The Last Primal

Chapter 282 - 282 - The Painting

After getting through the energy shield, Aiden and Roas could finally see the true ending of this second to the last floor in this strange tower-like Sacred Sanctum. The scene changed, it no longer showed an endless path forward but they saw the very end of the hallway, while on their left, where they only saw the endless wall, the very familiar-looking staircase appeared. 

There was however a similar, maroon carpet draped over the stairs, while the usual wooden railing was replaced by bronze this time. Midway through there was a small kite winder, giving it a U-shape, instead of the previous straight ones. The mellow, amber-colored wall had a single, peculiar painting. From the distance, neither Aiden nor Roas could make out anything it seemed to be a completely black canvas. However, when Aiden looked at it, suddenly a system notification popped up, giving a surprising note.

[Dark Essence Source Found! Please approach the source for the absorption process to begin.]

Not expecting something like this, the update surprised Aiden, causing him to squint and scrutinize the painting once again, this time also exerting a sliver of his own [Soul Power] to scan it with his [Dark Sense] ability. 

He felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation as his energy tapped on the canvas, he felt a buzzing, uncomfortable feeling in his mind. Frowning, he pulled his senses back, heaving a soft sigh, he stepped on the first step.

"[Orc] Come Roas. I'm sure you also felt something from that painting, let's check it out." He voiced his thoughts to his servant, as he ascended the stairs in a careful, slow manner. He wasn't sure what this was, and the strange sensation he felt in his mind only raised his awareness more.

Behind him, Roas was following, Drake's still resting body draped over his right shoulder. His left hand was clenched into a fist, feeling the familiar source of Dark Magic from the painting, he was ready to jump into action at the first sign of trouble.

Reaching the painting, both of them looked at the peculiar picture hanged on the wall. Even from this close, they couldn't see anything but a completely dark canvas. To be completely honest, looking at it, it would be a bit of a stretch to call the painting art. 

Aiden felt as if the image was inviting him, whispering to him to get closer, to touch it… Pulling him closer and closer. He wasn't in any sort of trance, the pull, the whispers he felt from the dark painting, did not cloud his mind. However, seeing as how the system did not seem to alert him and did not block anything, Aiden was certain, that whatever this 'thing' was, would be beneficial to him. Otherwise, he would have surely seen messages stating that his resistances have blocked something.

His right hand slowly reached closer to the painting, stopping at a bit over halfway, as Roas suddenly cried out, grabbing his wrist.

"[Orc] Young Master, no! Don't do it, there could be a trap set up! Let me try it first and see if it's safe!" 

This time, however, Aiden wasn't gonna let his servant take the lead, he shook his head, freeing his wrist from Roas' hold.

"[Orc] No, Roas. This time I need to do it. I am fairly certain, that there are no traps in here. There's a lingering source of this Dark Magic, Dark Essence. Not sure what purpose does this painting actually serve, but I'm sure I can take this source for myself. Let me do it."

Before Roas could react and try to pull him back once again, Aiden quickly touched the black canvas. As soon as he did, he felt the surface of the painting reacting to him. The surface of the painting emitted a low-toned buzzing sound, the same he felt inside his head.

The familiar sound of the system's notification rang out in his mind, popping up in front of his vision.

[Dark Essence Source Found! Absorbing… 1%]

The progress meter, however, didn't stay at 1%, it rapidly rose, reaching 100% in a manner of seconds. At the same time, Aiden could feel the air whirl around his connecting palm, he felt an unfamiliar cold breeze as the newfound source was rapidly sucked up, seeping into his body.

At the same time, the completely dark paint in the canvas began to fade, turning translucent as the percentage rose. 

Once the process reached completion, the sucking, the cold feeling vanished, and with it, the color of the painting also changed, returning to an empty white board. It was as if the paint itself was the energy.

In his system, the text changed, while, at the same time, another message popped up below.

[Dark Essence Source Found! Absorbing… 100%...Completed!]

[Merging with existing seed...Done!]

[Note: Dark Essence found! Progress...  98% … Gathering Complete!... Analyzing… Complete!

Estimated time before completion: 00 Hours 32 Minutes 13 Seconds]

The update in the timer's countdown was a welcome surprise, Aiden couldn't resist releasing a happy chuckle, causing Roas to turn towards him with a questioning gaze.

"[Orc] What happened, young master? Did you take the Dark Essence? Do you feel anything?" He fired one question after another, not sure what he should be doing. Was the master in danger, did he fail at his job?"

His worry quickly proven to be unnecessary, as Aiden couldn't help but chuckle, even more, he didn't answer him, as another interesting note appeared in front of his view.

[The ability [Dark Sense] can be evolved with the newly forming source. Would you like to initiate the process?

Estimated time required for completion: 01 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds.

Note the following: 

- The skill will be unavailable for the duration of the evolution process.

- The process can only start after the prerequisite process has been completed.]

Aiden didn't hear Roas speaking he was currently basking in the updates his system presented to him. Although he would lose one of his most important abilities for a short time, it was more than worth it. He didn't even know that such a feat was even possible! Evolving a skill! What would it turn to be? It was already an incredibly powerful and useful ability, giving him an edge to almost every aspect of his life, so he was quite hopeful about it.

A familiar hoarse, throaty gruff pulled Aiden out of his reverie, Roas asked again after seeing his Young Master not react. His tone was slightly worried, uncertain.

"[Orc] Young Master! Are you okay? Why are you not reacting? Please wake up master!" He reached out, gently touching the young master's shoulder, giving it a light shake.

Coming back to his senses, Aiden turned to look at his concerned servant. Seeing his worried look, Aiden's friendly smile returned to his face.

"[Orc] Don't worry, I am fine Roas. I was just focusing on the Essence I just absorbed. I can feel it inside me. It still needs some time, but I can definitely feel as it's forming a seed inside me. I was just wondering what effects will it provide once it is created." He answered, mixing a few light lies into his speech. He couldn't speak about his system, this strange, unique trait he was born with, after all. Not yet at least.

"[Orc] Anyway, let's continue. Your revenge is just up ahead…" Reminded of the fact there was the trio as well who he promised the same, he sighed. "Almost forgot about them, they are also expecting the same…"

With that said, he waved with his right hand in the air. The air in front of them buzzed in the next moment, the space distorted as a gateway made out of energy appeared. Opposed to the completely dark ones that seemed to be the norm for others, this one had a clear image inside him, showing a vibrant, lush green meadow. 3 small figures could be seen in the distance, vanishing one by one as some unique power summoned them. 

One by one, they appeared, stepping out of the portal. Once the last one, Galina left the meadow, the portal behind them closed, vanishing just as abruptly as it appeared.

The trio immediately knelt down, bowing deeply, their gazes plastered on the ground as they exclaimed simultaneously with the same reverent tone.

"[Goblin] Greetings to Young Master! We are ready for your orders!"

Steeping forward, Aiden crouched down, raising their heads pulling them up from the ground.

"[Goblin] Rise, my friends, this time, it is me, who is ready to serve you three." He spoke with a gentle, warm smile. "We have arrived. Just a few more stairs, and what will await us all will be the leaders of the horde. Those that hurt you and the others are also there. This is your time, to get your promised revenge! Teach them, not to look down on the weaker ones ever again!"

His words fired up the small team, both the trio and Roas felt the excitement as they turned their eyes towards the last steps before they would finally be face to face with those that hurt them…

Unknown to them, Aiden couldn't help being concerned as he looked up as well. After all, he felt a strange foreboding from the upcoming last floor… He wasn't sure what was it, and as his powers were somehow blocked, he couldn't even scan...

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