419 The damaged staff

Other than the skill book, the demon commander, michellion, did not drop any other good items.

As a BOSS with a real name, such an item drop could only be said to be ordinary.

Bosses with real names were extremely rare and difficult to defeat.

The only reason they could win was because Zhang Shan was in the team.

Otherwise, if they wanted to deal with a real name BOSS, they would have to bring the entire Guild along.

He might not be able to win.

If no one could tank such a BOSS, its destructive power would be extremely terrifying.

Sometimes, no matter how many cannon fodders you prepared, it would be useless.

Up until now, Zhang Shan had only encountered a total of five to six real name bosses.

After defeating a real-name boss, it could be said that there would be some gains every time.

The best loot was probably Magnus, whom they had killed yesterday.

He had dropped an ultimate skill book and a divine weapon mission item for them. It was a huge drop.

The other times, he had also gained quite a lot.

Although there were no divine weapon quest items, there were usually ultimate skill books or other special items of equal value.

For example, Zhang Shan’s positioning ball and killer book were dropped by a real name boss.

This time, the Nephilim commander had only dropped one ultimate skill book.

This kind of drop couldn’t be considered bad. It could only be considered average and passable.

When the other party members saw the items Feng Yun realm displayed, some of them were happy while some of them complained.

“Bad, there’s no divine weapon.”

that’s right. Every time, I’m filled with infinite hope, and then the hope is shattered again.

“Sigh, when will I be able to get my hands on a divine weapon?”

“Sage, please grant me a divine weapon.”

“F * ck, he’s crazy.”

I’m crazy. I’ve gone crazy thinking about divine artifacts.

“Brother, don’t worry. There aren’t many divine artifacts now, and we don’t have any either, right? You’ll have one as well when divine artifacts become common.”

“i’m going to faint. why would i need it after it’s popularized?”

haha, there’s actually an Ice wizard’s ultimate skill book. This is great.

f * ck, that’s awesome. I just realized that there’s only one Ice Wizard here. They don’t even have to roll for it.

“This luck is amazing.”

Just as everyone was ridiculing the commander for not dropping any God-tier quest items …

a girl in the party with a character name called fengyun bingbing laughed wildly.

she was an ice wizard.

What was even more unbelievable was that she was the only Ice Wizard among the 100 players in their two teams.

This time, there was no need to roll for this ultimate skill book. There was no competition and it was directly given to her.

in this game, ice mages were probably the least popular class.

Other than a crowd control skill, it was nothing special.

although they were also mages, the explosive damage of an ice mage was far greater than that of a fire mage.

In the entire game, there were very few players who played the ice Wizard class.

In this boss fight, other than the team that the little Secretary brought over later and a group of meat shields, there were only a few other players.

In order to defeat the boss as soon as possible, Feng Yun realm had chosen players with high burst damage when recruiting players.

He really did not know how this ice mage had managed to get into the team.

One could only say that his luck was really amazing.

we’ll distribute the items later. Let’s destroy the giant beast commander first.

Feng Yun realm said as he attacked the giant beast commander.

There was still one more BOSS to fight.

There were still about 10 minutes left before the monster attack event ended.

He had to quickly finish off the last giant beast commander and then defend the city until the event ended.

After everything was done, they would distribute the items.

other than the items dropped by the nephilim commander, mackmillie, there were other items.

The items that dropped from the two demon Vanguard generals that they had killed had not been distributed yet.

However, the first two bosses dropped relatively trashy items.

There were only a few pieces of red equipment and a trashy skill book.

It was not worth everyone’s anticipation.

This time, it was about the same. There was only an ultimate skill book for ice mages.

Although this frozen world skill book was also a very good skill, it was still a very good skill.

However, no one was competing for it, so it was destined to be assigned to Feng Yun and Bing Bing.

The others had been fighting the boss for a long time, and other than getting some experience, they were considered to have done some voluntary work.

After the system announcement that they had defeated the demonic commander, Mycroft, was released …

the other players in the game thought that the monster attack in demon suppression city had ended.

In everyone’s mind, the real name boss was definitely the final boss of the monster siege.

Their wind and cloud Guild had even defeated a real-name boss.

The monster attack in the demon-suppressing city must have ended.

Everyone thought that since the monster attack was over, it was over.

Then, Zhang Shan would definitely lower the teleportation fee to the demon suppression city to the normal state.

It didn’t make sense for him to keep collecting 10000 gold coins.

Many players who had originally planned to teleport to the demon-suppressing city.

After seeing the system announcement, they ran to the teleportation halls of the various cities.

However, after waiting for a long time, they found that the teleportation fee to the demon-suppressing city was still 10000 gold coins.

This made these people depressed.

The world Channel:

six-barreled Bodhisattva, come out! Didn’t the monster attack end already? why is the teleportation fee still 10000 gold coins? ”

“Don’t shout anymore. In the future, I’ll probably charge you 10000 gold coins.”

“Damn it, this is too dark.”

“To make money, how can I make money if I’m not black-hearted?”

that’s impossible. Could it be that the monster attack event in demon suppression city has not ended? ”

“The big BOSS has been killed, so why isn’t the event over? It’s just that six-barreled Bodhisattva has gone crazy trying to make money.”

let’s wait and see. Let’s go kill some monsters.

“f * ck, if the fire comes, i’ll ride my horse over.”

“You’re ruthless.”

On the world Channel, Zhang Shan did not know about the players ‘complaints.

They were currently trying their best to attack the demonic siege beast commander.

After the commander was killed.

zhang shan’s catapulting was passive, and it no longer had the same effect as before.

The monster commander was the only boss left on the battlefield, and it could not be used to attack.

he could only shoot them one by one.

He could not shoot like before, where the damage would bounce back 12 times.

However, there was one less boss.

The eleven fire god cannons on top of the city gate were all locked onto the giant beast commander.

The monsters were separated by the other teammates.

within the fire god cannon’s range, only the giant beast commander could be attacked.

Of course, the fire god cannons were all aimed at it.

As such, even though Zhang Shan’s damage was much lower than before.

However, the fire god Cannon’s damage was all concentrated on the behemoth commander.

In that case, their speed of killing the boss was not much slower than before.

Time slowly passed.

The health of the demonic siege beast commander was slowly reduced by them.

30%, 20%, 10%.

The behemoth commander’s HP was high.

However, under everyone’s intense focus fire, they were quickly beaten to empty health.

Zhang Shan saw the opportunity and controlled the Panda bear. He used a combo skill and smacked the giant beast commander.

≪ system announcement: congratulations to Feng Yun realm, six-barreled Bodhisattva, and heart follows me Pixiu for killing the demonic siege beast commander. ≫

Skill point +1, medal +100.

finally, the two bosses had been taken care of.

Zhang Shan heaved a sigh of relief. Now, he could truly say that this wave of monster attacks was stable.

Only the demon Warriors who had jumped onto the city wall were left, and they could no longer cause any impact on the demon-suppressing city.

The people from the wind and cloud Guild had been able to deal with it previously.

Now that Zhang Shan and the rest had taken care of all the bosses, it would definitely be easier for everyone to deal with the small monsters.

All they had to do was wait for the monster attack to end.

The demonic siege beast commander fell to the ground, but no one had any expectations.

The Almighty beast commander was just a normal red BOSS.

The chances of good items dropping were not high.

After Feng Yun realm had divided the items, everyone was ready to go up the city wall and kill some monsters.

Feng Yun realm opened his bag and checked the items dropped by the Almighty beast commander.

Suddenly, he let out a soft “huh” and then displayed the dropped item on the party channel.

“F * ck, is this a divine artifact mission item?”

this must be fake. The real name boss didn’t even drop it, and it was dropped by a normal red boss? ”

f * ck, anyone who can read would know that this is a divine weapon mission item. He even told me the description of this item.

“Haha, we’re rich! Another divine weapon!”

we’re in luck today. If we kill a normal red BOSS, we’ll be able to get a divine weapon quest item.

” the demonic siege behemoth commander can’t be considered a normal red BOSS, right? it has 200000 attack power, which is very powerful. ”

“No matter how strong it is, it’s just a normal red BOSS. The system uses its name.”

” that’s true. it’s a pity that it’s a staff. why not an axe? i want an axe. ”

“Don’t panic, I’ll definitely use an axe next time.”

in the game, the berserker class had the most players, and it was the same for their wind and cloud guild.

many of the big bosses played as berserkers, which made axes the most popular equipment in guilds.

This time, another god-tier equipment quest item dropped. Unfortunately, it was a staff, which disappointed many big shots.

However, when some people were disappointed, there were naturally some who were happy.

The mages and witch doctors in the Guild were very happy, as their weapons were all staves.

However, there was only one divine artifact mission item. There were quite a number of mages and witch doctors in the two teams.

there were about 20 people, and it would depend on their luck who would get the divine artifact mission item.

Zhang Shan took a look at the description of this divine weapon mission item.

It had to be said that they had obtained quite a few divine weapon mission items before. The description of this item was the most obvious.

[ damaged staff: this is a severely damaged staff that exudes a faint mysterious aura. It needs to be repaired before it can be used. ]

The item description clearly stated that the divine weapon quest item was a staff.

It was an item that emitted a mysterious aura.

Of course, they knew that this was a necessary item to make a divine weapon.

However, as for how to repair it? The item description did not mention where to find an NPC to repair it.

from the looks of it, the person who rolled for the staff had to run around, if they were lucky.

Soon, he would be able to trigger the task of repairing the divine artifact.

If they were unlucky, it would be hard to say.

However, no matter what, it was definitely worth being happy that he had obtained a divine weapon mission item.

now, we’ll distribute the items. We’ll roll based on needs.

Feng Yun realm said excitedly.

How could he not be excited?

He was a fire wizard, so he used a staff. That was if he managed to roll for this divine weapon quest item.

Then wouldn’t that mean that he had a divine weapon?

Thinking of the divine weapon, even Feng Yun realm who had always been calm could not remain calm.

Of course, whether or not he could ROLL for this damaged staff would depend on his luck.

although feng yun realm was the guild’s boss, most of the items would be given to him.

However, a divine artifact mission item was not the same.

Everyone really wanted it.

Feng Yun realm first gave the skill book to Feng Yun Bing Bing.

Because she was the only one at the scene, and she was playing the ice mage, no one wanted to compete with her.

the next part was the main event.

Feng Yun realm said after distributing the skill books.

now, we’ll distribute this divine weapon quest item. Everyone who uses a staff, please participate in the roll.

After Feng Yun realm activated the roll mode with his broken staff, he was the first to roll the die, which was 36 points.

zhang shan looked at the number feng yun realm had thrown and could not help but shake his head.

This point basically had no fate with the divine artifact.

The other mages and witch doctors rolled their dice one after another.

The highest was 90 points, while the lowest was only 10 points.

“It’s your turn, hurry up.”

someone urged feng yun bing bing.

“Ah, I see. Should I ROLL too?”

Fengyun Bingbing asked, a little embarrassed.

He had already received an ultimate skill book. It could be said to be an unexpected surprise, a wave of full rewards.

After getting the skill book, Feng Yun Bing Bing immediately learned the skill and was looking at the skill description.

She had almost forgotten that ice mages were also mages, and they also used staffs.

She was also qualified to roll for this divine weapon quest item.

“Hurry up, we’re all waiting for you.”

fengyun bingbing casually rolled the die, 100 points.

He killed everyone in seconds.

damn it, little beauty. You must have saved up all your luck in your life to use it today. It’s too f * cking ridiculous.

“I don’t know either.”

Fengyun Bingbing was confused.

If they won five million at once, it might make people go crazy with excitement.

However, if he won five million in a row, everyone would be dumbfounded.

How unbelievable was this?

The two most valuable items in this event had been taken by her alone.

Under everyone’s envious and jealous gazes, Feng Yun Bing Bing was at a loss.

it was embarrassing.

However, this was how the game was. When luck came, it couldn’t be stopped.

When he was unlucky, he might even fall to his death while walking.

Feng Yun realm didn’t say anything and gave the broken staff to Feng Yun Bing Bing.

Feng Yun Bing Bing quickly adjusted her state of mind.

She said with a smile.

“I’m about to have a divine tool.”

“It’s a waste to give you a divine weapon. Ice mages can’t deal much damage anyway.”

A fire mage said gloomily.

“Hmph, after I get my hands on the divine weapon, let’s compare our damage output.”

shameless, who would compete with you in damage output after getting a divine weapon? why don’t you compete with the six-barreled Big Boss in damage output? ”

little beauty, don’t be happy too early. We’ll talk about it after you get the divine artifact. Maybe you can’t even find an NPC to repair the divine artifact.

“you’re just jealous. i won’t argue with you, hehe.”

After distributing the divine weapon mission items, the rest were distributed randomly.

They had fought a total of four bosses.

In addition to the divine weapon mission items and skill books that had already been distributed.

There were also nine pieces of red equipment, four red materials, and a trashy skill book.

Equipment and skill books were rolled according to class.

Everyone will ROLL for the red material.

After all the items had been rolled, Zhang Shan had also rolled a red equipment.

It was better than nothing. He didn’t care about this anyway.

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