After the eventful night and the bountiful spoils that resulted from such a road full of bumps and obstacles, as well as the first, crucial steps now in place, the next couple of days flashed by in the blink of an eye.

With the end goal of toppling the current oppressive regime of the church and crushing the faith of the 'Ancient One' together with its corrupted High Priest, Aiden's team of rebels have started to act.

With the help of his divine power mixed together with the unique traits of his Primal energies, Aiden accepted several new souls into his fold, allowing many to be reborn under his guidance.

Lady Circe and the rest of the Dark Shadow assassins, were reborn to a unique strain of the reptilian family, called by the mouthful of [Primal Shadow-Crested Draconic Skink] via the system. These creatures, whilst did not evolve to a higher tier rating were marked as the very peak of it, with a few interesting active and passive type skills added into their repertoire.

For example, their ability [Shadowmeld] which most likely was inherited from their previous knowledge allowed them to meld with the ever-present darkness, to a point where besides the system's connection they were virtually impossible to detect. It went beyond the capabilities of simple illusion or tricks of the mind but instead worked somewhat similar to a [Dimensional Shift] transporting their presence to an alternative, pocket dimension so to say.

Alongside that, they also gained some basic knowledge in [Dark Magic] alongside its prerequisite [Magic Proficiency]. Though unlike Madam Dara, they did not gain any understanding of the cursed [Blood Magic], their mastery remained that of the subtlety in the shadows.

The captured forces of the local [Temple Guards] barracks were also accepted into the fold after a few days and also converted to strengthen their faiths. Not so surprisingly, whilst the majority of the captured forces (around 90% of them, were reborn as simple Saurus warriors, a small number of their elites have taken a surprising path and came out as the rarely seen [Kroxigors].

[Kroxigors] were somewhat similar to Sauruses in the meaning that they two were hulking giants however they went way further than that. These massive, bipedal, crocodile-like creatures towered over even the strongest Saurus Generals Aiden had in his forces.

Standing upright they reached way over four meters in height (somewhat over 13 feet). Their bodies were almost exclusively all muscle with massive elongated, powerful jaws and a row of sharp, serrated teeth designed exclusively to tear into the flesh of whatever or whoever stood in their path. They were naturally armored with dark green and dark gray scales, which added to their thick skulls made them perfect front liners, akin to tanks to bulldoze through anything.

What was even more surprising and a very welcome addition to their skillset was their newly gained aquatic capabilities. With the [Underwater Breathing] skill that they had, similar to Aiden, these fearsome beasts could stay below the surface for hours on end waiting for their prey, lying in ambush.

With [Swimming], once the unfortunate soul embarked on the set trap, it would have little chance of escape as these giant monsters were shockingly nimble and agile in these hard to trek environments.

Although such an ability may have little to no use in this current realm, Aiden knew that in the future it could come in handy.

Even without this unique ability of theirs, just by their sheer size, otherworldly strength, and hardened body, they were incredibly precious additions to Aiden's steadily growing forces.

Alongside them, there was one more surprise hiding amongst the captured and converted Temple Guards. One simple guard, though lacking any achievement or notable rank under his name, turned out to hold a surprising potential in the depths of his soul.

After his Primal Rebirth, this creature, known as Atex-Kakun Koi, or just Atex for short, was actually one of the rarest breeds of all, a [Primal Old-Blood Saurus]. Reaching almost two heads above the rest, this massive, light gray-toned creature lacked the sturdy, thick scales of the rest of its brethren, instead sporting a slick, smooth skin akin to the bareskins of the old. With sharpened bones protruding alongside its back growing from his spine, he resembled more of a monster of folklore than that of an intelligent race.

Atex was a rarely seen genius of martial arts, as such, with his short, two year tenure, he had already reached a shocking intermediate level of mastery with the [Temple Guards] official armaments: Lanes, Spears, and the fabled Halberds. Alongside his similarly skillful unarmed skill set and fearless attitude during battles, it was actually quite surprising and even baffling to Aiden how could this little diamond remained undetected by the higher-ups of the Church and the Temple Guards.

After his rebirth, the system gifted him with an all around knowledge of all the other related weapons, making him give birth to the fearsome passive skill [Weapon Mastery: Advanced] that even surpassed Aiden's understanding by a whole level.

Atex was promoted almost immediately after Aiden saw his system profile, making him stand out as one of the new leaders, Captains of his forces, much to the envy and jealousy of the rest of his peers.

With the newly gained massive surge of forces, Aiden and his new second in command, Vyndridolth, the ex-guardian and still reigning de-facto leader of the Dark Shadows, formed their forces into several, smaller battalions that could operate in a much smoother fashion and sent them to the rest of the nearby outer districts.

The forces in route, Aiden and Vyndridolth kept in touch with them, often receiving reports and reacting accordingly to any unforeseen events that arose along the way. With the wealth captured from the first Temple Guard barracks as well as the huge wealth Vyndridolth had through his many decades of operation, Aiden could utilize a more subtle approach and first buy out the local shopkeepers, marketplaces, inns, and taverns to gather more eyes and ears as well as temporary shelters along his path of conquest.

In just a few days his influence spread around, reaching all corners and crevices in each and every outer district surrounding the massive inner and 'true city' of Ugburg. In just another few days, his men silently infiltrated and then took over command in each of the governing local [Temple Guards], with the only hurdle being the several priests stationed as the trump cards in them.

Still, with Aiden's ability to be able to respond to his Minion's calls through the system-operated Gateway, he could go and help deal with these issues each and every time.

And surprisingly, whilst most reacted similarly to the old priest that sacrificed himself in an attempt to gain more benefits for the god he preached for, there was one singular, younger skink priest that did the complete opposite!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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