The Last Primal

Chapter 421 - 421 - A Decision To Make

"Well… The truth is…" The boys looked at each other for a moment, before both of them suddenly erupted into a belly full of laughter. Without saying another word, they both chortled mirthfully causing yet another wave of confusion to spread amidst the rest of the team.

After like a minute, they finally calmed down, looking much happier, and at ease than before. Not understanding what was going on, Scarlet was about to explode with rage, when finally his brother, Drake spoke up.

"If you really want to know, we resolved our issues, we can finally both place our trust in each other without any reservations. I know that he is honest, and what he does, he believes it is the right course to take. His mind is clear, and his soul is not tainted with corruption."

Nodding, Aiden followed up.

"And I know that your brother is also an honest and prideful man. He only wants to do what is best for his family, which is actually something we both share. I have already shown my trust to both of you when I shared some of my secrets. As for the rest, you will know them in time."

Although what they said was pretty much the ideal resolution to the problem, Scarlet wanted to know something else, something that they seemed to deliberately skip over.

"But what about the-"

However, before he could finish her question and ask it for the 3rd time, she was once again interrupted. Ignoring her, Aiden turned towards Drake, the smile receded from his face replaced by a serious, solid outlook. He looked into Drake's eyes as he fired the question to him.

"Are you sure you really want to know the answer to your question?"

Although she wanted to complain at first, as the treatment she was receiving wasn't fair in Scarlet's eyes, but, when he heard Aiden's question, she decided to stay silent, and look at his brother to see his reaction.

After all, this was the question that started this whole mess. Surely he would want the answer he thirsted for, right?

Unfortunately for Scarlet, Drake smiled at his friend and shook his head without any hesitation. He placed his right hand over his left shoulder, giving it a few gentle pats before he replied with a frank and friendly tone.

"No, you do not need to, Aiden. I trust you. I know you have your reasons, and I will not pry." He took a light cough, as his appearance shifted, taking on a more serious outlook before he continued with a much more sympathetic voice.

"Just know that you can relax. Whatever your secrets are, or whoever you may truly be, it doesn't matter, and will not change the fact: My sister and I will forever be in your debt and will always think of you as our friend."

His brother's emotional speech, caused Scarlet's anger to abruptly subsides, only retaining her lingering awkwardness as she looked at the both of them. Taking a brief instant, she coughed as if masking her embarrassment before nodding at Drake's words and adding a few of her own.

"Y-yes, just as brother said, the fact that we are here together is by no means your achievement Aiden. So…" She nodded, averting her gaze and muttering the last part of her thoughts under her breath. "…thanks."

With that said, she didn't wait for any answer from the boy. She turned around and quickly scampered back to Lily and Galina's company, leaving the annoying boys behind. Suddenly, she felt that playing with the dogs was a much better way to spend her time…

Eventually, as the situation was resolved and everything calmed down, the group was left by themselves in the murky, grimy underground sewer system that, if the rumors were true, was like a giant maze expanding and covering at least the same size as the territory of Higrove…. Or maybe even more as there could be more than just a single level.

They knew little to nothing about what lay ahead in the depth of the darkness, the only clues they learned over the weeks and months was that most of the shady groups and figures had their bases set up in this vast, expansive maze.

Another clue they had was from Sir Arthur Sonovan, the Roaring Lion himself. Knowing that an invasion was upon them, the most obvious place to slowly accumulate and gather their forces would be somewhere deep in these grounds.

It wouldn't need too much to come to the same conclusion: The enemy was probably somewhere deeper below.

Still, Aiden wasn't sure that it would have been wise to traverse deeper without any knowledge and brave the traps, dangers, and most importantly, the unknown blindly.

Looking at the darkening, obscure stone pathway ahead of them, Aiden was deep in thought, trying to figure out the best way forward.

Noticing the deep frowns, the haze-covered, dreamy gaze of his friend, Drake gave a light slap at Aiden's back, abruptly pulling him out of his trance-like state. Seeing the annoyed look on his face as he turned to look at him, Drake chuckled with the impish look on his face.

"Ahahaha… Oh my… sorry brother, but I couldn't help myself. What is weighing on you so heavily? Tell us!"

Aiden looked at him with a hurtful glare for a few more seconds, before eventually sighing and giving in to their request. He turned around, to face the rest of the group, as he spoke up, explaining the potential task at hand.

"It's just… I was wondering if we should return to the guild, or try to explore more into this place."

Noticing the weird looks he was given, he raised his hands, stopping any incoming questions, and explaining himself a bit more in detail.

"Before you ask, remember the facts we have learned so far! This… invasion that Sir Arthur has told us, this… 'empire' that has plans to step into this western side of the continent and use this kingdom as a sort of 'gateway', is supposedly imminent. From what he said, the enemy forces are already here, and are just waiting for the perfect moment to strike!"

He gave a momentary pause, giving a chance to the rest to catch up. True enough, Drake, understanding where he was leading towards, exclaimed. "If that's true, then that means that the enemy is most likely hiding somewhere in this… dungeon!"

"Well… I would have said maze, but yeah… This sewer system is supposedly vast and expansive… and what's the most important: Mostly unused, not guarded. It is already a known fact that most of the gangs and shady criminals are using it to settle in and avoid the City Guards…" "Aiden added, turning towards the girls for their input next. "What do you all think? If we were to go forward, we would be potentially walking into a trap. However, at the same time…" 

He didn't finish his thought but kept smiling at the girls, waiting for them to speak up.

Galina, as usual, didn't bother much and silently nodded at her Young Master, indicating that wherever he goes and whatever he chose she would follow without hesitating.

For Lily, she, just like Galina, was devoted and determined to stay with her beloved brother whatever happens. He was her family, she refused to take a step away from him, no matter the danger.

Surprisingly, even Scarlet didn't waste time and gave a silent, but affirming nod to Aiden before returning her attention to playing with the luckiest dogs in Eora.

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