466 The seven demon representatives

After blowing up the demon Spearman commander.

Zhang Shan was elated that he had obtained another passive skill.

In the future, he should try to get more passive skills.

when he had a few hundred passive skills, he would be invincible.

Of course, he had already obtained the passive skill.

However, they still had to continue fighting the BOSS.

The monster attack had only started less than ten minutes ago.

They still had time. They could probably take down another five or six demon spearmen commanders.

He couldn’t let go of such a good opportunity to fight a BOSS.

As long as they killed enough of them, they might be able to get some good items.

Wouldn’t he be rich if he dropped an item like a divine weapon mold?

Just as Zhang Shan was preparing to ride his horse to clear the way and look for the next BOSS …

Feng Yun realm suddenly said.

I’m in luck this time. An ultimate skill book dropped.

f * ck, there’s such a good thing. Let’s take a look at the skill book.

haha, the BOSS is indeed stolen.

feng yun realm displayed the skill book on the party channel.

Zhang Shan took a look. This was a destructive skill book for Berserkers.

this one was not bad. in their wind and cloud guild.

There were quite a few people who played the Berserker class.

However, the only person who had managed to obtain an ultimate skill book was Windcloud blade.

no one else had ever gotten an ultimate skill book.

This time, he finally got another one.

Speaking of which, could it be that the boss would only be more fragrant if he stole from someone else?

It was the destruction skill book from wind and cloud blade.

It only dropped when they stole other people’s bosses.

Last time, Zhang Shan had brought along wind cloud blade and the others to snatch a boss from the hands of the Yan country’s ghostly Tiger.

Unexpectedly, it dropped a destruction skill book.

it was the same this time.

this was too much of a coincidence.

Could it be that the game producers deliberately led the players to steal other people’s bosses?

Of course, Zhang Shan was just thinking about it.

The items that bosses dropped were very random.

It was hard to say what would drop before it was destroyed.

He looked at the skill book that Feng Yun realm displayed.

The Berserker in the party couldn’t hold it in any longer.

They all said.

“Boss, let’s roll for the skill book and split it.”

“Everyone, don’t fight with me. This skill book is mine.”

“You’re so shameless. Just because you say it’s yours, will it be yours? if you want a skill book, you have to get it with your own ability.”

boss, roll the dice. Let’s see the reincarnation of the dice God.

then we’ll split this skill book first. After we roll, we’ll continue to look for the next BOSS. We’ll split the other items later.

He saw how excited the Berserker in the party was.

Feng Yun realm understood their feelings.

It would be good to get an ultimate skill book even if he could get it a second earlier.

They had been waiting for the ultimate skill book for too long.

The ultimate skill book was too difficult to obtain.

they had fought so many bosses, but only a few of them had dropped.

Now that one had finally dropped, how could these people not be excited?

Feng Yun realm did not waste any more time and rolled the destruction skill book.

As for who could roll for it, that would depend on their own abilities.

In addition to wind and cloud blade, there were 12 Berserkers in their party.

Since blade of wind and cloud already had his ultimate skill, he naturally could not participate in the ROLL.

As for the Berserkers, after Feng Yun realm started the roll, they started to ROLL.

They rolled their dice one after another.

In the end, this destruction skill book was rolled away by a Big Shot named Feng Yun Kuang, who was also known as battleaxe.

after rolling for the skill book, feng yun kuang battleaxe laughed hysterically.

haha, I finally have a big move. I really want to fight with a group of people and test the power of my big move.

When some people were happy, there would naturally be some who were disappointed.

the other berserker players who did not get a ROLL were very depressed.

Ultimate skill books were hard to come by.

Even in the entire wind and cloud Guild, they did not have more than ten books.

Now that he had to watch the opportunity slip away in front of him, how could he not be depressed?

What was even more infuriating was that the Windcloud Berserker, who had rolled for the skill book, was still showing off.

He was simply sprinkling salt on their wounds.

“What are you laughing at? let’s go and find the next BOSS.”

let’s do it. I hope that I’ll meet someone who doesn’t know what’s good for me. I’ll use my ultimate move, hehe.

what the f * ck, do we need to use a big move to steal a BOSS? ”

After distributing the skill book to the wind cloud battle axe, they continued to fight the next BOSS.

As time passed …

Under Feng Yun realm’s lead.

Their team had blown up demon spearmen commanders one after another.

In the entire event, the number of bosses did not seem to be enough.

however, every time they finished fighting.

He would be able to snatch the next one very quickly.

It felt like there were quite a few bosses. On the contrary, there was an endless number of them. There was no way to finish them.

Of course, this was just an illusion.

In fact, there were quite a number of bosses.

However, there were also many player parties that could fight bosses.

The problem was that there were many player groups.

However, if they wanted to blow up a demon Spearman commander, they would need a long time.

many player parties might not even be able to kill the boss even after an hour.

In the entire game, to be able to be like Zhang Shan and the rest …

There were only a few teams that could quickly take down the boss.

Only the leading teams of the top guilds had the strength to do so, and they had to have more people.

It was not like Zhang Shan’s team, where they only needed 50 people to fight bosses everywhere.

As for most of the other players …

Even though they could still defeat the BOSS.

However, they would need at least half an hour to kill the BOSS.

This caused Zhang Shan and the rest to be unable to do anything after every battle.

They could easily snatch the next one.

Under Feng Yun realm’s lead, they wandered all over Heaven’s Gate fortress.

One BOSS after another was killed by them.

in the process of snatching the boss.

they had also encountered the teams from the top guilds.

they had even encountered the tyrannical king’s team.

however, in order to fight more bosses …

feng yun realm ignored him.

Instead, he continued to search for other bosses to fight.

Snatching the boss from domineering King was too much of a waste of effort. It was not worth it.

They would usually Rob the weaker player teams.

Moreover, those players were usually very tactful.

When they saw Zhang Shan and the rest running over, they would give up on the BOSS and scatter.

To them, bosses were important.

But his life was more important.

If they didn’t hit the BOSS and even lost their lives, it would be a big loss.

Of course, they also encountered some stubborn players.

However, they could still easily steal the BOSS after a fierce attack.

The speed at which Zhang Shan and the rest were fighting the BOSS was getting faster and faster as they went on.

Because of the BOSS that they had stolen.

It was someone else who had already lost a portion of his health.

Some of them had even lost two-thirds of the BOSS’s health.

Zhang Shan and the rest had snatched it all.

In the beginning, everyone was fighting for the BOSS, and they were a little embarrassed.

However, as they fought, they slowly got used to it.

Even if you don’t snatch it, others will still snatch it?

So, don’t stand on ceremony.

after killing one, he would snatch the next.

No matter how much effort others put in for BOSS, it had nothing to do with them.

They were just trying to steal the BOSS.

After chasing away the players, they quickly focused their fire on the boss and left.

More than half an hour had passed since the monster attack.

Zhang Shan and the rest had already destroyed 13 demon spearmen commanders.

However, it never dropped again. An ultimate skill book like [destruction] had dropped, and there were no divine weapon quest items or divine weapon molds either.

However, after killing so many bosses, they had also gained a lot.

Just the red equipment alone, they had obtained close to 30.

There were fifty of them in the team, which was almost enough for each of them to get one item.

There were also a few other rubbish skill books.

However, these skill books were useless.

At best, it could be sold for ten thousand gold coins.

To them, the biggest gain was experience points.

They had defeated 13 red bosses in a row.

Many of them had directly leveled up.

Zhang Shan’s level had not increased.

However, his experience bar had also increased by a large amount.

He wasn’t too far from reaching Level 51.

After they had destroyed the 13th Spearman commander …

Windcloud blade ridiculed.

f * ck, I’ve fought the BOSS until my hands went soft.

” haha, don’t be soft-hearted, brothers. keep fighting. there are still many bosses waiting for us. ”

” that’s weird. it’s been 35 minutes since the monster attack. why haven’t we seen the big BOSS yet? ”

that’s right. I’m getting tired of hitting the Spearman commander.

don’t tell me that this event only has one BOSS like the Spearman commander? ”

that’s impossible. There has to be a real name BOSS, right? at least one should appear.

what’s the point of thinking so much? if there’s no real-name BOSS, then we’ll just fight the Spearman commander.

” that’s right. even if it doesn’t drop anything good, it’s still good to give us some experience. the experience gained from killing the BOSS today is comparable to me killing monsters for three or four days. ”

“Not bad, let’s continue with the BOSS.”

more than half of the event time had passed, but they still hadn’t seen any real-name bosses respawn.

He didn’t know if it was because the system hadn’t refreshed it.

Or could it be that he had already been refreshed and was being beaten by others?

Of course, it was also possible that the BOSS had spawned in a corner and had not been discovered yet.

No matter which possibility it was, if they couldn’t find it themselves, then there was nothing they could do.

he could only shoot the spearman commander first.

They weren’t afraid of missing out on a real-name BOSS.

As long as a real-name BOSS appeared, they would know sooner or later.

Even if someone else was secretly playing, it would be useless.

A real-name BOSS was so powerful.

To other players, even the strongest guilds, the war god and the domineering aura, were no exception.

if they wanted to defeat a real-name BOSS, they had to organize a team of tens of thousands of people and take it slow.

Only then could he possibly deal with a real-name BOSS.

In fact, the most likely scenario was that they would not be able to defeat the real-name BOSS before the event ended.

It was just like the previous monster attack.

The last one to appear was the demon guard general arudo.

Other than the wind and cloud Guild, none of the other major guilds could defeat it within the event time.

If other players wanted to fight a real-name BOSS, it would definitely cause a huge commotion.

Zhang Shan and the rest were not worried that the others would secretly kill the BOSS.

That was impossible.

Just as Zhang Shan was riding on the red hares, searching for the next leader of the pikemen.

Suddenly, Windcloud blade said in the party channel.

quick, look at the Guild channel. Someone has found a real-name BOSS.

“F * ck, really?”

“Let me see.”

Zhang Shan quickly stopped his Mount and switched to the Guild channel.

One of the Guild members said in the Guild channel.

hurry up! I’ve found seven real name bosses.

f * ck, don’t be so hasty in your reporting. How could all seven real name bosses appear in the same place? ”

it’s true. It’s seven real name bosses together.

“Did you see the BOSS’s name?”

I saw it. What are they all? they’re members of the lower house of the demon race. The names of the seven bosses are all different.

” is it a physical BOSS or a magic BOSS? ”

“I can’t tell?”

are you f * cking blind? bosses with weapons are physical bosses, and bosses with magic staffs are magic bosses.

“You don’t have to tell me that, of course I know this. But the problem is, these seven bosses are all empty-handed, How do I know what kind of bosses they are?”

“F * ck, there’s such a thing? Do demon representatives use their fists to beat people?”

“Who knows? I’ve sent the coordinates to the Guild channel. Come quickly.”

Zhang Shan looked at the Guild channel and the comments of his brothers.

Countless question marks appeared above his head.

There were too many questions that he couldn’t understand.

For example, why were there seven bosses with real names standing together?

Another example was why these seven bosses didn’t even have any weapons.

This was too unscientific.

However, these questions were not important.

The important thing was that a real-name BOSS had appeared, so they had to go and deal with it.

After everyone looked at the Guild channel, they all turned their attention to Feng Yun realm.

It would depend on how this boss arranged it.

Seven real-name bosses, that was a little bit powerful.

They really couldn’t beat him.

With Zhang Shan’s ability, under the passive boost of catapulting, it was still possible for him to take on two real name bosses.

However, if there were seven real name bosses, that would be too difficult for him.

There were seven real name bosses. Even if each of them attacked him, he would be killed instantly.

No matter how strong Zhang Shan’s lifesteal effect was, it would be useless.

“Boss, what should we do?”

let’s run over there and take a look. I’ll contact Li Jing. We can’t take down seven real name bosses.

After Feng Yun realm finished speaking, he took the lead and ran towards the target location.

After running for about two minutes, they finally saw the seven real name bosses.

The seven demon representatives didn’t ride horses. Instead, they formed a small circle, as if they were having a small meeting.

The names of the seven bosses were:

Demon member of the House of Commons, higlari.

Demon member of the lower house of parliament, bisistre.

Arhan, a member of the demon’s House of Commons.

The demon’s parliament member, Omar wood.

The demon’s House of Commons Member of Parliament, Rajiv.

Demon member of the lower house, Nelson.

Sisos, a member of the demon’s House of Commons.

The seven real name bosses gathered together, and Zhang Shan felt a little dizzy.

Damn it, normally, he couldn’t even find a real name boss.

all of a sudden, there were seven real name bosses together.

There was no way to do it.

He had to separate these seven real name bosses.

Otherwise, they would not be able to fight at all.

Another thing was that it was the event period.

There were foreign players everywhere.

although no one else had found this place yet.

However, it was impossible for them to secretly kill the BOSS.

Others would come over sooner or later.

now, they had to face seven real name bosses.

moreover, he had to face opponents who could come looking for him at any time.

This was a little difficult to deal with.

Zhang Shan could see the difficulty of the problem. Naturally, the others could see it as well.

Feng Yun realm said after walking around.

“Don’t make a move yet. Wait until our Guild’s members are all here. In addition, I’ve also called Wargod Li Jing and asked him to bring the members of the Wargod Guild here.”

Feng Yun realm had already informed all the Guild members in the Guild channel to gather here.

They didn’t expect the other guild members to come and fight the boss together.

the main thing was to wait for the other guilds to come over.

they had to rely on their guild members to help them stall the enemy so that they could focus on fighting the boss.

Otherwise, there was really no way to do it.

Besides, Feng Yun realm had also informed his guild members.

He even called the God of War Li Jing.

Right now, Wei’s war god Guild should also be on their way here.

However, even though they had the war god Guild’s help, everyone was still a little worried.

The main thing was that these seven real-name bosses didn’t care about martial virtue at all.

They were all standing together.

What was he going to do?

no one knew if they could pull apart the seven real name bosses.

If he couldn’t pull it open, then there was really no way to do it.

However, there was no way to try it now.

There was only one team here, and there were too few of them.

No one was suitable to be cannon fodder.

Moreover, it wasn’t very useful.

He would have to wait until there were more people and let a large number of cannon fodders try.

He wanted to see if he could separate these seven real name bosses.

If they could separate the bosses, then there was still a chance.

If they really couldn’t be separated, then they could only continue to farm for spearmen commanders.

These seven real name bosses were not something they could hope to defeat.

However, everyone was still a little worried. Someone asked Feng Yun realm on the party channel.

“Just our two guilds? i feel like even if the two guilds work together, they won’t be able to take down these seven bosses.”

“That’s it for now. When the war god Guild’s people arrive, we’ll set up a large defensive circle around the periphery, and the others will fight the boss.”

“i’m afraid this won’t work. if the other guilds find out that we’re fighting a real-name boss here, they’ll probably rush over like crazy. i don’t think we can stop them with just our two guilds.”

I know. I’ll pull in partners when the time comes. I’ll pull in those who are willing to cooperate, and block those who aren’t.

that’s a good idea. I’m afraid that the overbearing King will be angered to death. He will definitely not cooperate with us.

“Domineering aura has already been excluded. Just let him bring his people to fight.”

Not long after, Li Jing, the God of War, arrived first with his men.

The other players from the two guilds also ran over.

God of War Li Jing said as he ran to Feng Yun realm after looking at the seven bosses.

bro, these seven bosses aren’t easy to deal with. What’s your plan? ”

let’s try it later and see if we can separate the BOSS. As long as we can separate the BOSS, it’ll be easy.

“this shouldn’t be a problem. although these seven bosses are all demon representatives, they are not one, so they can definitely be separated. but what if we split up the bosses? seven bosses is a bit too many. i’m afraid our two guilds won’t be able to take them all.”

that’s easy. There will definitely be other guilds coming over later. If they’re willing to cooperate, we’ll give them a BOSS to fight.

sigh, that’s true, but this cooperation isn’t going to be easy.

god of war li jing was telling the truth.

The major guilds belonged to different countries. Even if they worked together temporarily, it would be a bit difficult to operate.

when fighting a boss, it was easy to accidentally hurt allies.

He couldn’t possibly say that everyone was in peace mode.

That won’t do either.

Not everyone was willing to cooperate.

For those who were unwilling to cooperate, they would definitely be blocked outside.

If that was the case, they would have to turn the PK mode into a National mode.

In this case, the problem was back.

What if they accidentally injured their allies?

All in all, this was not an easy task.

In the game, there was no alliance system yet.

Otherwise, there might be another alliance model to choose from.

but the problem was that he didn’t have any now.

When the fight started, everyone would definitely use National mode.

He had to think about how to avoid friendly fire now.

“Let’s split up and guard a place each. This way, we can avoid accidental injuries. As for when we fight the BOSS, we can try to put as much distance between us as possible.”

“Alright, let’s do that for now. One more question, how are we going to split the seven bosses?”

When it came to BOSS distribution, it was both profit and responsibility.

It was easy to understand that it was a benefit. If they defeated a real-name BOSS, they would definitely get good items, and everyone liked it.

But the problem was that you had to be able to beat him.

you have to hold onto your respective bosses.

They could not allow the boss to run around and interfere with the movements of the others.

If the boss you were in charge of ran around, how could others fight the boss?

The problem was that a real-name boss was not as simple as a normal red boss.

It wasn’t that easy to pull him down.

Those without strength could not even get close to the boss before they fell to the ground.

In the entire game, there were only a few guilds that could take down a real-name boss.

“Our wind and cloud Guild will be responsible for two. You can arrange the rest.”

Feng Yun realm replied indifferently to God of War Li Jing’s question.

He didn’t try to be brave.

Out of the seven real-name bosses, the wind and cloud Guild only needed two.

this was feng yun realm’s conclusion after careful consideration.

He didn’t plan to gather too many guild members to fight the boss together.

It was fine as long as they continued to be in their team.

If that was the case, Zhang Shan alone would be able to take on two real name bosses.

He should be able to withstand it by relying on his catapulting passive and lifesteal effect.

If there were any more, Zhang Shan might not be able to handle it.

Their party could only deal with two real name bosses at most. They definitely couldn’t deal with more.

As for the other members of the Guild …

They were not allowed to participate in the BOSS fight.

The main thing was, other than their team.

It would be very difficult for the entire wind and cloud Guild to organize another powerful BOSS team.

Even if they had other guild members fight a real name BOSS, they would still be able to defeat it.

He probably wouldn’t be able to defeat the BOSS before the event ended.

In that case, what was the point of fighting?

it would be better to stay on the outside and help them fight the BOSS, defending against enemies.

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