In the eastern parts of the scorched, charred lands of the Battleground Realm, deeper under the surface.

Before a large towering and grand domed gate that separated the plebeian, commoner 'filth' of the real creme of the Draconic Skink society, Ugburg's inner city, a long line of people slithered along the wide, dusty road.

A smaller building, the guard's post stood at both sides of the road just before the large closed metal that blocked the way. Several fully armed Temple Guards checked and questioned every single person that wanted to gain entrance.

They were waiting to gain the approval of the guards stationed in front of the gates, and gain entry. The group waiting for entry was rather large, and while you could see all kinds of faces, they were probably all from the same social class. From the extravagant silk pants to the crude, plain and simple rags, you could see all kinds of people lining up.

Standing along with the rest in this long, messy line of people, Aiden fixed his hoodie and with a few pats, he dusted his ragged clothes just a little bit. There were still a lot of souls, mostly wealthier-looking skinks but many other races standing before him and his company of four beautiful girls: The ex-guardian Vyndridolth, and Lady Circe, Madam Dara and Lady Pyre.

Not minding the few obnoxious stares they were receiving, they stood at the end of the line. Vyndridolth looked at Aiden, and with a gentle, calm expression, she whispered to him in a low voice.

"[Reptilian] No matter what others say, this ancient city is an incredible sight to behold. We have to admit that at the very least. What do you think… Aiden?" Vyndridolth sighed, smiling as she looked up at the humongous arched gate. Her gaze flickered through the stationed several dozen guards armed with crossbows looking sternly at the large crowd, ready to unleash hell at the first command of their superiors.

Vyndridolth being the only one not under his direct command, she was the only one that could call Aiden by his name. The rest, -due to the influence of the system- would subconsciously refer to him as 'Young Master', Lord, or even Master. Even if he wouldn't necessarily demand such honorifics, they all would still revert to it after a while.

The Master-Servant relationship is enforced by the magical contract of the system. Once a soul is subjugated and contracted, he would inadvertently think of themselves as inferior to the 'Master'.

"Hmmm…" Aiden hummed, nodding along her words as his gaze followed along the mature woman's and looked at the fierce, cold-looking guards atop the gate as well.

Still, despite the clear and obvious threat their presence emitted, he merely smiled under the cover of his hood and shook his head lightly.

"[Reptilian] I guess. It's not of reptilian origin, I presume? It reminds me of the human cities." He mused, before closing his eyes and focusing his attention on the system instead.

In the last couple of days, quite a few events have taken place. Whilst using his ever expanding resource of headcount, his presence has reached to all outer sectors slowly taking over and gaining more and more ground, until eventually in just a week's time he had effectively taken control of every sector.

With so many events happening at the same time, Aiden hardly had any time to pay any proper attention to himself. Whilst he did take some increase in strength, most of his gains still came from the first day of their arrival when he absorbed several powerhouses of the enemy forces.

With a thought, he brought up the system's updated Status Screen first.

[ *Status* | Lab | Domain |  Activities ]

[—Status Screen — ]

[ *Main* | Skills | Analysis | Inventory ]

[Name: Aiden Voragon

Race: Primal (Evolver)

Current Form: Draconic Skink (Tier 1+, Clean)

Level: 18

Condition: 100%

Resource: Soul Power (Level 2) : 1350 SP / 1350 SP

System Points: 15000 XP



Might: 48

Agility: 46

Spirit: 61


Note: For quicker, faster navigation please use the keywords in the following order: "Status", "Main".]

One of the main changes was that after absorbing so many powerful entities, as well as countless priests, his System Points, and Level have shot up all the way to level 18 from the previous 15, and his available points to invest into his skills have increased to a massive 15 thousand.

Whilst that number seems high, in reality, it is far from it. With the main skills requiring almost as much as five thousand or in some cases even ten thousand to bump up a single level, that amount wouldn't count for much.

After all, the intended method to increase the skills was still through either direct analysis or arduous practice. At the same time, the system often hinted at him to start behaving like a true Primal of old and start amassing Life Essences at a much faster pace.

Yet, Aiden was still quite hesitant to recklessly do so, and would only turn to that 'barbaric' method if there was no other choice. His mindset still wasn't completely mature, he still needed time.

His main attributes also increased by a relatively small amount. Still, even that would be only a matter of perspective. For Aiden, for example, the increase in his might from 45 to 48 seems rather small, a meager 3 full points, not even enough to increase the fifth milestone, the fifth small stage.

Yet, if we compare to the average mortal human on Eora, for example, the average guard in Higrove, he or she would have at most 6 or perhaps 7-8 points in might, and that would be considered a rather fit, strong and hulking beast amongst his or her peers. An increase of 3 full points wouldn't only be a fifty percent increase, but could very well push him through the first boundary, allowing him to break through the first mortal limits and step into the first stages of being a supernatural existence, with an otherworldly power to crush his or her foes.

A fully matured, battle-hardened Mountain Orc of his kind would sport around 15 to 18 points of strength, capable of crushing smaller trees with a full powered swing of his axe.

As mentioned before, whilst these smaller increments would still be a worthwhile increment, reaching the thresholds, the 'boundaries' of each smaller stage is what truly mattered. Whilst for the average human, that would be the ten point mark, for Aiden this would be the 50 points mark.

These 2 points however would require him a huge amount of time to break through or several stronger creatures, life signatures to consume to achieve. With his 15 thousand system points, Aiden would at most be able to increase it once.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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