The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(467) Volume 49 6 — The Sorcerer of Darkness Part I

?Volume 49 Chapter 6 — The Sorcerer of Darkness (Part I)

“Undead …”

“What the heck…? Their number is huge!”

The users of the Fifth Legion were appalled by the size of the Immortal Legion that had been raised by Bar Khan.

The undead rushed in frantically, having spotted the humans.


“Death to the living!”

“I will end your worthless lives!”

Bar Khan and the undead!

Once the humans caught their eyes during their chase after Weed, they didn’t even attempt to communicate.

“Humans. I am Ulloombo, a Knight from Hell. I welcome you into our ranks.”

“Begin the assault of destruction.”

The phantom steeds on which the Doom Knights were riding spread out and began their soundless charge into the enemy camp. Following behind them were a great number of Death Knights and skeleton soldiers, and there were also large undead demonic creatures, once of the Shadow Army of Palma, shaking the ground in great rush.

Karstein, the Commander of the Doom Knights, raised his broken sword and cried out, “The Legion of Immortality! Charge!”


A cursed purple aura covered the Immortal Legion; this effect alone was enough to grant the undead army improved speed and ability to steal life force.

“What?! You mean Weed has appeared here? “

At that moment, Legion Commander Bucking was contacting the heads of the guild.

As they didn’t receive the news about the Shadow Army of Palma until late, He had only now realized that the lich who had just passed through their camp was in fact Weed.

“Unbelievable. And we just let him go?”

Bucking was groaning with regret, but the assaulting Immortal Legion was already right in front of him.

“It’s too late to avoid the fight. We’ll just have to fend them off with all we’ve got. Place the shieldbearers in front and divert the knights.”

The infantry force attempted to stand their ground, blocking the charging undead. Since there were so many undead mounted troops like the Doom Knights, not to mention the Bone Dragons, they had decided that it would be impossible to flee from them.

“Damn it. Why do we have to fight against those…things…?”

“They say in the Guild Channel this is the Immortal Legion; is that true?”

“What? Surely not! No way!”

Hermes Guild’s members were also preparing for combat, their expressions grim.

“Bring forth the day. When everything you believe in collapses into nothingness. You shall be betrayed by your own kin, and die in pain and suffering. The Rhapsody of Destruction[1] !”

Bar Khan waved his bone wand and chanted an incantation of Black Magic, which caused the specters to scream from all directions. Horrible, nerve-grating sounds resonated far and wide as if a well-trained orchestra was playing them[JO2] . In addition to being ear-splittingly loud, the sounds also made a listener feel heavy-limbed and sick.

You hear the Rhapsody of Destruction.

Extremely weakened state!

Physical abilities will be diminished.

Attack and defense abilities will be weakened.

Resistance against mind-affecting magic spells will be lowered, and all stats will be reduced by 22% or more.

6,492 points of life force will be lost per second.>

The cursing spell of Black Magic using the undead. The Imperial soldiers could not bear it; they were quickly succumbing to death, their bodies collapsing like a surging wave.

“We shall grant you the glory of Immortality!”

“It is the order of Bar Khan-nim. Be grateful, you living things.”

The Doom Knights pierced through the barriers set up by the shieldbearers of the Fifth Legion with sheer force. The soldiers who were crushed by the powerful charge flew all over the place and lost their lives.

“The shieldbearers have been neutralized!”

“Stand closer together! Stop them using whatever skills you have! We were in the middle of a march; if they manage to reach our base, they’ll ruin everything.”

The Doom Knights penetrated the camp of the Imperial army. Even when they were interrupted by spearmen and shieldbearers, they pushed forward to the last of their strength. They drove their swords into the opponent’s chests even after losing their heads. Due to the fact that they had an infinite supply of life force and mana provided by Bar Khan, in the end this only increased the number of undead.

“The, the undead!”

The soldiers who had lost their lives were revived as undead. Without any blessing or cleansing spells, the Doom Knights regained their life force as well, climbed back on their phantom steeds.

The situation was already beyond chaotic, but Bar Khan started to utter yet another incantation.

“Offer your feeble life to me, the eternal being. I shall reward you all with an immortal life. The Reaper’s Gift. “

About one third of the soldiers in the Fifth Legion were branded with a vivid shape of a ghost holding a black scythe on their foreheads.

You have received the Reaper’s Gift.

A portion of total life force and mana will be drained every second.

The damage you take will increase when you are wounded.

When your remaining life force gets below 20% of the maximum amount, there is a high chance of a sudden death.>

“Urrgh. Using this sort of Necromancy…!”

“We need divine spells! Get rid of these brands first, quickly!”

The users of the Hermes Guild in the Fifth Legion could not repress their shock and thrill of terror. They had all defeated numerous boss-level monsters before, but they had never experienced such unparalleled power of presence like Bar Khan’s. Worst of all were his unprecedented ability to cast curses over a wide area as well as his absolute dominance over the undead. The streams of life force and mana concentrated on Bar Khan were divided again, strengthening his entire undead army.

With the black and purple aura hanging around their bodies, the undead soldiers were demonstrating deadly combat strength as they fought on, even if they were mere Death Nights. The Doom Knights were absolute overlords of battle, rampaging through the enemy lines mercilessly.

‘Weed really defeated this thing before?’

‘There’s just no way. He is hideously strong.’

‘It is impossible to win against these undead. Even if we kill them, they just get revived again, stronger than before. The only solution is to get rid of Bar Khan.’

Some of the Hermes Guild users realized that Bar Khan was the key of this battle and quickly launched an attack against him.

“Kill him!”

“The Hermes Guild is the strongest of all!”

The Hermes guild users jumped into the fray, shouting dramatically in case they would appear on a broadcast. The undead tried to stop them but they broke through, throwing every skill they had at them; the Fifth Legion had many users who were quite famous in their own way.

“Fortress of Howling Corpses.”

Upon seeing the Hermes Guild users’ bold attempt at attacking him, Bar Khan cast another spell.

The land on which Bar Khan had been standing started shaking, and pillars that were made of countless tangled bones began to shoot upwards, tens of meters high.

Soon, a magnificent hill of bones was formed.

A Fortress of Howling Corpses has been created.

The Black Magic spell that can only take effect through great blood sacrifice is corrupting this land with a deathly curse.

Physical and magical attack abilities of every living creature will be decreased by 74%.

Wailing spirits are roaming about the battlefield, increasing the defense of the undead.

The life force of undead will be increased by 30%.

A deadly plague outbreak!

An unknown contagion will begin to spread, causing symptoms including itching, vertigo, disorientation, headaches, rashes, decay and weakened joints.>

Bar Khan stood on top of the hill of bones about 90 meters high.

“This is just ridiculous. It’s just…”

“Even Weed has hunted down this monster before, but now…”

The users of the Hermes Guild were beginning to despair; in order to get close to Bar Khan, they had to fight their way through the horde of skeletons and the Death Knights, while climbing up to reach the lofty height of the hill of bones. On top of all that, there were the demonic creatures of the Shadow Army of Palma which had all turned to the undead, currently rushing in to fight them. They could even see the Bone Dragons, which had been soaring majestically in the sky, that were descending to the ground.

“There’s just no hope in this.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

Having made a quick decision the Hermes Guild users tried to flee the battlefield; there were still the remaining forces of the Fifth Legion to manage, but Bucking was the one who was in charge of those troops, not them. It was a relatively reasonable choice, except Bar Khan’s magic wasn’t going to let them escape so easily.

“There is no place for you to run. Accept the fate of the dead!”

With Bar Khan at the center, every living creature standing near him was branded with a mark.

Mark of Death!

Bar Khan Demoff, the Sorcerer of Darkness!

He has sacrificed living creatures and dead bodies to complete a spell of Black Magic.

If you escape without killing Bar Khan, your life will end in three hours.>

Although there were records of this spell written in some books about Black Magic, none of the Hermes Guild members had actually experienced it in person.The spell cast by such a powerful sorcerer as Bar Khan would be impossible to cleanse without the help of at least high-priest level divine magic.

“Oh, this is just…okay, now we have nothing to lose.”

“Kill him!”

The Hermes Guild users struck at him again.

“Fight. We can win this.”

Keeping up the momentum, Bucking also encouraged his troops to fight more aggressively. However, more than 15% of the Imperial Army had already turned into undead. They chose to fight because it was impossible to escape, but it only led to constant loss of lives on the Imperial Army’s side. Their despair deepened each time Bar Khan cast another spell on top of his Fortress of Bones.

“Ever-changing flow of mana, hear me; this end of countless lives shall be my offering to you. Now move and realize the principles of extinction and opposition.”

Absolute magical defense: even divine powers and attack spells were now blocked by Bar Khan. The undead were multiplying their numbers even more by devouring the Fifth Legion. Skeletons swinging their rusty swords and corrupted zombies were slowly taking control of the battlefield.

* * *

Weed returned to Morata by Yurin’s Painting Teleportation skill.

“Can I order some fried chicken, Mister?”

“Of course. Just take a seat.”

– The Immortal Army. Bar Khan Demoff! They are incredibly strong!

– A raid of the undead…this is absolutely overwhelming. They cannot win.

Having a cold glass of beer with fried chicken, while watching the broadcast through a crystal ball!

“This is the reason for my life, right here.”

Weed took a big bite off a drumstick.

Quite naturally, every broadcasting station on every channel was either live streaming the Immortal Legion or reporting in news bulletins.

– Even so, Bar Kahn’s strength is just beyond imagination. He absolutely overwhelmed the Fifth Legion without even giving them any chance to properly fight back.

– I think he will easily qualify as the greatest monster that has ever appeared on broadcast.

– It is also not overly strange, considering that Bar Khan has been one of the few forces in history that had the capacity to bring the Versailles Continent to ruin.

– The Embinuy Cult was a remarkable force, too, but the difference between them is that Embinuy was an incredibly vast organization, while Bar Khan is but one man. Of course, this is all based on historical records, so the accuracy is limited.

– It looks like the influence of that holy sword that had been stuck in his chest was very great in the past.

– The holy sword?

– Yes. That seems to be the only plausible explanation. Bar Khan is much stronger than before.

Weed was simply amazed to see Bar Khan smash the Fifth Legion into pieces through the broadcast.

“Necromancers are sure powerful.”

Even between two masters of the same skill, there existed a gap in their capabilities. For instance, two swordmasters would not have the same strength due to difference in their level, stats, and flair for combat. And Bar Khan was not just an ordinary Necromancer master; he was the best of the best.

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to defeat that thing again. I must avoid fighting him, whatever happens.”

Before Bar Khan and his undead encountered the Fifth Legion, their main strength had been their number. They had already had Doom Knights, specters and the Bone Dragons, but the majority of their forces had consisted of skeletons and zombies.

Currently, as the knights of the Imperial Army were turning into undead and even the users of the Hermes Guild were falling to their power, the number of high-class units was increasing rapidly.

‘They can grow into a terrible force if left alone. Something that can threaten the fate of the whole nation…’

A danger level that could potentially surpass that of the Embinuy Cult; it seemed Bar Khan was able to manufacture those boss-level monsters like Doom Knights as easily as canned food, given enough corpses. Without the Holy Sword of Lugh stuck in his chest, it was impossible to estimate the limits to his capabilities in undead summoning or Black Magic.

‘There’s still a chance if we can ram that sword into him again, but who could do that?’

Unless they could start a very, very confused fight, it would be difficult to even approach Bar Khan close enough to put the holy sword into his chest. Even Weed at his prime as the Great King of the Desert with all of the Desert warriors under his command wouldn’t have been able to manage that task easily.

An endless stream of undead, curses, and Black Magic. On top of that, putting down a lich for good was a problem in itself due to its gigantic life force and recuperative power; a truly horrible being.

‘Bar Khan has been revived. Now what would happen?’

He might choose to hunker down in one region, but it was always possible that he would start a campaign for the domination over the continent.

While Weed gnawed at chicken wings, the broadcast program was showing the Fifth Legion being crushed hopelessly and fleeing. They were, of course, heading towards the south where the Haven Empire was. Bar Khan and the undead also started to march towards the south in pursuit of the survivors.

“Well. Since things have turned out like this, I don’t even have to worry anymore. The Hermes Guild will take care of the situation from now on.”

This mayhem was all his own doing, but he was quite relieved to see that others were now going to clean up his mess.

* * *

Bar Khan and the undead, engaged in battle against the Fifth Legion.

The number of Doom Knights alone reached several thousands; it was hard to even count the Death Knights and skeletons occupying the whole plain, and there were none less than thirty Bone Dragons flying in the sky.

“Wow. This is just huge.”

“Amazing. I don’t even know what to say.”

“So we are witnessing the first stage of destruction of the Versailles Continent.”

There were more users gathering to watch the scene from the distance.

The Agoltha Region was at the northern end of the Haven Empire, and crossing a narrow sea from here, one could reach the borders of the Arpen Kingdom. To the east, there were other regions such as Harpan and Ritten which were ruled by the Arpen Kingdom as well. The urgent question now was where Bar Khan and his undead army would head next.

“Do you think they’ll go to the Arpen Kingdom?”

“Surely not…there’s a sea blocking their path.”

“Even so…wouldn’t the undead simply cross it? And the Bone Dragons can always just fly.”

“Hmm. Come to think of it, the skeletons could walk under the sea; they don’t even have to breathe.”

“That’s a bit scary.”

Bar Khan and the undead would keep moving to somewhere, wherever that would be. And the survivors were desperately fleeing towards the south, so the undead were naturally following them.

The crowd was watching them, forgetting to even breathe. The Bone Dragons were soaring in the sky, and the skeletons were continuing their limping march after them.

“Well. There will be chaos in the Hermes Guild.”

“Yeah. They are doomed, pretty much.”

The broadcasting stations were quite bewildered by the sudden turn of events; only an hour ago, it had looked like the combined force of the Shadow Army of Palma and the Imperial Army’s Fifth Legion were about to deal a massive blow to the Arpen Kingdom. Everyone had predicted that even if the Arpen Kingdom won a victory it would have to suffer crippling damage, but now, the circumstances had been completely reversed.

“Bar Khan Demoff!”

“The Sorcerer of Darkness and the Lord of Undead, he has now made his appearance. It seems there is going to be a war against the Hermes Guild!”

The voices of the broadcasting hosts became very dramatic; this kind of development of the situation was what attracted the viewers. When there was such an unexpected twist, the ratings were bound to be high.

“Prepare the broadcast screen! Is there any way we can get a video footage of the Immortal Legion from a closer distance?”

“It’s just too dangerous to get near them!”

“Try offering prize money for filming them. We need to do something!”

The Immortal Legion was continuing their march with an incredible speed; the undead that had been strengthened by Bar Khan’s magic were moving without rest.

And now, they had arrived at the Northern fortress of the Haven Empire!

The Bone Dragons were spraying their breath attacks in the air while the skeletons climbed up the ramparts.

The Haven Imperial Army was a formidable force that had conquered the Central Continent. It consisted of many high-class troops who had honed their skills through countless battles, yet they were being helplessly torn apart by the undead.

Bar Khan roared, standing on the top of the now thoroughly collapsed fortress.

– The immortal life. I will make this entire land know what powerful existence we represent, my Immortal Legion and I!


The skeletons shouted in joy, waving their rusted swords.


As the Immortal Army was advancing southwards, the Hermes Guild entered a state of emergency.

-We are issuing the emergency draft for every guild member who is above level 500.

There was a certain number of personnel required for tasks such as securing public order in the major cities of the Central Continent and fighting against the Arpen Kingdom or the Desert Warriors; and almost all of them were now drafted into the war against the Immortal Legion, leaving only the bare minimum.

There were over 700, 000 members in the Hermes Guild-in just two days, 250,000 users assembled in the Castle of Aren, except for those who could not join them because they were too far away or currently on some special quests. It was the top-level military power only the Hermes Guild, as the one force that had taken over the Central Continent, was able to assemble.

“Bar Khan Demoff: what would be his approximate level?”

“It is impossible to know, but it would be safe to assume that he has the combat capacity equivalent to a level that reaches almost 900.”

“Whoa. That is strong.”

“As everyone here would be aware, the characteristics of a Necromancer make his power dozens of times stronger in an army-scale battle.”

“And the undead, their numbers are increasing every day, correct?”

“Yes. In order to strike any direct blow to him, we need to penetrate his undead army first.”

Even the heads of the Hermes Guild could not hide their astonishment as they reviewed the information on Bar Khan’s combat strength. The sight of the Immortal Army wiping out the Fifth Legion gave them a significant emotional shock as well.

The three major spells: Death Aura, Absolute Magical Defense, and Dark Rule!

The reviving undead soldiers already posed a big problem, but even trickier was the weakening of the allies’ strength through Bar Khan’s numerous area-of-effect curses and draining of life force and mana.

“With more than ten thousands members of the Hermes Guild gathered together…it’s not impossible to beat him, no matter how high his level might be.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“What’s the problem? We’ll stand a good chance if we form a group of shock troops armed with holy weapons that can pierce through the undead horde, although we might have to suffer some losses.”

“Bar Khan is an Arch-lich; unless we first destroy the vessel that contains his unlimited life force, it would be near impossible to get rid of him for good.”

“Where is that vessel then? We’ll have to deal with that first after we find out in what dungeon it is hidden.”

“It looks like Bar Khan is carrying that vessel in his person.”


Needless to say, it was not an easy task to penetrate the undead army to get close to Bar Khan and THEN breaking his life vessel.

“Also, the power of his undead legion is not fixed. Consider the fact that as our side suffers losses of lives, the dead allies will be resurrected as high-class undead and attack their former comrades. The Corpse Explosion spell also deals high damage.”

Bar Khan’s Corpse Explosion had similar power to a high-ranking mage’s Total Combustion [1] spell.

“What if we attack him with divine power?”

“It’s true that the undead are vulnerable against holy water or weapons with divine power. But remember, in the past Bar Khan remained active even after the Holy Sword of Ru had been stuck into his chest.”

“There is no limit to his mana, either. It’s been reported that he constantly drains life force and mana from the surrounding undead.”

“Hmph. Looks like there really is no solution against this monster.”

“Should Bar Khan choose to fight cleverly, it would possibly mean that we might not have any hope for victory.”

The look on the faces of Lafaye and Bard Ray as well as other members of Elite Guards present was becoming increasingly grim as they set up a plan. They were some of the strongest figures in the Versa Continent, but even for them, hunting Bar Khan was a serious challenge.

“I’m afraid this will be very dangerous, with a myriad of potential unexpected variables.”

“Why did this monster have to choose to come here, of all the places…?”

They were beginning to understand why the Hermes Guild issued the draft over the whole Central Continent, even while making some risky choices. And if the Castle of Aren, the capital of the Empire, were to be devastated by Bar Khan after all this, the damage caused would be simply unimaginable. Their Imperial Palace had already been destroyed; and now the Castle of Aren, that had served as the capital for so long, falls under the hands of the undead? How shameful it would be, especially when they were claiming to be the ruler of the Central Continent!

“It is still possible to take advantage of the limits of Bar Khan’s power; the limits of undead.”

Lafaye turned the sheets of paper occupying the entire surface of the wide wall. There were writings such as mathematical equations or records of military analysis filling up the whole space. Although not as extensive as the resources in the Great Library in Morata, the Hermes Guild also kept a separate collection of high-quality information on adventurers or monsters, and through this they had analyzed Bar Khan’s data.

“Our best bet is to concentrate forces that are powerful enough to overwhelm the undead from several directions to break through the enemy lines.”

“Breaking through…that sounds dangerous.”

“Yes. But there is absolutely no point in taking a defensive disposition against the Immortal Legion and Bar Khan.”

“Because of the curses and resurrection skill, you mean.”

“Precisely; this is why we issued the draft over the whole Central Continent. We need to finish this fight in a short time, by focusing the maximum possible amount of force. Additionally, we know that a Necromancer possesses an inherent weakness that limits his abilities: in order to fully exert his power, he must have some corpses as ingredients.”

A weakness of a Necromancer-in spite of having an outstanding damage dealing capacity, an ability to drain life force and mana as well as numerous undead servants, these powers all required corpses.

“With our overwhelming strength, we eradicate the undead horde from outside, melting their bodies and weakening their force, and strike Bar Khan. All of these must happen at the same time, in a flash.”

“Would it be really possible?”

“Yes. In order to resolve this crisis, we’re going to borrow holy relics from every possible religious order, as well as paladins and priests. There will be quite a lot of loss in contribution points, but if we manage to hunt Bar Khan…that would be a big gift for us all.”

Lafaye had made agreements with several broadcasting stations for the live coverage; it was quite a natural step before such a great battle, and if they fought heroically against the Immortal Legion and won, the Hermes Guild would have an opportunity to improve their bad reputation and gain some popularity.

“Until now the circumstances often have placed us on the defensive; but if we survive this battle, the Hermes Guild can seize the initiative again. We will prove our strength, and gain legitimacy to rule over the Versa Continent.”

It was Weed who had revived Bar Khan and in turn raised the Immortal Army. The Hermes Guild users thought that this chaos had all been caused by Weed’s action, and it deserved to be harshly blamed.

Lafaye looked around at the people present for a moment, and turned his gaze to Bard Ray.

“For this battle, I must ask you to take the role of the commander in chief, Bard Ray-nim.”

The top rankers of the Hermes Guild weren’t quite happy with the fact that they hadn’t been chosen, although they thought it was inevitable. This war against Bar Khan and the Immortal Legion had the fate of the whole guild at stake. They didn’t think they would lose, but if things went wrong, the undead would sweep through the Castle of Aren or the center of the Empire; the fame of the Haven Empire would be ruined, and the Immortal Legion might grow into an even bigger nuisance to the point that they would become completely out of control, so they thought it was quite natural that Bard Ray should take the leading role. The top rankers of the Hermes Guild tried to read Bard Ray’s face.

‘We could trust Bard Ray-nim.’

‘Just…how much stronger has he become? He has enjoyed all the privileges of ruling the Central Continent.’

‘His power has been growing all the while, receiving complete support from the Hermes Guild. It has been a long time since he last displayed his strength in combat to the public. Looks like there will be a crazy competition between broadcasting stations for coverage.’


Since the conquest of the Central Continent, Bard Ray had not shown himself in the frontline. He had been living focusing only on self-improvement, and his goal was to become the ultimate God of war, just like his nickname. He was already one of the strongest beings, having had his power recognized by Battali, the God of Combat. But even Bard Ray was more than a little nervous about the coming battle.

“Bar Khan Demoff. This should be interesting.”

The Hermes Guild had decided to face the Immortal Legion in the Valkis Castle.

After having gotten out of the Agoltha Region, Bar Khan and the Immortal Legion had been expanding their influence little by little by hunting the monsters roaming about. As if mesmerized by something, the monsters were drawn to the Immortal Legion passing through the vast plains, only to be killed. Groups of skeleton knights led by the Doom Knights brought corpses from hunting grounds or dungeons, which Bar Khan turned into undead.

In order not to give any more time to the Immortal Legion, which had been swelling in size like a snowball, the Hermes Guild finished preparation as quickly as possible and launched their interception in the Valkis Castle.

Every single broadcasting station was relaying the event, and a large number of users from the Central Continent joined in as spectators.


The Hermes Guild and the Immortal Legion!

For three days, all the resources of the Empire had been concentrated on the Valkis Castle, reinforcing its ramparts and engraving the magic circles. Bard Ray and other elite users of the Hermes Guild had arrived in advance and lined up along the castle walls. As ordinary knights and soldiers of the Imperial Army would not be of much help, they had all been placed in the rear. The mage army and high-rank mages were also on standby only, as they were unable to pierce through Bar Khan’s Absolute Magical Defense.

“So there’s going to be a showdown today.”

“It will be the biggest battle in the whole of Versa Continent.”

The users of the Hermes Guild waited, thoroughly armed with their gears.

In short course, several scouting skeletons emerged in the Gorum Mountain.


“The Immortal Legion is here.”

A moment after the appearance of the skeletons, the high-rank undead troops marched in, covering the entire mountain.

The Bone Dragons escorted the Immortal Legion in the air, majestically flapping their wings of bones.

Bar Khan soared across the sky standing on top of a dark orb.

An Arch-lich leading his Immortal Legion shrouded in a pitch-black aura; he was reproducing the same glorious sight recorded in history books exactly as it had been in the past.

– Humans. I see you still have not abandoned hope.

Bar Khan’s voice gloomily crawled over the battlefield.

– Humans cannot lose hope until they are freed from the confinement of life. Today…I shall devour all your hope. The Immortal Legion, charge!


The faces of the Hermes Guild users turned white with terror as they saw the huge army of undead immediately rush towards them.

The faces of Bard Ray and other top rankers were white, too, although for a different reason.

‘God damn it. I’ve practiced a really nice speech.’

‘I even prepared a song!’

Weed would sing a song when there was a big battle ahead.

Imitating that behavior, they had also practiced some lines and songs that could raise the morale of the allies, but that was all for naught as the Immortal Legion charged straight towards them, not wasting a second.

“I order the entire Imperial Army; begin the war to protect the continent!”

Bard Ray let out a Great Roar. It was a skill that had a similar effect to Lion’s Roar, but affected a much wider area in the battlefield.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

Loud drumbeats reverberated throughout the Valkis Castle to signal the beginning of the battle.

“It has begun. Follow our plan; do not shoot arrows and stay in your positions!”

“Cast protection spells in advance to resist the Black Magic.”

True to its name, the storming party of Doom Knights of the Immortal Legion furiously bashed themselves against the castle gates. The bone arrows of the skeleton archers were also raining down over the ramparts.

Skeletons, dullahans and zombies climbing up the castle walls; all low-rank undead, but once they belonged to the Immortal Legion, even knights were not free from the danger of being devoured by them.

Bar Khan raised his bone wand high.

– Pathetic humans. Behold the Immortal Legion that will grant a new life to each of you.

One Who Craves Despair!

Your mind is sinking into a darker subconscious.

Time to pay for the sins you have committed in your life.

Your mental capacities will be impaired to a degree based on your evil reputation!

Maximum mana will be reduced; knowledge and wisdom will be halved.>

Resurrected Apparition!

You are having a horrible vision.

The ghosts of the monsters or enemies who have killed you in the past have appeared and roaming around you. Before they devour you, you need to defeat them with Bless or get rid of them entirely!>

Uncontrollable Shivering!

Bar Khan Demoff.

You are feeling a great terror towards his magical power that can control life and death.

You are unable to resist due to the evil deeds you have committed until now.

All stats will be reduced by 35%!

4.5% of total life force and mana will be drained by Bar Khan whenever you take damage.

If the amount of damage you take is more than 30% of your total life force, the amount of life force equal to 2% of the damage you have taken will be drained.>

Original Source from

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