"[Reptilian] Not bad, not bad. To be honest, there're two main reasons I wish to help you. I will be honest. First, it is because of your display just now. You stood up for your beliefs and dared to not just talk back but even attack those arrogant, conceited bastards." Tau-Liu explained, focusing his gaze on the hooded man before him.

Aiden smiled at this response, not commenting on it. He gestured for the man to continue.

"[Reptilian] As for the second reason… Well, it is sort of connected to the first. I admit it is a pretty selfish one but at the same time it's the most honest one I can give." He continued, forcing the smile on his face.

"[Reptilian] It is pretty simple really." Tai-Liu continued after a moment of silence. "You have great value. You have great potential. You can be a good pawn for my plans in the future."

Aiden looked surprised at the statements, but in the next moment, he finally heaved a soft sigh of relief and relaxed his guard ever so slightly. He was much less guarded now that he saw how brutally honest this white robed Young Master, this Tai-Liu was. Nodding, he gestured for the latter to continue.

"[Reptilian] Now, I am sure you might have some concern after hearing my reasons just now and I can understand them. However, I also believe that by not hiding away anything we can stand at a firm foundation and build up a fruitful relationship together."

"[Reptilian] Do not think too much into it either. There's nothing too impressive about anything I have just said just now. I merely do not like how the church and its figurehead are acting as of recently. Whilst their cause may have been just at the start, their ideals, goals, and methods have been twisted beyond recognition over the decades."

He frowned, showing a disgusted look as he gazed towards the distance. Even that expression looked strangely alluring, much more beautiful and seductive than what would be normal for any male of any species.

"[Reptilian] The church of before and this wretched den of demons of today are far from each other… They need to be cleansed and their vile, sinister souls purged."

"[Reptilian] Anyway, that's not the point." Tai-Liu waved his folding fan and pointed to the crowd gradually fading away. "[Reptilian] I can assure you that most of the citizens living even in the Inner City of Ugburg do not sympathize with the Church, nor with the Temple Guard forces in their hearts. Yet at the same time, they know they are not strong. Their resolve fades as well as they eventually bow down in the face of the cruel reality. In fact, they might even turn into the type of people that they have once looked down on."

"[Reptilian] You, on the other hand, are different."

Tai-Liu's gaze landed on Aiden eventually as he said with a brighter tone. "[Reptilian] You still managed to retain your values. I can see your resolve, your firm conviction. There are not many people who can stay true to their hearts and push forth courageously in this harsh, brutal world. You are… as they say a 'diamond in the rough'."

Tirax standing at the side was listening with rapt attention to the two's discussion all the while. Upon hearing that remark from this young noble looking figure he was flabbergasted at those words. A moment later, as his thoughts were finally calming down and could process through the events he felt very emotional and was battling hard against not showing such an obvious weakness. Still, his figure was silently trembling at the side.

A small smile creept up on the edges of Aiden's face as he spoke up with a seemingly self-deprecating manner. "[Reptilian] I believe we both know that people like me do not live long enough to matter in the long run."

As if he had just heard the keyword he was waiting for, Tai-Liu chuckled at these words.

"[Reptilian] And this is exactly why I am here." He smiled.

Aiden was slightly dazed when he met with the sparkle in Tai-Liu's eyes as he felt a strange sensation surging in his heart. A sensation that he only felt when he was together with Naybeah or Sarah…

Hurriedly, he changed the topic and asked. "[Reptilian] You said that you value my potential. Is there something you would want me to do?"

"[Reptilian] Hehe, you are sharp just as I thought." Tai-Liu nodded whilst chuckling at the question. "You are right, I do have something in mind."

"[Reptilian] There's a lot of powerful figures gathering within and around Ugburg, all for the sake of exploring a rather ancient, burial site. When the time comes and it would be revealed, I do hope that you will be standing beside me and helping our sect then."

​ It was Aiden's turn to finally lose his cool. An Ancient Burial Site!

Even Tirax and from what he could see from the corner of his eyes, Vyndridolth could also barely contain her excitement upon hearing this news.

The secrets, the opportunities… the treasures that would be laying in wait in such a place, in these ruins were much more than what he could imagine.

Furthermore, from Tai-Liu's tone it seemed that most of the powerful figures of this world were gathering to get their chance at exploring this place, meaning that despite the oppressive nature of the High Priest's Church, he could not fully claim ownership by himself!

There was a chance for everyone to take a bite out of this delicious cake!

Suddenly, the old man standing beside Tai-Liu spoke up with a stern expression on his face. "[Reptilian] This is for the future. We will have a chance to talk about this in detail if you actually manage to survive the approaching calamity."

Aiden smiled mysteriously in response, not bothered by the old man's attitude in the slightest. He merely shook his head and said before turning away. "[Reptilian] I will give an answer tomorrow morning."

"[Reptilian] Uhm. Alright. I will be waiting."

Tai-Liu nodded. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the gray robed figure, Aiden speak as he was walking towards his companion. "[Reptilian] I have to say, although your male disguise is outstanding, there are still some flaws. You ought to watch out for those with keen senses miss."

"[Reptilian] Huh?"

Male disguise? Tirax was confused at this remark as he turned to look at Tai-Liu once again. What male disguise? Could he be…? No, that's impossible!

Although the young noble was extremely good-looking, he didn't have any of the weaker sexes' more refined traits. He was clearly a man.

However, the shock and the next words of the young noble man, Tai-Liu seemed to tell a different tale. "[Reptilian] W-what flaws?"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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