The Last Primal

Chapter 679 - The One True Existence

After listening to each of the four captains' recounting of the events, Aiden's initial anger slowly receded giving way to his compassion. Whilst he could tell even from the distance that not every wound was opened and revealed by the bandit leader, he could tell that the scars run deep in his heart.

To have such a drastic change in life, going from a protector of justice, law and order to the very far end and becoming one of those that caused suffering and misery… His life must have been hard.

'Accept him.' He spoke after thinking about the matter a while more. 'He is just like us, like you. One of those that were hurt, and has suffered a lot. Although his way of coping wasn't the best, nevertheless he shouldn't be cast out. If he is willing to change his way, and you can feel he is honest, you can accept him. Later on, I will judge him myself, but as for your current task, he could be an unexpected blessing.'

He said, taking a momentary pause before adding another thought to it.

'Besides I still feel better about him than that shifty old man. Something just does not feel right about him.'

'By your will, my Lord.' Draghan responded with a respectful tone, followed by the rest of the team.

Before closing the channel, Aiden added one more thing after a moment of silence.

'Be patient with him. A creature like him had suffered more than what you can imagine. His heart is probably broken, lying in pieces. Healing it would require a great deal of team effort. From all of you. Do not cast judgment on him hastily and show him compassion and friendship instead of arrogance and hostility.'

After exchanging a few more words with the others, they have closed the mental channel, returning their attention back to reality. 

As soon as their eyes opened, they looked at the kneeling posture of the bandit lord, Tocyl, the ex Temple Guard captain turned thug leader. Dragha took a few moments to slowly scrutinize the figure from head to toe, making sure he focused his newly gained spiritual sense on the vital essence and energy signature of the little, fragile-looking being. As he could not feel any discomfort meaning there shouldn't be any trace of the darkness residing inside Tocyl's soul, he finally snorted and voiced the question his master had conveyed over.

'[Reptilian] Tocyl-kekko, once proud captain of the Temple guards, now an outcast, an exile. Do you truly wish to serve not just us, but the one true existence we all serve? Are you truly, honestly willing to?'

Tocyl shivered as he listened to the question. Though the hooded figure, Dragha's tone was mostly insipid, neutral there was an underlying mystical power, a pressure oozing from his figure, pressing on him more and more with each voiced word. With each completed sentence, he felt as if the world's weight was forcefully placed upon his shoulders.

He knew that his answer would determine his faith. Yet, he could also tell that unless he was truly willing to stand behind this mysterious group, he would still suffer the same exact fate as his brethren, regardless of his choice.

Knowing that there was only one path forward, he still didn't falter and did not respond hastily. He took a deep breath, before a stern outlook appeared over his previously worried and anxious expression. 

He looked at the hooded figure standing over him and asked with a solid voice.

"[Reptilian] Before I could answer that question… I would need to understand who would I be potentially standing behind. I was already burned once, I will not suffer the same fate again."

He took a moment to take a lungful of the stale air before shifting a stern, decisive look on his face and with conviction glinting in his gaze, he said.

"[Reptilian] If this is too much to ask, feel free to cut me down right here and now. I would rather die with my beliefs, than serving some false god or prophet once more!" 

"[Reptilian] Hmm…" Dragha looked at the small, but proud-looking figure standing in front of him, and couldn't help but smile under the cover of his hood. This passion, this zeal, this inner strength… if they would have met earlier, he would probably be one of them already, most likely one of the captains, and wouldn't have suffered nearly as much. Yes, he may not be alive as they too shared a great deal of obstacles and ventures along their journey before their Lord arrived… 

Before hell would break loose, Dragha raised his arm, instantly silencing the growing fit of storm standing at the side. Ragor was quickly reaching his boiling point, as listening to a mere skink daring to speak of their revered lord in such a manner was not something he was able to deal with. 

The only thing that so far kept him at bay was their lord's words itself. '[Reptilian] Be patient, be patient… How could I calm down when this mere wyrm speaks about the master with such wanton disrespect!' He grumbled inwardly, visibly shaking with all the anger he was battling with. 

Still, in the end, he managed to quell the storm, and remained in place. Though the cold aura he emanated sent shivers down the little draconic skink's spine…

'[Reptilian] Your question is honorable, however, discussing it in such a place would not be advisable. What I can say at the moment is that what we represent is change. The light itself. The hand that could guide you out of the dark swamp you and many others are still trapped inside. A future where you no longer need to live in dread and fear.'

Tocyl frowned the more he listened to these idealistic words of the unknown stranger. These words… he have heard it many times before, many others with big hopes and even greater dreams have said it before… only to fail when they faced the unsurmountable foe of the Church. 

What would be different this time?

Dragha wasn't surprised to see such a reaction to his words. He too listened countless times to it before.

Heck, even the ex-archbishop, before he was 'reborn' by their Master, said it as well, only to end up failing and dying to his own schemes!

Knowing there was only one way to convince the figure before him, Dragha reached for his hood, ready to pull it back and reveal himself for the first time. 

Yet, before he could do so, suddenly a gentle, feminine voice rang out from behind. A new presence suddenly emerged, bringing with it, a considerable amount of strength in her aura.

"[Reptilian] Apologies for the wait, dear sirs… If I may ask for your attention for a moment…"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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