The Last Primal

Chapter 427 - 427 - A Small Reunion

Turning his attention to the calm, and gently smiling youngster, Sir Arthur's stern look slightly eased up as well. His tone, though still authoritative, carried a slight undertone of warmth.

"Aiden, I… No!" He gave a light cough, grabbing more of the audience's attention deliberately. "WE all have to say thanks to you, and commend you and your friend's efforts in apprehending such a high-profile target." 

He pointed towards the chained captive next to the young man, as he continued with the same theatrical display. 

"Please, although we do not like to sound disrespectful, we have to ask you to go ahead and recount your steps throughout the day. To gain a better understanding of your eventual capture of this…" He glanced at the middle-aged man with a slight frown flashing through his face, he forced the words out of his mouth making sure to keep his disposition. "…this, individual. We would like to know every detail you can remember, starting from the point that we are all clear about."

Glancing at the door where the familiar faces of the City Guards stood guards both from the inside and outside: Hephas and Ovid inside the room, whilst Miko and Lyno outside the room, holding back the increasing mob.

With another theatrical cough, Sir Arthur continued on.

"From the reports of the active City Guards and then the subsequent check-up with the local branch of the Adventurer's Guild, we already know that you guys took on the official quest to cull the growing population of Skinks in the Sewer System beneath the city. This early morning, after getting ready and as I presume to take your sumptuous and filling morning meals, you guys made your way to the guarded entry at the edges of the Slums District. After a short discussion, you guys eventually made your way behind the grated gates and was not seen or heard from till this late afternoon-"

"Khm!" Captain John suddenly coughed, interrupting the decorated war hero's speech. "Dusk would be more precise, Sir Sonovan." He spoke up in a plain tone.

Sir Arthur gave a light smile and nodded in the man's direction, before returning his gaze at Aiden. "Yes, thank you, captain, you are indeed right… So, you returned at DUSK…" He gave more emphasis on the corrected word, before ending his introduction. "…with this man as your captive. Please, tell us what happened during the missing hours of the day. How did you end up this way? What happened?"

Finishing his speech, he leaned back on his chair and folded his arms patiently waiting for the youngster to start recounting their journey.

Whilst the General at his left, the butler, and even the Captain on his right followed his stance and was looking warmly at the boy, the representative of the nobles of the city, the blonde slick-haired young master didn't share the same sentiment. 

Feeling annoyed by being mostly ignored tonight, and his proud, high standing not being counted, he grew tired of this farce with this peasant-looking boy. His face contorting to something akin to anger, he slapped his hands atop the desk as he jumped up.

"Start speaking you… dirty peasant or I will have you flogged for wasting our time!" He cried out with a disdainful look and contemptuous tone. 

However, before he could continue and explode on the youngster even more, suddenly a cold, heavy pressure descended on him, coming from his right. With shivers running through his back and with a trembling look he slowly looked to the side only to be met with the cold and solemn look of Sir Arthur.

"I would ask the Young Master of the Davenmere Family to mind his manners and sit back down. I would also like to remind you that while the Davenmere's might be a prominent and respected family in this part of the Kingdom, they are merely a moderately sized noble household, nothing in front of the Great Four or the Royals. Your actions and demeanor represent not just your house, but the entire nobility of Higrove. If you do not wish to fall out of grace, think deeply about each and every action you will take tonight."

Sir Arthur's not-so-hidden threat caused the young boy to tremble in his place, his face to turn pale. He was keenly aware of the consequences of offending a figure such as the famed Roaring Lion. Immediately, he bowed towards the old man and sat back down on his seat.

"P-Please excuse my manners, Lord Sonovan. I am just anxious to shed light on the matters, as it could easily spell all our futures!" He apologized with a trembling tone.

However, the old man shook his head, as a nasty-looking smirk slowly crept up on his bearded face. His eyes wandered towards the calm Aiden, as he decided to give some face to his little friend.

"It's not me you need to offer your excuses Young Davenmere, but my little friend that you insulted with your thoughtless words." 

Instantly, the already pale face of the Young Master, contorted into a hideous grimace. He frowned as he listened to the feared legend's words. His hands balled into fists showing his defiance, he stood silent for several seconds before he heaved a long sigh.

He did not raise his eyes, he kept his look plastered on the ground, as he muttered a faint: "U-understood."

Turning towards this peasant, his contempt only grew higher than before. He blamed this nameless nobody for the shame and humiliation he was just subjected to. In his mind, he already made several plans on how he would make sure to deal with this annoying pest. No matter how heroic his deeds were, he was ultimately just one boy. He would make sure to have him captured and sent to his family underground dungeon later.

His fingers bore into his palm, as he quickly made his plans in his mind, before letting out one more sigh as he whispered in a contemptuous tone towards the youngster.

"P-please excuse my rudeness, brave adventurer, and tell us the tale of your heroic deeds."

Having fulfilled the order of Sir Sonovan, the young master quickly slumped back on his chair, refusing to look at anyone in the room, and delve deeper into his own thoughts.

All throughout this whole scene played out to completion in front of his eyes, Aiden's expression never changed, he smiled calmly at the colorful judges sitting opposite of him, while not bothering to spare any glance at the chained person beside him.

He was actually mostly talking to his Galina who was sitting with his sister and friends back at the inn, anxiously waiting for him to return to them.

Aiden made sure to describe everything that was going on, also making sure to include that Sara's mother's butler was there, presenting the Mistress. 

Not too long after that, the doors of the inn were pushed open as the girl in question stood at the doorway. She was with someone that once the group looked at them went silent from the surprise for a brief moment before several shades of joy could be seen reflecting in their gazes.

Standing beside the hooded Sara, a much larger figure could be seen. Although like Sara she was also completely hidden, her emblematic weapon, the large battle axe with the circular-shaped head was hanging at her back…

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