Seeing her tears, Leland suddenly didn't want to continue with the plan. How could he do such a thing with a woman who would only see this transaction as her ultimate sacrifice to give herself and her baby a better life?

She was already married to him and, in her mind, he was her husband. They could do the consummation whenever, after she was ready. It didn't have to be tonight.

As long as she stayed in this castle and under his protection, nothing would happen to her. Right? The last time, Sophie got into trouble because she left and met her evil cousins who pushed her to the river.

If Leland could make sure she would be obedient and stay here... then they could postpone the consummation. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her body tremble slightly. She tried hard to hide her distraught and put up a strong front, but Leland knew her well enough to know Sophie was really sad.

Ahh... if only he could tell her it's okay to cry around him and talk to him, ask his understanding... he was not a stranger who wanted to take advantage of her situation. It was actually the opposite.

He wanted to protect her, care for her, and give her the world, everything she deserved, not only because he promised Anne, her mother, but also because he loved her. She was his first and only love. He only realized it after he saw her again in Blackwoods... with Nicholas.

From that moment, he had suffered lovesick, but he had to keep everything to himself because Sophie was a married woman. Besides, he had his mission. He had no time to grieve for unrequited love.

After he found Sophie again in Hasting, alone and suffering... he was tempted to open up and reveal his identity but eventually decided against it after a long and deep consideration.

One, he didn't want to involve her in dangerous activity. At least, not until she was ready.

Second, he didn't want her to feel awkward when she found out who he really was. To him, it was better to be a stranger to her but they could have a cordial relationship,  than having her avoid him.

Leland could imagine how Sophie would feel betrayed because she was lied to by her parents and Leland. And now the man wanted to have her to himself right after she lost her husband.

Not a good way to start a relationship, if you asked him.

Leland didn't want Sophie to hate him or even act awkwardly to him after she knew the truth. He could wait.

"Wine?" Leland walked to the table and raised the wine jug. "This is fruit wine. The alcohol level is really low and I believe doctors would say quite okay for pregnant women, but it will help you feel calmer."

Sophie bit her lip. She just realized that her new husband remembered that she was pregnant. She was now two months in and still not showing. She figured the servants in this castle must not yet know that she was married to their master while already being pregnant with another man's child.

Was that the reason why he suggested they consummate their marriage as soon as possible? So, when the baby was born, he could still make people believe that it was his?

Sophie couldn't think of any other reason.

"Th-thank you..." she said weakly. "Yes, please."

Leland nodded. He poured wine into two cups and filled one with only half. He gave the cup to Sophie and sat on the chair. Then, he motioned Sophie to sit beside him.

The woman obeyed and sat with the wine cup in her hand. She was shaking. This reminded her of her wedding night with Nicholas. They also drank expensive wine.

Nicholas bought the best wine he could find in Hauntingen and shared wine from the same cup with his bride. He wanted to give her the best of everything. Sophie had never tasted a wine that good her whole life. She was not allowed to take expensive food and drinks when she was living at her aunt's home.

The best food and wine she had ever tasted was at the school ball, where she went with Nicholas. The man kept saying how the wine was so awful compared to what he was used to drinking.

This made Sophie realize how her husband must have come from such a high-class family, incomparable to anyone she had ever met.

All the young noblemen in Hasting considered the wine served in the academy's annual ball to be okay. That means... their taste was poor compared to Nicholas'. She could imagine how much Nicholas was used to with the finer things in life.

However, when they drank the wine after their wedding, Nicholas told her that he had never tasted wine as good. He later confessed that everything became good when he shared it with her.

"Ouch..." Sophie realized she just pinched herself for thinking about her wedding day with Nicholas. Why did her mind wander?

It was rude to think about Nicholas and their wedding, when she was with Duke Romanov, on their own wedding day.

Leland noticed she pinched herself and wondered why she did that. He cleared his throat and pointed at Sophie's cup. She had not touched her wine despite saying she wanted it.

"Do you not want it?"

"I... I do," Sophie's mind returned to her body. She raised the cup to her lips and downed the wine in one go. She must gather her courage and finish this transaction as soon as possible.

Once she and Leland consummated their wedding, she would be free. This was for the best, she told herself.

She actually could see the benefit of doing this tonight. They just got married and must sleep together to finalize the wedding ritual. This way their marriage would be legal and binding according to the law.

If they didn't sleep together tonight, the servants would talk. When Sophie's baby was born, they would definitely know for sure that it was not their master's flesh and blood.

Gossip would spread and, in the future, no matter what happened, people would talk that Sophie's child was a bastard, or worse, they would accuse Sophie of being a loose woman, and the duke was scammed into the marriage.

The worst part of it? The child would grow up thinking s/he was a bastard.

"You seem in a hurry," Leland commented. "Do you want to get so drunk so that you can do it with me and don't have to remember what happened by the next morning?"

Sophie suddenly choked. She coughed and rubbed the table to get something to drink. Suddenly a cup was raised to her mouth. Leland gave her his cup and motioned her to just take his wine.

Sophie gulped the wine and slammed the cup on the table.

"Thank you..." she whispered. Then she turned to him. Her eyes were apologetic. "I am just nervous."

"Hmm..." Leland knew she lied. "You know what? We don't have to do this now."

"Huh?" Sophie's eyes bulged at his casual words. Did he say they don't have to do it now? Really? "Why?"

"I don't want to sleep with a crying woman," Leland said flatly. "If you need more time, just let me know. I can tell the others that you are tired or unwell and we can do it when you are ready."

Sophie was tempted by the kind offer. If she could postpone the deed... should she take it?

No, she was only delaying the inevitable.

If she waited... she would only torture herself more by the pending transaction. Maybe her heart would even waver if she postponed this.

And yes... this was a transaction. One that she must handle as soon as possible. So what if she got benefits from sleeping with the duke? Valerie and Lucia were now gone. They would not be able to insult Sophie over this.

"I am ready..." Sophie said. She hardened her heart and got rid of her husband's face from her mind. She had to see this transaction through.

"You are not drunk enough..." Leland said. "Maybe you want to drink some more?"

"N-no... I am fine," Sophie said. She was tempted by the wine. The duke was right. If she was drunk, she would not remember their sex. And she could pretend that it never happened.

However,  she didn't want to get drunk while pregnant. Even though the doctor said some wine intake during pregnancy was fine, she didn't want to take risks. Her voice was calm when she finally spoke again. "Let's do it now, my lord."

Leland knew that she wanted to say, 'let's do it and be done with it,' but she was too polite. However, he understood what she actually meant.

"Very well..." Leland poured wine into his cup and then finished it in one go. Then, he rose from his seat and reached out a hand to Sophie. "Let's do it."

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