The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(463) Volume 49 2 — Naval battle at Neria Sea

?Volume 49 Chapter 2 — Naval battle at Neria Sea

The Haven Imperial navy!

They were gathering at Port Borask.

“We’re the rulers of the sea. No one can fight against us.”

The Imperial Navy was very proud.

They thought that they were the best on the continent, due to their extensive technological lead and significant armaments, since the performance of the ship is crucial at sea.

The Imperial Navy gave a chance to Drinfelt and Hakim to get their revenge against the Arpen Kingdom, the memories of the hard times they went through still being vivid in their minds

– Northern users departed from the Rezad port!

– Their destination is Lidum and Rhodium. Let’s prepare to strike!

While preparing for the war, the Imperial navy’s intelligence came in handy for gaining the advantage.

“We’re also departing.”

The navy’s admiral Kalmaen decided to depart.

They got an official permission from the Hermes Guild administrative officers.

“Suppress them with power. It’s not true that we’re weak. We have to show them what’s going to happen if you fight against the Haven Empire.”

Lafaye and his comrades couldn’t afford to let Northern users enter their ports.

The Northern user’s military force wasn’t strong enough to threaten the Empire, but the Northern users were also part of that frenzied war and the situation was different from the one in the Harpan region, in which there were lots of mountains and where development was slow.

Since both Rhodium and Lidum were very rich areas with big armies, the Hermes Guild members never thought about them ever being conquered.

Still, the Northern users tried their best not to give a show which would demean the work of those who trusted them and fought for them.

Because the Hermes guild understood this, they tried not to create a scene of carnage that would make them look more like villains that they already were, so they tried to kill them decently.

“Everything needs to happen in the sea. We can’t afford to have them step on the Empire’s land.”

“Of course.”

Kalmaen led 300 heavily armed battleships, composed of galleons, carracks and other types of ships, to the East.


“I see them.”

“Found the enemy fleet. Prepare for the full-on strike.”

The Haven Imperial navy discovered the huge number of ships from afar.

Since lots of users uploaded videos and started broadcasting it on the internet, information warfare didn’t have much meaning within Royal Road.

Also, the Arpen Kingdom’s fleet was able to find a suitable location which was a strategically good position before the start of the war.

“Let’s not repeat Drinfelt’s and Hakim’s mistake. I’m different from other Hermes Guild members. I’m not so careless that I would ignore my enemies. I will demonstrate my perfect skills while defeating the opponents.”

Kalmaen and other Hermes Guild users in the navy were spread according to the ocean currents and wind direction.


“Seeing it with my own eyes, it seems much grander than I thought.”


" The discovery of the enemy’s fleet!

It’s a large-scale fleet that overpowers allies. Sailors fighting spirit is reduced by 20%"


The sea was covered with boats like an endless plain or forest.

The Ships spread their sails for the south, but the exhilarating feeling in a huge battle caused them to feel fear.

Even though Kalmaen and navy users had been accustomed to naval warfare, it was their first time fighting such a large-scale battle. But they didn’t have any negative thoughts.

“The sea differs greatly from the land. The state of a battle greatly depends on ship performance and on the wind. These are important factors that determine the difference between victory and defeat.”

The Imperial navy carefully crafted tactics.

“How about the cannons?”

“We have finished loading them. We can shoot anytime.”

“Going against the wind and hitting the enemy from behind. As long as we aren’t falling, let’s do it.”

“Yes, admiral.”

The Imperial navy moved to form a long line and greeted the Northern users’ fleet.

“They are within range!”


The Empire’s line of ships opened fire and launched the cannons.

With a thundering noise, flying cannonballs hit the Northern users’ ships.

Kwang kwang kwang!

Some of the cannonballs fell into the sea and caused columns of high water.

“It’s sinking!”

“Escape right now!”

Dozens of Northern users’ ships sank. Some of them were instantly destroyed while others were sinking slowly into the deep sea.

“Let’s shoot too. Fire!.”

“A single hit won’t be enough! Shoot while loading!”

The Northern users’ ships on the frontline also shot.

The cannonballs were flying near the Imperial navy ships while leaving a white smoke.

“It will be an overwhelming victory. The number of enemies doesn’t matter, what matters is the quality of the weaponry.”

Kalmaen sent a signal to the navy.

“We will continue bombarding. We have overpowered them with our fleet’s performance, so we will shoot till the end till no one is left.”

“Yes, admiral.”

The Imperial navy continued the bombardment as promised.

They shot without mercy, showering the Northern users’ fleet with cannonballs.

Even though the adventurer’s ships with high speed relocated themselves to the front, they actually became an easy target.

They couldn’t endure and sank into the sea.


“Ah, this isn’t easy.”

Kalmaen was also tense because he saw the scale of the enemy’s fleet.

In a sea battle, the ship’s scale, performance and the range of cannons were very important.

The cannons that shot with the wind had a longer range.

Even using canons with similar specifications, the Imperial navy was at a more advantageous position, so there being a major difference between shooting range was obvious.

The Imperial navy ships were bombing enemy’s ships and moving gracefully ahead to the front.

The Northern users tried to set their sails high but they were unable to catch the Empire’s fleet as the distance between them increased as the time passed.

The Three Mad Sharks of Becky Nim were helpless in their struggle to engage the Imperial navy.


“Let’s go. Our ship can catch up with them. Their ship is too slow.”

“We can’t. Even if we were to go to the front we would get destroyed.”

The Three Mad Sharks from Becky Nim were in the centre of Northern users’ fleet.

If they were to lose, everything would be lost.

Even though the gigantic fleet of Northern users was gathered, the Imperial navy destroyed them easily.

When users die on land they lose experience, level, and items, but they are still revived again.

On the contrary destroyed and sunken ships can’t be restored.

It was a marine force that was brought from the Arpen Kingdom. Most of the ships were disappearing in the deep Neria sea.

The wide sea was filled with sunken ships, which was a cause of happiness for the members of the Hermes Guild and the Imperial navy.

“We won. We will sink them all without getting even a hair taken from us.”

“This war will be written in the history annals of naval warfare. They have already sailed too far, so they can’t return to the Arpen Kingdom.”

The Imperial navy was ready to chase the Northern users just in case they decided to turn back.

They were already prepared for what came after the victory and had a good amount of cannonballs, water, and food ready at a flick of a finger.

In the midst of Hermes Guild ships, there was a trade ship called ‘Ocean glory’ which was ready with all the commodities they would require in the future.

“Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge.”

Northern users sailed back to attack the Imperial army after unfolding their sails and attaining the maximum speed possible.

– Kkaaauuu!

At that time you could hear cries of avians at the sea.

The best avian users were from Chilling Wind.

The Chilling Wind tribe was the first tribe that got deployed.

– Start operation!

The avians started to fly from the Northern users’ ship decks.

The scarlet headed avians led other birds to the high sky.

– Charge towards!

Avians, who were wearing crowns that increases the impact force, flew to the Imperial Navy.

It was a damage improvement item that was only suitable for avians.

“Protect the ship.”

The Imperial Navy’s wizards were casting spells onto the incoming avians.

While numerous flames and lights were in the sky, some of the wizards were casting a protection magic.

– Break through!

– Cozy clothes!

While avoiding the magic attack, avians rushed to the ship.

There were a few avians that were killed in the air and turned into grey light.

Nevertheless, the closest ones succeeded in reaching the front of the ship line.

– Kkueeeek!

Avians crashed on the ship’s deck.


There was slight movement at the front, but the deck didn’t break.

One member of Hermes Guild laughed out loud.

“Stupid guys. We won’t fall from that. She’s been reinforced with steel plating.”

The ship was reinforced with heavy armor!

When Yatchi and Avians heard these words, they immediately decided to send a message through the communication channel before anyone else died.

– Yatchi: It’s a steel reinforced ship. If you hit it, it gives you a headache. Reckless attacks have no meaning… Kchem.

Avians were already rushing.

They were hit by lots of magic attacks, so if they were to fly to the sky again, they would suffer from a great damage.

– Cold Wind: Even if there is no hull damage, we will aim for the sails. We have to do as much as we can!

The eyes of avians were full of strength and the wind was pushing them forward.

– Cold Wind: We are the avians who rule the sky and ride the wind. Thank you!

Northern users, especially avians, were very brave.

The vitality was low, but they only needed to spread their wings to fly.

The free souls that weren’t chained!

The avians heard about meeting Seo-Yoon, so they decided to risk their lives for her.

– Two Magpies: There is no running away. Let’s commence the bombardment. We are doing what we need to.

– Targo: I wish that all the avians would at least survive 5 minutes.

The avians rushed to the front of the ships. There was no reason to hit the decks, so they hit the sailors who were launching or preparing cannons.


“It can’t be! These bloody birds!”

With surprising skills and speed, Avians destroyed the sails.

There were no other options but to row.

Each ship was equipped with three or four sails, large and wide, but destroying just one of them was enough to significantly hinder the ship’s mobility.

“Chut. As expected.”

Kalmaen frowned while looking at the ripped and holes-ridden sails.

“I had prepared for that, but couldn’t prevent it. Now it doesn’t matter.”

If avians were to be defeated, the problem would disappear.

“Attention. Vessels that have damaged sails have to get out of the battle, go to repair themselves and return.”

Even though the Imperial Navy took their time, half of their fleet managed to leave the battlefield.

Since they were surrounded by the Northern users, in order to avoid attacks, they had to move slowly.

The fleet and battleships were making their way safely by shooting the cannons.

The sailors were hoisting the large main sails again, and in the meantime cannonballs were replenished from the cargo ships.

The Northern users were getting closer, but the Imperial navy continued to fire as they were retreating.

Northern users were hit by cannonballs as if there were lightning bolts from the thunderstorm.

Hermes Guild members suddenly started to think that it was an easy battle, but it didn’t last long.


It was a big sound of something being caught and the hulls started to shake.

“What’s wrong?”

“She can’t move!”

“It can’t be…”

It was the first time for Hermes Guild members to be embarrassed.

The most frightening thing to happen at the sea is when the ship is unable to move. And of all the possible timings, it happened during battle!

Hermes Guild members were looking at sails that were filled with the wind and felt it was strange.

“Wind is normal. What’s wrong then?”

“I think there is something fishy in the water.”

They didn’t know at all that there were Northern users in the water.


Grass Porridge Cult emergency strategy room.

The elite of the navy from all over the world gathered together.

“A naval battle is unreasonable with our power. The gap between our ships or weapons and theirs is just too great.”

“But don’t we have more people and ships with us?”

“Northern users aren’t even well armed. Most of the ships belong to merchants and adventurers, and they aren’t equipped with cannons.”

“There is a clear difference in power.”

The Arpen Kingdom’s shipwright technology wasn’t as advanced as the Central Continent’s.

Shipwrights were able to construct big ships very fast, but it was rare to order cannons for the ships.

It was normal to go to a city like Becky Nim where all the pirates are gathered and mount the cannons if needed.

Northern users usually removed the cannons in order to increase the loading capacity for trade purposes and to improve the ship’s maneuverability.

Also, it was common to have poorly trained captains and sailors.

“Should we get help from the avians?”

“We wouldn’t be able to control the Imperial Navy with only their power.”

“Who’s good at the battle?”

“If the Imperial Navy isn’t stupid, it will collapse from the outside. They won’t fight seriously. As we know, they have plenty of cannons, ships and skilled sailors. We are at a big disadvantage as far as naval warfare goes.”

“So what we are going to do? Should we cancel the whole operation?”

“While using all we have, we must make a good plan.”

Naval elites researched about wars in the Neria Sea.

They believed that they have to prepare from the start of the war.

They were meeting day and night to make a decision.

“In order to win we have to fight them in the place we want. As close as we can.”

“Is that possible?”

“Yes, possible.”

“Marine tactics seem to be a little more difficult. It’s hard to match wind and currents with time.”

“Instead of making Northern users follow complicated tactics, let’s leave it for the biggest ships to lead.”

“Eum… that way.”

“And to maximize the effect, it will be good if Weed shows up in the end.”

“Also Weed?”

“It’s for the plan to be successful and to completely defeat the Imperial Navy.”

The Deep sea.

At the lightless bottom of the sea, a colossal number of fish could be seen swimming around.

To the users who stayed in the water as if it was their second home, this was an enjoyable sight.

“Sister, there’s a lot to catch here.”

“You are right. If we were to sell them at the market, we would make huge profit..”

“Then we should catch them later”

“Yeah let’s.”

In the Arpen Kingdom, the female users who had the Diver skill, like the ones in the Cockles Porridge, Seaweed Porridge, Sea Mustard Porridge and Abalone Porridge, were very useful in battle.

They could dive down for a few hours and wait for the Northern users’ fleet and the Imperial navy to come to them.

“Still quite far away.”

“They are moving slowly. Let me know when they get closer.”

The Cockles Porridge unit, which had around 800 members, caught snow crabs and prawns and tied them together in one place.

Fresh seafood from the deep Neria Sea!

Even though the war will arrive at their doorstep soon, the female divers couldn’t just stay still.

As soon as the Northern users started the war with the Haven Empire’s navy, the news was transmitted by the surface of the water.

Bursting cannonballs and splashing water.

Parts of the Northern users’ ships were sinking into a deep sea.


“Let’s wait for a perfect opportunity to strike back.”

The female divers were waiting silently as they had promised. As the signal for the ships to sail was given by the Haven empire, the female divers dove into the water to do what they were best at.

The front cannons were still shooting at the northerner’s but they were unable to move forward for some reason.

The divers had tied their ships’ hulk to the reefs.


“The ship is not moving.”

“Check the sails.”

“No problem there. The helm is not responding. Ooooh”

The ships were losing their stability.

Some of the ships weren’t able to move, while others were going off in different directions.

“Fully unfurl the sails.”

Jotas turned the helm and the sails definitely caught the wind, but it felt like something was tightly holding the ship.

“Incoming! A ship is approaching. Parry it!”

“Uuuak… On the right! On the right!”

The sailors on the deck screamed. The ship on their right side was coming straight at them.

“It’s going to crash. Stop your ship!”

“We are unable to maintain control over it.”

The captain and sailors shouted, but the ship was already too close.

“Brace yourselves!”

“Everyone prepare for the crash!”

The hulls were greatly damaged whenever ships rammed into each other.

Some of the ships lost their balance and the sailors were unable to move them in the direction they wanted; while some others were just rotating around their hull.

“There is something fishy in the sea.”

The Haven Empire had realized there was something inside the water that was causing all this but this knowledge was unable to change their current predicament.

At that time, the Northern users’ fleet was getting closer.

Kalmaen transmitted the order.

“Continue firing the shells. And, some of you dive into the sea and see the cause of the problem.”

The ships kept firing at the Northern users’ fleet.

Cannons were placed on both sides of the ship. Some of them weren’t available for use, but it was still powerful overall.

On the other hand, the users who jumped into the sea weren’t able to get through.

“Ugh… There is a net around this area, and someone got stuck to it”

“It is hard to get out of it as the jellyfish are attacking us.”

Even though the Hermes Guild members had a high level, they found it hard to move underwater.

It was easy for them to raise their level in the sea, hunting pirates and sea monsters just by hitting them with cannonballs. Even though they had the Diving skill, it could only be used to show off. But it became a different matter altogether when it came to hunting the monsters, or anyone, underwater.

“We’ve done what we had to.”

“Sister. Let’s finish the mission quietly.”

The female divers gave up the fight and swam far away to catch abalones.


There were users in Royal Road that were from the special forces.

In real life, they were proud to be the best of each country, and they united under the Arpen Kingdom’s flag.

“This is war, shouldn’t we win no matter what?”

“Of course. I don’t care if the number of enemies exceeds ours. Poor supply of equipment doesn’t matter just for one or two days.”

“We’re the kings of the sea.”

The users from the special forces formed the Shark Porridge unit.

The Avians dropped them in the middle of the Neria Sea before they started their dangerous mission and the war took place.

“Distance to the water surface is 34 meters.”


They jumped into the water wearing flippers and webbed like parachute troops.

Even though the Haven Empire wasn’t doing anything, the Shark Porridge painted their faces.

Many fish were just going around them.


“The scouts reported that it’s three kilometers away. I’m moving to the south.”

“We will catch up with them soon.”

The Shark Porridge unit was moving at a very fast pace.

Large sea monsters.

Their goal was to draw a bunch of those Krakens that scared the sailors.

It was a high risk task, but when the Shark Porridge members got to know what they had to do, they laughed.

The Northern users were proud of doing a great and important mission for the Arpen Kingdom.


The Imperial navy moved slowly while bombarding.

Although the Northern users’ fleet was getting closer, the members of the Hermes Guild weren’t afraid of it.

‘Their abilities ain’t a big deal. I can afford to be hit by a cheap cannon. Our ship’s armor can endure that.’

As the Northern users’ fleet was getting closer, the Imperial navy’s attack range and exploding power increased.

Kwang kwang kwang!

As soon as the Imperial navy fired, some of the Northern users’ ships were destroyed.

The pieces of the destroyed ships blocked the way for other ships, so it wasn’t easy to pass through.

Kalmaen smirked as he saw that scene.

“Did you previously fight that carefully? Anyway, you would have been destroyed even if you had managed to sail to the front.”

Even the first officer Gonzalo agreed to that.

“Of course, first we have to destroy the enemy’s center.”

“It sounds like a tactic that I would like to try now.”

“It’s possible.”

The ships showed a good performance and were capable of penetrating into the center of the enemy’s fleet.

The cannons that were placed on both sides of the deck could be fired at the moment the order was given and cause serious damage.

If the enemy’s troops climbed up during that process, it would result in face-to-face combat, but it was still too difficult of a task to climb up to the decks.[4]

Of course, the Imperial navy was trained for war, so there wouldn’t be any problem even if it came to a face-to-face battle.

Things were very different from a pitched battle in the plains, for which overwhelming with the sheer number of troops is a viable tactic.

If you continue to bombard the enemy’s ships, in the end, none of them will be left.

“Anyway, we have to maintain this situation. We only need to endure for just a few hours till the last of their ships get destroyed.”

Kalmaen could see a clear picture in his mind.

As time passed, more ships would sink and after a point of time, anything would work.

“Let’s prepare carracks for the battle. We have to make them sink, even if it means going to the harbor of Pen Kingdom.”

“Yes. I will pass it on.”

Kalmaen was watching the battle without any worry. But suddenly something landed on the deck.

Kkumtul kkumtul

A cute octopus that was as big as a watermelon was crawling sideways as he moved his legs.

“An octopus? If we fry it, it’s going to be delicious.”

One of the sailors caught the octopus with his two hands. And similar situations were happening at several different ships at the same time.

The brave Shark Porridge unit!

Lots of the users were sacrificed when they were sent to the area where Krakens live in the Neria Sea.

Anyway, they caught many young Krakens and returned in order to throw them on the ships’ decks or tie them to the side of the enemy’s ships.

“I think we did what we had to.”

“Now, only the last mission is left.”

“Right. The last mission…”

The Shark Porridge unit climbed onto the ships and hid inside.

“There are intruders!”

The Hermes Guild members were protecting the Imperial sailors’ place. During the battle, the Shark Porridge members got control of the cannons.

“I think this side…”

“Shoot it at once!!”

Members of the Shark Porridge unit straight away put the cannon to the ship that was near them.


Cannonballs hit the deck and hull of the ship that was close to them.

“Destroy them.”

Members of the Hermes Guild stubbornly protected the ship that was led by NPC sailors.[5]

Since their level and combat ability were not up to par, the cannonballs flew to different directions. They held the gunpowder directly.

“I think it ends here.”

The members of the Shark Porridge unit were greeted by the captain of the Special Forces Navy who had a legendary career in Korea.

“Well done.”

“Thank you for following me.”

“I’ll see you at the chicken restaurant.”

The unit completed their mission and decided to meet at the chicken restaurant.

While watching the start of the Neria sea battle, after death they had promised to meet at the restaurant and have chicken with beer.


“Enemy forces.”

Kalmaen looked at the battlefield from the Flaming Victoria deck.

Some of the ships attacked friendly forces, so counterattacks and repressions happened so there were few ships stuck on the rocks.

“The Northern users of the Arpen Kingdom can’t be ignored. I’m saying that they don’t want to die.”

Kalmaen thought that he realized why the Haven Empire failed each fight in the past.

“You can’t laugh at your opponent’s power because unexpected things might happen. If you don’t prepare, you will embarrass yourself.”

The Imperial army was hard to gather. On the other hand, marine power had grown from the start of the suppression of the Arpen Kingdom.

‘Right. I won’t become a winner… but the more I resist, the bigger my name will be.”

He wanted to launch demi cannons, direct the sea battle and create a scene that would be hugely broadcasted.

“Can we wrap it up? The second half of the battle is going to be a little bit dizzy.”

It wasn‘t a big deal when the Northern users’ large trading ships, medium sized sailing ships or fishing ships were destroyed.


“Keukeuk. Let’s ruin the Arpen Kingdom.”

Hermes Guild members were standing on the deck. Suddenly huge tentacles passed them and grabbed the ship’s deck and sails.


“Someone is attacking us.”

The sailors near the cannons were surprised and started to shout. And the tentacles were rising from the sea and tightly wrapping around the ship.

“Is that a Kraken?”

“It’s the attack from a Kraken.”

Large sea monster Kraken.


" Attacked by the Kraken.

The legend of the Neria Sea.

When the sea is covered by mist, be careful in the sea.

Something terrible lurks in the darkness of the sea in search for a prey.

All sailors’ fighting spirit is reduced by 85%"


The appearance of a Kraken.

The members of the Hermes Guild also had to think about this emergency.

“At this time…”

“It’s not hard to defeat it, we could tie its legs.”

“It’s not a Kraken area. Do you think the Northern users went so far just to get a Kraken?”

When the Imperial navy was stabilizing the oceans, they had experienced fighting some Krakens.

“Stay calm. Even though it’s a Kraken, it’s not big deal.”

Kalmaen shouted and encouraged his troops.


" The 50% of sailors’ fighting spirit is restored. Speed of cannon loading is faster."


Among all the sea creatures, the Kraken was the most annoying one.

In the deep sea, the moving tentacles grabbed the ship and destroyed it.

Even though the Imperial navy positively attacked, the enormous Kraken went back to the sea like it wasn’t bothering him at all.

“Chase it”

Members of the Hermes Guild took out their swords and cut the Kraken’s heavy leg when it was rising from the sea.

If the Kraken gives up, there won’t be anyone who can stop them.

Kalmaen and the Hermes Guild members were wishing for it, but the Kraken’s tentacles started to climb up to the ship again.

“More appeared.”

“Lots of them. Not only a couple of them.”

More than a dozen Krakens were holding the ships or carracks.

The ships that were held by a Kraken were destroyed or couldn’t move.

Kalmaen and the Hermes Guild members’ fighting spirit dropped.

“Repel! It’s the first time I’m dealing not only with the Northern users, but also with Krakens.”

The Krakens usually retreated when they felt that catching their prey was not worth the trouble, so there was a chance that using magic or cannons would make them flee.


A Kraken’s tentacle strongly grabbed the ship and sailors were thrown into the water.

– Oooou!

There were bizarre cries. The tentacles wrapped around the ships and dragged them into the deep sea.

It didn’t sink easily because of the restoration abilities, but all hulls were severely damaged.

If the trading ships used the cannons, they could have damaged their ships too.

“Why would they attack us …”

He couldn’t understand the Kraken’s attack.

The ships and carracks started to head to the sea part which was the center of the Imperial navy.

A small whirlpool in the middle of the sea.

Light fog started to arise and few raindrops started to drop from the bright sky.

The Hermes Guild lost their confidence because of the Krakens who were tightly holding onto their ship.

Crazy wind and swirls.

Those were the first signs of the peaceful background of the sea being ravaged by the apparition of a natural disaster.

Weed was standing with the Three Mad Sharks of Becky Nim on the ship’s deck.

The Naval battle of the Neria sea!

A few days ago he had received a missive from Fractal and decided to participate in it.

“Is that for real? Are you joining us?”


“Since mister Weed is quite busy, I’m really thankful that you spared some time.”

“The Hermes Guild is doing bad things, so I had to take back my promise.”

“Of course they are bad people!”

The Three Mad Sharks of Becky Nim highly respected him.

Not only did he appear on the pirate’s ship at the correct moment, but he also started to make a nature sculpture on the spot.

It didn’t take him more than 30 minutes to finish making the nature sculpture.

Weed easily sculpted the air and the sea with his knife.

Each time his hands moved, holding the sculpting knife, the shape of nature changed with dripping water.

Thick fog and terrible deep whirlpool.

Among them, a Kraken’s shape was sculpted from the water.

The Kraken ran into the whirlpool and the new scary natural disaster was created.

Actually, the Kraken wasn’t necessary to create a catastrophe, but it was a kind of decoration.

Board Mir. asked while swallowing his saliva.

“It’s very important to cause a catastrophe as a part of the plan. But what will we do if the natural disaster fails?”


“Even monkey can fall off the tree. What are we going to do if Weed fails?”

The Three Mad Sharks were not the only ones interested in Weed’s answer. Other pirates were eager to hear him too.

Sculpting – an art that sometimes gives you unexpected results you didn’t anticipate. So that’s why they believed that they needed something else besides the nature sculpture.

Weed’s calm lips stayed as they were.

“It’s art. It can’t fail.”

“So you are confident…”

“Yes. Now is the time. When doing bad things, the inspiration to create comes.”

The magnificent sculptural masterpiece had to deal with the Hermes Guild.

The great natural disaster showed its destructive power by causing dozens of huge swirls in the sea.

It was possible to destroy the Empire’s Navy held by the Krakens.

“Hold the sail.”

“Waves are too high. Everyone grab something.”

If you get caught in a whirlpool, even ships can’t easily get out.

“Sail at full speed. Escape from this area.”

Captain, sailors and helmsmen tried to avoid it.

They tried using the high speed provided by the whirlpool to get out of it, only to have their path blocked by the other ships.

“Avoid it. This stupid man. Why did you turn in this direction…”

“It doesn’t respond.”

“It’s going to crash! Aaaaa!”

“Oowooo! It’s a Kraken.”

The Imperial navy scattered in all directions.

Swirls in a crazy wind.

The Imperial navy ships were going round and round to the center of the swirls.

*Kwajijik gwadudeuk*

Ships crashed inside the swirl and destroyed each other. The hulls could have survived a few crashes but they lost their durability as they hit the other ships.

Of course, the frames of the ships were destroyed, and the sailors were swept by waves into the sea.


“Save me. I’m going offboard.”

The swirl’s area was full of sounds of gusts and screams.


The disaster covered an area around three kilometers in radius.

The Northern users’ fleet was quite far. And they weren’t thinking of coming closer to take a look.

“The power…”

“It’s more than what I imagined. It’s real…”

“What a piece of sculpting!”

The Imperial navy that was destroying the Northern users was hit by chaos.

The Three Mad Sharks of Becky Nin wanted to hit them even harder.

“If we were closer…”

“It would have been death. Death.”

“I would have made them lose all their ships.”

Weed honestly didn’t know all about its power.

“Magnificent natural sculpting. All thanks to the sculpting master.”

The catastrophe could not distinguish enemy troops from the allies.

Kraken and female divers had worked together in the sea and managed to tie them down in order to bring its full power.

Weed’s lips became thicker.

‘It’s good that they are from the bad country. If someone used such power on me… he would probably regret his decision.’

It’s a good feeling to do bad things that others won’t be able to do.

The catastrophe lasted for only 5 minutes, but from the Imperial navy’s point of view, it looked like it was longer than the battle.

Even though the catastrophe slowed down a little bit, the ships were still spinning around. More than a dozen ships sank into the deep sea, and more than that were destroyed.

The sails looked like they had been torn by the wind for three years straight, and everyone realized how hard it would be to find ships as good as these again.

Big and magnificent hulls were destroyed and sank into the water.

Weed made up his mind.

“Full power. Let’s punish them with the power of justice.”

Historically, Justice sided with the winner!

As Weed was now a necromancer, he made use of his undead summoning skills as well.

When you improved your Necromancer skills, your undead magic would also diversify.

This was not like raising zombies, ghouls and skeletons.

Weed had to put back together all the destroyed pieces and summon the ghost ships using enormous magic power.

The ships of the Imperial navy that had dominated the battlefield returned as ghost ships and started bursting into flames.

Manning the ships were skeletons and skeleton captains.

Some skeletons were hanging on the torn sails and were playing with the ropes.

“Kikiki. Fire the cannon! Cannon!”

The cannonballs from the ghost ship attacked the Imperial navy.

In spite of the catastrophe, a Kraken got stuck between the ships.

On the Versailles Continent, only one person was able to summon a catastrophe and the undead.

“God of War – Weed. Weed has appeared.”

This name made the Hermes Guild members nervous.

“Weed has shown up!”

“Cheer up everyone! Weed has appeared.”



The excited Northern users sailed at full speed to the place where ghost ships were fighting with the Imperial navy.


The battle of the Neria sea!

Kalmaen got the video that he wished with all his vigor.

Although the Northern users’ fleet was approaching, the imperial navy had retained its pride.

“Let’s fight. We are the proud navy of the Haven Empire.”

“We won’t suffer from these Northern peasants. Let’s keep our honor to the end!”

Even the sinking ships attacked the Northern users’ ships by firing cannons.

Kalmaen’s commands were really calm.

“Some of the ships have to be abandoned. Explode all the cannonballs from these ships.”

While firing cannons, the ships had defeated the Kraken that had lots of HP.

Ghost ships hanged around the battlefield.

“Kill, kill. Risk your lives! I will make you my comrades! Also if I have, I will give you money.”

Somewhere awkward skeleton captains of the pirates.

Weed’s Necromancer skills got lower, so the number of skeletons was reduced and their professionalism dropped down.

Skeletons lost their combat skill and had poor reprocessing skills.[AC1]

“I’ll show a hot flavor. Load the cannons!”

“Hehet. Cannonballs are dropping down.”

“Go inside and take a look.”

“Yes, yes, understood, captain.”

“Keuheut. Good. Launch.”

Broken skeletons flew over the sea.

Ghost ships couldn’t last long, but they created a perfect opportunity for the Northern users’ fleet to get closer.

The Northern users’ ships were endlessly approaching.

More than half of the Imperial navy’s cannons had become wet from the swirls, so they became useless.

Kalmaen picked up his captain’s sword that improved the fleet’s speed.

“They’ve even prepared something like this…Weed really is a formidable enemy… Let’s fight till the end with the ships that can still move.”

The Imperial navy’s fleet broke through the Northern users’ ships straight into the middle.

The cannons that shot fire from both sides hit the Northern users’ ships, but only for a while.

People were climbing up to the Northern users’ ships.

“We are the Hermes Guild.”

“Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge.”

The Hermes Guild could demonstrate the overwhelming power and fight hand to hand combat.

The Imperial navy ships were already blocked by other ships and were unable to go any further.

A battle with no retreat!

The Hermes Guild felt a disadvantage.

At one moment it was a battle that couldn’t be won, but the number of users on the deck was increasing and the threat could be felt.

From the beginning of the battle, the ships of the Northern users had been sinking quite fast. But not all of the people in these ships were dead.

Users and sailors went into the water just before their ships were about to sink.

They moved to other boats and saved their combat power.

“Let’s go. We’re now Poisonous Mushroom Porridge…”


“Kuk… We couldn’t even introduce ourselves.”

Northern users were dying, but at the same time, new people were entering into the battle.

Kalmaen and the Imperial navy had enough people to win the battle.

Kalmaen didn’t stop his ships to save his people’s lives nor saw any reason to do it. On the other hand, the Northern users had endless will and honor.

They had faith that others would save them when their ship broke down.

It was a driving force for the victory that was led by planned strategies and tactics.

Weed took Bahamorg and other sculptural lifeforms to the ship, but the Northern users were too busy moving around.

“We’re professionals. This ship is being robbed by the Three Mad Sharks of Becky Nin.”

“It’s hard to operate a pirates’ ship.”

It was a chance for the pirates to take over other ships.

They tied the sails of the nearby ships and flew away.


The battle of the Neria sea was won by the Arpen Kingdom!

This battle attracted attention from almost all users who were playing Royal Road.

“Finally it starts. Northern users and… the Haven Empire. Even though many battles took place in Royal Road, this battle was the first large-scale sea battle.”

“Which one is better?”

“I would favor the Haven Empire. However, the Arpen Kingdom manages to create myths that are hard to believe.”

“Everything is because of Weed and the Grass Porridge Cult.”

“Miracles tend to happen in Royal Road. Will another miracle happen in this sea battle? Definitely, the winner of this sea battle is going to dominate the sea for some time in the future.”

Broadcasting stations had to spend a whole night up since yesterday.

“Battle of the Neria sea? What’s that? This battle?”

“The Northern users’ ships are landing all at once in order to stop the Imperial navy? Why suddenly this situation… No. Anyway, let’s prepare!”

“We’re already prepared. We just need to clear the time slot.”

“Not enough. Anchors, writers. Let’s set up the studio like it’s in the sea.”

The broadcasting stations were all focused on the battle of the Neria sea.

An important part was contacting people who participated in the sea battle of Neria to get a live video.

Everything depended on how differently people saw the battle.

“Northern users are more popular…”

“You should also ask about the Hermes Guild.”

“Of course. Talk to all the people who joined.”

All broadcasting stations were broadcasting it, so the viewers could watch all about the battle at any time.

There was a scene in which the ship of Haven Empire cannon shot the Northern users’ ships.

On the other hand, there were differences in how broadcasting stations set up the scenes such as when the ships were heading to the area with the fishing boats.

At the beginning of the battle, the Northern users couldn’t see the fun part.

As soon as they got closer to the Haven Empire’s ships, the cannonballs were flying to the ships and sinking them.

Then allies saved the sinking ships, but still, this battle was thought to be a normal sea battle.

– The Arpen Kingdom’s chances of winning are quite small. There is a big gap between cannons and ships. It’s impossible to overcome these numbers.

– Sinking! This time mid-sized sailboats were completely overwhelmed.

Also, the audience rating was the best because almost everyone in Royal Road was watching the broadcast.

Because of the battle of the Neria sea, the users who were in Royal Road didn’t go hunting and just sat in a local pub watching the crystal ball.

Each broadcasting station fiercely talked about the battle, and when the Northern users’ plan was revealed, everyone was impressed.

– …And they are immobilizing the ships of the line.

– Some of them are straying from the line of battle!

– Their ranged attacks lost significant firepower. But…to see the tide of battle turn to such an extent, so suddenly…

– …Krakens! And…the sea is looking very ominous…

-It’s a disaster! A catastrophe!

Until the expected savior Weed.

The performance of the undead wasn’t great, but was still able to annoy the Imperial navy to some degree.

Also, the Northern users never lost hope from the beginning till the very end.

– The Arpen Kingdom had limited power.

– Sailors didn’t know how to shoot cannonballs correctly.

– The Northern users’ tied ropes and used it to jump from ship to ship. Where did that courage come from?

– Look at the sea. The Northern users are coming up from the sea. Reckless! It doesn’t make any sense. Swimming between waves and ships, where the Imperial navy and Krakens are fighting.

In the end, the imperial navy’s 250 carracks weren’t enough to deal with the endless Northern users’ fleet.

The sunset shined through the horizon in the sea.

The Neria sea was filled with the burning ships of the Northern users.

“Hurray! We won!”

“Grass Porridge Cult’s victory.”

“Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge.”

“Hurray to Weed. Let’s cook the crab porridge.”

The Northern users who survived were loudly shouting.

The Northern users gathered in a big ship where they had a party.

Female divers and users were cooking the seafood they caught and brought some beer.

The night’s sea was illuminated by burning ships at the background of the Northern users’ party.

Even these scenes were broadcasted and received responses from the viewers.

– Once again they did the impossible.

– There is nothing impossible for the Grass Porridge Cult.

– Seems like miracles happen when ordinary people gather.

– I don’t think that they are ordinary. It’s not enough to participate in the battle.

– Have you seen the small fishing boat? If that goes into the sea, it will just turn upside down.

– Haven Empire. Again one side is right.

– Keuu. This is delicious. This one. This.

– The strategy prepared by the Haven Empire was quite dumb. Using the same strategy as the last time.There were so many posts on the viewers‘ bulletin board that it was difficult to check them all.

Royal Road‘s Hall of Fame exploded with videos of the users who participated in the battle.

Surprisingly even defeated Hermes Guild members uploaded their videos of the battle.

They ran through the Northern users’ ships, fighting with them and sinking ships with the cannons.

Hermes Guild members’ views were also very high.

– Kya. The sea battle looks great.

– The romance of the sea. Sometimes it’s boring to go to the distant sea.

– Navy and sea battle. That’s Royal Road’s sea.

– Do not to forget the adventures.

– Even Hermes Guild members… Being a sea user seems cool. They fight quite nicely.

Chicken forum.

This place became popular because of Weed.

– Today is chicken. Which chicken is the most delicious?

– I prefer chicken leg.

– Everything is delicious. Very delicious. But you need to check about delivery.

– It’s current chicken. From now on the reservation is until 5 o’clock. Chicken is fried by that time.

– I also have a chicken restaurant. I used all the chicken in the fridge and had to close down the place in order to rest. But there are still people waiting outside.

– You’ve just opened your restaurant. If Weed or the Grass Porridge Cult comes, make sure to fill the fridge. You should be prepared to fry about 100 chicken in one hour.

– I want chicken. My son runs away as soon as he smells the chicken. And my daughter likes fried chicken.[AC2]

– Shouldn’t Weed be awarded by the chicken forum?

– Of course. It would be great to get one chicken.

– Make 500 coupons.

Original Source from

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