The Last Primal

Chapter 78 - 78 - Alleyway

Little flustered, Lily shook her head and replied.

"I promise, Master!" she patted the spot where the Medallion was hiding underneath her shirt, she continued. "I will make sure nobody knows about this necklace. What is it anyway? It looked so cool!" 

Number 3 stood up, looking towards the city gates, she exhaled some air, before replying.

"The less you know, the safer you are. Just remember that from this point on, you are the true owner of it, and it is your duty to keep it secure. But enough about that, go and stand in the line. Your task today is to register as an adventurer and pick a request you can do by yourself. Also, make sure not to worry Granny and get back home at night."

Before Lily could ask, Number 3 answered the question that was in her mind.

"I will not be at home when you get back. There are a few things I need to do, and they will take me a few days to complete. Don't worry; I will be back by the time he wakes up."

Finishing what she wanted to say, the edges of her body slightly vibrated, and in the next moment, the air around her distorted. She vanished without a flash, not a sound or trace remained. As the air around her returned to peace, her last words came to Lily's mind.

Looking at the spot where her master was, Lily couldn't help but look at the place amazed.

"Wow! I hope she will teach me that technique one day!" Then looking at the road ahead and the long line of people waiting to gain entrance to the city, the same cheerful smile returned to her beautiful face and left the refreshingly cool shadow cast by the trees.


Unlike previously, this time, there were no difficulties besides the hour-long wait to gain entrance to the city. The guards took the toll that Lily already prepared, then she stepped onto the busy streets of Higrove once again after many years.

"Wow, this place is so incredible!" She muttered to herself in amazement as she looked around. Last time when she was here, she was merely a child, but despite the passing years, her awe of the wonders that only a city like this can provide didn't cease. 

Realizing that she forgot to ask her Master about something essential, she exclaimed loudly. "I forgot to ask her where the Guild's hall is!"

Not far from Lily, a group of people was looking at her direction. A short, brown-haired young man, wearing a simple brown sleeveless leather chest plate above his white linen shirt, and black leather reinforced trousers, licked his lips as it turned into a cruel smile. 

"Boys, I think I found our entertainment for tonight."

As he said that, the group looked at the direction their boss was looking and seeing the blonde girl that stopped at the entrance gasping in her honest naivety, they all laughed, understanding the meaning of his words.

"Shall we grab her now, boss?" asked one tall, muscular, bare-chested bald guy. 

Shaking his head, the short, brown-haired youth, their boss spoke up.

"Not yet. Let's see where she is going first; then, we can make a plan. For now, let's just keep an eye on her from a distance."

Meanwhile, Lily, as she realized she had no idea which way to go, turned around and went back to the guards at the entrance. Arriving at the gates, she waved the guard over, who was currently not busy interviewing. As he came, she gave her a cheerful smile and asked.

"Sir, can you tell me where the Adventurer's Guild is located?" She asked the guard as she got close.

"Young Lady, that's easy! Just go straight ahead and then follow the signs. You can't miss it!" the guard replied. He liked this cheerful young lady; that smile of hers had already brightened his dull day previously when she was paying the entry fee. Interacting with her again filled him with even more joy.

"Thank you, sir, you are very kind!" She replied cheerfully, turning around and started walking towards the direction he pointed at. 

While Lilly was strolling around, she also took the time to enjoy the scenery. Watching the busy streets filled with all kinds of people, it was an incredible experience for her. Sure, she briefly experienced it once before, but that was years ago. Since then, she spent almost all of her time in a hellish environment, honing her skills. 

Speaking of skills, the group of people that kept following her did not escape her senses. She already picked up the guy that seemed to be the group's leader when he eyed her with those lust-filled eyes of his when she entered the city. 

She wasn't concerned about them; all of them looked much weaker than the invaders back in the illusion. Still, as to not cause unnecessary problems later, she decided to deal with them.

Walking around, she entered an alleyway, acting innocently. The group of thugs that was following her from a distance, seeing that their chance had come, increased their steps and hurried after her.

As it wasn't the first time they did this, they already had a routine. Two of the sturdiest of them stood by the entrance, blocking entry and vision at the same time. The rest spread out, hid in the shadows. The leader, the short brown-haired youth, walked in with confidence in his steps.

However, as they entered the dark alleyway and sealed the only way, they couldn't see the girl. There were no traces of her at all.

"Where did she go?!" exclaimed the leader. He suddenly had a bad feeling, and stepping back, hiding behind his men, he shouted the orders.

"Guys, go around and look for her. She must have noticed us! That bitch must be hiding somewhere around here! Remember, don't hurt her!" Licking his lips, he continued. "Well... maybe a few bruises wouldn't be bad but keep her alive. You know I prefer them screaming!"

With the same sinister smile on their lips, the thugs replied in unison. 

"Yes, boss!"

As they searched every nook and cranny in the otherwise deserted alley, the leader got increasingly frustrated. 

"Where is she?! How could she just vanish?" he grumbled in frustration. Then without turning back, he called out for the two that were blocking the entrance. "Igor, Mook, keep your eyes open, make sure she can't pass you!"

However, as no reply came, he asked again, while looking at a dark corner. Something seemed to momentarily shine as the sun reflected on it, raising his interest. 

"Igor, Mook, did you understand it?!" 

Still not hearing any answer, he halted his steps, and with an annoyed expression on his face, he turned around to berate these two idiots. 

"You two dumb gorillas, can't you reply to one simple ques-" As he turned around, the words stuck in his mouth. The two huge gorillas he mentioned, the bald muscle heads, were lying dead on the ground with a hole in the middle of their foreheads. Blood was still warm and was slowly dripping from it. Their faces froze in shock and disbelief, showing that whatever happened to them, was something they didn't expect.

"What theā€¦" he muttered, then he raised his right hand to the air and shouted. "BOYS, GET BACK TO ME NOW!" 

As he commanded the rest of the group rushed back. Upon seeing two of their friends lying dead on the ground, they suddenly got agitated and gripped the handle of their weapons. 

The leader looked to his right at a short matte black-haired boy and waved with his hand. 

"Matt, go and check them. Tell me what happened." 

The boy shook in fright as his leader called out to him, then as he heard him shout "GO!" he immediately ran to the two lying bodies. 

Crouching down, he picked up a bit of blood from around the hole from the closest body and checked it between his fingers. Bringing it to his nose, he gave it a smell then a lick. Then, he went to the other guy and did the same. He also looked around the bodies and tested the dirt.

Finally, standing back up, he looked at the leader and replied.

"Boss, they were shot down with an arrow that came from above."

Annoyed by his words, the leader grumbled, couldn't believe what he said.

"Hmm... We should have heard the sound of fighting, or if anybody came to help her. You must be wrong, check again!"

The boy shook his head.

"No boss, there wasn't anybody else here. They were killed by that girl.

"Are you sure?! How could we not notice or hear anything? The girl shot two arrows and killed both of them without us noticing?! That's simply impossible!"

The boy shook his head once again and raised one finger to the air in response.

"No boss, you don't understand. These guys were murdered at the same time."

The boss was already shocked hearing this, but the next statement almost made him fall to the ground in shock.

"They were killed with the same arrow. This girl only fired her bow once and left."

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