Chapter 64

Madam of Protector Duke looked at the centipede-like needlework and was very worried as she asked, "Will it leave scars?"

Because Yuan Wuyang was going to come of age next year.

She was worried that scars on her daughter's body would incur the dislike of her husband.

Jiang Yuqing's Return to Spring Art had already practiced to the elementary level, and could completely avoid leaving scars.

But she was still a little too young, and before she had absolute self-protection ability, she did not intend to reveal it in front of outsiders.

After thinking about it, she said, "I'm not very good at this aspect. Let me ask my master, he has a lot of good ointments there, and there should also be ones for removing scars.

When you come back to remove the stitches, come over to get it then." She also explained some dietary taboos and some other precautions.

"Thank you, young county master."

The Duke’s wife was very grateful. She had previously only known that she was closed-door disciple of Master Qiu the Miracle Doctor. Although clever, she had also followed into the operating room. But after all, she was still a little too young.

If there was no way, she would not have come to her with the mentality of grasping at straws.

It was not until she accurately diagnosed her daughter's illness at a glance, and solved that lump in just a short minute, that she believed it.

This little girl really had skills.

She remembered what Princess Ronghua had once said, "To judge heroes by their age is truly foolish."

Madam Yuan took a box from the maid's hand and handed it to Jiang Yuqing with both hands, "The county master has bothered today. Please be sure to accept this little gift."

Jiang Yuqing took it and opened it. Inside was a pair of andradite jade twisted silk bracelets.

Andradite jade was already valuable, and this kind of twisted silk craftsmanship was especially rare.

It was carved little by little from a whole piece of jade. If one was not careful, the whole piece of jade would be wasted. It extremely tested the craftsman's skills. Therefore, only master-level jade carvers could accomplish it.

This would be just right for her mother to wear when she took it home.

She was very happy and said, "Thank you, Madam. I like it very much."

Madam Yuan said, "As long as the county master likes it. It is late now. We should go."

Jiang Yuqing looked outside. It was already almost noon. She did not keep the guests anymore and personally sent them out the front gate before returning.

She was worried about her rice paddies. After lunch, she still went to the farm outside the city.

When she arrived, she didn't even rest. She walked around the entire farm to make sure the rice was growing well before turning back to the yard.

At this time, the golden crow was setting in the west. Large swaths of sunset glow set the entire western sky on fire, like the celestial silks woven by the weaver girl, gorgeous and extraordinary.

Yu Zhu brought over vegetables and dishes, all fresh produce from the farm’s own planting.

The wife of the village chief's cooking skills were pretty good. Jiang Yuqing liked them very much, so she rewarded her two taels of silver.

After the meal, Jiang Yuqing was walking around the yard to aid her digestion. Suddenly, a red figure fell down from the sky, scaring her badly.

Not only her, even Yu Zhu and the others were also badly scared, and they all rushed forward to shield her behind them, shouting sternly, "Who are you, how dare you trespass on County Master Linghui's farm?”

The person was tall, dressed in a large red Taoist robe, and not wearing a waist belt.

The appearance was handsome. The hair was not tied up with hairpins or caps like the current noble sons, but the upper half was parted out and loosely tied with a white headband. The lower half draped naturally over the shoulders.

Holding a green jade fan, swaying it from time to time. The whole person exuded a lazy and unrestrained...street rascal flavor!

It was quite similar to someone her master had described to her before as “leaving home like losing something, returning home like finding something”.

"Hey... don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm one of your own, one of your own." The person hurriedly stopped Er Yu who was about to call people.

Jiang Yuqing stretched out her little brain from the gap between them and asked, "Are you my third martial uncle Lu Yi?"

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, very surprised and said, "Hey, little girl, you actually recognize me!"

Jiang Yuqing signaled Er Yu to let go. She walked up with big steps, tilting her head up. Her young voice was loud and clear, and very loudly said,

"I don't recognize you, I guessed. My master once said that if one day I see someone wearing flashy red clothes, ugly as sin, with loose hair, and likes to pretend to be awesome while shaking a shabby fan, that would be you, Third Martial Uncle."

After Jiang Yuqing said this, everyone in the yard couldn't help but chuckle.

Lu Yi had never imagined that the first impression his little martial sister had of him would be like this.

First he was stunned for a while before reacting. He immediately became furious, "That damn old man, he actually disparaged me like this in front of little martial sister. My image ah! Completely ruined. No, I must poison him mute!"

Oh no, his wise and martial image was completely gone.

Jiang Yuqing looked at him curiously, "Does Master know that you are so unfilial and betraying?"

Lu Yi looked hurt, "...Little martial sister, you're still quite cute when you don't speak."

Jiang Yuqing shrugged. Alright. Teasing him a bit at the first meeting to vent his anger from scaring her just now was reasonable. She couldn’t really piss him off.

So she changed the topic, "Third martial uncle, have you eaten yet?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a thunderous sound came from Lu Yi’s stomach. Judging by the sound, it had been a long time since he last ate. She quickly asked Yu Zhu to tell the kitchen to make a few more meat dishes and bring them over.

Although Lu Yi regretted that his image in front of his little martial sister was completely beyond redemption, he still didn't dwell on it anymore because of his starving stomach.

Crisis averted. Jiang Yuqing let him into the room and ordered someone to prepare a room and hot water for him.

This series of actions really moved him. He thought, martial sisters are indeed caring little cotton-padded jackets, unlike his two stinky martial brothers who only nag at him, not allowing this and that, annoying him to death.

While waiting for the meal, Lu Yi took out a jingly cloth bag from his package and gave it to her as a meeting gift.

Jiang Yuqing curiously opened it and saw that it was full of all kinds of strange things.

It was dark, she couldn't see clearly in the bag, so she dumped everything out onto the table.

Among this pile of stuff, there were order tokens, fist-sized miniature cattle skulls carved from unknown animal bones...but most of them were various token-like things.

Judging only by the items themselves, they might not be valuable. She guessed these should be credentials of some forces.

Just like the credentials of the Bian Que Valley.

Seeing the little dumpling looking at him expectantly, Lu Yi’s previously devastated self-confidence instantly soared.

"Come, little martial sister, let me tell you what these things are for."

You see this “order token”, it is the credential of Shen's Business, the richest business in Da Xia. With it you can mobilize no less than five hundred thousand taels worth of goods and money."

He picked up another token, "Look here." Jiang Yuqing looked over following his hand. She saw the piece of dark iron token he was holding was engraved with the word "Bai".

"This is the token of the Hundred Secrets Sect. As long as they want to, there is no secret under heaven that the Hundred Secrets Sect does not know. Therefore, just by holding this token, you can unconditionally ask them to provide you with three pieces of information."

He put down the Hundred Secrets Sect’s token and picked up a gilt token engraved on both sides with unsheathed swords, "Do you see the treasure sword on it? This is the token of the Wanjian Villa.

Not only are their weapons formidable, but they are also top notch fighters.

If you fight someone and can’t beat them someday, just take this token to them for help. I dare not say one hundred and eighty, but at least a few dozens can still be gathered."

Dumpling: "......"

He picked up another token engraved with a ferocious skull and continued, "And this one is the soul-chasing order of the Yama Hall.

One day, if some unwise fellow annoys you, just take this to Hongliu Alley in the east of the city and ask them to get rid of that person for you."

And this cattle skull. It’s from the southwest Miao Territory. The people there like to raise all kinds of strange things.

Some of the bugs there are quite interesting. If you like, you can also ask for a few to raise. Whenever you see someone unpleasant, just let one of them loose on that person. I guarantee they will regret it ..."

Jiang Yuqing became more and more afraid as she listened. Her little body unconsciously shrank back.

Was this person really her Third Martial Uncle?

Could it be some weird pervert pretending to be him!

Master only said that Third Martial Uncle was a little silly. He didn’t say his thoughts were so creepy!

In modern times, this person would be considered a potential extremist terrorist and a key target of police attention.

Lu Yi was still happily chattering away, completely unaware of his junior sister disciple's somewhat pale complexion.

He was even more unaware of his second senior brother disciple, who was so angry that smoke was practically coming out of his ears, standing outside the door.

Guo Jie had been patrolling the He'an Medicine Hall in the northwest and had just returned.

Due to some delays along the way, he was unable to make it back before the city gates closed.

Knowing that his junior sister disciple had an estate in the suburbs of the capital, and that she lived there, he decided to stop by to ask for lodging for the night.

After presenting his credentials from the Bianque Valley as identification, he and his party smoothly gained entry to the estate.

Little did he expect that as soon as he arrived at the door of the house, he would hear his undisciplined junior brother disciple loudly spouting nonsense, teaching his junior sister disciple, who was only three years old, how to fight, kill, and use gu poison...

Are these the actions of a decent human being?

Guo Jie's face darkened, he was so angry he thought his lungs would explode. He looked around for something to teach this bastard a lesson.

Not knowing who it was, but clearly someone else who also could not stand to hear any more, righteously offered him a two-finger wide strip of green bamboo.

Guo Jie grabbed it in his hand, rushed into the room, and began mercilessly beating Lu Yi's handsome face with it.

Lu Yi yelped and dodged while making threats: "Surnamed Guo, don't think that just because you're my senior brother disciple that I won't dare to do something to you. If you make me angry enough I'll poison you to death with a handful of poison powder. Ow! Ow! Stop hitting me, stop hitting me..."

The bamboo strip in Guo Jie's hand never stopped swinging as he beat Lu Yi and cursed him: "You despicable piece of trash! Your own lack of discipline is one thing, but my sister disciple is so young. How can you teach her things like this? What kind of senior brother are you?"

Lu Yi retorted unrepentantly: "What's so bad about learning from me? Carefree and unrestrained, free to come and go as I please. Does everyone have to bestick-in-the-mud Confucianists like you two?"

Guo Jie was so angry he wished he could hack this wretch into eight pieces: "You still dare to talk back? Do you believe me if I tell our master about this and have the old gentleman come to discipline you himself?"

Lu Yi stuck out his chin and said: "Go ahead and tell! I'm not scared of you. Even if the old guy was here, this is still what I would say..."

At this point the two brothers were fighting fiercely, kicking over stools and tripping over flower pots. The room was left in a terrible mess.

This was more than Jiang Yuqing could bear. His temples throbbed as he jumped up on a stool, hands on his hips, and bellowed at the top of his lungs, shouting himself hoarse: "Stop fighting, both of you!"

Following this shout, the two erstwhile brawlers finally calmed down. Surveying the disastrous state of the room, both looked rather embarrassed.

The two brothers worked together clumsily to stand the toppled furniture back up. Each took a side of the table to sit quietly and properly, like model disciples.

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