The Last Primal

Chapter 369 - 369 - Trouble Brewing In The Inn

"They are members of our family, sis." With a bright, gentle smile covering his face, Aiden answered Lily with a calm, collected look. He then turned towards the window and looked at the bored-looking long dark-red-haired small childlike girl. 

"She is…"

"…Rygintarth, but just call me Ryg." Before he could finish the introduction he prepared in his mind, the girl in question interrupted, finishing the sentence. She donned a thin smile for a brief moment towards the unknown girl at her master's side, her face not showing too much interest in getting to know her.

Still, Lily didn't mind her attitude, she stepped forward and gave a light, courteous bow as she introduced herself.

"Pleased to meet you, Ryg. I am Lily, Aiden's sister. Hope we can get along in the future."

Ryg gave a small nod at the girl's show of respect and courtesy but did not speak a word, as just now, a disturbance could be felt from Galina's direction. A strong, invisible current suddenly washed over them, a surge of invisible energy rippled through their bodies, alarming all of them. 

Even the silently sitting duo of Sam and Biggy perked their attention towards the unknown woman's direction for a brief moment before relaxing in the next. They recognized the type to be the very same, their alpha, Aiden used, thus they felt no need to be wary at all. 

Lily's senses weren't as honed as her brother's, but despite that, she could also feel a momentary coldness pass through her. She shivered as the unknown sensation passed through her, instantly fixing her worried gaze towards the unknown black-haired woman on the bed.

Her muscles twitched for a moment as she jumped into a half-ready fighting stance. 

"Brother… Who is this woman?" She asked, her tone carrying a mixture of emotions, but most dominantly vigilance and cautiousness.

Aiden could only feebly smile and sigh as he tried explaining the situation.

"Don't be alarmed, she means absolutely no harm to you. Just like Ryg, she is also one of the newest members of our growing family. She is called Galina, she is…"

Before he could finish, a sudden groan, similar to tired exhales of the used up air, escaped through Galina's closed lips, putting an abrupt end to the introductions yet again and pulling all the gazes in the room on the awakening beauty, making her the center of attention once more.

Her closed eyelids began to lightly tremble before they slowly began to peel away, revealing another surprise to the group. A pair of bright, golden-tinted irises were revealed, faintly similar to Aiden's but at the same time carrying their own uniqueness as well.

Unlike Aiden's, which had the faint shadow of a dragon, a true emperor, dominator of the world in it, Galina's were tender and gentle. Like before, its shape retained their almond shape, but at the same type, they equipped another new trait to them. They were more prominent than before, pulling those that tried to peer into her soul into its depths and trapping them forever.

Her eyelids fluttered, as she slowly glanced all over the room, going through a grand transformation. First, a mixture of shock and surprise was written all over as they went wide before they turned gentler and curved into elation as eventually, they rested on the similarly smiling black-haired young boy.

Her closed lips slowly parted, a light, gentle and tired voice could be heard.

"Young Master… I-"

"Ssssh!" Putting his finger over her thin lips Aiden silenced the emotional, usually shy girl. "Don't speak, you should rest up, the forced evolution took a lot out of you, right?"

Galina's attention was focused on the young master, everyone else was like thin air to her. Taking a moment longer to match her master's tantalizing gaze, she weakly nodded. Remembering her thoughts in the morning as she stared at his back on the floor and what happened after, a deep sense of embarrassment came over her. Her supple cheeks now donned a pinkish-red hue, she dared not to look at him any longer and instead plastered her sight towards the bed.

Lily couldn't contain herself any longer, this new girl that joined them, was so incredibly adorable, innocent, and beautiful that she couldn't contain herself and just stand still in the background. 

With a light squeal, she jumped on the bed, surprising the awakened beauty and his brother as well. She climbed over, the startled little deer and pulled her into her embrace, joyfully exclaiming.

"Aaaaaaawww! I can't sit still any longer. I'm sorry brother but she is the cutest sister eveeeer!" 

Galina, not understanding anything, looked at her master for help, who could only look at her with a helpless look and a wry smile. 

Still, he coughed in the next moment as he tried to calm her sister down.

"*Khm!* Lily, don't hurt her! She just woke up, her body is still weak and tired. Give her some time to rest then you can get to know her better, I promise."

Eventually, after great effort and a lot of convincing, Aiden managed to get Lily to back down, for the time being at least. All the while, Ryg just stood beside the window, looking at them with a small grin coloring her usual bored, expressionless face. She was clearly enjoying the scene but decided not to do a thing.

After some small talk, they let Galina rest who was also rather unwilling to be left behind even though she was clearly exhausted, she wanted to stay beside her Young Master.

Her strange way of addressing her brother, caused Lily to crease her eyebrows, but after some thinking, she decided not to ask anything about it for the time being. Another thing that kept bothering her, was her name, Galina. She faintly remembered something similar from before, but just couldn't place it. She felt she had heard this name before…

In the end, they left the room, leaving behind Ryg to stay as a guard once more. He didn't need to explain anything, as with the shared connection they had, the sword-girl was already aware of the potential problem with the wrathful middle-aged wife of the innkeeper.

"We should head to Master's sister's mansion, brother! They are probably all there already and just waiting for us to show up." Leaving the room and walking through the short corridor Lily spoke, already taking her place at his right side and clinging on his arm as she did before.

"Sure, let's go." He responded with a smile, gently patting the top of her head, earning a happy giggle as a result.

As they made their way down the stairs, Aiden glanced towards the back area for a moment before turning away with a newly emerging smirk appearing over his face, which did not escape her sister's attention.

"What is it, brother? Why are you smiling?" She inquired, looking at his face from below his shoulder.

"Nothing much, don't worry. We are just being given a small exercise to work down our dinner before we even had the chance to enjoy it." He answered, shaking his head lightly with a glint of disappointment flashing over his eyes. "Human's are really stupid…" He muttered.

"Huh? Who is doing… what exercise?" Confused by his response, Lily looked at him with confusion. 

Looking at her, Aiden smiled again, giving another light pat on her head.

"Don't worry about it. It's just some training with a few weaklings. We just need to teach them a lesson while also bringing an estranged woman back to her senses. She is misguided, and thinks that what I did in the morning was unjust." He explained further, turning towards the counter and signaling the innkeeper over.

Although still confused about his words, Lily didn't ask for further clarification. It didn't really matter to her anyway. If someone bothered them or tried to find a problem with her brother, she would stand behind Aiden and support him wholeheartedly, no matter who was right or wrong. 

He was her brother, she had already vowed to stay by his side, even if it meant going against the whole world.

Seeing how the innkeeper was, once again too busy with the steadily growing nightly crowd, Aiden decided to not bother, and with a sudden motion, he jumped over the desk. Turning around he picked up Lily who was still stunned at his sudden action and calmly began to walk towards the kitchen, under the shocked stare of the innkeeper and the crowd.

"Wait! What are you doing?! You can't go th-"

"Don't worry, I have some business with your naughty wife over there. She called over a group of not-so-friendly-looking people to try to find trouble with me and my people, you see. At the very least I have to greet them, don't you think?"

He spoke, shocking the old man with his words as he slowly walked towards the back, kitchen area without stopping.

The innkeeper, shocked by his words, wanted to deny his claims, but before he could do so, he spotted the shadows of several figures making their way inside through the back door, accompanied by his wife.

Instantly realizing that what the boy said was probably the truth, he could only grit his teeth with rising anger and clench his fists. He wasn't mad at the boy, but his idiot of a wife. Despite being sternly ordered, she did and went against his back and brought even further trouble on themselves!

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