The Last Primal

Chapter 372 - 372 - A Grave Mistake

Upon his command, the spectating crowd of thugs yelled out, breaking up the circle, and began swarming towards Aiden and his group with great numbers.

Short swords and daggers were the most dominant types of arms these back alley bullies were mostly used to, however, there were a few that laid back and equipped slingshots, even a light crossbow made its appearance.

Aiden retained his calm, cool smile as he eyed at all of this. He sighed as he shook his head at all of this. He hoped to avoid unnecessary trouble, but it seems fate did not want to give him any ease, it still came after him with full force just like always.

"Troublesome…" He lightly muttered, as his eyes suddenly lit up, and once more released the shackles holding his ancient powers back.

A whirlwind suddenly blew up the dust off the ground, a small swirling twister appeared rapidly engulfing the boy, leaving only a hazy, blurred silhouette for the suddenly stumped crowd.

In the next moment, before the thugs could regain their senses, the swirling twister expanded, exploding with huge force, blowing everyone away, forcing them on their backs. 

Strangely, only Lily's group and Master Balun were spared, like Aiden, they were safely protected inside this dusty wind barrier.

The rapidly swirling air was whistling with a deafening tone, the disturbance from the outside could not penetrate the makeshift arena.

Lily, knowing that this was his brother's doing, wasn't bothered by the least, unlike the bronze-skinned, brawny leader. His cruel, nasty-looking crooked smirk twitched, growing wide at the sight of this unbelievable sight.

"What the heck?! What is going on?!" He exclaimed with a growing hysteria. "What is this… this magic?! He turned to look behind the girl and the dogs, meeting the golden glowing gaze of the youth he was antagonizing. 

Shock and disbelief were plastered on his face as he pointed his finger at him. A growing suspicion has begun to grow inside him as he remembered the cold air and the inexplicable heaviness that he felt before. 

"Y-you… you are a monster!" He stuttered, a previously unfamiliar feeling, fear began to seep into his heart and slowly erode his soul, shocking him. 

A dubious thought began to take its seed in his mind. 

'Did I… Did I… Did I make a mistake?' The seed of regret appeared, slowly sprouting, engorging itself in the abundant amount of confidence and arrogance he garnered over the years of his life as the leader of the local group who lived his life as a tyrant, unafraid of even the city forces.

Now, however, things were different. His dominance, his proudness, his power was meaningless. A single thought of this boy made his entire group turn useless, thrown away like a sack of vegetables, disarming them, or in some cases even straight up, incapacitating them.

Aiden didn't respond, his smirk was, however, stretched wide. He was clearly enjoying the show, the mixture of emotions that displayed over the arrogant leader's face. It was a sight to see that his victorious, hungry look instantly vanished, and a lifetime of previously alien emotions, and feelings finally took hold of his body and soul, slowly turning him from the fearless leader to the same weak and faltering human that everybody else was.

"Brother! You said I can have this fight! Don't steal it away from me then!" His moment however was interrupted by Lily's displeased voice.

Seeing her pout, and hurtful, displeased stare, Aiden could only helplessly smile, and take a step back.

"Sorry sis, I only wanted to make sure you are not disturbed by these bugs. I will not bother you guys any more."

As he spoke, the glow in his eyes faded from one blink to another, and the strong pressure that formed the dusty force-barrier swiftly calmed down, revealing the sorry state of Master Balun's men once more. 

Painful groans, bloodied and battered figures were sprawled all over the dark alleyway. Swords shattered, blades plunged into the sides of their own wielders, broken, twisted arms and legs… Master Balun was shocked and stunned to see the state of his own men.

Did this boy do this? How? He didn't even see him move, he merely straightened his back, and let loose some sort of unknown power or aura…


A dangerous thought emerged in his mind as he peered through the alley.

'Was all this damage done with only his aura? What the…' He was shocked, he couldn't understand… no, he couldn't believe that someone as strong as this boy could be in this backwater city.

His body trembled as the realization slowly took root. He now understood.  He made a mistake, a grave one. Because of the words of a wench, he arrogantly strutted into disaster. Not just that he arrogantly threatened this monstrous entity!

His face turned pale, his legs wobbled as he tried stumbling backward. He could no longer hold his exotic weapon, the sturdy, heavy chain fell on the ground, his face now looked horrified as the boy's glowing eyes were forever burned into the forefront of his mind. 

The face of terror. 

He couldn't even think of revenge anymore. He only wanted to escape, survive this death trap and leave and never return! Screw this city, there are many other opportunities far away from this place, this country!

"S-s-s…" He stammered, unable to phrase any words. The dogs and Lily were no longer in his sight, he could only see the boy at the back. His calm, collected look he regained so swiftly was even more fearful in his eyes.

"S-s-stay away from m-me!" Eventually, he managed to force out a short sentence, before falling on his butt. Still, that didn't halt his escape, using his legs and arms he continued pulling himself further and further away.

Seeing the leader's state, Lily could only pout and turn around to look at her brother with growing displeasure. 

"Look at him now, brother! You ruined this whole thing completely!" She harrumphed, looking huffish, offended. Instead, she crouched down, pulling her canine partners into her embrace, grumping into their ears.

"Stupid brother… promising to not intervene, but still managed to ruin the fun… He is a meanie, right Sam, Biggy?"

Aiden could only bitterly smile at the scene and helplessly shrug his shoulders. How could he know a single action from him would have this much effect? He merely wanted to ensure that the group would not intervene, so Lily could fight and train to her heart's content…

He took one last, cold glance at the Crabby Master Bulan, before ignoring him as he finally made his way out of the alley and hurriedly scurried away, ignoring his men and leaving them behind without a second thought.

With the issue finally settled, Aiden and Lily could finally leave and get to the Mistress' mansion. Of course, only after giving enough time for Lily to vent her indignation…

"I have to say… the sudden response to my invitation has surprised me, General." Sitting over the VIP dinner table at one of the best restaurants, Master Leon was looking at his frowning dinner partner with great interest. 

"If you don't mind me asking…" He continued, a thin smile emerging on his round face. "What changed your mind? I have to say, I never dreamed that someone with your past would accept my invite and throw his lot with my side…"

"Hmpf…" The tall, broad-shouldered figure at the opposite side of the table, straightened his back, his displeased frown never leaving his face, he caressed his short silver beard. "If that's the case, why did you invite me… Young Master?"

"Oh my…" Faking a surprising shock, Leon leaned back on his chair, grabbing the wine glass and taking a sip from it, he revealed an elicit smile. "Well, first it was only a courtesy. Not gonna lie to you, old man, I did wish to get you to join my side and lead my army in the upcoming war games… But after knowing you managed to find out what happened that day, I never expected for you to forgo your hatred."

Taking another short sip of the delicious rosy red wine, he continued with a bit colder tone.

"To be honest, I was expecting you to go head-to-head with me, use everything at your disposal to take revenge for my 'unfilial actions'…. That's what you said, right?" His smile turned cruel, as he threw a jab at this decorated, once legendary man.

The old man did not respond at first but kept staring at the rounded, fat flaps of the chubby young master, the sole survivor of the Leon Family. He was clear and aware of the truth behind his family's tragic demise… the 'lucky' escape of the young master and his subsequent rise in the city's ruling society. 

The group of thugs that did this heinous crime was swiftly apprehended and executed despite their pleas, nobody bothered hearing them out. 

Still, there were a few that questioned their motive… Why would they bother annihilating a noble family? For quick monetary gain? Even they would have known how stupid such a thought would be. 

No, there was a mastermind behind them. 

The general's eyes flashed with coldness as he glanced at the chubby, smiling man in front of him.

He had no other option but to side with this vicious snake… 

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