The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(617) Volume 56 1 - As The Emperor Wishes Part 2

Volume 56 Chapter 1 - As The Emperor Wishes Part 2

The room was still.

The lords realized what kind of situation they were in.

All they had to boast of was their status.

Real authority, power, fame, cause and the right to rule were all in Weed’s grasp.

There are some that possess many weapons but do not wield them effectively, but Weed wasn’t anything of the kind.

He took control of the moment instantly, a vicious presence that could trampede mercilessly over any who challenged it.

Weed’s wet lips sparkled.

“As you may all know, I have spent all my fortune that I have accumulated since my days of Morata. I have never kept away a single penny while I ruled the Arpen empite.”

He choked in sorrow when he spoke about not keeping anything for himself.

Weed pondered.

‘I haven’t abused anything until now, so why should I be in this pathetic stance?’

If he pulled off a big success, he would have gladly acted more amenably but the situation was different.

“Everyone here has a noble duty to make the Versailles Continent a happier place. Millions of users are observing our words and actions. But compared to myself, what has Harold-nim done for Versailles? What exactly have you done after buying your way into your seat?”

Regardless of how big a mistake or how dark a misconduct one may have committed, the man seemed to have no shame in pointing fingers at the opponent’s mistakes!

It may have worked in the real world somehow, but it wasn’t a method that could work on someone who had both fame and power.


“Don’t just stand there. Speak in greater detail. Let us compare the things we have done, one by one. To see who did better. It isn’t just lords gathered for this conference. There are millions of viewers watching. Won’t they have their opinions about me?”

“I, I…”

Harold was speechless.

After he became a lord, it was true that all he did was boast around and remained half-hearted with his errands. He did order castle wall reinforcements to be built, but spent only a fraction of the city’s income.

If it was Weed on the other side of the scale, the difference was as obvious as heaven and earth.

Weed spoke confidently.

“I make a proposal to everyone here including Harold-nim of Castle Sisley. If you don’t like your seats, you can turn it down. I will refund the duty fees that you have spent already.”

The lord seats rose in worth after the auction was over. The seats of Arpen lords were rare positions to come across.


Harold’s face turned bright red in shame.

At that moment, he couldn’t retaliate at all.

He was secretly attempting to play politics but Weed quickly turned the tides against him and pushed him into a corner. Harold’s cause was overwhelmed and he was defeated verbally.

If he were to stand up to him any longer, he was about to me stripped of his status and kicked out.

‘Give up the position voluntarily? Then I can’t become a lord again… For me to be driven to a corner like this. Is there anyone who can help me?’

Harold looked to his surroundings but the new lords that complained together were now sitting and looking away.

‘He drew his sword too early. He should have known better of who he was up against.’

‘Weed hasn’t committed that crucial mistake, so it was a mistake to dig his teeth like that.’

‘Chatting upfront like that is plain stupid. Considering the popularity, people will be more enthusiastic towards Weed. Not to us rich people.’

‘It was wrong to assume that he would stand down because of the live streaming. Weed is someone who can line up people behind him and take us to the guillotine whenever he wants.’

The lords decided quickly. They also learned of their own weaknesses.

Paying money didn’t put them in power. As far as it went, they were only respected in their own cities as lords. If they stood against Weed, they could be struck down at any moment.

Harold too realized this disadvantage and backed down for now.

“No. It seems I was in the wrong all this time. I have realized my mistakes. I will reflect on myself and make Castle Sisley a better place.”

Retreating at this moment at least spared him some dignity and interests.

His mind was full of thoughts about revenge in the future, but for the time being he acted strategically.

“Let us continue with the conference.”

Monster eradication and the road construction to bridge the North and the Central Continent came up as topics.

Weed started out with a bold stance and the major lords with massive lands followed his will, leading to a smooth conference.

The vital bills for the growth of the Arpen Empire were passed and the conference was near its end. Weed looked to Harold and spoke.

“Something came up in my mind after listening to Harold-nim. I am going to organize an inspection team to overlook the governing practices in several cities including Castle Sisley.”


“I know that many cities weren’t being managed properly. That is why I wish to assess the concerns of the city and offer assistance.”

It was masked as help but promised outright interference!

“Just what are you planning to do with my city?!”

Harold fumed in protest.

Weed pulled out his Loa Sword and placed it on the table.

“If you don’t like that, step down from your position as lord.”


“This is to assist lords who aren’t yet knowledgeable enough to run a city. The good lords won’t have any problems. This isn’t a time of peace but rather the entire continent is in danger because of Kaybern, so we all have to chip in.”

It was clearly a grudge.

Harold thought about giving up his seat, but it was too sweet.

Power was something you could not give up once you’ve tasted it, and he already boasted so much about becoming a lord. The duty fees refund wasn’t the slightest of his concerns.

Weed skimmed each lord with his eyes and spoke.

“You all have a responsibility to make the Versailles Continent a better place. You all pledged to this oath when you signed up as lords. Please put in all your effort. If you can’t, simply step down.”

Not one lord expressed intentions to give up their position by the end of the conference.


The leaders of the prestigious guilds nodded as if they had expected it.

“He got his pants pulled. He got what he deserved, standing up like that.”

“He underestimated Weed.”

“Weed turned Harold’s complaints into a petty act of blaming others, and he established his credit with all his achievements and rolled him over with status. All of this happened simultaneously.”

“He just isn’t someone you can go up against without power andnor influence.”

Roam, Carlise, Michel, Gunter and Sherwood. They assumed that these lords would not be able to cross Weed for a very long time.

This event showed everyone that Weed wasn’t a weak man that would take insults lying down.

“That’s the scary part of it all. Murder would be less traumatizing.”

“Let us not drop our guards, ever. A man’s revenge can wait a decade.”

Michel laughed in response to Carlise.

“Yup. Until the day when we get to compete against one another, that is.”

Gunter rested his hand on his sword and spoke.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

A moment after the leaders disassembled.

- Michel: Weed-nim. Carlise and Gunter are suspicious. Currently they seem obedient under your power, but I am certain that they have ulterior motives. I will keep a watch on them and report to you any strange words and behavior.

- Carlise: Please do not trust any other lords. Only us at Black Lion Guild wish to prosper with the Arpen Empire, but the other lords don’t think as faithfully as I do.

- Gunter: You must keep eyes on these lords. There is traitorous scum among them. That being said, we at the Lion Guild support Weed-nim no matter what happens.

- Sherwood: I was deeply impressed with Weed-nim and your generous rules from this event. I am embarrassed to see that a man like Harold is a lord. Could I do the honors to take him out? I will take care of him quietly and secretly.

- Roam: I can only imagine the struggles you are going through with ruling this empire. All of this wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for you. I have recorded the names of all those who complained earlier. If you give me a slight signal, I will get the deeds done.

They were competing to sweet talk Weed once they were alone.


Bard Ray at last was able to go out on the hunt with the barbarians.

He cleared all the small errands perfectly and a barbarian named Vals invited him on a hunt.

“You’ve finally done it. Vals hunting squad. They are renowned among the village citizens.”

“If I get the chance in combat… The rest is easy.”

Bard Ray was confident in any kind of combat.

Barbarians were quite skilled for NPCs but they were far too weak compared to himself.

‘They are warriors, so I just need to show them my strength.’

Bard Ray thought, and he fought valiantly with the Vals hunting squad.

He urged to hunt one more monster and actively sought for battle.

Though he crumbled under Weed, he concentrated on the battles as if he was proving his name as the God Warrior.

‘So he succeeded in robbing the dragon’s lair? Things are going well for him.’

He didn’t watch any video feeds of Weed, but just heard stories.

When he led at the front of the continent he had felt uneasy about all those that followed behind him, but now he could only feel excitement.

CTS Media and various other broadcasting networks secretly contacted him. Even after his defeat, many were curious about Bard Ray and his activities.

‘I will not appear on broadcast for the time being… Until I defeat Weed and slay the dragon.’

He threw away fame, even glory.

All that remained was his deepest desire to become more powerful!

He thought that even if he were to fight Weed again this very moment, he would have a chance of winning if he sealed away a couple of Weed’s skills but that wasn’t enough.

It was not about determining who was stronger through an exchange of swords.

It was the path to displaying absolute power that all will acknowledge!

‘Weed transitioned into a warrior, so the comparison will be more simple. Power. It doesn’t matter who rules the continent. You can keep it. It is all about showing who is more powerful now.’

Vals hunting squad roamed until late at night. They scavenged countless numbers of monsters and other prey, stocking large quantities of meat and leather.

Vals approached with a water buffalo on his shoulder.

“This is your portion.”

“I don’t need it.”

“You’re not going to take this?”

“Yes. Split it amongst yourselves.”

“… So it shall be.”

Bard Ray did not bother picking up items unless it was a notably advanced equipment.

He already was supplied with an enormous funding and equipment from the Hermes Guild, so he couldn’t care less about picking up miscellaneous items.

Vals must have thought positively about Bard Ray who fought well, as he approached him again at dinner.

“Cooking the meat well after the hunt is more important than anything. This is delicious piece of meat. Do you want to learn how to cook meat?”

“I am not interested.”

“You don’t want me to teach you?”

“I have a bit of interest in learning how to wield spears and axes. Defense skills are good too. I don’t want to concern myself with anything other than getting stronger.”

“… I see. Alright.”

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