The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 53 Underwater Arena

(king_ars) / [Bonus Chapter]



[White Raven Egg]

[Description]: An egg from a superior species of raven, aside from its white plumage, it can also be as intelligent as an adult human.

After seeing the egg in her hand, a smile forms on my face and I say, "Do you want it for yourself?"

Arianazy nods at the egg in her hands and then looks directly into my eyes, accompanied by a big smile on her beautiful feminine lips. "Thank you!"

Without giving much importance, I turn my gaze back to the chest filled with items.

[1] - Lucky Ring

Reagents to craft: ???

[Description]: A simple ring made of silver and adorned with a small precious stone. When worn, the Lucky Ring grants the user a +5% luck bonus.

[2] - Healer's Gloves

Reagents to craft: White leather(x3), Level 0 enchanted wool(x1)

[Description]: A pair of soft and flexible gloves made of white leather. The Healer's Gloves have the ability to enhance the user's healing abilities. When worn, all healing abilities receive a +3% bonus to their healing power.

[3] - Orb of Illumination

Reagents to craft: Magic crystal(x3), Energy core(x3), Fiery soul(x1)

[Description]: A small orb of transparent crystal that emits a soft and comforting light. The Orb of Illumination allows its bearer to see clearly even in the darkest of shadows. When activated, it grants enhanced vision, allowing the user to ignore darkness penalties in perception tests.

[4] - Swift Wind Cape

Reagents to craft: White Zumbir leather(x3), silver threads(x3)

[Description]: A cape made of lightweight and sturdy fabric, with a swirling pattern imprinted on it. When wearing the Swift Wind Cape, the user gains an increase in their movement speed. The bonus is +10%.

[5] - Protection Bracelet

Reagents to craft: Silver(x1), gold threads(x3)

[Description]: The Protection Bracelet grants the user additional resistance against physical damage. When worn, it reduces the damage received from physical attacks by 3%, providing an extra layer of protection.

After looking at these items, I realized that I really need to travel the world. Perhaps I should open a shop in some kingdom, but before I go to do that, I need to create a satellite and some ships that allow me to fly at extreme speeds, yet safely.

I also realized that I could use these objects to exploit people and extract maximum benefits from them without them even suspecting. The fusion of science and magic would open a perfect path for my greed and cunning.

The shop I would create would have an inviting atmosphere, attracting people from all places with its enchanting ambiance and promises of extraordinary discoveries. I would invest in astute marketing, creating a convincing narrative that fuels curiosity and the belief that my products are truly special.

Each magical item I put up for sale would be carefully prepared. Although they would appear genuinely magical, they would have a scientific explanation behind them. Magic would be just a superficial layer to deceive customers, while the true essence would reside in the meticulously applied science in each of the products.

My sales assistants would be trained to pique the interest of customers and skillfully guide them through a process of persuasion. They would use subtle techniques to create a sense of need and intense desire for the items, exploiting the weaknesses and ambitions of each individual.

Pricing would be strategically calculated, ensuring that the products appeared valuable enough to justify the high price, but still accessible enough to attract a wide range of buyers. I would create an illusion of exclusivity and rarity, making people feel privileged to own these supposedly unique objects.

Additionally, I would develop "special items" that, when acquired, would grant temporary advantages to the buyers. For example, a potion that promised extraordinary health and vigor for a short period of time, or an artifact that temporarily amplified intellectual abilities. These products would be highly addictive, creating an emotional dependency in customers and making them repeatedly come back for more.

As people left my store, excited and satisfied with their purchases, I would be secretly accumulating wealth and manipulating their lives. By exploiting their hopes and desires, I would make them return again and again, blind to the truth behind my products.

I smile and put the items in the chest, except for the lucky ring, which I put on my finger. Then I turn around and head towards another chest where the materials necessary for me to create a satellite that can transmit images and carry energy bombs are located.

[Somewhere in the vast ocean]

My heart races as I dive into the depths of the aquatic arena, surrounded by a multitude of creatures of all shapes and sizes. I am a warrior mermaid, with shiny scales that reflect the light from underwater lanterns. My agile and muscular body is perfectly adapted for battle in this challenging environment.

As the crowd roars in anticipation, my eyes fixate on the drop of blood from the storm queen, hovering above a platform at the center of the immense coliseum. This drop is the coveted prize, and I am willing to fight with all my might to obtain it. I feel the energy flowing through my fins, preparing me for the impending battle.

My hands firmly grasp my sharpened spears, perfect for piercing the armor of any adversary. As I elegantly move through the water, I observe my opponents emerging from the aquatic shadows. There are other sea creatures like me, each with their unique abilities. Thorny fish with natural armors, humanoid creatures with serpentine tentacles, and even anthropomorphic sharks. This arena gathers the fiercest and most fearless warriors from the depths.

Ding! Ding!

The bell rings, announcing the start of the combat. The spectators roar in delight, eager for the bloody spectacle about to unfold.

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As the bell rings, signaling the start of the combat in the aquatic arena, my mind turns to Atreus, the young man I vowed to seek vengeance against. His image fills my thoughts, and my determination intensifies. The thirst for revenge is a flame that burns within me, fueling my desire for justice.


With a roar of fury and determination, I channel all the energy into my body. I feel my scales bristle and my muscles tighten. A radiant aura envelops my being, emanating power and strength. Muscles crackle with accumulated energy, ready for the battle to come.

As I strengthen myself, I visualize Atreus in my mind, reminding myself of all the injustices he caused. I feel the anger flow through me, transforming into an unstoppable force. Every move I make in the arena is driven by the desire for justice and the promise of vengeance I made to myself.


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