The Last Primal

Chapter 627 - 627 - The Stranger

"We are surrounded," Sara spoke up, just as a shadowy silhouette appeared on the horizon, visible to all.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

Following her words, the sound of distant clapping could be heard. Turning towards the source both Sara and old man Captain Don frowned seeing it was coming from the seemingly lonesome silhouette on the horizon. 

A faint chuckle followed in between the clapping sounds, pleasant to the ear, clear and light. The figure seemed blithe and even amused as if it could clearly hear the purple-haired girl's whispers and found a great deal of joy in it.

Seconds passed as the figure slowly, calmly approached the two, clapping and chuckling along the way. Eventually, just as his figure was slowly taking definite shape and the obscurity of the darkness had begun to waft away, his figure was slowly, gradually revealed to the team.

A lean and tall man that was most likely in his late twenties or perhaps early thirties greeted them. He had a clean-shaven head, with short dark brown hair and matching, slightly slanted, deep-set cognac-colored eyes.

A wide, brilliant, and broad smile stretched across his otherwise handsome face. As he approached his eyes that were squinted into happy, upward-turning crescents due to his joyous mood were focused on the deep-purple-haired woman. Approaching a dozen or so feet of distance, the man stopped in his tracks, and whilst raising his arms to the side in a friendly, greeting manner, as if he was intending to hug a long friend of his, he spoke.

Like before, his pleasant-sounding clear voice was like a little song of its own as he spoke.

"My, my… this young miss here is very sharp, I must say!" He greeted, his tone carrying no harmful intent, at least not visible to the group at first. Still, no one laxed their alertness and was instead darting their eyes all around them. By now, everyone could sense that they were indeed surrounded, trapped in an enclosure by this unknown figure's force.

While the Silver Howls were rather tense as they darted all the dilapidated structures, and shadowy corners around them, the adventurers were looking much better. They weren't relaxed but weren't too worried either. Naybeah standing at the back with her two new twin best friends were grinning from ear to ear. Her large sack holding the humungous monster's head was cast aside, for the time being, she was gripping the long handle of her war ax instead. 

"Who are you, people?" Sara asked with a scowling look on her face, looking to the side of the man, suggesting that she knew of those hiding around them. The purple glow flickered across her eyes for a brief moment as she spoke. 

In the next moment, another figure appeared, standing to the right of the previously lone young man. He looked rather dull, as he stood motionlessly, the daggers clinking loudly as they fell down to the ground as they escaped from his loosening hold.

A look of surprise flashed across the strange young man's face as he gazed at his mindless teammate. Yet, instead of being alert, or agitated, he showed a look of appreciation, nodding at the scene.

"Hmm… Not bad, not bad missy…" He hummed before his gaze suddenly snapped on the young woman. An ominous glint could be seen on his handsome expression, as he slowly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.


The loud noise filled up the area, echoes of its aftermath rippled for several more seconds before it eventually lost all of its power. At the same time, the mindless man have suddenly regained some of his lost colors, his eyes turned clear as the fog of Sara's mental hold was instantly broken.

"Though I appreciate the display of talent, I like my men just the way they are…" The man smiled again, his face once again not showing any hostility or ill intent. 

Sara however, was suddenly shocked by what had just happened. Her mental control, was peerless, besides her moth- *khm* her Mistress, no one in Higrove had the capabilities to go against it. Much less break it with such ease, with such finesse.

Gritting her teeth as if trying to mask her growing anxiety and apprehensiveness, she asked again.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

The man gasped in surprise, just realizing something important. 

"Ah right! Where are my manners! How rude of me to forgo the necessary etiquette!" He apologized whilst bowing down deeply, waving his hand in an undoubtedly respectful but at the same time, clearly theatrical manner of display.

Casting his gaze down on the ground, the young man spoke in a courteous manner.

"My name is Bartholomeo Diaz." He introduced himself, waiting for a moment before adding to it. "The Third." 

He paused again, giving a bit more time for his curt introduction to be processed and acknowledged accordingly. As if waiting for a reaction, that was just not coming, he heaved a soft sigh before continuing.

"…My father, Lord Bartholomeo Diaz, the second is one of the…" 

"Yes, yes I know." Before the man could finish, Sara intervened, hushing him in an annoyed tone. "I know who that perverted bastard is. I just wonder if his son has inherited his unsightly traits as well?" Sara asked, firing a teasing remark back at the man.

The still bowing figure, Bart's shoulders shuddered for a brief instant as Sara spoke, showing the first signs of a crack on his display. Yet, he was able to reign his emotions in a single moment later and reinforce his humble, gentle-looking smile on his face once more. 

Keeping his stance bowed, but raising his head up from the ground, he looked at the young woman again, as he spoke. 

"Ah, miss is quite sharp with her words. I just hope that what would be coming next, you wouldn't take it against this humble young man." His tone, whilst still retaining its warmth, felt a lot more ominous, foreboding with each passing word. 

He slowly raised his back, and whilst patting his chest, he snapped his fingers again.

The resulting echo that rang throughout the demolished buildings revealed a hooded figure with each passing instant, soon revealing the encirclement they were trapped in.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Diaz?" Sara asked with a stern tone as she looked at the hooded figures surrounding them. She, like the rest of her team, was long since ready for the inevitable fight. Still, she played to the tune of the man and decided to dance a bit more, hoping to get him to reveal more information.

They already knew that this was one of the groups sent in before them and that they were supporting one of the four bastions. Yet, what puzzled Sara was that she couldn't recall this young man ever stepping inside. Did he come after them perhaps? Why was he here, and what did he want exactly?


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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