

“Then I shall follow in your endeavor.”

“It’s too dangerous. There will be many enemies waiting for me.”

“Do not worry about that. This body of mine is old indeed, but if it’s slaying Kaybern, I will fight at any battlefront.”

Hence Brockhand joined as a comrade.

Weed skimmed through his equipment and they seemed to be less than level 500. Even so, his axe and equipment were worn out like they have been used frequently.

Brockhand undoubtedly would have gone through countless battles in his youth.

‘He’s at an acceptable level as a comrade.’

Veteran dwarf warriors were always welcome in any group.

In any situation, they always pulled through despite the costs in beer than they raised.

- Mapan: Brockhand is a dwarf with a sensitive personality… It feels good that he’s joined as an ally. Brockhand has never been a comrade of a player. This is a first.

- Spenson: It looks like the dwarves are joining in on our quest against Kaybern. Normally, dwarfs aren’t such cooperative people .

Weed came out of the liquor storage and walked with Brockhand.

“Look at these prints. They belong to the draconic warriors.”

Brockhand checked out the firm prints on the ground.

Weed had already known from the avian that there were 5 draconic warriors up ahead.

Though he avoided the outposts, there were many obstacles on the way to Treestub Village.

“Do you know how to identify the tracks of the earth?”

“Not in detail. But, the mountains and forest are familiar to me. Draconic warriors have larger and heavier feet than those of a human.”

“Dwarves have feet just as big.”

“We do have such feet, but we try our best not to step on live flowers.”

“That is so.”

“Don’t trouble yourself with them. This place is like my own backyard. The path is blocked for sure, but there is always a way around.”

Brockhand led the way through a crack in a large boulder using his small stature.

“Have you ever swung on vines? We can traverse a long distance up this tree.”

“Hmm. I will give it a try.”

Weed climbed the tree with Brockhand. Then he grabbed on the vines and leaped through midair, travelling dozens of meters each time.

Brockhand who was confidently leading the way lost his grip and almost fell several times.

“K-hmm, high places are sure dizzy. Weedhand, you ride well like the young dwarves.”

“Thank you.”

Brockhand’s guidance allowed them to bypass several groups of draconic warriors.

- I hear something from afar.

- It must be the wind.

- It seems young monkeys are just playing around.

The draconic warriors stood at their assigned positions and patrolled the area. Passing through the tall grass and the path through the rocks was safe enough.

“Whew, we didn’t get discovered.”

“It was possible because of Brockhand-nim.”

“I know, it was all me.”


“Now if we stay in the shadow of the trees and if we put this on, we will be well camouflaged.”

Brockhand’s suggestion was rubbing mud on their faces. Then he stuck a bit of grass and branches between his chainmail and praised himself.

“This is perfect, if I say so myself. Those dumb lizards will never figure me out.”

Weed honestly didn’t think much of Brockhand’s camouflage.

‘I guess it will have some sort of an effect. Barely a difference though.’

An axe sticking out between a tree and the grass!

Even so, the dwarves must always be praised as the best.

“Your hiding skills are amazing.”

- Beakraccoon: A group of draconic warriors closing in fast, 320 meters west. 4 draconic warriors and multiple other monsters.

Weed peeked unnoticeably to the west. There was nothing in sight, but soon the draconic warriors were going to appear.

Brockhand put his backpack on once again.

“Let’s get on our way.”

“Hold on. This doesn’t feel right. Let us wait in the grass for a little longer.”

“Well, if you say so.”

After a moment of waiting, the draconic warriors and the monsters passed by.

“We must find Kaybern-nim’s lost items.”

“We have to get them back, even if it means killing every last dwarf in these mountains.”

“Find the villages with lots of dwarves. They will know where the treasures are. If we don’t find treasures, the dwarves will have to offer their own lives and treasures instead.”

The patrolling dragon soldiers were exchanging murderous conversations.

“Those bastards!”

Weed stopped Brockhand from dashing out.

“They are just words. I heard that the nearby dwarf villages already retreated after engaging with monsters.”

“I must take revenge.”

“There will be a better opportunity later.”

Brockhand was hotheaded like the dwarf warrior he was. Other than the fact that he wanted to pounce whenever he saw a monster, he was an excellent guide.

‘Terrain and scouting. Assistance in both makes it so much easier.’

He moved cautiously nonetheless.

According to the map, Treestub Village was west of Norn Mountain Pass and surrounded by steep mountains.

Thick forests prevented sight of the village from a distance.

Adventurer Chase and many dwarves said that they only heard stories about Treestub Village.

- Chase: I constantly write down clues about quests in my notepad. I’ve heard about Treestub Village 3 times. It’s recorded as a peaceful, typical village where the dwarves reside.

Even adventurers did not know what it was like for certain.

Some players might have visited by pure chance but passed through thinking that it was just another village.

The village served as the meeting point for the warriors when their fates were in danger.

‘Judging by the map, Treestub Village is near the waterfall. At the foot and breast of the mountain I could hide and detour, but where the water is - there is the problem. Typically, it would be full of monsters.’

Weed pondered but came to no solution.

Teleportation and Painting Teleportation was prevented and flight would be discovered by the draconic warriors.

‘Of course that S rank chain quest wouldn’t be so easy.’

Just because the first difficulties had been overcome easily didn’t mean the entire process was the same.

“Brockhand, let us go.”



Adventurer Chase. He who arrived at the Ring of Fire could see mountain tops spewing lava.

Some volcanoes were vomiting lava several hundred meters into the sky.

“Wow… This is truly an incredible sight.”

“It is too hot. The heat is going to melt my face.”

“Put on your fairy windbreakers. The flames will be dangerous from here on out. We have to be careful of the terrain more than the monsters right now.”

The adventurers began the investigation with Chase.

Their objective was Landony’s lair that was yet to be found!

For now, the threat of the Red Dragon was looming; it could invade the Central or Northern Continent after its assault on the orcs.

“K-ugh… This is a perilous path.”

With each step, they sank to their knees in the volcanic ash.

In the sky, strange-looking rock monsters took flight. Some grounds sank and lava flowing underneath was visible to the eye.

“Watch your feet!”


A boulder on a steep area crumbled and dropped down into the distance.

The adventurers had tied themselves to one another and didn’t fall, but it was truly a dangerous moment.

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