487 Chapter 487-trypophobia

As Zhang Shan fired his shots, he calculated the time.

If he was alone, he might need to fight for close to two hours before he could destroy the commander of the Twin Demon City guards.

If the others were to deal damage, it would probably take about an hour.

Only then could he defeat the garrison commander.

What a headache.

As Zhang Shan’s abilities grew stronger.

It had been a long time since he had experienced taking such a long time to fight a BOSS.

It couldn’t be helped. The commander of the Twin City garrison was just that tantalizing.

Take it slow.

This matter could not be rushed.

The group of long-range professions kept on attacking the garrison commander.

zhang shan’s few explosive skills, once they were on cooldown.

He quickly opened it.

There was no need to save any skills.

What’s the point of keeping it?

After all, it would take a long time to defeat the garrison commander.

zhang shan’s explosive skills could be used several times.

Under their powerful attacks, the HP of the commander of the Twin Demon City guards decreased very slowly.

However, it was still dropping.

After about five or six minutes.

the demon garrison commander’s hp had been reduced to 80%.

However, this time, the garrison commander did not use any skills.

It had no skills to use.

of the four skills of the demonic twin city’s garrison commander.

Divine axe art and city defense were status skills.

Only the first minor skill, earth splitting slash, and the ultimate skill, Army of thousands, were active skills.

In other words, before the guard commander’s HP dropped to 50% …

Zhang Shan and the rest did not have to worry about the BOSS’s other skills.

In any case, the garrison commander’s true damage skill was only an earth-splitting slash.

Other than the fact that Zhang Shan had to take some damage from the BOSS.

It had no effect on the others.

however, if the garrison commander used his ultimate skill when he was at half health …

That would be interesting.

At that time, they would definitely have to face a screen full of demon soldiers.

Originally, the garrison commander’s grand move of thousands of troops and horses could summon a large number of demon soldiers at once.

In addition, the commander of the Twin City garrison was really tantalizing.

Even after reaching half health.

zhang shan and the rest would probably need another 20 minutes to be able to kill him.

he had such a long time.

Who knew how many times the garrison commander would use his ultimate skill and how many demon Warriors he would summon?

Now, he could only slowly grind it down.

He would grind the garrison commander’s HP down to half first.

As everyone attacked, they looked at the health bar of the demonic garrison commander and couldn’t help but complain.

f * ck! Why is this commander of the demon race so tanky? I can’t even move him.

“It’s alright. Didn’t we already take out 20% of his health?”

what the f * ck? after fighting for so long, he only managed to get 20% of his health. You call that okay? ”

that’s right. If it were any other boss, we would have killed it long ago.

“Sigh, what else can I do? The commander of the Twin City garrison is so tough. We can’t hurt him, nor do we have any tricks up our sleeves.”

“Yeah, it’s simply too meaty. Even my most powerful burst skill can’t even deal 1000 damage. This is bullshit.”

that’s right. When I used my berserk skill, I could deal around 20000 to 30000 damage. However, when I hit the garrison commander, I did less than 1000 damage.

“I’m so f * cking speechless.”

“Don’t worry, as long as we can kill the BOSS, it doesn’t matter if we spend more time.”

“That’s true, but it’s not good to keep dragging things out like this.”

“Then what do you think we should do? We can’t just stop fighting.”

it’s impossible for us not to fight. Even if we don’t attack the Infernals ‘city, we can’t just let go of the opportunity to fight the BOSS.

that’s true. This garrison commander is a red BOSS after all. Even if it doesn’t drop anything, there’s still a skill point reward, hehe.

“haha, for the skill points, even if it’s dark, we have to destroy it.”

“That’s right. We’ll fight this garrison commander.”

Time passed by slowly.

The group of long-range players kept attacking the garrison commander.

The commander of the demon Garrison was not weak either.

It kept waving that extremely scary-looking extra-large axe.

One Earth splitting slash after another was used on Zhang Shan’s body.

Each time he slashed, he could reduce 180 to 190 thousand of Zhang Shan’s health.

Fortunately, he had a support behind him.

if not, if zhang shan had to suck blood on his own, he would not be able to do it.

The damage he dealt was only slightly over 20000.

Based on the 25% lifesteal ratio, he could only recover a few thousand HP at a time.

Compared to the damage dealt by the demonic garrison commander’s slashes, this was nothing.

The amount of blood that Zhang Shan had sucked back was nothing.

Even if his attack speed was much faster than the commander of the demonic Garrison, it was useless.

He couldn’t deal any damage, which was a hard injury.

Moreover, there was only the Nephilim garrison commander as the BOSS here. There were no other targets around, so it could be used as a launching point.

Zhang Shan’s catapulting was passive, and it was completely useless here.

He could only attack with his spear.

He could only suck back a few thousand at a time.

Unless it was a critical hit or a Holy Strike.

Otherwise, his lifesteal effect would basically be useless.

His current HP recovery was completely dependent on the support’s healing.

it was a good thing that they had enough support here, and zhang shan’s health bar was long enough.

A few support players could easily add blood to his health.

The group of long-range players kept attacking the garrison commander.

The other close-combat bosses were bored standing at the side.

Although wind and cloud blade had said that they would have something to do later on, they were not afraid of death.

However, they had to wait for the garrison commander to use his ultimate skill before they could show their skills.

As for now, they had nothing to do at all.

A group of close-combat bosses really started playing a few tables of fight the landlord.

This scene made Zhang Shan and the others, who were attacking the BOSS, very unhappy.

They were doing their best to kill the BOSS.

Those close-combat bosses were actually playing fight the landlord on the side?

Everyone felt a little unbalanced.

One of the long-range players ridiculed.

“F * ck, you guys are really playing fight the landlord.”

“What else can we do? we have nothing to do anyway. What else can we do other than fight the landlord?”

“This is too much. We’re having a hard time fighting the BOSS and you’re playing fight the landlord? When we distribute the items later, you won’t get a share, Hmph.”

why are you doing this? you’re just scraping the surface of the garrison commander with that little damage.

“that’s right. you’re just a scrapped person. how dare you criticize us?”

“F * ck, what’s wrong with scraping? Scraping sand can also cause some damage.”

come on, with that little bit of damage you’ve done, it’s no different from not having it.

“don’t be so noisy, quickly play your cards.”

that’s right, ignore that piece of sh * t. Let’s play cards for a while. When the garrison commander’s HP is half, it’ll be our turn to work.

that’s right. Hurry up and play two more rounds. We won’t have time later.

“Yeah, it’s rare for me to relax, hehe.”

There were more than a hundred of them, and more than seventy of them were fighting the boss. The other fifty or so melee bosses were playing fight the landlord on the side.

After about 20 minutes, the demonic garrison commander’s HP was finally reduced to half.

At this moment, Feng Yun realm said to those close-combat bosses.

” stop playing cards. quickly adjust your formation and guard the surroundings. the BOSS is almost at half health. ”

“Okay, brothers, it’s time to work.”

damn, I’ve been idle for half a day and my hands are itching. I hope that the demon soldiers summoned by the garrison commander will be more powerful so that I can kill in all directions.

“You? Killing in all directions? It’s good enough that you don’t get killed by the monsters.”

that’s right. Be careful not to get cut down by the monsters. That would be embarrassing.

are you kidding me? I’m so strong. Can the monsters kill me? ”

don’t brag yet. We’ll know when we’re done.

When his HP dropped to 50%.

The commander of the Twin Demon city’s Garrison waved his big axe.

Countless demon soldiers emerged from all around the drill ground.

When they saw these demon soldiers, everyone was still relatively calm.

He looked at the demon soldiers in the distance and ran towards them.

The group of close-combat bosses quickly formed a small circular formation, protecting Zhang Shan and the others who were fighting the BOSS in the middle.

Soon, these close-combat bosses were fighting with the demon soldiers.

however, for the time being, it did not seem to be a big problem.

even though there were still demon soldiers running over from the distance.

however, there were also many of them.

There were about forty to fifty people.

It shouldn’t be a problem to block these demon soldiers.

haha, there aren’t many demon soldiers. I don’t think I need to be too serious.

“I think so too. We only need to spend ten minutes to clear out all these demon soldiers.”

“Stop talking nonsense. Can’t you see that there are demon soldiers running over from the edge of the drill ground?”

that’s fine. The respawn rate of these demon Warriors is not as fast as us.

“That’s right, it’s not a big problem,”

“It looks like we overestimated the commander of the garrison, but that won’t do.”

while a group of melee bosses were bragging.

The commander of the demonic Garrison waved his huge axe and called out again.

Once again, a large number of demon soldiers appeared in the distance.

The newly appeared demon soldiers were stacked on top of the previous ones.

They hadn’t even cleared one-tenth of the previous batch of demon soldiers.

The second batch of demon soldiers had already appeared.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this.

f * ck, is the interval between the garrison commander’s big moves so short? ”

that’s right. Does this mean that he can summon a demon warrior every minute? ”

it’s over, it’s over. There’s really an endless number of small monsters.

don’t scream. Hurry up and kill the monsters.

After seeing the garrison commander summon the second wave of demon soldiers, everyone could no longer remain calm.

this was too f * cking fast.

Originally, the garrison commander could summon many demon soldiers at once.

This was not all.

They did not expect that the garrison commander would use his ultimate move so frequently.

It had only been a minute, and the skill was used for the second time.

Based on their current speed of killing the BOSS …

It would take at least another 20 minutes to defeat the commander of the demonic Garrison.

If that was the case, the commander of the demonic Garrison would have used the skill [ thousands of troops ] more than twenty times.

This was too much nonsense.

It was hard to imagine what would happen at the end of the battle.

How many demon soldiers would appear?

It was no wonder that Windcloud blade had said that it was impossible to clear all the monsters at the start.

How could they possibly clear it all?

Zhang Shan and the other long-range jobs had been focused on attacking the garrison commander.

As for the demon soldiers, they didn’t care at all.

Let the close-combat bosses handle it.

as long as the melee bosses could block the demon soldiers outside and not interfere with their output, it would be fine.

In the beginning, the melee bosses couldn’t clear all the small monsters.

However, they could also defend the defensive circle firmly.

However, as time passed …

After five to six minutes.

Their defense slowly began to show problems.

There were simply too many small monsters.

In the beginning, each of them was holding off a few demon soldiers, and they could still continuously cut down some.

but now, there were more and more monsters.

Each of them would have to face a dozen, or even dozens of demon soldiers.

although these demon soldiers were only normal monsters.

However, they were still level 70 monsters, and their damage wasn’t weak.

although the equipment and skills of these melee bosses were good, when the number of mobs reached a certain level, they would still be able to survive.

They started to feel like they couldn’t take it anymore.

One of the melee bosses shouted as he cut down the monsters.

“F * ck, I can’t hold on any longer.”

At this moment, one of the long-range bosses who was attacking the garrison commander sneered.

“Trash, you can’t even handle a few monsters.”

“f * ck, you do it.”

I don’t have time. I have to fight the BOSS. I don’t have time to play with the small monsters.

what the f * ck? there are so many small monsters. How are we going to deal with them? ”

as more and more monsters appeared, the pressure on them to hold off the monsters grew.

Some of the slightly more fragile melee bosses were already almost unable to hold on.

at this moment, wind and cloud blade spoke.

” we’ll pull back the defense line and shrink the defensive circle. ”

“That’s right. The commander of the garrison doesn’t have any skills anyway. As long as we don’t let its earth splitter hit us, we’ll be fine.”

Under the command of wind and cloud blade, the group of melee bosses slowly retreated to a defensive position.

Everyone tried to stick close to each other.

In this case, there were only a few monsters that everyone could face at the same time.

Furthermore, it could also provide better defense, preventing the small monsters from rushing over and interfering with Zhang Shan and the others fighting the boss.

Just like that, they persisted for a few more minutes.

At this moment, the commander of the demonic Garrison was about to enter a berserk state from Zhang Shan and the others.

However, the number of monsters on the drill ground had reached a terrifying level.

The dense crowd of demon soldiers stood close to each other.

There wasn’t even a tiny gap.

No one had ever seen such a formation.

Even though the monsters were usually quite dense when they were grinding, they were still very strong.

However, it was far from being as dense as this.

the density of the monsterlings was many times more exaggerated than the demon subduing platform’s extreme mode.

As the number of monsters increased, there were already quite a few melee bosses who really couldn’t hold on.

Suddenly, a close-combat Big Shot shouted crazily.

“F * ck, support, quickly add blood to me, I’m going to fall.”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he fell to the ground before the support could even react.

with one person falling to the ground, a small gap instantly appeared in their defensive circle.

a large number of demon soldiers rushed towards zhang shan’s side through the gap. the people who were fighting the boss rushed over.

Seeing such a situation.

zhang shan shouted.

“leave three supports to heal me. the rest of you, heal the melee.”

Zhang Shan could tell.

Even though they had sent quite a number of supports this time.

Among the 120 people, there were more than 20 supporting classes.

This ratio could be said to be very high.

However, it was still not enough for support.

It did not mean that there were not enough support to heal Zhang Shan.

In reality, Zhang Shan did not need too many support to heal him.

However, his damage was not high and the lifesteal effect was weak.

However, he had a lot of health.

there was a large margin for error.

He didn’t need too many support to heal him, and he could still withstand the damage from the garrison commander.

however, the melee bosses in charge of defense couldn’t.

Facing the sea of demon soldiers charging at them, they could only face them head on.

If they didn’t have enough support to heal them, they wouldn’t be able to.

In the beginning, Feng Yun realm split the supporting jobs into two.

Half of them were in charge of healing Zhang Shan, while the other half were in charge of healing the melee.

now, it seemed that even if half of the support team was sent out, the melee bosses in the front row still couldn’t hold on.

they needed more support.

After hearing Zhang Shan’s words.

Feng Yun realm said.

“Let’s do as six-shot says. You guys go and heal the melee.”

After the support was redistributed, the melee bosses in the front row finally recovered.

There were nearly twenty supports healing forty-five of them.

In other words, each auxiliary profession only needed to be responsible for two melee big shots.

The situation was immediately stabilized.

After a short while, the commander of the demonic Garrison entered a berserk state.

After going berserk, the commander of the garrison waved his giant axe and attacked Zhang Shan continuously.

The damage on Zhang Shan’s body also became more and more severe.

The three supporting jobs standing behind Zhang Shan waved the weapons in their hands.

He kept on healing Zhang Shan.

Even so, their healing speed could not keep up with the garrison commander’s damage speed.

Zhang Shan’s health bar was often below half.

He could only rely on himself to absorb a large amount of HP when he continuously dealt critical hits or the special effect of Holy Strike.

He pulled back his health bar.

Even so, Zhang Shan did not call for more support to heal him.

Compared to him, the melee bosses in the front row needed the support’s healing more.

The front line of defense must not collapse.

If the front row collapsed, then their attack on mo Cheng city would be over.

If a sea of demon soldiers were to charge into the defensive circle.

Zhang Shan was fine. He would definitely not die.

After the monsters charged in, his ejection passive would be effective.

the lifesteal effect would be greatly enhanced.

At that time, he would be able to withstand the damage of the garrison commander by himself without the support’s healing.

However, it was useless for him to be able to withstand it alone.

&Nbsp; if the demon race Warriors charged in, the other weak ranged soldiers definitely wouldn’t be able to take it.

A sea of demon Warriors rushed in and could instantly drown these fragile professions.

If everyone else fell to the ground.

If he was the only one left, what was the point of attacking the city?

Could he defeat the Twin Demon City by himself?

That was impossible.

They were only at the fourth BOSS.

they had yet to see the fiercest demon city lord.

The demonic city Lord was definitely a BOSS with a real name.

It was impossible to win by Zhang Shan alone.

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