Chapter 58: Good News

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 50,000 (+3,000,000 [Qi] +700,000 [Mana])

Agility: 80,000 (+4,000,000 [Qi] +800,000 [Mana])

Vitality: 100,000 (+7,000,000 [Qi] + 900,000 [Mana])

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 300, 000

Unique Skills:

-Magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -Magic mastery -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God -Fenrir Arken]


“”Demon Emperor?””

“Yea, at least that’s what the guy who I fought said to me,” (Oz)

“Is it true? Did he seriously said that he is the demon emperor?” The usually quiet peter asked with a serious face.

“Yup,” Oz nodded.

“This curse should have blocked your mana circulation, how could you still use mana, Ren?” Asked Albus.

“Does this have a relation with why your strange energy disappeared?” Asked the sharp Alfred.

“Exactly, I’m sure that all of you noticed strange energy inside me because all of you are at the sword saint rank, and a sword saint usually sense energy fluctuations sharper than anyone,” (Oz)

“The thing is, this curse didn’t block my mana circulation, but it blocked my strange energy called qi circulation. At the last moment of our fight, I detonate myself with my qi technique, but he still managed to curse me in that short moment, and my consciousness finally return to this body,” (Oz)

“Did you manage to hurt him, Ren?” Asked Sen.

“It should hurt him, the explosion is strong enough to explode the whole place after all,” (Oz)

“But the bad news is… My power is forced to weaken. Well, it’s a piece of bad news just for me, though. Do you know how to lift the curse, Albus?” Oz asked Albus hoping that he would know how to lift the curse.

“I’m sorry, Ren. But I don’t know much about curses, I’ll try to ask my father later,” Said Albus apologetically.

“It’s fine, thanks,” (Oz)

“I knew a lot of curses, Ren,” Said Alfred with a grin.

“I think the curse I’m mentioning and the curse in your mind had a different, Alfred,” Answered Oz annoyed.

“Your body. Is it still hurt?” Asked Edreale with her usual flat tone, but Oz could sense a worry at her eyes.

“It should heal shortly, uncle! How much longer until the capital!?” Oz shouted to ask the coachman.

“We’ll travel overnight, kid! We should arrive at dawn!” (Coachman)

“Ah… It’s already evening, huh,” Oz muttered as he peeks outside the wagon.

(I wonder how’s the progress there. Maybe I should go there and tell Aegir and co about what happens) (Oz)

“Let’s get some rest to preserve our energy for tomorrow,” (Oz)

“Yea, we should get some rest,” (Alfred)

“I’ll stay guard a little while, I’m not that tired,” Said Sen indifferently.

“I’ll sleep first, okay?” Oz said as he closes his eyes.

“Yes Ren, you’re the one who needs to rest the most after all,” (Edreale)

(Is that sarcasm?) (Oz)

(Fenrir and Reo haven’t regained their consciousness, huh. Well, they’re spirits so they should be okay right? Let’s just check my empire first) (Oz)

Oz closes his eyes and tried to focus his mana to envelope his consciousness, he usually uses his qi to help him send his consciousness, but since he can’t use his qi right now, he uses his mana and operates it with the same concept of qi.

The pain that Oz felt from all over his body started to disappear. His body felt stronger and more energized than before, Oz opened his eyes and the dining room where they usually hold a meeting appeared at his sight.

(Success!) (Oz)

(As long as the connection between the clone and the real body still could be felt, I could still transfer my consciousness whether I use qi or mana) (Oz)

“Ren?” (Aegir)

Just right when Oz stands up, Aegir appeared from the hall and called him.

“Yea, it’s me. Any news?” Asked Oz as he sits back.

“Yup. A lot of them, all good ones,” Aegir side with a confident smile.

“I have one too, but let’s hear yours first,” (Oz)

“All of the subjugation greatly success, we’ve captured all of the kings. The king of the west, north, and east had been captured at the capital’s prison,” (Aegir)

“Nice, so Magra, Talak, and Azaline did a great job, huh,” (Oz)

“Yup, setting the wise Talak aside, Azaline and Magra succeed the subjugation perfectly and beautifully, there are no casualties in this subjugation,” (Aegir)

“Great, they seriously exceed my expectation, did we get any loot?” Oz said with a wry smile.

“Numerous, Magra brings back thousands of ice orcs and ice goblins. They also loot lots of pieces of equipment that we could scrap to make better pieces of equipment. He also left some soldiers to look after the minotaurs left there,” (Aegir)

“Talak is the same, because of his subjugation, a couple of beastmen clans wanted to seek negotiation with us, some also wanted to join under our flag,” (Aegir)

“Azaline did the greatest, she unites five elf tribe at the east to her wings, and subjugate the ogre together. A lot of food and treasures being kept inside the king of the north’s room,” (Aegir)

“That’s great! How could they accomplish all of that?” (Oz)

“Well, the power of your name greatly boosts their morale. The enemies incur the soldier’s wrath just by mocking your name,” (Aegir)

“I-is that so? How about the martial art I taught them?” Oz changed the topic.

“The martial art you taught to all of the races greatly improve their fighting prowess, our soldiers quality had greatly heightened, and their spirit to train their body and prowess had peaked,” (Aegir)

“The adventurer guild and the mercenary guild we established had invented numerous adventurers and mercenaries. Since we have introduced them economy, all of the people had strived to search professions they like, because of the increasing adventurers, the dungeon clearing progress had greatly boosted,” (Aegir)

“The adventurers gave our smithy all the materials we need, Thydal said that it won’t be long until the equipment plan you gave him will be accomplished, maybe about 2 months or so,” (Aegir)

“The economy had circulated smoothly, and the imperial funds are stable, Geeta said that the money could stand for another 10 years without taxes,” (Aegir)

“Good, how much is our funds right now?” Asked Oz.

“About two million Tarot gold coins,” (Aegir)

“Have we made a stable income?” Asked Oz.

“The gold mine gave us 200,000 gold coins each month, and I doubt there is no other gold mine in this magical forest. We also got 200,000 gold coins from the imperial ranch and farm each month,” (Aegir)

Before Tarot had become so big, food had always become a problem. Because of the increasing members, hunting had become exhausting, so Oz suggested to make a ranch, the strong magic beasts only exist at the deeper part of the magical forest, at the ends of the forest, near the Grandaria kingdom, there are still weak magic beasts like a mad bull, and an earth lamb.

They only attack if people attack them, so Oz only lured them to Tarot with mind magic and make a huge ranch. There are normal animals like pigs, cows, and sheep at the Grandaria kingdom, but Oz didn’t have a lot of money to buy them back then. The ranched magic beasts had reached the number of tens of thousands, making there is no shortage of food.

For farming, Oz personally choose the plants for the farm, and Oz made a special farm for the soldiers, the special farm comprises of fruits and vegetables that help the mana cultivation and their growth.

“The farm that you made for the soldier had grown beautifully, some of the gardeners said that the fastest tree will harvest next month, we could later see the effect to the soldiers,” Aegir said with a satisfied smile.

“Good, how about my lab? Is it done?” (Oz)

“Sorry Ren, but the lab will be built at your palace’s basement, Thydal said that you should wait until the palace finished,” (Aegir)

“Is that so? It’s fine, are there any other reports?” (Oz)

“Brad said that there is an increase in the number of ferocious magic beasts,” (Aegir)

“An increase?” (Oz)

Until this time, even though Everdeen magical forest has countless ferocious magic beast, they only feared because of their huge number, a duke rank appearing is quite rare. Oz didn’t encounter any of the magic beasts these days because Brad and his men keep on hunting the magic beasts near Tarot and wipe them up every day.

The place with the most strong beasts is at the south where Gareth and the undead lives, but the undead is scarier than them, making them retreat to the far south.

“Yes, the bear and ape types,” (Aegir)

“I see, is it still under control?” (Oz)

“Fortunately, Brad said that they haven’t reached a level that they will become a threat to us.” (Aegir)

“Good, I’ll decide what to do next later, any other?” (Oz)

“Hm… Do you want to see the prisoners?” Aegir asked as he folded his arms.

“Sure, lead me,” (Oz)

Aegir led Oz to the prison near the under-construction palace. When they arrived, Magra, Talak, and Azaline had already waited in front of the prison.

“I’ve heard your success from Aegir, Great job, all of you far exceed my expectations,” Oz said with a proud smile.

“Thanks for your kind words, my lord. It’s normal for us to do our best to fulfill your orders,” (Magra)

“Indeed, it is my most pleasure to serve you, your majesty,” Talak said with his deep voice. His voice contains a deep sense of wisdom and patience, and his figure shows a great warrior vibe.

(Really, this guy had the vibe of a dragon…) (Oz)

“…..” (Azaline)

“I’m so proud of you, Azaline. You far exceed my expectation,” (Oz)

“…Thanks, Ren,” Said Azaline, but she still lowered her head.

“What happened, Azaline? Tell me,” Oz said with a firm voice.

“…T-the ogre, he said that he saw my parents,” Azaline said as her voice started to waver.

“Eh?” (Azaline)

Oz touched Azaline’s shoulder and say: “Now, let’s squeeze some information from these guys,”

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