Chapter 71: Defenses

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 200,000 (+1,300,000 [Mana])

Agility: 300,000 (+2,300,000 [Mana])

Vitality: 800,000 (+1,200,000 [Mana])

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 300, 000

Unique Skills:

-Magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -Magic mastery -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God -Fenrir Arken -Predator of the sky -Wild Beasts Skills -Knight’s soul -Defiler of the banished, Ataraxia]


“An idea?” Aegir could feel a mischievous aura coming out from Oz.

“Hm? Ah, no, I’ll try that thing later, by the way, why do all of the people gather here?” Oz changed the topic.

“Um. Well, you see… It looks like not only the knights and the legion soldiers that got enthusiastic to be stronger, it seems that almost all of the people also got enthusiastic about making themself stronger…” Aegir said with a wry smile as he couldn’t find any solution to this problem.

“Hm…” Oz’s smirk got even broader.

“Wait, what are you going to do-” Before Aegir could interrogate him, Oz jumped from the wall, gathering the attention of the people.

“All soldiers, assemble!” (Oz)

Hearing the voice of the emperor, all of the soldiers came out of their camp together with Ibra and Fedra. Oz stared at the civilians and made a grin.

“I’ve seen the spirits inside your eyes! Because of that, I’ll grant your wishes of joining the battle! I want 2 soldiers or knights to pair up and make a team together with a civilian! Protect the civilian you team up with! At this battle! My clones will protect anyone that is in a danger! Do your best, and have fun!!!” Together with Oz’s words, Oz’s clones suddenly gathered near the people.

“Bring out the weapons! Arm everyone!”

“Ibra! Fedra! I’m counting both of you!” Oz jumped back to the wall after he said those words.

“Y-yes, your majesty!” (Ibra and Fedra)

After a minute of preparing, Oz gives another command.

“Bring down the bridge!!! Open the gate!!!” Shouted Oz.

“A-are you crazy, Ren?” (Aegir)

“Calm down, Aegir, this’s where the real show will begin,” Said Oz with a broad grin.

While the soldiers are putting the bridge down, Oz closes his eyes and calls his demon [King] clone. The demon [King] clone jumped to the high wall and Oz sent his consciousness to the demon [King] clone, leaving the goblin [King] clone body. Aegir saw the enormous mana that being gathered by Oz. At a high speed, the mana aura that enveloped Oz is getting bigger and bigger until Oz finally opens both of his eyes.

“Mirror of illusion!” (Oz)

A huge mirror as big as the area near the gate suddenly appeared above the people.

“W-What is happening?” (Aegir)

All of the people under the walls suddenly changed into a group of bears and apes that holds a weapon.

“How could-” (Aegir)

“It’s my magic,” Oz answered immediately.

“Magic?” (Aegir)

“Yes, it’s an arch illusion magic. I made an illusion of the people to look like a group of bears and apes” (Oz)

“If it’s true that the magic beasts have a considerable intelligence, it’ll confuse them and make them hesitate to attack. And then they’ll report this to their king,” (Oz)

“Furthermore, it’s a good thing to give our people some battle experience, maybe we could reap some talented soldiers from this experiment,” Oz explained with a satisfied smile.

“I see… Your journey to the human realm is truly fruitful, Ren. With your intelligence, our empire will grow very prosper!” (Aegir)

“I hope it’ll go that smooth, Aegir. By the way, where’s Thydal? I have something to discuss with him,” Oz suddenly mentions Thydal’s name.

“Thydal? I think he went back to the laboratory, want me to lead you there?” (Aegir)

“No, it’s fine. Keep eyes on the battle, send a messenger if there is something wrong immediately,” (Oz)

“Roger that,” (Aegir)

Oz jumps down from the walls and went straight to the laboratory.

The laboratory is very huge. There is a basement with multiple levels underground. When Oz design the workshop, Oz intends to make it as the national laboratory to research some things Oz had in mind.

Thydal’s personal workshop is located at the lowest level of the basement of the laboratory. As Oz enter the laboratory, multiple goblins, elves, kobolds, and dwarves that considered to have a high intelligence got handpicked personally by Thydal to be the researchers.

When Oz’s arrived at Thydal’s personal workshop, Oz opened the door and enters his workshop. When Oz enters, Thydal is using his monocle and seems to be concentrating on some blueprints.

“Oi, Thydal! It’s me,” (Oz)

Hearing Oz’s voice, Thydal immediately stands and salutes.

“Y-your majesty! Pardon my rudeness, I’m too drawn on these blueprints you gave me before so I didn’t realize there that you’ve entered the workshop,” Thydal said

“Is that so? Do the weapons blueprints I gave you difficult to make?” (Oz)

“No, not at all… I’m just adoring these designs, how could you even think about these weapon designs suddenly, your majesty?” (Thydal)

Not long before, Oz remembers some weapons he read before that also used at the medieval times on earth. A catapult that will use in the castle defense, the ballista that gives tremendous damage, a trebuchet that could use to attack at a long distance, but Oz also put two other designs of weapons from the middle-ages, the canon, and the gun.

“And this weapon…” Thydal took the gun blueprint.

“I doubt that your majesty ever went to the dwarf kingdom before, but even if you did, it’s impossible for you to know about this kind of weapons, and the design is also different, to have an idea that the same as the best engineer of the dwarven kingdom, as expected of you, your majesty,” Thydal said with his eyes filled with admiration while pointing at the gun design with his index finger.

“You mean, the dwarves already invented a gun before?” Asked Oz, a little bit surprised.

“Yes, but we called it a magic gun, but different from your majesty’s design, the dwarven’s magic gun is less efficient and clearly is an inferior type from your majesty’s gun,” Praised Thydal.

“How do you know that?” (Oz)

“I could already imagine it in my head, the dwarven’s magic gun’s bullet is too big, they thought that the bigger it is the stronger it will be, but actually it only weakens them, the bigger the bullet the bigger the firepower will be needed,” (Thydal)

“But the design your majesty made is slim and long making it smoother and will have a far longer range and power. And I’m interested with your majesty’s gun doesn’t need any mana to operate, how could you even get the idea from all of these weapons anyway?” (Thydal)

“I just have great imagination power, that’s all,” (Oz)

(“Imagination power…” my ass. You’re just stealing some modern weapons from your old world, right?) (Fenrir)

(Of course! What use of my former world memories if I couldn’t benefit from it?) (Oz)

(Well, that’s true…) (Reo)

“I see… As expected of your majesty… The catapult’s prototype had been made and it works perfectly as you described it, I’ll order the royal blacksmiths to start producing for the wall defenses, the other designs prototypes are still on the way,” (Thydal)

“Good job, Thydal. Then start producing the catapults quickly, I’m afraid that we might need it for the upcoming battle with the magic beast outbreak,” (Oz)

“Roger that, I could believe that there is no one in this world will be able to conquer our empire with all type of defense systems you’ve made, your majesty,” (Thydal)

Oz collaborated with Ibra and Thydal in strengthening the empire’s defenses. All kingdoms have been given their own layout of defenses by Oz, from patrol shifts and formation, archer defense formation, to urgent military defense calls.

The capital of the Tarot empire has 15 grand watchtowers connected with the great walls surrounding them. Oz design the watchtower to place elite archers on them to give them greater range to shoot their arrows. At the capital, there will always 5 groups of knights patrolling the surrounding and slay some wild magic beasts in case there are some magic beasts that manage to cross the moat.

Oz gives Ibra two authorities, as the supreme commander of the knights and the supreme general of the whole empire’s defenses, including the other kingdoms defenses, are also managed by him. So if one day the capital or some kingdom is in urgent need of defense troops, there are only two people with the absolute authority of the empire defenses, the emperor Ren and Ibra.

The guards at the Tarot capital are called the imperial guards, even the archers at the walls are a group of elites that deserved to be called as the imperial guard, one imperial guard is at least at the [Viscount] rank, but the thing that makes them special is not their rank, Oz made a special training drills for the imperial knight order, legion, and guards, all of them are given the most dangerous and hardest training course possible.

Sharpening not only their skills but also their senses. Training their teamwork abilities while not forgetting their individual training. With Oz’s training course, one imperial guard could be considered as precious as 100 normal knights of other kingdoms, while the imperial knight and soldier are stronger as the imperial guards are focused at defense.

The other kingdom’s defenses are almost the same as the capital, except for the undead kingdom. Oz made a graveyard trap surrounding the undead kingdom, skeleton pawn soldiers are buried at the ground and they’ll surprise attack anyone the kingdom considers as an enemy.

Oz left the laboratory after checking up the prototype of the catapult and getting satisfied with it.

“Okay, time to get on with the next plan,” (Oz)

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