Six points of Muse’s Reverie have been consumed!

Reverie activating… Reverie will last six minutes or until all reverie points have been spent.

Randidly opened his eyes and saw a world made predictable and overwhelming by the detailed flows of power. Whorls and arches held up the sky. Runes and sigils delineated the ground. Meaning was breathed between these two boundaries, thoughts and emotions and images and significance all written into the whispering patterns.

Congratulations! Your Skill Infinite Incendiary Filaments of the Dove Moirae (P)(U) has grown to Level 1199!

Congratulations! Your Skill Randidly Ghosthound, Executive of Nether Reborn (GD)(U) has grown to Level 1521!

Congratulations! Your Skill Truth Within the Primordial Flux (GD) has grown to Level 1060!

Congratulations! Your Skill Infinite Incendiary Filaments of the Dove Moirae (P)(U) has grown to Level 1217!

New examples lines and patterns swirled in his awareness as another layer of perception was stripped away, revealing the flows beneath. The Reverie shook existence as his Fatepieces sung together in harmony, creating a cascading revelation that restructured the memory world. The effect spread and spread, bouncing and reverberating out to cover a massive area. Perhaps it was due to the fact it was a memory, maybe it resulted from finally earning his Sixth Fatepiece and Leveling it, or maybe even the current situation had been caused by all the training Randidly had done with Lowanna since his previous activation. For whatever reason, the expanding limits of his reverie didn’t seem to cease.

The Muse opened his eyes and saw only possibilities around him.

If the Reverie previously had shown him a hint of the majesty underlying a universe, his eyes witnessed genuine beauty and his mouth breathed truth. It flowed in and out of him, rapidly earning him a whole slew of Skill Levels in the abilities relating to pattern and perception. He pressed the notifications to the side, letting wonder take over.

He floated atop the patterns and savored the sensation of perceiving the foundation of all existence.

He looked out and saw the sublime construction of the memory. Although it had been animated by regret, there was determination that sculpted the spine as well. The minute runic shapes drew in power and animated unreality, creating a place for regret to have limbs and independent emotions… even the current Randidly could hardly believe the craftsmanship.

His eyes traced the edges. The lines and patterns unspooled even further than he thought. Because beyond the memory, there was the Nexus. Inside Randidly’s body stood the Alpha Cosmos. Patterns expanded and inverted, simultaneously. Randidly managed another explosive breath, sensing the way he formed a conduit. Meaning passed through him in both directions, building to a crescendo.

Again, the Alchemist has surpassed himself to follow his muse, glimpsing the truth inherent in this chaotic universe! You have stepped beyond yourself for the second time; in the future, achieving points in Muse’s Reverie will be slightly easier, as you comprehend the disruptive actions that let you peel back the veneer of existence. It is more likely that you obtain more than one point in Muse’s Reverie at once.

Go forth and experiment in this mystic state, Alchemist. The entire multiverse watches your efforts with interest.

Due to your unique Fateset, a special effect has been generated! Pantheon’s Intervention: Each separate Fatepiece will empower your capabilities while you tightly grip the muse of your existence! You possess all six Fatepieces! Due to one Fatepiece not yet reaching max Level, the overall efficacy of your efforts has been reduced by 4%!

Due to your Keystone of the First Ghasthund being unmastered, the effect of that individual piece has been reduced by 13%!

You awaken in your current existence to a Reverie of untapped potential and mystery, but with several powerful tools at your disposal! Please note: most of your abilities cannot harm others while in your Reverie. So long as you do not attempt to take away or destroy while in your reverie, only a moment will pass for all other existence!

These notifications luckily penetrated through Randidly’s wonder and brought him back to the task at hand. Only six minutes. No time to waste.

More notifications popped up in front of Randidly, the same as they had come the first time he activated the Reverie. Same as last time, the notifications included a primer on the abilities he had discovered, based on the first five of his Fatepieces. For the Alchemist’s Passport, movement through space and time. The Dreamcatcher of the Long Night allowed him to capture and save moments or individuals. Visage of Obsession could move another object through time.

The Hierarchy of Burden was the one weapon available to him while within the grips of the Reverie: he could strike with the hammer of spatial forces, directly attacking an individual frozen while he experienced the Reverie.

Codex Hexahedron gave Randidly the ability to peer into the thoughts and Skills of another, gathering information. And finally, his new Keystone of the First Ghasthund-

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

For your Keystone of the First Ghasthund, you have earned the ability to incorporate another into yourself. Unlike the other abilities available to you during a Reverie, the Keystone is a request; the target must agree to the bargain. If they do, the target will merge with a bit of your essence and become a part of you. Your ‘patronage’ will grant them legitimacy. Effect is increased due to your Class, Legend of Randidly Ghosthound. As this is not a unilateral ability, it can be used to great effect with only a small amount of Muse’s Reverie. Pantheon Intervention: with the amplifying capability of your Class and Alpha Cosmos, 86,000 individuals can be invited 86 times for a single point of MR.

Randidly’s mind went blank as he absorbed that information. Especially the last line, which seemed unreasonably beneficial. Essentially, each point in MR would give him access to over seven million people he could invite into himself and reinforce enough to be considered ‘real’ by the System. With six points, his reach extended past forty million.

“Not enough for all the people gathered,” Randidly spoke softly, but his words echoed out through the frozen world. His only company was the constant flow of energy that filled the surrounding space. “But… pretty close.”

Randidly’s senses exploded outward. Although everything around him remained in stasis, he could still examine the Aether and Nether spread throughout the populations that waited for him. Even for Randidly’s reinforced mind, a headache quickly brewed as he went through every individual who had gathered to be brought along with him. He tested the depth of their resolve, peering directly into the emotions they held in the secret corners of their heart.

Sighing, he expended the first point of Muse’s Reverie. The Keystone of the First Ghasthund popped into existence in front of him. The mist inside of the orb spun faster and faster until vague shapes emerged from the shadows. Gradually, he could see several floating plants and the various smaller celestial bodies between them. Due to the magic of the viewing, atmospheres had been stripped away and revealed the shifting seas and landmasses.

Each planet in the Alpha Cosmos looked like a jewel. Even before the people had a chance to accept his invitations, he could feel the question asked to him by his power: where would these individuals go, should they agree?

Due to the population size… let’s put all of the Nether individuals into a lesser-explored Danger Zone world. Randidly decided. Lowanna and Enmya want space for the culture of the Nether People to return to its prime, and this will give space for that. As for the Aether individuals…

Randidly’s lips twitched as he gazed toward the groups gathered by Cerulean and Westrisser. Unfortunately, their followers believed in their words and would accept the invitation without reservation. In terms of the criteria Randidly used to judge, he couldn’t fault them; they would come through with the lion’s share of their strength.

…perhaps the great Western Desert of Expira. The monsters might be high Level, but that won’t be a problem for these individuals. Time enough there to develop their footing, but they will quickly encounter adventurers from the role-playing themed Zone. They will not have the same luxury to consolidate their power before being forced into the larger arena of Expira’s politics.

Heh. I wish that raptor construct bad luck.

After the first point, Randidly spent the rest of his Muse’s Reverie. More and more invitations spread out across the gathered people, offerings to become a part of his existence. His Class hummed, even before they accepted— it reacted to even the possibility of his Legend growing to include a whole new population.

After spending four points of MR, Randidly paused. He definitely wanted to invite more people into his Alpha Cosmos. But he also took a moment to consider the benefits he could earn if he instead activated a different Fatepiece effect.

Of the possible effects, he only felt tempted by the use of the Codex Hexahedron. Randidly’s gaze drifted up to the edges of the memory and out into the world. But even in this paused existence of reverie and patterns, he could feel the pulse of Elhume’s image. He pressed his lips together as he toyed with the idea and then discarded it. While knowing whether his theories about what originally happened at the end of the Second Cohort would be nice… that didn’t change the fact he would need to fight this brutal tyrant.

And activating the Reverie’s ability against one who had reached the Pinnacle made Randidly feel leery. Just the connection to the Prophet’s strange spiritual leader had been able to weaken the usage; Randidly didn’t want to find out what targeting a powerful individual directly would cause.

Releasing a sigh, Randidly poured out the last two points of MR. More and more invites flowed out of his body. Tiny threads of energy wound their way from the invited individual to the crystal clear orb floating in front of him, demonstrating the path they would take if they accepted the invite and joined his world.

Randidly shifted slightly, almost tugging on all the threads. They glittered in the air as he moved, flashing to show how numerous the connections he had offered were. A part of Randidly felt strange to be pulling so many individuals into his Alpha Cosmos, he had expected the amount to be much more limiting, but he could only chuckle quietly.

Yes well… I’ve already got a strange sort of stew going in my Soulskill… a few more millions cant hurt…

With his last point of MR spent, the sensations began to fade. The universal understanding of the patterns of the world, which had granted him that brief power, receded. Some insights lingered, due to the growth of his Skills, but most would vanish.

However, the activation of the Reverie granted him one last notification.

Due to the first activation of Keystone of the First Ghasthund in the Reverie, a special effect has been granted: Building Blocks of the Mythic Alpha Cosmos. Resonance with the special benefit of your Soulskill has occurred!

For each individual who accepts your invitation from the first batch of invites, you will receive a Tithe of .01 PP.

As the world settled around him, Randidly blinked slowly and considered those worlds. His skin prickled. Receiving… .01 PP… from the first batch? 7,396,000 invites… possibly as much as an extra 73k PP?

Due to an accepted invitation, you have earned .01 PP (a single PP will be granted when a sufficient amount has been gathered).

Due to an accepted invitation, you have earned .01 PP (a single PP will be granted when a sufficient amount has been gathered).

Due to an accepted invitation, you have earned .01 PP (a single PP will be granted when a sufficient amount has been gathered).

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