"[Reptilian] Once again, please let me humbly apologize for the offense we have shown you. We truly did not mean any ill will, we merely needed to make sure that sire is the Lord our esteemed guests were talking about." Lady Circe took the opportunity of Aiden taking back his oppressive domain to take a deep respectful bow and apologize to him once more.

Taking a moment but hearing no response, he could only lament inwardly as she continued on.

"[Reptilian] Our organization survived the numerous hardships through our constant awareness and being always on guard. We have to make sure that no one has any chance to infiltrate our premises and leave to tell the tale."

Lady Circle took another short pause to gauge the reactions once more before going further.

"[Reptilian] As I am sure the lord is also keenly aware, so far, we are merely a rumor, a myth to both the Church Priests' and the Temple Guard. Whilst they are not fond of knowing that there's another 'tumor' growing inside the body of their territory, there's not much they can do but to make sure their patrols are keeping an eye."

She chuckled as she continued, her tone was hinting as if she was either aware or at the very least had an idea of who this fabled group could have come from.

Or perhaps she was simply fishing, regardless, her change of tone surprised Aiden.

"[Reptilian] Those brothers and sisters of the Resistance are already keeping them rather occupied, giving us that sliver of breathing room we need to continue to exist. We truly, honestly owe them a lot. Our lives, our hope, and most importantly, our passion to follow in their brave footsteps."

She sighed as she added one more thought, looking melancholic and sorrowful. Still, she did not forget to steal glances towards the father and daughter pair to gouge their reactions.

"[Reptilian] Sigh… Although we weren't there when they needed help the most, we still wish to silently support them. Even if they would never forgive us for our lack of action, for our cowardice at the decisive time."

Thankfully the cover of his hood was big enough to be pulled low enough to completely shroud Aiden's expressions, lest his growing smirk would have betrayed the atmosphere. He could see that she held no hostility towards them from the moment they have arrived. In fact, both she and her group of assassins hiding at each corner were aptly visible as lighter greenish tinted dots on his System's map.

They were friendly, holding no true anger, hostility towards them. Still, he didn't like being tested, nor threatened, especially if he was with an innocent small child, like Tolliah. Such, he decided to turn the situation around and show them a sliver of his power to let them know the vast chasm they have stood apart from each other.

Heck, if they have already failed to contain the four Saurus Captains that Aiden has just evolved, how could they have any hope containing their Master, a true, bonafide Primal?

Aiden smiled at the shenanigans of this shrewd, scheming Draconic Skink woman. Displaying a regretful attitude whilst still fishing for tidbits of clues and information under the hood. Quite the figure, worthy of being one of the leading figures of this secretive organization.

Tolliah kept silent, not giving any of her attention to the strange Lady, nor the four dark figures around them. She was content of being held by her Papa, smiling as she was already snoozing peacefully once more, despite the situation.

Aiden could only smile and shake his head looking at the little girl. Looking up, her golden eyes flashed with a mysterious luster once again, as he spoke in a deep, thundering, and powerful voice. Although he was talking in a paced, controlled manner, his voice still managed to fill the entire alleyway.

"[Reptilian] It is fine, you do not need to falsely prostrate yourself and fake this subservient attitude. I can see through your shroud of deceit, still daring to fish for juice." He sneered, making the woman shiver and tremble in fright. She quickly lowered her gaze, daring only to look at the dusty ground, lest she would irk this mysterious figure even more.

Seeing her react in such a manner, made Aiden smile once more under the cover of his hood. He took a few seconds of silence to teach the woman a lesson, before sighing and lowering the power output of his tone, returning it to his usual clean, and youthful sounding tone instead. Gently rubbing the top of the content little girl's head, he spoke.

"[Reptilian] As long as you know and no longer act so impudently." He smiled, though it went unnoticed thanks to the darkness and his secretive attire. "Now go, lead the way and bring us to your Leader. I presume we have much to discuss."

"[Reptilian] At your command, lordship." Lady Circe bowed once more, this time, not hiding any secondary, underlying intent behind her action, and turned towards the dark tunnel behind her, leading somewhere deeper below.

Inside the main Temple in the inner city, at the top second highest floor.

Several figures, Draconic Skinks dressed in white silk robes, embroidered with the insignia of a roaring dragon's head at their chest, sat around a large stone table. At the helm, sitting in a throne made out of bronze and wearing a fully golden holy garment, an elderly figure looked with a gaze full of arrogance and pride down below.

He was none other than the High Priest Zuruk, the spokesperson of the Ancient One, the number one figure of the entire of Ugburg and the majority of the underworld.

"[Reptilian] Report." He uttered a single command, his tone cold, not bothering to cast his gaze on such filth that surrounded them. He merely snorted with an expression matching the clear contempt he felt for every single creature.

Still, despite the rude attitude, and the unfriendly, borderline hostile remark, none of those present in the room dared to utter a single word of complaint. Despite being high standing amongst the rest, being the leaders and figureheads of the Church, Archbishops and Cardinals, they were nothing in the eyes of this borderline godly entity.

One of them, sitting the closest to the High Priest's right, gulped audibly before responding.

"[Reptilian] M-my lord… W-we have lost contact with a group sent out to a signal call to one of the cells. It was coming from an inn, somewhere close to our outer borders."

"[Reptilian] Continue. What happened?" The High Priest commanded.

"[Reptilian] W-well… W-we do not know… Shortly after they arrived… The entire contingent simply… va-vanished, oh holy one."


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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