The Last Primal

Chapter 637 - 637 - A Safe Job

"[Reptilian] Who is this man, Papa?" As the two figures walked over to the tables they occupied, the smallest robed figure, Tolliah looked up and asked with a curious glint flickering in her large yellow eyes.

Yet as she took a closer look at the stranger, she suddenly shuddered with fright, slumping back on her seat, and hurriedly looked for Madam Dara for protection and comfort. She buried her face on her side whilst shivering with pure fear, not daring to look at the 'mean' man wearing the uniform that was now deeply etched into her mind.

All the horror, the bad memories were related to this recognizable armor. The red and white color palette, she could recognize them from anywhere. Yet she didn't say a word but kept on shaking in silence whilst hiding her face, hoping that the bad man would just go away if she wasn't looking.

"[Reptilian] Honey, it's okay." The little one's action's forced a wry, troubled smile to appear on Aiden's face. "He is not a bad man, he is not like the rest… This kind man is here to help us. To offer us some job, so he said." 

Although the little girl didn't have any visible reaction to Aiden's short explanation, Madam Dara on the other hand turned her attention to the Guard Captain. Squinting her eyes she carefully scrutinized him from top to bottom, taking her sweet time before snorting coldly and throwing out a remark.

"[Reptilian] Scaring a little innocent child out of her body… Nice introduction, Mr…"

"[Reptilian] The name is Tak, miss!" The Guard Captain, now Tak hurriedly bowed in an attempt to show that he had no ill will and introduced himself. He flashed a kind-looking smile, stretching that scaled visage to its limits. 

Coughing lightly, he raised his gaze on the still shivering small youngling and added with a gentler, humble tone of voice.

"[Reptilian] I also like to apologize to you young princess if I scared you. I did not mean anything bad, please trust me on that. I merely wanted to offer your family and friends an opportunity to earn some coins so you could continue to have a place to rest at night and a belly full of food." He explained, retaining the smile as he looked at the back of the young one. 

Listening to Tak, Tolliah gradually began to turn calmer. The shivers and trembles soon ceased, and whilst she still refused to leave the warmth of Madam Dara's embrace, she no longer looked as terrified and scared as just a few minutes ago.

The rest of the robed figures situated around the main table as well as the rest of the occupied tables remained silent. They did not start their meals but instead were silently gazing at Tak. Some had a neutral expression, while others showed hostility, contempt, or disdain. Yet, no one acted on their feelings but kept silent all the while. 

Still, the air was palpable, the hostile gazes were akin to piercing bolts of the arcane, Tak could almost feel as their gazes bore holes through his scales. He felt strangely distressed, uncomfortable under such heavy scrutiny.

*Khm!* *Khm!*

Aiden coughed after giving some time for the two sides to get situated with each other, before speaking up.

"[Reptilian] So... As I mentioned before, this kind sir here, Mr. Tak has offered us an opportunity that as he said, would allow us to gain the coins we desperately need right now." He explained, before turning to face the man in question and asking with an inquisitive look on his face.

"[Reptilian] So, mighty warrior sir, please take a seat, and please tell us about this 'great opportunity' you have mentioned to me outside." He offered an empty seat to the man while picking up the little girl and placing her on his lap while he sat down. 

As soon as he took his seat, Tolliah instantly hugged her like a startled little koala and buried her face in his chest. However, this time, the frightened outlook seemed to have been replaced by the one she held before, Tolliah was fidgeting as she was looking for the best position whilst enjoying the scent of her beloved Papa. 

Delighted-sounding hums and muffed, soft giggles escaped from her as she refused to let go, or even waste any of her energy looking at the Guard Captain.

"[Reptilian] R-right… Ehrm…" Tak coughed, trying to mask his embarrassment. For a moment he was lost at the family picturesque scene playing out in front of them. He couldn't help but recall his own family, his own daughter. He couldn't help wondering about what they could be doing right now. Are they happy? Are they safe? Did they still think about him after all this time?

After using all his pull as a guard captain and every bit of connection he made over the years of his service, he made sure that the two of them were granted entrance into the inner city and were placed into a safe place.

Whilst they weren't officially separated, because of the nature of his work, as well as security reasons, he was not permitted to keep contact with them. He couldn't look for them, he couldn't visit them. 

Since then, he hasn't seen them for over two long years… Yet, he wasn't ready to give up, he had to find them… and make sure they are safe! 

Coming back to reality, determination sparked in his eyes, Tak clenched his fists as he turned to look at the robed merchant, Aiden once more.

"[Reptilian] Yes, the opportunity I offer is not hard. It's very simple actually and if you do what I am asking of you right, it contains no danger to any of you. To be honest, the task is but perfectly suited for your kind." He explained.

"[Reptilian] Our 'kind'? What do you mean?!" Madam Dara frowned upon hearing such a derogatory remark. A hidden blade suddenly appeared in her right hand, still hiding underneath the table. She clenched the hilt of the dagger but did not attack. Her alert however was raised, she was no longer looking as calm as before.

"[Reptilian] I didn't mean anything offensive by it, I swear!" Noticing the growing hostility on many of the eyes that were focused on him, he hurriedly raised his arms in surrender and tried to explain.

"[Reptilian] I… What I meant was that what you guys are. Escapees, refugees, and vagrants. You could perfectly blend in the outer districts, and scout the people hiding around or coming in from the outside."

Listening to the man, now even Aiden's mood was beginning to sour. A dangerous, threatening spark flickered in his golden eyes, as he asked with a slightly colder tone.

"[Reptilian] So… You want us to spy for you or for the City Guards?"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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