506 The demon race’s city-attacking chariot, the formation-breaking great general

on zhang shan’s side, they had already killed the celestial demon guard’s small flag officer. the guild members in the other directions were also stepping up their attacks.

Everyone was having a great time.

This was because this wave was definitely in the bag.

On Zhang Shan’s side, the small flag Officer of the divine-fiend guard had been defeated.

As for the demonic cannon, it was still more than a hundred yards away from wind Cloud City.

There wouldn’t be any new godfiend guards appearing to push the demonic siege cannon forward.

The advance of the demonic siege artillery stopped there. They no longer had the chance to attack the walls of wind Cloud City.

All that was left was to destroy it.

As for the other three directions, there was even less to worry about.

Although the other guild members were much weaker than Zhang Shan’s side.

However, there were no small flag officers from the godfiend guards in other directions.

All they needed to do was kill all the godfiend guards.

They would be able to stop the advance of the demon siege cannon chariots.

now, on zhang shan’s side, they had already destroyed the small flag officer of the divine-demon guard. this wave could be said to be stable.

This wave of four demonic siege cannon chariots would not have the chance to attack the walls of wind Cloud City.

Everyone was full of energy and kept killing the BOSS.

as long as they could defeat all the bosses in this wave, they would be able to defeat them.

then, everyone could grab a wave of red packets.

After all, Feng Yun realm had said that he would send a wave of red packets after every wave of monster attacks.

In the second wave, they had successfully intercepted all the demon siege cannons and destroyed them one after another.

He did not let the demonic siege artillery hit the walls of Fengyun city.

Hence, Feng Yun realm followed his promise and gave out a hundred million gold to all guild members.

This wave was the same.

as long as they could quickly kill the remaining bosses, it would be fine.

They couldn’t wait until the fourth wave of monsters. If they killed the current BOSS, it would be a waste of time.

However, such a situation should not happen.

On Zhang Shan’s side, there were only two bosses left.

he only had 20% hp left.

the guild members in the other directions were a little slower.

however, they had basically taken out 60 to 70% of the BOSS’s health.

There was still plenty of time.

it was enough for them to defeat all the bosses.

under everyone’s continuous attacks.

After a short while, the two red bosses on Zhang Shan’s side had been beaten to zero health.

Zhang Shan went all out.

The damage of the shot was between the two bosses, jumping back and forth.

the captain of the divine fiend guards and the demonic siege cannon fell to the ground.

One spear, two kills.

It was perfect.

After defeating all three bosses, they returned to their original positions.

Everyone was killing monsters while waiting for the other guild members to kill the BOSS.

zhang shan opened the mission panel to take a look.

In this monster attack, he had already killed seven red bosses.

In addition, he had killed one in the dungeon and another in the wild.

Zhang Shan had taken care of a total of nine red bosses today.

In other words, his divinity activation mission had already completed nine stages.

However, Zhang Shan was still worried. He opened the mission panel to take a look.

[ activate divinity: kill powerful demons and use their blood to awaken the divinity in the divine weapon. ]

[ requirement: kill 81 red bosses. ]

[ mission completion rate: 9/81 ]

Very good, he had indeed completed nine.

It was still better when there was an event. There would be many bosses during the event.

If there were all sorts of activities every day.

Then, Zhang Shan’s divine activation mission would not be too difficult.

He estimated that he would be able to complete this task in a few days.

Of course, that was impossible.

It was impossible for a monster attack like wind Cloud City to happen again in the near future.

This was because there wouldn’t be any more players attacking demon cities.

If the players wanted to take over the demonic city, they had to leave through the West Gate of wind Cloud City.

They followed this direction and looked for the demons ‘territory.

but the problem was that the demon monsters there were at least level 80.

With the current level of the players, how could they possibly win?

after the players occupied the city, there would be demonic monster attacks.

then, it could only be a normal monster attack.

However, a normal monster attack would only happen once a month.

And this month’s event had already been organized.

The next time would be more than 20 days.

Zhang Shan could forget about completing the divinity activation mission by fighting bosses in the event.

It was better for him to be honest and slowly look for bosses in the wild.

However, it wasn’t urgent to go find the BOSS now.

First, help Feng Yun realm and finish the city defense.

After killing the BOSS, Feng Yun realm displayed the items dropped by the BOSS on the Guild channel and said, ”

“It’s still okay this time. I got a trashy skill book.”

Zhang Shan took a look at the items that Feng Yun realm had displayed.

There were eight red equipment and three red materials.

There was also a skill book.

The skill book was a Guardian warrior’s [ block ] skill. It was a pretty good skill book and could be sold for tens of thousands of gold coins.

After displaying the items, Feng Yun realm continued.

“As usual, the items will be distributed after the event ends.”

“No problem,” he said.

They had only killed three normal red bosses, so they did not care much about the items they dropped.

It was better to snatch a wave of red packets than to have such a small amount of trash.

zhang shan and the rest stayed at the west gate, farming monsters while waiting for the guild members from the other directions to finish off the boss.

After about ten minutes, the last demonic cannon was destroyed.

haha, another wave is settled. Boss, hurry up and send red packets.

hurry up and send out red packets. I’m the king of red packet snatching. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Hehe.

you’re a f * cking King, D * mned loser. I wish you a gold coin.

f * ck, what do you get from me snatching a gold coin? ”

yes, if you don’t steal too much, we might be able to get more.


While everyone was waiting excitedly, Feng Yun realm sent out the red packet. As usual, it was 100 million gold coins.

“Wahaha, I got 50000 gold coins.”

“F * ck, why did I only get 2000 gold coins?”

“2000 is not a small amount, you should be content.”

that’s right. Two gold coins is enough to make a trip to the great sword.

“F * ck, I only got 300 gold coins.”

“You d * mned piece of trash, you have the nerve to say 300 gold coins?”

hahaha, my luck is back! Last time, I only got one gold coin, and this time, I got 100000 gold coins. Do you have a lucky day? ”

is it true? are you that fierce? ”

“You’re talking nonsense. How can I brag? everyone can check the red packet records.”

I’m depressed. I only got 1000 gold coins.

1000 gold coins is not a small amount. It’s just the average amount.

that’s right. I only managed to get one gold coin. I don’t dare to say anything.

“Seriously, brother. Don’t say anything after snatching a gold coin, it’s too embarrassing.”

“that’s right, there’s a whole 100 million gold in the red packet and you only managed to grab one gold. your luck is really amazing. Be honest, what did you do last night?”

“The great treasure sword has gone, hehe.”

“Haha, you’ve probably used all your luck on that.”

Zhang Shan opened the red packet and 20000 gold coins entered his account.

His luck today was still alright.

By snatching red packets, he had already earned 30000 gold coins.

No wonder everyone liked to join big guilds.

After joining a big Guild, one would have the opportunity to participate in various activities or fight bosses.

Although as a hooligan, it was impossible for him to get anything good.

However, snatching red packets like this was not a bad idea.

If Zhang Shan was still doing as he did in the past.

If he could earn 30000 gold coins in a day, he would wake up smiling even in his dreams.

The Zhang Shan of the past was a realistic portrayal of most of the current ordinary guild members.

After all, not all of them were rich.

No matter where it was, ordinary people always made up the majority.

It was the same in the game, where there were more poor people than rich people.

Even the big guilds were the same.

After all, a Guild could easily have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players.

In the future, after the Guild leveled up, they could recruit even more guild members.

The Guild members that had been recruited were all ordinary players.

There were only a few who really spent money.

For normal players, how could they not be happy when they could grab red packets from time to time?

Moreover, the amount of money in the red packet was very impressive.

as long as their luck wasn’t too bad, they would at least be able to get a few hundred to a thousand gold.

To ordinary guild members, this was a huge income.

If they managed to snatch a big one, they would be able to take off instantly.

After sending the red packets, Feng Yun realm said to the people around him.

“What should we do next? do you have any suggestions?”

Once Feng Yun realm said this, everyone fell silent.

To be honest, the fourth wave would definitely be very difficult to deal with.

Just the monsters attacking the city were definitely level 80.

Many guild members might not even be able to deal with a single level 80 monster.

It would be difficult for them to charge into the group of monsters and stall the demonic siege cannon.

In the wind and cloud Guild, not many people could do it.

However, if they couldn’t delay the demonic siege cannon ahead of time …

It was obvious that Fengyun city would have to suffer the attacks of the demonic siege cannons.

Feng Yun realm had to stay in the city Lord’s mansion and repair the city walls.

spending money was fine.

What he was afraid of was that the fourth wave of demonic cannon chariots would be too destructive.

What if the city wall couldn’t be repaired?

regarding feng yun realm’s question, no one dared to give any suggestions.

This was because it was indeed very difficult.

After a moment of silence.

Wind and cloud blade said.

“Why don’t we just focus on one or two directions and give up on the other two?”

“What do you mean by giving up?”

what else could it mean? I just don’t care about it and let the demons attack. Boss, keep repairing the city walls.

“What if I can’t fix it?”

“there’s no other way. it’s unrealistic to defend all four directions.”

that’s right. It might be better on our side. We should be able to pull the demon siege cannon in advance, but it’s hard to say in other directions.

“It’s not that it’s hard to say, it’s that it’s impossible for them to intercept the demon siege cannon ahead of time.”

“Yes, level 80 monsters are very powerful. If even I can’t deal with a few of them, the Guild members with inferior equipment will have even less of a chance.”

that’s right. We have the six-barreled boss here, so we can definitely make it through. As long as the others block the small monsters around us, we can clear out the godfiend guards pushing the cannon carts and hold back the demonic siege cannons. The other directions won’t work without someone as strong as the six-barreled boss.

After listening to everyone’s suggestions, Feng Yun realm was silent for a while before he spoke.

alright, let’s do it this way. Concentrate our forces on the East and West gates. We’ll leave the north and south gates alone. Leave a small number of guild members under the cover of the arrow towers to defend the city walls. The rest of you, gather at the East and West gates.

Feng Yun realm quickly made arrangements.

the main force of the guild members was split into two.

A portion of them followed Zhang Shan and continued to guard the West Gate.

as long as the demonic siege cannon appeared, they would immediately rush over and intercept it.

At the East Gate, under the leadership of Secretary Feng Yun, they also tried to rush over and intercept the demonic siege cannon.

If they really couldn’t make it through, they would have to attack the BOSS under the cover of the arrow towers.

As for the city walls in the north and south, they had basically given up on defense.

With the arrow towers, the monsters could not reach the city walls.

even level 80 wild monsters couldn’t withstand the firepower of the arrow towers and directly rush to the city wall.

feng yun realm left a portion of his men to stay below the city wall to clear out the small monsters that had escaped.

As for the demonic siege cannon vehicles that might appear in the north and south, there was no need to worry about them.

Let them smash the city walls.

Let it smash whatever it wants, as long as it doesn’t destroy the city with one hit.

As long as it could be repaired, Feng Yun realm would be able to repair it no matter how much gold it would cost.

At most, he would just repair it every time he smashed it and repair it until the event ended.

At most, it would only take half an hour.

He believed that Feng Yun realm would be able to take it.

after feng yun realm had arranged everything, he said to zhang shan.

“liu guan, i’ll have to trouble you to lead everyone and guard one of the roads. the less attacks there are, the less damage fengyun city will suffer. it should be able to be repaired.”

“Don’t worry, we can stop them on our way.”

Zhang Shan replied with confidence.

The fourth wave of attack would definitely be very fierce.

Whether it was a level 80 monster or a real-name boss that might appear.

Neither of them was easy to deal with.

But Zhang Shan was not worried.

Level 80 monsters were easy.

he would definitely be able to charge in with his men.

As for the possibility of a real-name boss appearing …

Zhang Shan was not too worried.

in particular, he had obtained the passive skills of gods and demons.

His HP was now close to 800000.

Even if a real name boss appeared and reached level 80, he should be able to stop it.

Moreover, their team had been strengthened.

In the earlier arrangements, Feng Yun realm had also transferred over ten thousand men from other directions.

Now, they were a large team of more than 30000 people.

With Zhang Shan there, there was no reason that they could not defend against this wave of attacks.

After hearing Zhang Shan’s reply, Feng Yun realm nodded his head and did not say anything else.

Zhang Shan could understand.

the current feng yun realm must be feeling a little heavy in his heart.

He was worried that he wouldn’t be able to defend Fengyun city, which would be a great loss.

In addition, he had spent one billion gold to build the city.

So far, for the sake of wind Cloud City.

feng yun realm had already invested more than one billion gold.

if the city still couldn’t be defended, then he would suffer a great loss.

And it wasn’t just about losing money.

If the Asmodians destroyed the Asmodians ‘cities they had taken down, they would lose a lot of face.

In order to defend the city, Feng Yun realm was willing to give it his all.

After Feng Yun realm had arranged everything, everyone quietly waited for the demonic siege cannon to arrive.

In a short while, a huge demonic cannon appeared in the distance.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion.

Zhang Shan felt that this time, the demon siege cannon seemed to be even bigger.

“Have the demon’s cannon chariots become bigger this time?”

“It seems so.”

” f * ck, wouldn’t that demonic cannon’s arrow be even more destructive if it hit the city wall? ”

” that’s normal. this is the last wave, so it’s definitely not that simple. ”

don’t worry about it. Let’s rush over.

Zhang Shan waved his hand and led everyone in the direction of the demon siege cannon.

as for feng yun realm, he returned to the city gate tower after the demonic siege cannon appeared.

As long as the demonic siege cannon approached, he would teleport to the city Lord’s mansion and stay there to repair the city wall until the monster siege was over.

Zhang Shan held his hand cannon and pushed forward.

However, not long after they advanced, they realized that the monsters around them had become level 80 demonic strongmen.

Each demon strongman had as much as 160000 blood.

After the monsters reached level 80, their HP would greatly increase.

fortunately, zhang shan’s attack power was also considered high enough.

He only needed to fire three shots to take down 12 monsters.

However, the other people in the team could not.

Even if it was Windcloud blade or heart moves with me, they would still need close to 20 slashes to kill a single monster even with the divine weapons in their hands.

This kind of monster-clearing speed might be considered passable when used to farm monsters.

However, he could not do that now.

Now, they had to move forward.

However, there was no time for them to catch a monster and hack it dozens of times.

If they were too slow.

The speed at which they cleared monsters would be far slower than the speed at which the surrounding monsters replenished their numbers.

If they wanted to move forward, they had to be fast.

he had to cut fast.

Windcloud blade shouted after killing the monsters for a while.

don’t split up and attack the monsters. Everyone focus on the same monster as a group. Open up the passage as soon as possible and push forward.

“I understand.”

Even though Zhang Shan was leading the way.

However, their team was huge after all, with more than 30000 people.

It was impossible for him to open up a path for more than 30000 people by himself.

The others had to follow and clear the monsters together.

Zhang Shan led a group of the Guild’s main forces and cleared the way in front, while the others protected his left and right.

Everyone advanced in the direction of the demonic cannon vehicle with great difficulty.

When Zhang Shan and the rest charged into the group of monsters.

The other guilds also tried.

The Guild members in the north and south had all been moved away due to their main strength.

The remaining guild members were all very weak.

They tried to charge forward, but they were quickly beaten back by the monsters.

He couldn’t move at all.

Therefore, they could only retreat to the bottom of the city wall and lie down.

On the other hand, the Guild members at the East Gate were still struggling to move forward under the leadership of the Secretary.

however, their speed of advancement was extremely slow.

They didn’t have strong fighters, so they couldn’t quickly clear the monsters when facing level 80 demon strongmen.

They could only move forward at turtle speed.

who knew if they could successfully hold back the demon siege cannon?

Zhang Shan did not care about the other directions. He only cared about the West Gate.

Zhang Shan went all out. He had activated all his explosive skills.

They quickly cleared the monsters and advanced.

He didn’t need to save any skills. He just had to open up a passage and get close to the demonic siege cannon.

otherwise, the demonic siege cannon would have continued to advance.

it would be even more difficult to delay them from behind.

After about four to five minutes, they finally pushed close to the demonic siege cannon.

Zhang Shan looked out.

A huge demon siege cannon appeared in front of them.

In terms of size, this demon siege cannon vehicle was at least four to five times larger than the previous three.

Not only that, but this demon siege cannon actually had a name.

It was a demon siege cannon vehicle. The formation-breaking general.

This was a BOSS with a real name?

F * ck, a siege weapon can be considered a real-name BOSS?

This was too ridiculous.

Also, was this formation-breaking general the name of the demon siege cannon chariot or a title?

Was he considered a real-name BOSS?

Zhang Shan was a little confused.

There were more than ten thousand godfiend guards pushing the cannon chariots.

Not only that.

The key was that behind the demonic siege cannon, there was a BOSS with a real name.

the commander of the divine fiend guards. Achilles.

Two real-name bosses appeared at once?

did he have to be so ruthless?

Zhang Shan subconsciously looked at the top of the siege cannon.

after he finished reading, he couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the one operating the demonic siege cannon was still the captain of a small divine demon guard.

It was just an ordinary red BOSS.

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