Flickering lights of a multitude of colors were unleashed as the two forces violently collided. The ethereal protective technique, the [Holy Turtle Shield], despite its supposed invincible quality, couldn't withstand a single punch, a mere strike from Aiden and it shattered amidst a spectacular light show.

It was a simple strike, a mere punch, a thrust of the clenched hand without the least bit of sophistication, a clash of power absent of the slightest style. Yet, behind that simplistic maneuver, there was something profound, something majestic, something that neither his opponent nor the onlookers could process.


A seemingly heart-shaking sound echoed through the entire square. The wind came to a halt and the crowd froze.

Causing hearts to soon take a turbulent flight, the wind's whistling moment ago ceased to a scream. Aiden's right hand had made a full impact against the brawny elite Temple Guard's energy shield. Time seemed to come to a screeching halt in an instant.

For an instant, a similar single thought crossed through almost everyone's mind: Just what would be the result? Who would come out victorious?

Suddenly, a blood-curdling wail like the muffled sound of striking leather hollered out shattering the ominous momentous silence. In the next second, the brawny giant skink's battered body was sent flying back in a straight line.

"[Reptilian] AAAAAARGH!!!" A mournful shriek came from his mouth as he sailed across the air, flying back. It was a result of being hit with such power and sent soaring away at head-spinning speeds, which led to his broken screaming in the wind. He seemed to have been turned into a shooting star.

With a tremendous, blaring bang his body was slammed into the front facing stone wall of nearby building.

A full ten meters of what looked like limestone appeared to have been struck by a modern day artillery shell. The heart of the impact had completely caved in. In a flash spider web like cracks covered a full ten meter expanse.

A barely audible muffled grunt could be heard from the disastrous site. Under the heavy pile of rubble, the previously haughty and arrogant warrior's face was covered in shock. Yet before he could even finish calming his nerves, he couldn't restrain the mouthful of blood to splurt out from between his lips. With one last mouthful of blood being pushed out into the open, his limbs relaxed, as he lost consciousness.

It was unknown if he was still alive, or perhaps he had breathed his very last.

Without bothering to confirm the results, as his system's map had already shown the creature's life sign vanish meaning that he was most likely the latter or at last on the verge of it, Aiden turned around and with a calm, unbothered expression on his face slowly approached the second, crimson-colored Draconic Skink warrior, the second combatant he had come up to save.

The entire square was grimly muted, still dreadfully quiet.

Vyndridolth's gaze had just bit lit aflame, but now it took a sudden turn for extreme solemnity. She was shocked, utterly shocked. Despite already having an inkling of his strength, this single strike made even her, a powerful former guardian of this dying plane, shiver and tremble instinctually in fright upon witnessing such ferocity.

It wasn't even only her that reacted in this manner. There were quite a few people who were wordlessly standing, their bodies uncontrollably shivering with their mouths hanging ajar.

The old man standing in the midst and was seemingly supporting himself with the lavishly adorned dragonhead shaped cane was focused on the gigantic limestone rubble as if he had seen a ghost. The previously nurtured confidence and pride he had were wafted away by the wind, his sharp gaze focused on the motionless, most-likely deceased carcass who was now lying in his own pool of blood.

What… Just what in the Ancient One's name happened? A punch? A mere, simple, primitive punch?! The opponent was a highly trained elite, a hardened battle veteran, a survivor of numerous battlefields! He was the top of his class, one of the very best their entire race can offer! Yet, the result had been delivered with just a simple primitive brutish attack? One without any spectacular, or obvious technique behind it?!

The supposed duel between two elites of the Temple Guards, a fight symbolizing purity versus the gradual mixture of bloodlines had ended with such an unexpected outcome. It wasn't about one side battering down on the other, but an unknown, third party, a filthy vagrant appearing on the stage and shocking everyone to their cores.

The result? In the end, the supposed hero of the story, the warrior symbolizing the purity of their blood was beaten and defeated with a mere strike? Even with a high grade defensive technique had been utilized, it had still been defeated by one attack?

"[Reptilian] What in the gods' name…" A middle-aged draconic skink, a pure blooded citizen shakily grabbed onto his own pulse. "Was that… what… ten seconds at most, right?"

"[Reptilian] N-no… It couldn't have been more than five! Or perhaps three?! It felt like an instant…" Another one muttered, pure disbelief plastered across his face.

"[Reptilian] H-how?! How is this possible? How could Protector Kurg be defeated like that?! He was an elite!"

"[Reptilian] That attack… the power of that strike… was actually so strong!" On the other side, a profusely sweating middle-aged skink woman looked at the destroyed building in astonishment. In her mind, she pondered countless times, yet she discovered that despite her training, she couldn't even take a sliver of that force herself. 'What is going on… who is that man?'

This was a question that she herself dared not ask. Furthermore, she dared not answer it.

At the center of all this scrupulous gaze, Aiden looked ignorant or perhaps oblivious to all that scrutiny. He calmly, casually walked up to the crimson scaled creature, the gentle, carefree smile never leaving his visage.

Yet, surprisingly, despite knowing the insurmountable chasm that stood between the two in terms of power level, the crimson scaled skink, Tirax didn't flinch but retained his stern, somber expression.

Still sitting on the ground, he didn't even bother standing up as he looked at the approaching enigma that this mysterious stranger was and asked with a cold, steady tone.

"[Reptilian] Who are you? What do you want?"

The hooded, vagrant-looking stranger, Aiden, did not respond to the question but merely widened the warm, gentle smile on his face and halted his steps once he was a mere step away from Tirax.

His right arm, the same arm that caused unimaginable suffering to his opponent, this so-called 'Protector Kurg' just a moment ago, was once again moving in the air, albeit with a much slower pace than before.

The hooded vagrant reached out and bent his knee, looking as if he wanted to help Tirax instead of attacking him. All his moves were shockingly honest and slow, allowing the still tired, exhausted creature to properly process and analyze each of his actions.

With his hand stretched out, Aiden smiled and asked in a simple, calm tone.

"[Reptilian] You alright?"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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