The Last Primal

Chapter 653 - 653 - That’s All?

A huge shockwave quaked the battlefield. Lord Bart, who was still under the demonic influence of whatever entity he had made a contract with was suddenly seen flying in the air, crashing into the nearby dilapidated ruins and buried deep into under the falling rubble.

Like him, the spectators were also mercilessly hurled away, flinging like hopeless rocks as they crashed into the ground several meters farther away. 

Only Aiden's friends could remain mostly on their feet, albeit sliding backward several steps in the soil.

The sudden release of energy was so violent, so explosive that following it, only an eerie and dreadful silence reigned over the Ancient City ruins. A large amount of dust formed into a cloud shrouding the epicenter completely.

Yet, even with the thick, gray rope of smoke that loomed over the battlefield, a glowing, crimson humanoid shape could be seen at the very core of it all.

The silhouette was standing tall, with a huge two-handed circular-bladed weapon hanging loosely in her left hand that rested by her side. She was heaving, as if she had just run a complete marathon, trying to recoup the suddenly lost vast amounts of her stamina.

Naybeah's entire body exuded a tremendous amount of force. This power, this energy was being retained but not absorbed, covering her toned frame like a coat of armor.

"What in the…" Coming back to his senses, Captain Don as he slowly pushed away the accumulated rubble and dust that piled over him, and slowly pushed himself off from the ground. 

Ever since the ambush of this another bastion's force, he no longer felt in control of the events. Everything just spiraled out of his reach. In an instant, whilst he was struck with a mixture of shock, confusion, and several more emotions, the purple-haired mysterious girl from the young Aiden's group stepped up and became the de facto leader. 

The young lord seemed to have placed only that girl in before his eyes, everyone else, -him and his mercenary corp included- was worthless in front of his haughty, arrogant, condescending eyes.

Yet, whilst he felt conflicted at first, his intuition was soon answered when he saw how quickly, and quickly he slashed his way through his men. How he effortlessly hacked through his trained warriors as if they were nothing but weed on a field.

Just when he felt all hope was lost and that his journey would come to an abrupt end, failing not just the Madame, and the Boss man, but also the young boy who was the co-captain, the second leader of their party, suddenly another unexpected surprise appeared, and the golden-haired amazon challenged the young sword master.

Even then, Captain Don, didn't place much hope in their battle. Whilst she was a fierce and brutal warrior, from what he had seen, Naybeah shouldn't have been a match to this mysterious young aristocrat heir. 

From his understanding, Naybeah should have been somewhere at the same level of skill and power as their own men, maybe slightly stronger but not by much. 

Yet, she shocked everyone time and again, as she could easily match each incoming blow, each consecutive hit, and even dish out proper counters to slowly but surely chip away the man's, Lord Bart's resistance.


Suddenly the sound of groaning broke the elderly Silver Howl mercenary captain out of his reverie, bringing him back to reality yet again.

Debris rolled down from a larger mound at the farthest corner of the battlefield. Soon it parted away revealing the buried demonized young man underneath.

"Interesting… I was hoping for this, I have to admit…" Naybeah muttered as her eyes locked onto the figure of a battered and worn-looking Lord Bart. However, besides looking quite disheveled, the same sinister smile that stretched his facial proportions way beyond what would be considered normal was still brimming on his face.

He slowly pushed off the large chunk of rocks and pushed himself off the ground. Looking at his clothes, he acted as if he had just realized how unsightly he was looking with all the monstrous visual transformation. He silently clicked his tongue with dissatisfaction and began to calmly dust his body.

"Hehe…" He chuckled, focusing on somewhat fixing his appearance. "You are the most surprising find in the barren world we were chucked onto. Just as I was thinking of calling it quits and returning back home… YOU come and blow me away…" Realizing the joke he had made, he cackled at himself, before slowly lifting his eerie, dark gaze and turning it on the amazon's crimson-coated figure. 

"…well, both figuratively and by the truest meaning of the word… you get it, right?" 

He sighed again, and moved his neck, eliciting loud cracking noises. He moved his shoulders, exercising as if he wasn't fighting to the death but was simply training for some event.

Taking his time for almost a full minute of awkwardness that he seemed to be ignorant of, Lord Bart looked at the blonde amazon. His grin widened, he asked with an eerie, foreboding undertone.

"So… human sc-… no, you have earned it: proud amazon, are you ready for our last dance of the day? Perhaps even for eternity? Don't worry, I will treasure you in my memory…" He said… pausing at the end, his voice trailed off.

His hands took up a fighting, clawing posture once more, his legs kicked off the ground, he entered a rushing charge abruptly.

"…AS I WILL FEAST UPON YOUR FRIENDS!" A deep, demonic voice rang out in the battlefield, as Lord Bart's figure dashed with frightening speed.

It didn't take more than a single second for him to reach his target. His hands struck down in an instant, meeting the already up and ready amazonian warrior's mighty armament, releasing a powerful shockwave into their surroundings yet again.

A powerful blow, stronger than anything before rang the battlefield. The energy caused Lord Bart to lose his footing for a moment and stumble back a couple of steps before regaining his ground. He could feel his entire body ache in pain, he felt as if his insides were twisted around horrendously. 

He vomited a mouthful of his own blood before he could take a moment and look at his opponent, yet what he saw shocked him to his core!

Unlike what he had thought would have happened, she smiled as if the attack she had absorbed into her body was nothing. She wasn't kneeling, she wasn't overcome with the same aching pain. She didn't look as if her insides were twisted into a chaotic mess…

Slowly lowering her axe which she seemingly easily held in one hand, she smiled back at the heaving, distraught demon.

"That's all?"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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