The Last Primal

Chapter 659 - 659 - Enemy At The Gates

Today wasn't as spotless and beautiful as most. The land around the city of Higrove was shrouded with heavy, dark gray clouds. The air had a colder, somber almost ominous, and foreboding feel to it. 

The residents were quick to finish their tasks or clock out of their work and return to the safety of their homes. They each felt something amiss in the air. As if, for some unknown reason, something just wasn't right.

They couldn't explain it, though those with heightened senses and awareness, had their bodies trembling with fear. The weaker ones even hastily made sure to pack their stuff and decided on an 'on the spot journey to visit their far away family members or friends.

Stationed over the east gate the guards were just as antsy as the residents themselves. Just passing lunchtime, the time was calm. The usual long line of merchants and travelers' queuing to gain entry was nowhere to be seen. Even the roads themselves were empty and deserted, adding more to the mystery seemingly surrounding their city today.

"Eh… I just… I don't know what is going on…" One of the guards spoke up, clicking his tongue. "Something just isn't right…"

"Yeah, you feel it too, Ragin?" Another one, a bald guy looked up from his sandwich.

"It's like when you can tell it's going to rain, even though there are no clouds in the sky… Like you can just tell from the shift in the temperature!" Ragin nodded, explaining further.

"What are you all saying? Are you both this weak? The temperature drops and a storm comes and suddenly you see the End in everything? Stop being so pessimistic you two!" A huge, musclebound figure with spiky dark brown hair slapped the table and snapped at the two.

"Hey! No need to be so angry, you big orc!" The bald guy retorted, looking more angry than scared despite the one talking before were easily twice his size.

"What did you say, Mebum?! I dare you to say it again!" The giant-like guard roared, pushing the chair away as he stood up.

"Alright, guys… calm down. You, Himun, calm down. Whatever drugs you take to make you look like your predecessors, you should stop using it." A fourth, older man entering the room, instantly quieted the room with his deep voice. 

"As for you, Mebum, you should also learn when to shut your laps, lest you would anger someone you can not afford to offend…" 

"And before you say anything, Ragin. Stop being such a bi-" 

The old man began to chide and berate each of the other three. From how it looked, he must have been their superior. Perhaps the assigned captain, as each of the other three did not even offer a word of complaint and simply nodded at his words.

However, as he got to the third, doomsday guy who sparked all of this, Ragim suddenly shot up from his seat. Looking over at the distance.

His face turned pale, the last chunk of the sandwich he was enjoying have fallen out of his hands and fell to the floor. Yet, he didn't seem to even register this fact, as his face gradually soured, from the initial shock to the eventual sheer terror and fright.

"C-c-c-c…" He stuttered, pointing towards the distance. 

"C-c-c-captain… T-t-there!"

An annoyed-sounding sigh escaping through his bearded face, the old man, the captain have asked out without bothering to follow the pointed finger and look at the distance himself. 

"What is it, Ragin? What did you see this time? What is the newest danger we are about to f-face?" He asked, somewhat smirking.

"C-c-c-captain… T-t-the… t-t-the… enemy is here!"

"What are you talking about? What enemy are y-" As his tired, exhausted-looking face turned to the side, finally following Ragin's finger, the words he was about to speak froze in him as well. 

His expression following his subordinate's also paled, his eyes went wide. 

"Holy… mother of…" He cursed, unable to believe what he was seeing. 

A moment later, his daze was lifted, he snapped back to action. He jumped up, turned around, and instantly rushed back towards the door. 

Without a single word, his figure vanished, as he rushed to alert his superiors of the unbelievable news. Even though he still couldn't believe it himself, he had a duty and wasn't like the spineless Ragim, who would most likely just run away as soon as he sees the opportunity.

"W-what is going on? What did you s-" Flabbergasted, Mebum stood up and placed his last piece of food on the table, lest it would suffer the same cruel fate as Regum's. However, just like the other two, his expression also instantly froze as soon as he gazed at the distance.

Outside, some distance away, a large black mass appeared over the horizon. An endless-looking sea of armored figures, marching from the direction of the Empire… They have come, and most likely they didn't come just to offer some pleasantries!

At the same time, deep in the Slums, in a manor, a masked mature feminine figure stood beside the large window, looking into the distance. 

She stood silently, as she gazed into the distance. Unlike the guards, she wasn't frozen because of the sudden unexpected appearance of the massive force. She wasn't overcome with terror. 

No. Though her face was hidden beneath the faceless mask, she still radiated a calm, composed aura. As if she had already known that such an event would take place and was already expecting it. 

She merely sighed, as she turned her attention away, and instead looked at the direction of the city center. 

"I can only hope that everything will play out as I hope…" She muttered, sounding uncharacteristically melancholic.

Suddenly, the doors to her study were knocked on. The voice of an aged, elderly man, his faithful head butler could be heard coming from the hallway.

"Madame, may I step inside?" The old man asked respectfully.

"Uhm." Was the only response he received, not that he had expected anything else. Taking it as affirmation, he pushed on the door and swiftly stepped inside. Taking calm, steady strides he arrived just a few steps behind his mistress, and waited silently, respectfully. 

He did not show any word of complaint, or show signs that he would be offended by the lack of courtesy he was receiving. No, on the opposite, traces of reverence could be seen hiding behind the mask of courtesy.

Almost a minute later, the Masked Mistress finally sighed and spoke. Though she still faced the window, she at least finally acknowledged the new presence in the room.

"Speak Sebas. What news do you bring?"

Sebas bowed with respect, as he uttered the words the woman had already expected.

"Madame, they have finally arrived."


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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