The Last Primal

Chapter 347 - 347 - Face-off

Even though he was inwardly seething with anger, he retained a relatively normal disposition on the outside. Only his tightly clenched fists could betray Sir Michael's true feelings on the matter.

He didn't want to admit it but truth be told, he was jealous. Even if it made no sense, as the boy he was mad at was the supposed brother, a relative, he couldn't help himself. To him, Miss Lily should be only with him, the only person who should be allowed to be near this gift of the heavens. 

Yes, he was possessive, but that was just his true nature. The golden boy, the hero of Higrove, Michael had the same faults that many of the nobility had. He felt entitled, he thought that the world was his playground, its residents were his, to begin with. If he desired someone or something, it should be their honor and joy to be picked up by him.

When he saw Miss Lily back during the new joiner's meeting at the guild, he knew it from the start that she was the one. She was the muse, sculpted by the gods themselves to be his perfect, lifelong partner.

Lily was his gods-given right to own, to possess… to love. This... 'Boy' this nobody, this commoner had no rights to be so intimate with her!

Unable to watch them any longer, he unsheathed his sword and pointed its pointy end towards the calm-looking boy. 

"Enough of that!" He bellowed, silencing the gathered, spectating crowd on the balcony at the same time. Taking the ensuing silence as his queue to begin one of his usual speeches, he raised his hands, looked up, as he began another theatrical, practiced speech.

"Greetings my dear friends! Today you are all invited to witness an honored duel between yours truly and a new but surprisingly well-progressing adventurer of our local branch, Aiden!"

He pointed his sword once again to the boy, who despite being called out, retained his cool. He signaled his friends and his sister to go to the side, whilst mostly ignoring the gaze of all the onlookers. 

"Look at him! That scrawny piece of trash! Who gave him the right to act so arrogant?!" 

"Just you wait, trash! Sir Michael will beat some sense into you!"

"Woo! Sir Michael! Please accept me as your concubine! I will give you many babies!"

"Shut up you wench! My Michael will never look at your ugly body!"

The crowd was already boiling with a mixture of emotions. Some were eager to see the boy being pummeled into the floor, beaten into submission, whilst others, mostly the girls, were eager to grab the strongest adventurer's attention. Besides his friends, no one supported the small, weakling boy. 

Even though their height wasn't too far off from each other, their builds were vastly different. While Sir Michael, even without his trademark shining, golden set of armor sported a true warrior bod, with bulging, finely toned muscles, broad shoulders, arms as thick as a sturdy log, Aiden looked… thin as a fiddle.

This obviously wasn't the case, as Aiden was far from looking like a malnourished victim of famine, he was far from matching up to his opponent in terms of physique.

Sporting a friendly-looking, political fake smile, Sir Michael lowered his weapon to his side, addressing his opponent loudly, making sure that everyone could hear him.

"Boy, take out your weapon, and get ready!" then he turned to look at the hodded Sara standing at the side. "You that you will be the judge over this fight. In that case, please step up and start the match!"

As he spoke, his weapon holding hand was already raising his blade in front of his chest, arching it in a 45 degree to give him cover, his body automatically entered a battle-ready poise. 

Turning his attention back towards his young opponent, he looked puzzled when he saw him standing in the same, nonchalant, carefree manner as before, with absolutely nothing in his hands. He seemed totally uncaring about this whole event, causing Sir Michael to almost lose his cool.

He had to take several long breaths before he was able to voice out the question that burned not just his mind, but most of the spectators as well.

"Boy, why are you still standing there like that?! Grab your weapon so we can get started!" As if realizing something, a small smirk appeared over his face, he continued with a faked inquiring tone. "Can it be that you lost your blade? Don't worry, you can borrow one from the side!"

However, to Michael's great surprise, the boy retained his friendly-looking smile as he shook his head. He spoke calmly as if he wasn't about to get into a heated battle against the best of the city.

"Nah, no need. I am fine. We can start whenever you are ready."

The young boy's words only caused Sir Michael's already hard-to-contain rage to boil with even more ferocity, threatening to erupt and turn him into a berserk state. He tightened his grip over the handle of his sword, swallowing the urge to lose his cool. 

A couple of seconds later, just as Sara has arrived between the two he managed a small nod.

"Your decision kid. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Just like him, the crowd was also raging over the balcony. They couldn't believe what was up with this arrogant little bastard, what was his deal? Did he really plan to go against the best their city can offer, using nothing but his bare hands?

Bellowing waves of laughter and guffaws rippled through the spectators, many were pointing at the kid, having the time of their lives ridiculing this misguided little creature.

"Did you guys hear this?! What was he planning to do? Slap Sir Michael to boredom?! AHAHAHA!"

Taunts, jabs, and quibbles similar to this were flying left and right, echoing in the arena, causing a small smirk to appear on both of the opponents' faces. Even Sara couldn't help but smile under the magical cover of her hood. She was now really looking forward to seeing the reactions when Sir Michael would realize that he just tried to step over an insurmountable wall.

Even Drake and Scarlet were enjoying the quips that were thrown towards Aiden. Like Sara, they now knew the incredible power hidden inside that thin frame of his. Although they were far off from the true depths, they both still knew that someone like Sir Michael, wouldn't stand a chance.

Even if he was truly a skilled swordsman and a great fighter, unless he had some incredible secrets up his sleeves, he would face the harsh reality soon.

Giving the parties around a minute to get ready, Sara raised her right arm in the air, swiftly turning the room silent. Her bloodline-enhanced magical, ambiguous, melodious voice reverberated across the spacious arena, clearly audible to all present, no matter where he or she stood or sat.

"Get ready! The opposing parties are: Sir Michael from the guild's side, Rank 3 Adventurer and current acting manager of Higrove's Adventurer's Guild is facing up against Aiden, a newly joined Rank 2 Adventurer to prove the validity of his claim of completing two 5-star quests assigned to him by the guild."

Sara's words caused a shock to spread through the crowd once again. So far they weren't really aware of the reason for their fight. Most had just thought that the haughty boy challenged the leader who given his 'good-nature' accepted the fight in an attempt to teach the boy, and guide him towards the righteous path.

They didn't know that the reason was that the boy was sporting such ridiculous, obviously false claims!

Murmurs, mutters, and whispers broke the previously tense silence, anger, rage, and consequently, a rising madness enveloped the crowd. 

The hushed whispers soon turned to pointed yellings, many now wanted to personally teach this arrogant prick a lesson about lying. They were now hoping that their fight would result in some lasting injury that could serve as a reminder that lying and claiming such lies is not how an adventurer of their city should behave.

Sara was aware that this would happen, she wasn't surprised nor scared of the crowd's rising unruly state. She kept her hand up in the air, and returned to speak, her magic-enchanted voice turned a touch higher, overpowering everyone in the room.

"SILENCE! Those who do not behave will be asked to leave." 

Then she turned to look at the two figures standing against each other. 

"If you are ready, then… BEGIN!"

Her words were like the ring of the bell that signaled the start of an official boxing match. Without turning around, she stepped away from the battle arena, back to the side. She leaned against the wall, with her hands folded together just below her chest. 

"Now boy… you will see the price of your lies! Taste my first strike!" Sir Michael exclaimed, his previously friendly smile on his face twisting into something akin to a cruel, malicious smirk.

He raised his weapon and struck down, aiming at the still calm, aloof boy's annoying face.

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